found out i'm the daughter of...

By Rosalie332

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Demetria Sawyer always wondered why she was so different then the rest of her family...and now she knows why... More

found out i'm the daughter of country music what?
chapter 2: waterpark, sex
Authors Note!
Chapter 4: Concert and OLLG
Chapter5: I'm pregnant...and mom just had a B.B.B
Chapter 6: over night pop star!
chapter 7: oh
Chapter 8: Then this happened
Chapter 9: Confessions and Surprises
Chapter 10: Welcome to parenthood
Chapter 11: A moment like this/This is how the perfect night turns into hell!

Chapter 3: confession and concert girls scream

300 7 2
By Rosalie332

                                                                                   Adrian's POV

We pulled into the driveway and I was immediatley scared, because I was HER...with her shotgun we walked up together onto the porch slowly the first words out of her mouth were "Adrian Taylor Lambert where the hell were you last nigh!?" she looked over at Justin very disapprovingly. "mom, before you say anything else or jump to any conclusions...I was taught not to lie so, we went to the waterpark like you said we could, I slipped off the monkey bars into the freezing water. We went up to Justin's hotel room, I showered to warm up he ordered pizza they brought up a bottle of wine with it so we ate the pizza got plastered off that wine and...we had sex" She turned livid! Her eyes bugged out of her head, her gentle ice blue eyes turned a frightening shade of black almost the anger clouded over her whole face.

I swear I thought she was going to shoot him...or both of us. (A/N I changed Adrian's age from 13 to 16 so there's not so much an age difference between her and Justin.) You could tell she was about two seconds offa unleashing the fury that is Miranda Lambert on us. Then she said "condom or no condom?" I couldn't even speak I just shook my head sadly looking down, I didn't dare look up to see her reaction but from the way Justin instincitvly pushed me behind him I can guarantee it wasn't pretty.

I idly wondered what he would have done in the event of my mom actually using that shotgun of hers then I decided I did not want to know, she let me slip by easy enough so I could change. I ran so quickly upstairs that by the time I was in my closet my head was spinning like crazy. I quickly changed into my mini skirt and leggings and my tube top swiped some strawberry lipgloss on put my cute black heels with the silver rose at the toe on and ran back downstairs into Justin's waiting arms, mostly because I was so damn dizzy I couldn't think straight. He had to hold me up for atleast five minutes.

"Whoa, slow down A, I don't want my beautiful butterfly passing out" I smiled like an idiot, he is so sweet to me..I just couldn't wrap my head around what I did to deserve him. Just then mom stepped in. "1) get your hands off my daughter 2) Adrian go change now or your never leaving this house again and 3) I forbid you from ever seeing him again!" my heart broke right then and there, I could not believe she had just said that. I stormed upstairs to change quickly bringing Justin with me this time, it's not like it's nothing he hasn't seen before. I quickly changed into the first sweats my hand touched and the first tank top...I should have checked those before putting them on.

"nice ass A" I spun around to look in the mirror and almost died of embarrassment, not only was I wearing my black JB sweat pants I also had on my JB tank top, cheer shorts and I was about to throw on my JB hoodie. I blushed and spun back around "I'm a HUGE fan ok, honestly I should have gotten rid of or atleast hidden all this shit when I knew you were here." he laughed, I blushed brighter mumbling "remind me to hide this shit!" I kept it on mostly because it looked cute, this girl decked out in major JB apparel and JB standing next to her. Adorable!

My blush quickly faded but came back 10x's worse when he walked into my closet and saw the JB cutout, the cd's the skins on all my ipods cellphones ds's and everything else, the pillow the dolls the braclets...oh god I wanted to die! He smiled, and I tripped over my cd player and "First Dance" started playing.

