The I-Island Expo


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A Shoto Todoroki X Reader story. Todoroki has been given two tickets to the famous I-Island Expo, and decides... Еще

1: An Invitation
2: The Villain Attack Course
3: I-Island
4: Enter the Party
5: The Plant Factory
6: Countless Security Drones
7: To The Top Floor
9: The Aftermath
10: Back At The Hotel (Lemon)
11: Home
The End
Other Books

8: The Boss Battle

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Something happens in this chapter that sparked my entire inspiration for this story. Also... I'd like to bring everyone's attention to SHOTO'S ARM IN THAT HEADER HOLY CRAP

 The power the villain wielded was insane. It was barely comprehensible. He was able to send multiple heavy chunks of metal straight towards us as we attempted to distract him and restrain him a little for All Might to get in a few punches, however he was yet to land a single one on the villains body.

The entirety of the top of the tower was destroyed, and I was surprised it hadn't completely crumbled. I was terrified that it was going to, and that we were all going to fall to our deaths, but right now if I didn't focus on trying to prevent the slates of metal being fired towards me and my friends then I was definitely going to die.

All it was taking was a simple move of the villains hand for him to send large, heavy slates of metal directly towards us. I was able to kick them away, aiming them off of the tower however the villain was able to catch them from falling completely. "This is insane! How the hell are we supposed to beat this guy?" I shouted out.

"We're not! We're just distracting him, ready for All Might," Todoroki shouted back. I nodded, then immediately jumping in front of him just as a cube of crushed metal was flying straight towards him. I let out a howl of pain as I kicked it to pieces, my bare and now bloodied feet becoming more and more painful by the second. "(y/n)!"

"I'm okay," I said in the most convincing voice I could, standing up but wobbling a little.

"You're not... your feet!" Todoroki exclaimed as he looked down at them.

"Seriously, I'm okay Shoto," I smiled at him. It was his turn to save me, shooting out out as metal came flying towards us from behind me. He froze it strongly enough so that we could run out of the way, heading back into the fight before the ice restraining the metal shattered, it bending and distorting even more. I noticed Todoroki was keeping his left side on fire slightly, probably to prevent the cold of his ice from restraining his attacks. I also noticed Midoriya had been jumping around between all the broken bits of metal, him trying just as hard as the rest of us to help All Might in defeating the villain.

Together Todoroki and I worked as a team, him freezing the larger blocks and cords of metal that headed in our direction as well as All Mights, whilst I dealt with the smaller slabs that headed straight for us, protecting him by kicking them away. We worked well together, him dealing with the long-ranged attacks whilst I dealt with the closer ones. Despite this however I still managed to get scratched by the pieces of metal I kicked away, my dress and Todoroki's jacket being torn in the process, but as long as I was protecting him enough so that he could use his long-ranged attacks then I didn't care. I had fallen for the boy so hard that I'd probably put my life on the line in order to protect him.

Suddenly metal slabs stopped heading our way, and together Todoroki and I looked up to see All Might springing into action, dodging the villains attacks incredibly. All of the villains attacks were now centred at All Might, trying to prevent him from getting too close to him. There was still plenty of metal floating in the air around us threateningly, each having a strange bluish glow to them. Bakugou was using his quirk to jump around and blow up as many as he could, knocking them out of the villains control. I however collapsed to the ground, the pain in my feet growing exponentially.

"(y/n)! (y/n), are you alright-," Todoroki ran up to me, his eyes widening when he saw the true state of my feet. They were covered in blood, some of the blood even splattering up my legs. My skin was completely torn, and pain was shooting through my legs but I tried my best to put on a brave smile.

"I-I'm okay," I lied.

"You're not okay, you can't fight like this!" He said but I shook my head.

"I'm going to help defeat this villain Shoto, no matter what. If I let an injury like this get the better of me then how can I hope to become a hero? How can I be like him?" I gestured All Might who was jumping through the sky at an amazing pace, destroying all the attacks that came his way.


"Seriously Shoto, I'm alright," I said, standing up. I grimaced slightly but nodded at him, trying to convince him that I would be alright. Together we carried on fighting, Todoroki sending ice towards the large attacks the villain was sending directly towards All Might in an effort to help him attack the villain faster. From down here there wasn't much I could do, apart from destroy as many large slabs of metal I could with Kirishima and Bakugou.

