The I-Island Expo

By the-writing-girl

35.3K 1.1K 1.5K

A Shoto Todoroki X Reader story. Todoroki has been given two tickets to the famous I-Island Expo, and decides... More

1: An Invitation
2: The Villain Attack Course
3: I-Island
4: Enter the Party
5: The Plant Factory
7: To The Top Floor
8: The Boss Battle
9: The Aftermath
10: Back At The Hotel (Lemon)
11: Home
The End
Other Books

6: Countless Security Drones

1.8K 85 39
By the-writing-girl

Again, this follows the film almost exactly, but obviously with (y/n) inserted into it.

 We had to carry on, we had to get to the two-hundredth floor in order to free All Might and the other heroes. A part of me really wished I had stayed back in the Plant Factory with Todoroki, but I knew as we reached the hundredth floor that there was no going back now. The likelihood was he, Bakugou and Kirishima had finished the fight, and were now on their way up to help us.

Still, I worried about my crush, despite his capabilities. It was possible that maybe more villains had followed the two that were already at the plant factory, and I was scared of him being overwhelmed. Uraraka tried to comfort me as we carried on running up the many steps in the tower, sweat dripping down my forehead and my breath labouring.

With every corridor and staircase we ran down, Jirou destroyed each of the security cameras with her earphone jacks, making it harder for the villains to trace us. As we ran we realised that the path had been clear since about the hundredth floor. We were able to run up the stair cases and through the corridors freely, without the worry of the large metal shutters trapping us in, however I still felt uneasy.

"Looks like we've gotten pretty lucky with the path being clear," Kaminari said.

"I don't know... something doesn't feel right about this. It feels like they're leading us somewhere," I said.

"Even if that's the case we've almost made it to the top. We're so close to this being over!" Midoriya said in his determined voice. We all nodded and carried on running, our stamina merely running on adrenaline.

We reached floor one-hundred and thirty, and Melissa was leading us down one of the corridors towards another set of emergency stairs on the other side of the building, that led up to more floors. Unfortunately however it meant having to pass through a laboratory, and when Iida looked through the glass window in the metal sliding door he gasped, seeing many waist-high dome shaped robots on thin metal legs with wheels attached to them. The door that led into the room led straight onto a walkway, as the room was similar to the Plant Factory in the sense that it's depth covered more than one floor. Annoyingly it meant that the robots were able to cover the entirety of the walkway, us having no other way of getting around them. "Melissa, what are they?" I asked, looking through the window to get a peak of them myself.

"They're the islands security drones. Once we get control of the security system, we'll have control over them as well," she said confidently.

"It doesn't seem like the villains are trying to block us in anymore, it seems as though they're trying to capture us," Iida said, those words sending shivers down my back.

"If that's the case they've probably realised we're hero course students," Midoriya said.

"Then we'll show them what we can do. Kaminari, you go ahead and electrify those robots. I'll create a cover for us," Yaoyorozu said. Iida burst open the door, going ahead with the plan and Kaminari jumped eagerly into action, landing in the middle of the robots and setting off his quirk whilst the rest of us hid underneath the insulator Yaoyorozu made us.

"Indiscriminate shock! 1.3 million volts!" Kaminari shouted, lighting up the area with his electricity.

"It's not working!" Jirou shouted, peeking out from under the insulator.

"Fine! How about we try two million volts!" Kaminari growled.

"No! If you do that you'll turn- stupid..." Jirou tried to shout but her point was proven when his quirk deactivated and his fried expression appeared on his face. The robots however seemed to be shut down, so we all clambered out from the insulator and headed over to where Kaminari was stupidly kneeling on the ground with his thumbs up. Suddenly however the robots appeared to be back online, the electricity apparently barely even scratching them.

They immediately sent out cords towards Kaminari, tying him up in the middle of them. Those that didn't have Kaminari tied up immediately began racing towards us. "Right, looks like it's plan b!" Iida shouted.

"We can jam their communication with these!" Yaoyorozu shouted, producing multiple red smoke bombs, the other girls throwing them out into the crowds of robots. Mineta began throwing his purple balls at them, trapping their metal feet to prevent them from moving. It was then time for Midoriya, Iida and I to use our physical fighting quirks on them. Midoriya managed to blow the first lot away with a single punch, Iida and I then running down the path and kicking the robots off of the edge of the walkway and down into the darkness of the room below.

"They have backup coming from the left!" Jirou shouted out, her earphone jack plugged into the floor.

"Then we're heading the opposite way!" Iida shouted, picking up Kaminari whilst the rest of us ran to the right. We entered another corridor on the other side of the room, Melissa then able to take us up to another set of emergency stairs. Now however we had these security drones to look out for, but thankfully due to Jirou's earphone jacks she was able to plug them into the wall and spy on which direction they could be coming from.

"I hear a lot of those security machines on the floor below us, but no signs from above. It should be clear," Jirou said.