It's your chance take her hand to the floor

(fellas just the moment you've been waiting for)

Girl if you see something you like then let 'em know

(ladies I know your ready)

Cuz you only got one chance

(yeah yeah)

For your first dance

(you never forget bout your first dance)

So take advantage of the slow jam

Yeah, man

When I close my eyes,

I see me and you at the prom

We've both been waiting so long

For this day to come

Now that its here

Let's make it special

(I can't deny)

There's so many thoughts in my mind

The D.J.'s playing my favorite song

Ain't no chaperones

This could be the night of your dreams

Only if you give, give the first dance to me

Girl I promise I'll be gentle

I know we gotta do it slowly

If you give, give the first dance to me

I'm gonna' cherish every moment

'Cuz it only happens once, once in a lifetime

I couldn't ask for more

We're rocking back and forth

Under the disco ball

We're the only ones on the floor

(I can't deny)

There's so many thought in my mind

The D.J.'s playing my favorite song (favorite song)

Now we're all alone (all alone)

Here's the opportunity

Only if you give, give the first dance to me

Girl I promise I'll be gentle

I know we gotta do it slowly

If you give, give the first dance to me

I'm gonna' cherish every moment

Cuz it only happens once once in a lifetime

Everybody says that we look cute together

Let's make this a night the two of us remember

No teachers around to see us dancing close

I'm telling you our parents will never know

Before the lights go up

And the music turns off

Now's the perfect time for me to taste your lip gloss

Your glass slippers in my hand right here

We'll make it before the clock strikes nine

If you just give give the first dance to me

Girl I promise I'll be gentle

(I know) But we gotta do it slowly

If you give, give the first dance to me

(give the first dance baby)

I'm gonna' cherish every moment

Cuz it only happens once, once in a lifetime

It's your chance take her hand to the floor (to the floor)

Girl, if you see something you like then let 'em know

Cuz you only got one chance, for your first dance

So take advantage of this slow down

Yeah man.

If you give, give the first dance to me

I'm gonna' cherish every moment

Cuz it only happens once, once in a lifetime

The song ended and I cried, hearing his voice on a cd is COMPLETLEY different then right there in front of you, oh my god his voice is heaven. "Hey, beautiful don't cry it's ok" I smiled through my tears "I'm not crying because I'm sad, silly I'm crying because your voice...oh my god your voice!" I collapsed into his arms in tears smiling like a idiot, I just didn't know what to do. I cried and cried the tears just kept flowing, I couldn't make them was sensless and disturbing I can't understand why they just won't stop.

                                                                                   Justin's POV

I held Adrian while she cried for almost an hour, it started to scare me. I'm not even kidding if she hadn't stopped soon I would have freaked out, I kissed her forehead mulitple times I rocked her held her. Just nothing seemed to work, I just couldn't understand it. She was so upset, and I couldn't understand why...she was fine for so long I just really couldn't figure her out. "A, what's wrong please talk to me?"  she sniffled and sobbed then whispered "Justin she hates me, I just screwed up my entire life here in one night!" I shh'd her, there was no point in her being upset over something she couldn't change.

"A, it's ok...honestly she doesn't hate you she loves you to death that's why she's so mad." Adrian nodded but continued to cry into my chest, I just couldn't shake the feeling that something more was wrong I just couldn't place it. I looked at my watch, "crap! A, we gotta go it's six -thirty!" She jumped up immediatley and we ran downstairs, blew past her parents and straight into the limo. We had to get to staples center and fast I only had half an hour to get ready for one of my biggest shows ever!

                                                                            Adrian's POV

As soon as we got there Justin was whisked away to wardrobe I just kind of wandered into his dressing room to look around, I honestly didn't expect much but I had six of my friends from alaska sitting on the couch in there. I screamed so fucking loud I swear I heard Justin freak out from the other side of the building, Stacey, Claire, Kaitie, Sam and Alex stood up and rushed over to me enveloping me into a giant girl pile. "girls, girls, girls...get off!" we all giggled as I immitated Teresa from when we used to run into the house turn on the JB channel and dance around the living room then jump on the couch and lean until it tipped.

Alex was the first to speak..."Adrian Lambert! How the hell do you know HIM!?" I laughed loudly "he showed me my room yesterday and we went to the waterpark" then I whispered "and I gave him my V-card" They all gasped then screamed 'NO FUCKING WAY YOU GAVE JUSTIN BIEBER YOUR V-CARD!?!?!?" I tried to quiet them. "girls the whole world does not need to know this!" Just then someone walked in...someone I never expected to see her. "Oh my god what are you doing here?"

(A/N Cliff hanger! Who do you think it is, is Adrian pregnant? If so what will her parents and Justin think? What will Adrian and Justin do? Just remember contest e-mail me your chapters and book cover ideas at love ya, love ~Rosalie332~)

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