Flower Steps

By forevea_seasons_

1.2K 17 2

Something came to Gisselle, when she suddenly crashed into a car while driving, a guy was there, helping her... More

Warning: Before you read
••1•• Being late and broken hearted
••2•• Texts, Batman, major food eating and talk square
••3•• Truth dares and 'double date'
••4•• What a surprise
••5•• Double date time
••6•• Partners?
••7•• Two guys
••8•• Prom
••9•• Crash
••10•• Bunch of Questions
••11•• Quarter bit dried
••12•• We're telling
••13•• Back to school
••14•• Halfway dried
••15•• News.
••16•• Alone
••17•• Stopped drying
••19•• What do I do now?
••20•• New friends
••21•• Graduation Day
••22•• Moving in
••23•• Jobs
••24•• Chills and Smiles
••25•• Emails & Doorsteps
••26•• Birthday Surprises
••27•• More surprises
••28•• Flower Steps
A/N: The end!

••18•• Calls

23 0 0
By forevea_seasons_

I'm doing dedications from now on, on each chapter.

Dedicated to: afterwords_ and thepurplerose

afterwords_ , your books are amazing! I've read all of them, they are absolutely perfect! Your books made me cry, of happiness and sadness, it seemed realistic and brought images up to my mind in your writing. I really do hope your books will be published.

thepurplerose , you inspired me to write really, writing FS. When I first read TTBA, I was dying of laughter. I love your books, especially TTBA and My best nightmare!



I pressed the answer button and I heard his voice.

"Gisselleeee!" His voice is deep.


I was so happy. I wish I could jump everywhere now.

"Yeah babe?"

Pffttt I could feel my blood rising to my cheeks.


"So what's up?"

Oh, nothing much really. I've been crying forever. I can't stop thinking about you. I'm not fine. Help?

"I'm great" I said. He seemed to believe me when I had gotten his answer.

But then, it feels so good to hear his voice again. It's like it has been AGES that I haven't spoke to him-voice-, not texting.

We talked about what's going on here and there. I haven't mentioned him about me crying the whole time and not being fine.

"Well, I have to go n-"

"Hold on, one more thing I have to tell you." I stopped him in the middle of his sentence.

"What is it?" I could imagine him raising a brow.

"My flower stopped drying. It's still halfway."


"You heard me." I said.

I could imagine him shrug.

"Well, aren't you gonna give me what's wrong with it?"


Why won't he tell me?

"It means something's wrong;
You or a friend must've did something wrong."

Something wrong.. I know exactly what he meant.


We had talked a lot and a lot, which I loved. We had to hang up, I felt sad.

Later on, I did a group video chat to Dilla, Nelson, Jack, Pete, and Penelope.

All five of them picked up immediately.

"hey." Everyone said.


"We all have news for you Gis." Nelson had said.

What's the news?

"Good or bad?"

"All five of us got accepted into Toronto Lant College.." Pete blurted out.

What??? Max left, now them!?

I turned silent afterwards. No one had talked.

"Why." To kill the silence. I spoke.

"Well. We decided to sign up.. You didn't answer your phone a while back and we just kinda... Did it." Dilla said slowly.

I can't believe that! I frowned.

"When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow.." Jack quickly mumbled


"We're sorry! We didn't know until today!!" Penelope shouted.

I left the group chat.

They leave tomorrow.

They leave tomorrow.

Why do I have bad luck? Why does this always happen to me? I'll be alone, no friends here, boyfriend gone, I have to find new friends now?

This is all fucked up now.

Screw it.

After hearing today's news, I ran to the gym-which was two blocks away- to punch a punching bag.

I picked up a pair of boxing gloves from the man that looked about in his 40's and ran to the nearest available punching bag I could find.

I punch the punching bag a couple of times, I probably punched wrong. I kept punching.

After 2 hours of punching, I sweat crazy. My body was sticky. I ran home and took a warm bubble bath.


A/N: sorry that this happened! This sucks, but I was trying to do a mix up on life and other stuff. Don't forget to vote and read next chapters!


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