Ninjago and Ninjago Movie Cro...

By Nomie132

84.9K 2.3K 833

(A/N: Slowly editing) [Written: 2018 - 2021] After making peace with the former evil tyrant known as Lord Gar... More

(Important) Author's Note
Chapter 1 The Crystal
Chapter 2 Two Worlds, One Story
Chapter 3 The Fountain & Nerdy Fans
Chapter 4 Ninja Meets Ninja
Chapter 5 Asking Some Questions
Chapter 6 Mirror Mirror on the Wall...
Chapter 7 Police Scanner & Jewerly Store
Chapter 8 A Not so Great Night
Chapter 9 From Bad to Worse
Chapter 10 Two Down... More to Go
Chapter 11 Criminals in the Shadows
Chapter 12 We Stick Together
Chapter 13 A Mysterious Enemy
Chapter 14 Not What He Seems
Chapter 15 Disaster at the Restaurant
Chapter 16 Chaotic Malfunction
Chapter 17 Gone Too Far
Chapter 18 A Sign of Betrayal
Chapter 19 Two Truths, One Lie
Chapter 20 Training & Bank Robbery
Chapter 21 Doppelganger Mischief
Chapter 22 One Grave Mistake
Chapter 23 One's Missing & One's Trouble
Chapter 24 David and Goliath
Chapter 25 Out of This World
Chapter 26 A Recipe for Doom
Chapter 27 Let the Fun Begin
It's Back!
Chapter 29 Ingredient Hunt
Chapter 30 Memory

Chapter 28 Doomed...

1.1K 38 21
By Nomie132

Nya's Pov (Show)

Screams and sirens filled my ears. I gripped the railing of the Destiny's Bounty. My eyes dared to take a peek at the city below. Smoke consumed the air while fire spread all around it. Moans of the infected civilians could be heard. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the sight.

At least the people won't get injured if they're turned into lava monsters...

I wanted to smack myself after thinking that.

Was that really the only bright side to this!?

"Damien... he's lost his mind..." My eyes flew open and turned to the source of the voice. Stellar was standing a few feet away from me, arms crossed as if she were hugging herself.

Her gaze was glued to the burning city. Eyes were misty, and I could see her body slightly trembling.

"W-What have I done..." she whispered. I frowned at the sight. I had to admit, a part of me enjoyed the fact that Stellar was realizing the consequences of her actions, but... this wasn't her fault. Well, not fully at least.

I let out a sigh and strolled over to her.

"You... you okay?" I asked, trying not to sound like I was biting my own tongue. Of course, I felt bad, but it was still weird trying to comfort her. Cole suddenly came to the front of my mind. I shut my gaze and took a deep breath.

You promised Cole... you promised...

"Hehe..." I froze. My eyes snapped open once again to see the former gang member laughing to herself. My shoulders tensed at the sight.

I think she's finally lost it...

Stellar's laughing grew a tad more. She had turned her face away from me, so I stepped closer to get a better look.

"Are you LAUGHING!?" a voice called out. I turned to see it was my copy, who had just come up from below deck.

Nya's Pov (Movie)


Not only was this sarcastic twit able to join our side by simply throwing out an apology, but she had the NERVE to find our situation funny. Everyone on deck turned in my direction, but Stellar kept her back to me. My copy walked over as I stormed closer.

"Hey, hey, let's calm--"

"Why don't you laugh in my face? My brother got hurt because of YOUR boss and his vile plan for conquest!" I screamed. I could feel my cheeks burning with rage. Cole's copy rushed over to the scene.

"Lilly, I don't think she's--"

"HAHA!" Stellar shouted over the railing, causing me to push against my copy who has now become a wall between us. My teeth began to grind.


"Oh... I'm an idiot!" Stellar shouted. I lowered my guard. I could feel the whole group on deck staring at the red head. I blinked a few times, wondering if I heard her right.

"What?" I asked.

"What even is this situation!? A petty girl who found friendship in a man who suddenly now wants WORLD DOMINATION! Dang, somebody write this down cause it would make a GREAT book!" Stellar screamed, turning her face to the sky while she slammed her fists like an enraged two-year-old. I glanced between her and my copy.

"Uhh..." I trailed off until Cole's copy strolled towards her.

"Hey..." he placed a hand on her shoulder. The red head finally snapped her face towards us, and my eyes widened at the sight of tears streaming down her cheeks. "It's gonna be okay..."

Stellar stared at the teen for a minute more until she noticed all our eyes on her. She turned away and wiped the tears with her pink sleeve.

