7: To The Top Floor

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How and why is Todo so pretty when he's activating his flames and ice at the same time, it's not fair.

 Panting heavily, my feet were beginning to seriously hurt due to the fact I wasn't wearing my hero suit so didn't have the usual padding to stop the pain. No wonder the island was usually so protected, there were an incredible amount of these security drones and they just kept on coming, managing to chip their way through Todoroki's ice wall that had blocked the door.

The five of us were beginning to get a bit overwhelmed: Kirishima's hardening was failing, Uraraka was close to throwing up, Bakugou's explosions were getting slightly weaker and Todoroki's right side was almost completely frosted. My feet were battered and bruised, but we were all determined to carry on fighting if it meant that Midoriya and Melissa could make their way to the security system without anything getting in their way.

"Watch your back!" Bakugou shouted at me, and I whizzed round to see three robots jumping towards me, about to eject their cords but thankfully Bakugou blew them into tiny pieces.

"Thanks Bakugou!" I shouted out to him, and he just scoffed. The robots kept on coming however, but none of us gave up, using our quirks to the fullest in order to prevent the robots from passing us. The five of us landed from an attack directly in a line, more robots spilling out from the doors and making their way towards us quickly. We were all panting heavily, wondering what the hell we were going to do.

"What now?" I whispered to Todoroki.

"We can take them," he said confidently, getting into his fighting stance. I nodded in agreement, but just as the five of us were about to attack once again, all the robots stopped. Their domed tops shut down, and it looked as though they had all been turned off.

"What happened?" Bakugou growled.

"They just... stopped," Uraraka said, clearly confused.

"Midoriya and Melissa must've reached the security system! They must have it back online!" I said excitedly, and Uraraka beamed.

"I-Island's security system is now operating in normal mode," the same robotic voiceover from earlier in the evening announced. Uraraka and I high-fived happily, overjoyed that our plan had worked.

"That means the heroes are free downstairs!" She said.

"And that means these villains can be stopped," Todoroki added. The five of us let out a huge sigh of relief, and I collapsed to the ground as the pain in my feet caught up with me. "(y/n), are you okay?" Todoroki asked, kneeling down to my height. I noticed his right side was still completely frosted, and he was shivering slightly. I blushed at his half naked torso, but tried my very best not to stare.

"I'm okay, my feet just hurt," I gestured the bruises all over them. He gently brushed his fingers against one making me blush even more and wince slightly from the pain.

"Can you walk? If not I can carry you," he offered politely but I just shook my head.

"Thank you Shoto, but once they've rested a bit I'm sure I'll be okay," I smiled at him. "You should worry about yourself, you look so cold!"

"I'm alright," he smiled at my concern, activating his fire side to defrost himself. Behind him however I saw Uraraka suddenly turn green, slam her hands over her mouth and rush behind the robots out of sight, probably to throw up.

"Uraraka!" Kirishima called out worriedly and we saw her wave her hands in dismissal, keeping her head low behind the robots. "Well... is that it? Have we won then?"

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