9: The Aftermath

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That header is pure eye candy. This chapter is filled with sweet fluff.

 We were all sat at the top of the tower, panting and calming down from the incredible adrenaline that was pumping through our bodies only moments ago. All Might and Midoriya had done it, they had defeated the villain, and now we were just waiting to be rescued. The others were laughing and cheering excitedly, whilst Todoroki, Bakugou, Kirishima and I simply collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. "How are your feet?" Todoroki asked quietly.

"In pain," I answered honestly with a light chuckle. "I'm just relieved it's all over."

"Hm, yeah, me too," he smiled. Over mountains of debris we saw Midoriya and Melissa walking back to the group, waving and wearing bright smiles. Uraraka and Kirishima cheered happily as we watched them approach.

"Are you two okay?" Uraraka immediately asked.

"Yeah we're fine," Midoriya smiled, making her blush cutely.

"What about All Might?" Todoroki asked.

"O-oh! He's fine too! He's over there but is having a private conversation with his friend he rescued form the villain," Midoriya said incredibly quickly whilst rubbing the back of his head. Todoroki and I glanced at each other and shrugged our shoulders. Looking at the boy I remembered the terrified look on his face when I was holding onto him tightly to prevent him from falling, it now being replaced by a calm and natural smile. Finally having the time to calm down after such an eventful night, I thought back to everything that had happened between us.

The way he protected me, and shielded me with his body. The way he was desperate to keep me out of harm. The way we fought together, and worked well together. The way he wrapped his arms around me in an effort to comfort me. The way he kept me warm. The way he massaged my feet when they were hurting. And most importantly, the way he told me that he needed to tell me something important as he hung off of the side of the I-Island tower. Was he really going to say what I thought he was going to say? Those three special words?

It was then that I realised I was staring at him, but he too had his eyes on me. We smiled slightly at each other, and there was a particular gleam in his eyes that made my heart beat even faster. He was looking at me exactly the same way I was looking at with - with dare I say, love. Carefully I decided to rest my head against his shoulders, realising that we had probably both already figured out each others feelings, but now all that was left was for it to be officially voiced.

"(y/n)! Your feet!" Someone suddenly distracted us and I looked over to see Melissa crouched beside me, staring at my bloodied feet.

"I-it's okay Melissa, really," I tried to say but now that my attention was brought to them, I could feel the immense pain.

"They're bleeding though! You don't want to get an infection. Yaoyorozu, could you make (y/n) some bandages?" Melissa asked politely. Yaoyorozu walked over to us and stared at my injured feet, then turning her nose up.

"She'll be fine, the air ambulance will be here soon," she said simply and I sighed, a little disheartened.

"Yaoyorozu! She needs bandages!" Todoroki suddenly shouted loudly, making the three of us jump.

"F-fine!" The rich girl scoffed, thin bandages falling to the floor in a heap next to me. I muttered a small thanks, despite the fact she didn't deserve it. Melissa seemed confused but didn't enquire, and simply took the bandages and wrapped them around each of my feet professionally.

"I can't believe you fought to the point of hurting yourself so much," Melissa said but I just shook it off.

"It's okay, I have strong feet, it comes with the quirk," I laughed, gesturing my bunny ears.

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