Suddenly however, just as All Might was about to finally land a smash on the villain, he was caught up in many metal cords, wrapping around his body and almost preventing him from moving. We watched on, horrified as the villain cackled manically and began talking to All Might threateningly. We couldn't hear the conversation from where we were stood, but we watched in horror as All Might attempted to escape his bindings.

Todoroki had his arms wrapped around my body protectively, and I clung onto his torn shirt, shaking as All Might tried to escape. "No... no, how can he have All Might trapped?"

We were both frozen in fear, and our eyes widened, our faces going pale when All Might suddenly let out a loud roar of pain. I whimpered slightly, hiding my face in Todoroki's chest and him clinging onto me even tighter. As the villain now had All Might trapped, he began showing off his immense power once more by attacking us again. Todoroki shot out some ice from his feet, slowing down an attack and clutching onto me tightly, the pair of us jumping away.

We landed in a heap on the rubble, rolling a little and me landing on top of him. We barely even noticed the position we were in, as Todoroki shot some ice from his arm towards yet another incoming attack. I knew despite the pain I was feeling in my feet that I had to get back to protecting the two of us, so I stood and entered the fight once more, defending our lives.

A loud and menacing cackle caught our attentions however, and we all looked up at All Might just in time to see two large blocks of condensed metal slam against him. Fear, dread and horror filled me completely as we could do was watch from the sidelines as the villain crushed All Might with his immense quirk. More blocks of metal were sent his way, crushing him even more, until finally the villain shot up several large and sharp spikes through them.

"A-All Might," Todoroki stuttered beside me Suddenly however we saw a spark of green fly past us at an amazing speed, and watched on as Midoriya screamed out angrily, readying himself for an attack.

"DETROIT SMASH!" He screamed out as his fist came into contact with the large chunks of metal. Debris flew everywhere as he was able to completely destroy that which had All Might crushed, and it rained down upon us like hail. As the pieces crashed to the ground, the slates of metal rubble we were standing on shifted under the weight. We began to loose our balance as the hailing metal figures hit the rubble, and the large slate Todoroki was standing on began to move.

I almost had a heart attack, looking over at him to see him stumbling around, the pieces of metal he was attempting to scramble off getting closer and closer to the edge of the building. "NO!" I screamed out. Everything then happened in a complete blur.

I leapt out towards him as I saw him sliding off the edge of the building, my heart racing and fear circulating around my body. The next thing I knew I had my left hand gripped around his forearm, his gripped around mine, I was laying on my front at the edge of the building watching the metal shards around us fall whilst clinging onto Todoroki desperately as he hung off of the edge.

My right hand was gripping onto any steady bit of the building I could find whilst I clung onto his arm desperately, refusing to let him fall to his death. "SHOTO!" I screamed out, clinging onto him with all the strength I could muster. A look of pure terror was written all across his face as he looked up at me, me being the only thing that was keeping him from falling to his death.

Tears were forming in my eyes as I attempted to pull him up, but the strength in my arms wasn't enough. I noticed a few tears leak from his eyes also as he stared up at me, utterly terrified. I was terrified too, but held onto it as if my own life depended on it as much as his.

Our sweat however was making it hard to grip onto each other. His hanging body was getting heavier and heavier by the second, and frightened tears spilled from both of our eyes. "(y-y/n)," he whispered, looking up at me deeply. "I have to tell you something... something important-,"

"SHUT UP! Stop talking as if you're about to die! I WON'T LET YOU FALL!" I screamed out.

"(y/n) please," he whispered.

"NO! SHUT UP!" I screamed, realising what he was about to tell me. "You can tell me once I've saved you! I'm not going to let you fall Shoto!" I rolled onto my right side, using up more strength in my arms and managed to quickly adjust my positioning so that my top leg was crossed in front of my bottom, my foot planted on the ground. This gave me the ability to use my leg strength to help pull him up to safety, and that's exactly what I did.

