The I-Island Expo

بواسطة the-writing-girl

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A Shoto Todoroki X Reader story. Todoroki has been given two tickets to the famous I-Island Expo, and decides... المزيد

1: An Invitation
2: The Villain Attack Course
3: I-Island
4: Enter the Party
5: The Plant Factory
6: Countless Security Drones
8: The Boss Battle
9: The Aftermath
10: Back At The Hotel (Lemon)
11: Home
The End
Other Books

7: To The Top Floor

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بواسطة the-writing-girl

How and why is Todo so pretty when he's activating his flames and ice at the same time, it's not fair.

 Panting heavily, my feet were beginning to seriously hurt due to the fact I wasn't wearing my hero suit so didn't have the usual padding to stop the pain. No wonder the island was usually so protected, there were an incredible amount of these security drones and they just kept on coming, managing to chip their way through Todoroki's ice wall that had blocked the door.

The five of us were beginning to get a bit overwhelmed: Kirishima's hardening was failing, Uraraka was close to throwing up, Bakugou's explosions were getting slightly weaker and Todoroki's right side was almost completely frosted. My feet were battered and bruised, but we were all determined to carry on fighting if it meant that Midoriya and Melissa could make their way to the security system without anything getting in their way.

"Watch your back!" Bakugou shouted at me, and I whizzed round to see three robots jumping towards me, about to eject their cords but thankfully Bakugou blew them into tiny pieces.

"Thanks Bakugou!" I shouted out to him, and he just scoffed. The robots kept on coming however, but none of us gave up, using our quirks to the fullest in order to prevent the robots from passing us. The five of us landed from an attack directly in a line, more robots spilling out from the doors and making their way towards us quickly. We were all panting heavily, wondering what the hell we were going to do.

"What now?" I whispered to Todoroki.

"We can take them," he said confidently, getting into his fighting stance. I nodded in agreement, but just as the five of us were about to attack once again, all the robots stopped. Their domed tops shut down, and it looked as though they had all been turned off.

"What happened?" Bakugou growled.

"They just... stopped," Uraraka said, clearly confused.

"Midoriya and Melissa must've reached the security system! They must have it back online!" I said excitedly, and Uraraka beamed.

"I-Island's security system is now operating in normal mode," the same robotic voiceover from earlier in the evening announced. Uraraka and I high-fived happily, overjoyed that our plan had worked.

"That means the heroes are free downstairs!" She said.

"And that means these villains can be stopped," Todoroki added. The five of us let out a huge sigh of relief, and I collapsed to the ground as the pain in my feet caught up with me. "(y/n), are you okay?" Todoroki asked, kneeling down to my height. I noticed his right side was still completely frosted, and he was shivering slightly. I blushed at his half naked torso, but tried my very best not to stare.

"I'm okay, my feet just hurt," I gestured the bruises all over them. He gently brushed his fingers against one making me blush even more and wince slightly from the pain.

"Can you walk? If not I can carry you," he offered politely but I just shook my head.

"Thank you Shoto, but once they've rested a bit I'm sure I'll be okay," I smiled at him. "You should worry about yourself, you look so cold!"

"I'm alright," he smiled at my concern, activating his fire side to defrost himself. Behind him however I saw Uraraka suddenly turn green, slam her hands over her mouth and rush behind the robots out of sight, probably to throw up.

"Uraraka!" Kirishima called out worriedly and we saw her wave her hands in dismissal, keeping her head low behind the robots. "Well... is that it? Have we won then?"

"I'm not sure... I'm just glad they're no more damn robots, those damn things were so annoying," I scoffed, laying back on the ground and looking over at the shut down robots. I brought my feet up to my hands and curled into a ball so I could massage them in an effort to get rid of the pain. Todoroki sat beside me, his frost now completely melted. He shocked me by taking ahold of one of my feet in his left hand, heating up that side of his body to relieve some of the pain I was feeling. I blushed as I sat up slightly, watching him do it. "S-Shoto-,"

"Does that feel any better?" He asked and I nodded timidly, as he then took my other foot into his left hand, giving it the same treatment.

"Y-yeah... thanks," I mumbled, trying not to embarrass myself.

"So what now? Do we head up the tower, and see what's happening?" Uraraka asked, emerging from behind the robots still looking a little green.

"I guess? I'm not entirely sure," I said, standing up on wobbly legs whilst Todoroki outstretched his arms as though trying to protect me from falling. "I'm fine Shoto, really," I tried to convince him and he seemed a little embarrassed at his unstoppable gesture. The sound of sliding doors opening made my ears twitch, and I turned to see the others emerging from the building and onto the platform with us.

"You're okay!" Uraraka said excitedly, running up to the group who seemed admittedly a little worse for ware. Yaoyorozu was being held up my Jirou, Iida was limping a little whilst attempting to carry a still stupid Kaminari and Mineta's scalp was bleeding from the overuse of his quirk.

"Yeah... sort of," Iida said as the group hobbled towards us. I bounced over to them, helping Jirou by wrapping Yaoyorozu's other arm around my shoulder, walking her further to the centre of the platform where everyone sat down to gather their breaths. "It seems as though Midoriya and Melissa reached the security system."

"Yeah," I gestured the many frozen (some quite literally being frozen) robots around us.

"Holy crap guys, how did you take on this many?" Jirou asked, the platform admittedly looking like a robot graveyard.

"It was difficult, but we were able to hold them off long enough for Midoriya to get the security system running again," Todoroki said, standing directly beside me. The rest of the group started talking between them, trying to help each other recover whilst Todoroki pulled me away from them so that we were out of earshot. I noticed in his hand he carried his white tux jacket that he had thrown off earlier, it now being dirty and slightly torn. "Here, wear this," he said fairly quietly, lifting it up and brushing some of the dirt off of it. "I don't want you getting cold."