"Y-Yeah... because I'm gonna kick Damien's @$#!%$!" Stellar shouted again.

"Hey! Can we cool it with the language?" Lloyd's copy piped in.

"Yeah, I'd definitely wouldn't want Zane to learn cuss words just yet," Cole said. I turned around to see him leaning against the railing on the opposite side of the ship, headphones dangling around his neck.

"Your Zane doesn't know curse words?" Jay's copy asked, standing a few feet away from him.

"You kidding? It'd be like telling a kid the words. He would be spuing them out left and right without even knowing what they mean," I stated this time. The freckled face boy pondered on the thought.

"But... how... with school and... teenagers..."

"He's a very oblivious, nindroid, okay?" I replied.

"Students, keep your voices down... we're beginning to descend," Wu spoke from behind the steering wheel. I glanced back over at Stellar.

"Yeah, so quit it with the ear-splitting threats, Stellar," I said, but she could see the smirk creeping over my face. The red head smiled my way before glancing back down at the city.


Lloyd's Pov (Movie)

"Okay, everyone..." I turned around to see it was my copy calling everybody over. The Zanes finally came back from below deck to join us.

"We don't know much about these lava monsters other than they can turn anyone they touch and water changes them back," he explained once we all formed a circle. "That being said, we'll need both Nyas on the offensive. Rocky, Icicle, Motormouth, GreenBean, and I will all cover them--"

"We don't need protecting," Nya said with crossed arms.

"It's just a precaution. If you guys turn, then we'll be in deep trouble," my copy continued.

"But--" Nya's copy placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look over.

"They're just watching out for us," she said. Nya watched her calm expression for a minute before sighing in defeat. "Not like we'll need the protection, though. Let's kick some lava monster butt." Nya smiled at her copy and bumped fists with her.

"Cole, Jay, and Stellar, since you've been in their base before, you'll be the search party for Quill." The three teens nodded in agreement. Kai's copy then turned to his leader.

"What about me and Zane?"

"You guys will stay here with Wu and keep Kai safe while he rests," I answered, catching on to my copy's plan. He smirked my way before turning back to his teammate.

"Yeah, you and Zane can create water with your powers, so you'll be perfect for defending the bounty." Kai's copy grumbled in response. I chuckled slightly at how much he wanted to join the battle.

"We've arrived," Wu spoke in a low tone. All of us looked out to see we were only a few yards above the warehouse that Stellar said was the base. The whole area seemed pretty deserted, besides a few burning crates. I turned back to my copy who scanned over the whole group.

"Everyone know what they're doing?" he asked while flipping on his mask. We all nodded a silent response, partly afraid we were going to alert any creatures lurking nearby.

"Then... let's go."

Nya's Pov (Movie)

Master Wu kept the Destiny's Bounty in the air while we lowered the rope ladder. I was the first to reach the ground and still no sign of lava monsters. In fact, the whole area looked clear....

Hey, I've seen movies. If a place seems deserted, then it usually isn't in the slightest. I'm keeping my eyes peeled, but most places in movies are dark, foggy, or stormy. This whole area was clear as the eye could see and sunny. Pretty boring if you ask me.

Cole, Zane, and Lloyd all followed me towards the warehouse. I glanced behind me to see my copy with Lloyd's and Jay's doppelgangers. I cursed under my breath. I still hate the idea of everyone trying to protect me and her like we're some little kids, but I guess I see their reasons for being careful.


I snapped out of my thoughts to see Jay's copy blasting the chain that locked the front door. He glanced over at all of us before pushing the entrance open.

"Let's hope there's no--- OH COME ON!!!"

My body froze at the sight of dozens of lava monsters inside the building. Their slimy jagged heads did a double take once they noticed our group. They then rawred in anger before sprinting towards us.

"Nya! Water Lilly! Now!" Lloyd's copy shouted, and we did our thing.


Waves of water consumed the beasts, turning a handful back to what could only be gang members of that Damien guy.

"Stellar! What does Quill look like!?" Lloyd asked before kicking a lava monster away from me. I guess the infection is only skin-to-skin contact.

"You're asking this now, GreenBean?" Stellar spat while dodging a swipe from one of the beasts.

"Oh, I'm sorry we haven't been perfect in this life-threatening situation!" Motormouth shouted.

"Guys! You can still touch them as long as you have gloves on!" Lloyd cried, ignoring the bickering going on. He was able to punch one beast to the ground before shaking his fist. I noticed a scorch mark on his glove.