I pushed my foot into the ground, rolling my body and pulling him up. I cried out desperately, him being able to grab onto the side of the building to help me pull him to safety. With one last push from my leg, and one last pull from my arm, I managed to get him back up to safety, his body landing on top of mine and the two of us panting heavily.

"Y-you just saved my life," he whispered, rolling to the side and off of my body.

"I wasn't going to let you fall Shoto," I panted, adrenaline pumping through my veins. "But please never scare me like that again, you almost gave me a heart attack," I said with a light chuckle.

"I-I'll try not to," he breathed. "Thank you (y/n), I- look out!" He cried suddenly, grabbing my body and rolling the two of us away from the towers edge as a large block of metal hit just where we were laying. I was now on top of him, my head in my chest and still trying to get over what had just happened. He clung onto me desperately, still in shock about almost falling to his death. I would be too, if I were him.

He suddenly created an ice wall between us and the rest of the fight, giving us an opportunity to calm down. "Maybe once we defeat this guy you could... you could tell me what you were about to?" I suggested timidly, looking up at him and seeing his blushing face.

"O-okay..." he mumbled. We heard cracks against his ice, the two of us looking up and immediately springing back into action. Large metal pieces broke down Todoroki's ice, and he grabbed my hand, the two of us running out of the way. We spotted on the other side of the almost completely destroyed top floor, Midoriya and All might running towards the villain, both clearly ready to destroy him. Bakugou was sending explosions towards the attacks the villain was aiming at Midoriya and All Might, so immediately Todoroki jumped into action and did the same thing, sending thick sheets of ice to block the metal from hurtling towards them. "I won't let you stop them!" He shouted out, determined.

I wished now more then ever that I could do long ranged attacks in some kind of aid to help them, but I didn't want to get in the way at this point in time so I let Todoroki and Bakugou deal with protecting Midoriya and All Might for now. They were both amazing, running and dodging practically every attack the villain was sending towards them. A large crashing sounded nearby, and Todoroki clung onto me once more, holding onto me tightly as we stumbled off of the metal slate we were currently standing on, toppling onto another. "Are you alright?" He asked quickly and I nodded.

"Let's stop this guy," I said confidently. He smiled and the two of us stood up, him immediately going back into attack mode. The villain still had so much obvious power, hovering high above the rest of us and surrounded by metal shards and cords. It was a terrifying sight, but seeing Midoriya and All Might running with the pure determination to destroy this guy was somewhat comforting.

Todoroki ended up having to make multiple ice shelters for us to hide behind as more rubble rained down upon us, the backlash of Midoriya and All Might's punches. He was holding onto me tightly, my arms around his waist as we crouched low, his hand protecting my head. A bright light shone through the sky as we saw the two land their punch on what looked like the villains most powerful attack yet. "Destroy this guy!" We yelled at the same time, watching as their attacks reverberated back towards the villain.

In an instant, an incredible, almost blinding bright light shone from their attack, and the whiplash from it shook the tower. Concrete and metal around us flew in all different directions and once again Todoroki used his ice as a thick shield for the two of us. The tower continued to shake and I admittedly feared for our lives, but we could tell by looking at the wreckage and the hit on the villain that he was out cold. "They did it," I acknowledged, staring up into the sky as the rubble rained down. "They beat him!"

Without really thinking, I flung myself onto Todoroki, him catching me and wrapping his arms around my waist tightly, swirling me around. When he put me down and we pulled apart we remained close, looking deeply at each other, the two of us blushing brightly.

"They defeated him!" Uraraka suddenly yelled from somewhere nearby. This triggered realisation in Todoroki and I, and we awkwardly pulled away from each other. We did however turn back towards the wreckage, smiling happily at the realisation that we won. The rest of the guys we had left on the floor below us had somehow made it up to the top, and were all cheering happily at All Might's win. Together Todoroki and I walked over to join them, the pain in my feet suddenly coming back as the adrenaline died down.

I stumbled a little, accidentally into Todoroki who caught me and helped me walk. "T-thanks Shoto," I mumbled.

"No need to thank me. I should be the one thanking you. You did save my life after all," he said and I blushed a little.

"Don't ever scare me like that again," I playfully hit his arm.

"I'll try not to," he chuckled when we reached the rest of the group.

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