"W-what about you? You're the one with the ripped shirt," I pointed out, my eyes being automatically drawn to his muscly arm.

"I'm fine, I can heat myself up remember," he said, gesturing his exposed arm. I turned around and held out my arms behind me so he could gently slip the jacket onto me, me smiling stupidly as the warmth of the clothing hit my body immediately. His scent was still on the jacket, and it sent small shivers down my spine. I turned back around, the two of us standing incredibly close to each other. I gulped, looking up into his heterochromatic eyes and I felt my heart miss several beats as I saw him gently lean in towards me.

Suddenly however we heard the whirring sounds of a helicopters propellor, breaking our attention away from each other. We looked up into the sky and indeed saw a helicopter flying high into the dark sky, and for a second later I realised that that was the villains escape route. "Oh no-," I muttered but was interrupted when a smallish spec of red and blue jumped high into the air, colliding with the helicopter straight on and causing it to blow up loudly.

There was a strong gust of wind that almost blew as all backwards, as we looked up at the burning helicopter that was spiralling down to the ground. The spec of red and blue looked like All Might's hero costume, him then jumping back down to the tower carrying someone else over their shoulder. "That... that was insane!" I shouted out of pure surprise.

"Was that All Might?" Jirou openly asked, astounded.

"WE'RE SAVED!" Mineta screeched pathetically, making me wince.

"I propose we all head back down the tower. No doubt the heroes have the villains below us captured, and I'm certain the police will be down there ready to sort out this mess," Iida announced and the rest of us nodded. Suddenly however the tower began to tremble, and above us bits of debris began falling. A strange blue glow ran through the metal plates that the tower was built from, and around us they were bending out of shape, distorting slightly, none of us having a clue as to what was going on.

Up above us another loud explosion sounded, and we saw the left of the tower being hit with immense force, that part of the building crumbling almost immediately. Todoroki immediately latched onto me, seemingly protecting me from the debris that began raining down on us from below. He managed to create a large ice shield as well, protecting the others but we heard the debris chipping away at the ice as it fell down upon us. The tower began to tremble again, and metal cords were being pulled out from beneath us, and from the pillars around us, then floating their way up onto the very top floor.

"This has got to be the work of a villain!" Todoroki shouted.

"But this is insane! This power is... it's too much!" I said, looking around me in fear as the ground beneath us began to change its shape.

"What the crap? What the hell is All Might doing?" Bakugou shouted out, looking up towards the smaller platform above us where we imagined the boss battle was taking place. There were large bits of metal floating around the entirety of the tower, the area around us looking completely ripped apart. Many pieces were flying higher and higher towards the top floor, and I was terrified, wondering just how powerful this enemy truly was.

More crashing sounds came from above, getting louder and louder as the tower shook even more. Without even thinking I clung onto Todoroki tighter, fearing that we would be knocked off of the tower by the intensity of its shaking.

"We have to get to the top!" Todoroki suddenly shouted. "We have to help out!"

"Yeah, no shit icy-hot!" Bakugou retaliated, running straight towards the lift.

"You wait down here (y/n), stay with everyone else," Todoroki said but I shook my head.

"Not a chance, if you're going then I'm going too," I said confidently. He hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and together we ran quickly towards the lift shaft. I kicked open the doors and noticed that during the destruction of the tower it seemed as though the lift had fallen, leaving the shaft empty. It was dented and broken slightly, probably due to the villains apparent metal-bending quirk. Todoroki created an ice wall which headed up the shaft towards its next stop which we assumed was the top floor.

"We'll have to climb our way up," Todoroki said, jumping onto the ice climbing wall and making his way up.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugou shouted.

"Not the time, man!" Kirishima told Bakugou off.


Bakugou, Kirishima and I followed Todoroki's lead in climbing, working our way up the distorted lift shaft, me clinging onto the ice as tightly as I could. It was incredibly tricky to climb, especially due to the distortion of the shaft, but we reached a set of sliding doors that were almost broken completely off, and Todoroki was able to give them one last push before they completely broke off. He climbed out of the lift shaft first, turning around and giving me a hand, the other two boys following soon after.

When we got a proper look at the situation however, we were horrified. The entirety of the top floor was torn up, disfigured into horrific shapes and floating around the tower. In the centre of all the debris, being lifted into the air intimidatingly by all the metal cords and slates floating around him was the main villain, an evil smirk plastered on his face. It was a horrible sight; the villain sent large slabs of metal straight towards All Might as he repeatedly attempted to punch them away, but the villain looked to be almost too strong.

Loud crashes sounded as dust from the colliding bits of debris smoked the area. Shards were flying everywhere, and it took the four of us a moment to realise the severity of the situation: even All Might was having trouble fighting back against the villain as he repeatedly sent long thick chunks of metal towards the number one pro hero.

The villain shouted out something incomprehensible, sending more long chunks of metal towards All Might but that was when Todoroki stepped in, slamming his foot down on the ground, using his ice to stop the blocks from crashing against our teacher. Bakugou of course blew himself up into the air and went straight towards the villains, blasting at him with everything he could. "How can you let yourself be beat by such a lame final boss?!" Bakugou shouted out loudly.

"Young Bakugou-,"

"We'll do what we can to help you!" Todoroki shouted out.

"(y/n), lets destroy those chunks of metal in the sky," Kirishima said confidently.

"Right!" I shouted out, getting myself into gear and ready to fight once more. This was where things got serious, this was the final boss.

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