"Still deadly to the touch, though," I answered, blasting more lava monsters.

"He's tall, black hair, early twen-- Rraaawww!!!!!" I snapped my attention towards the red head to witness a lava monster grabbing her bare wrist.

"Stellar!" Cole shouted.

"Hold on!" I exclaimed. I aimed one hand at the lava morphing Stellar, soaking her and the monster that grabbed her. I raced over to them to see Stellar soaked but back to normal. However, what surprised me the most was the other used-to-be lava monster matched exactly to Stellar's description. The guy coughed while wiping away water from his vision.

"I'm never using tea again..." he muttered with a scowl.

"Well, that's gonna have to change pretty soon," I said, smiling.

"Quill!" Stellar shouted before dragging herself over to him.

"Stellar! Y-You're okay!" Quill exclaimed.

"Reunion, later, cure for this disaster, now."

"AAAHH!!" I whipped my head around to spot another red head screaming at the sight of the lava monsters. Her orange hoodie was covered in dirt and singed.

It was that girl from the restaurant!

I turned my attention to a few beasts heading right for her. I dashed towards the scene. My brother would kill me if I let his first crush get turned back into a pile of lava. I stared at the obstacle of monsters blocking my way. I narrowed my gaze, remembering the training course. I took a deep breath.

I can do this... I'm not gonna fail this time.

Without a second thought, my feet sprinted towards the creatures. I jumped over a few.

Over the planks...

I leaped away from two monsters trying to slam me to the ground.

Dodge the swords...

I then focused my attention on one beast towering over the waitress. I shut my eyes. My feet still charging.

Here comes the DUMMY!!!


I took a peek and nearly doubled over at the sight of a spinning vortex surrounding me. It was like I was consumed in a hurricane, and I was the eye of the storm. I slammed into the lava beast and sent them flying a few feet away. Once I stopped I stared at the ground, wondering if I was just dreaming and this whole adventure between copies of ourselves and lava monsters was just some messed up fantasy my mind created. I glanced over at the waitress. A look of awe consumed her vision. A smile crept on my cheeks.

"Come on, let's get you out of here," I said while taking her hand and pulling her up.

Cole's Pov (Show)

Jay's copy and I raced over to Stellar and Quill.

"You guys okay?" I asked, wincing at their soaked selves.

"I've been better, heh," Quill answered while his body shook.

"Quill, we need you to whip up a cure for this lava apocalypse," Stellar explained.

"We'll need to get to my office and grab my tea book and ingredients," Quill explained.

"No no no no!!!" All us turned at the sight of lava monsters snatching Lloyd's copy and Jay. Their masks were practically burnt off, so their skin was now morphing into lava.

"JAY!" I screamed, heading over to the two. However, Nya stopped me.

"We'll save them! You and Jay protect Quill and get that antidote!" Nya cried before dashing over to her now lava consumed boyfriend. I stared at the scene a minute more, but I felt a tug on my sleeve. I turned back to see Jay's copy pulling me forward, but his eyes were glistening.

"C-come on, we need to get to that office," he said through the scarf wrapped around his mask. I stared him down for a second before snapping out of my trance.

"Let me have your scarf." Jay blinked a few times.


"Quill doesn't have anything to cover his head. He'll need the protection," I stated before shoving him back. A lava monster snuck up from behind, so we raced back over to Quill and Stellar. Stellar was doing pretty well with dodging attacks while also covering her head with her hood, but Quill could barely dodge anything. Jay's copy threw off his scarf and tossed it over to the tea expert.

"Quick! Wrap it around your head," Jay said, and Quill obeyed. A few seconds later, Zane's copy came in and blasted the monsters surrounding us with ice. The ice melted on impact, so the beasts morphed back into gang members.

"Thanks," I said to the friendly nindroid. Zane smiled wide before dashing away to help more of his friends.

After Quill's head was covered, all four of us rushed over to the warehouse. A few lava monsters were in the way, but I activated my Earth Punch and slammed the ground. The earth erupted like a wave of water and flipped the creatures off their feet. We dashed past them and into the building with flickering lights.

We followed Quill over to his office, but there was nothing there...


All the boxes, all the books, all the ingredients were burnt to a crisp. The room resembled more of a black lump of coal than anything else. I could feel my heart pounding in my ears while all other noises were drowned out. However, I managed to hear one sentence from Quill.

"We're doomed..."

A/n: See you all in the next chapter! 😁😁😄😄

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