3: I-Island

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I-Island is so hard to try and describe, but I did my best! Also apologies if Todoroki seems out of character at any point...

 Together we walked further around the island, searching for a decent place to eat. We had agreed to check out the attractions after, as once Todoroki had mentioned food I had gotten increasingly hungrier. "That place looks decent," I pointed to the a restaurant in the distance. Todoroki and I walked along a flat bridge that went over a sparkling blue river, up a few steps towards a large circular glass-walled building which had a yellow and white domed roof. Along the curved bank of the river there were many outdoor tables, one of which we sat at as we wanted to get the most of the nice outdoor weather.

I couldn't help but wonder what this looked like to people who didn't know us. Could it look like we were on a date? A young guy and girl sitting at a restaurant together, alone, so obviously not family members... it could easily be mistaken for a date. I wondered what was going through Todoroki's mind at that exact moment, but suddenly his voice broke me from my trance. "(y/n)? Are you alright?" He asked.

"Oh, y-yes! Sorry, kinda spaced out there," I said, rubbing the back of my head timidly. A waitress came over to hand us some menu's, everything on it sounding absolutely delicious. "Anything look good to you?"

"I might go for the lobster," he said nonchalantly. My eyes widened, looking at the price, but then again I wouldn't be surprised if he was used to this kind of food due to his wealthy background. "What about you?"

"I think I'll go for (favourite/meal). But it all sounds so amazing," I smiled, still unable to believe I was actually here. "I know I've said this numerous times before, but thank you for inviting me here Todoroki. I never expected that I'd get the chance to visit this island, let alone attend the private preview tonight."

"I'm glad you could come, it's nice having your company. Definitely better then having to come with my old man, although he's so uptight he wouldn't of come anyway," Todoroki said. I knew there was an incredibly rocky relationship between him and his father, but I didn't know the details. I didn't want to spoil this moment by talking about something which may depress him, so I decided to change the subject.

"So, where do you want to go first?" I asked, taking my phone from my hero suits pocket and looking at the list we had made of places we needed to visit over the weekend. He leant over closer to me to look at my phone and the list we had made, and I desperately tried to fight my blush at the fact he was now so close to me.

"The Museum of Support looked quite interesting, that was in the Pavilion wasn't it?" Todoroki said and I nodded, taking out the paper map of the island we had gotten from the hotel.

"Yeah, it looks like there's also a history of the island in there too," I said, pointing to the map. Todoroki's phone he had put on the table suddenly buzzed, and lit up with what looked like a text message from Iida.

"It looks like Iida's planned for us all to meet in the tower before heading into the party," Todoroki said, reading the message. "He says to meet in lobby seven at 18:30."

"No surprise that Iida's organised us all to arrive together," I laughed.

"Thanks for waiting," a voice both Todoroki and I recognised said. We both looked up to see Kaminari stood there with a notepad in his hand, dressed in the waiting staff uniforms.

"Kaminari? What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised to see him.

"They were looking for staff, and it meant a free trip to the island so I applied. Mineta's somewhere inside too," he said, pointing to the glass doors which led to the rest of the restaurant. "So, you two on a date?" He teased and I blushed bright red.

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