"Then lets go!" Midoriya led the way, up the stairs but once again when we reached floor one-hundred and thirty-eight, the stairwell was blocked off. Melissa led us away and down into another room that she told us was the server room. It was very futuristic, and had a tall ceiling with what looked like balconies leading to more servers and computers on either side. As fast as we could we ran, knowing that we were almost there and that we could free the heroes.

The door ahead of us suddenly opened however, and to our horror at least a hundred of the security drones poured into the large room. "Let's break through Iida-,"

"Wait! We can't damage these servers!" Melissa shouted, gesturing the room. "It could affect the islands security system!" More robots jumped off of the balconies above us, landing with a loud crash in front of us. I couldn't quite believe how many of these machines there were, all under the villains control. I was certain that if they wanted to, the villains could so easily kill us with these robots.

"We can handle these machines whilst protecting the servers," Yaoyorozu suddenly said.

"Midoriya, go. Take Melissa and see if you can find a different route," Iida added.

"We'll leave it to them. Come on Melissa," Midoriya said, turning to the blond.

"Uraraka, (y/n), come with us," Melissa said before the two ran off.

"But what about the robots-," I started but Iida interrupted.

"Do it! They may need you. We'll be fine!" He shouted. Uraraka and I nodded after a moments hesitation, following Melissa and Midoriya as we ran back out the way we came. This whole situation was beginning to seriously escalate, so as fast as we could the four of us ran, managing to find a different route up the tower. Despite the fact I was panting heavily, almost completely out of stamina I knew that we couldn't stop now. We were getting so close, and we had to make it as soon as possible so that the others wouldn't be left fighting those robots. And Todoroki... seeing him having to fight the villains head on was all the motivation I needed to get to the security system so we could gain back control.

We reached a door at the top of one of the flights of stairs, and Melissa said that the easiest way to get up would be to cross what was on the other side. I kicked open the door and a sudden chill confused me, the four of us walking out and me then realising that we were standing out in the open air. We walked onto a large triangular platform which had four very large columns: one on each point (one of which we had just exited from) and another in the middle. Between the middle column and each on the triangles points there were many wind generators, this apparently being the way in which the tower gained its power.

"Holy crap," I couldn't help but say as I realised just how high up we were. The entirety of I-Island could be seen, and if it wasn't for the dire situation I would've stopped to marvel and the view.

"What are we doing out here?" Midoriya asked Melissa as she walked towards the central column.

"There are probably more robots in the tower, waiting to ambush us. But if we climb to the top from here, we'll avoid them," she said. "There's an emergency exit we can enter."

"An emergency exit? All the way up there?" I asked and she nodded. "But how can we climb all the way up there?"

"We have Ochaco. Your quirk makes things weightless, right? You can float Deku and me up to the emergency exit, and release us once we're there," Melissa said and Uraraka nodded.

"Leave it to me," she said confidently.

"(y/n), you should stay down here with Ochaco too, just in case. We never know what could happen," Midoriya said and I nodded.

"Of course."

Uraraka touched both Midoriya and Melissa, making them weightless, and together they floated up into the air. I stood on guard, glancing between the three doors on each of the outside pillars. My ears twitched as suddenly from behind us I heard the feint sound of sliding doors open, and I turned to see many more of the security drones flooding out from the door and heading straight towards us. There were at least a hundred, and I knew for a fact that I wouldn't be able to take them all on at once whilst protecting Uraraka but I had to try my best.

"No! You guys, you have to get out of there!" Midoriya shouted from above.

"No! I can do this, you guys have to make it to the top!" I shouted out, getting ready to attack. The robots sped straight towards me, and I jumped into action, kicking them as hard as I could. I managed to kick several off of the edge of the building, and used my jumping to dodge them causing them to crash into each other. There was so many of them though that I could barely count. Thankfully however they weren't focussing on Uraraka, only me as I was the one fighting back. They were becoming too much for me however, and it was all I could do to dodge the cords they were flying towards me in an effort to bind me.

I managed to crush a few of them by landing heavily right on top of their domed tops, but more jumped up towards me. Soon I was completely surrounded, but I wasn't giving up. I tried to keep on attacking, but their cords eventually managed to bind my arms. "NO!" I shouted out, seeing that some of them had turned their attention towards Uraraka. I fought against my bindings as much as I could, kicking and thrashing around but eventually the robots managed to have my legs tied up also. "Uraraka, look out!"

Suddenly a loud explosion sounded, blowing up the robots that were about to attack Uraraka. Bakugou came into view, smirking devilishly as he destroyed the robots in an instant. The floor underneath me suddenly turned to ice, and I was risen into the air, away from the robots grasp. I turned my head and smiled brightly when I saw Todoroki at the doors of one of the columns with Kirishima close on his tail. Immediately the three of them began freezing, punching and blowing up the many security drones.

It seemed as though the robots were confused, wondering which student to go for. Todoroki suddenly appeared next to me on top of my ice column, and bent down to untie my restraints. "(y/n), are you alright?" He asked, concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, are you? How did you get past those villains?" I asked.

"It was easy enough, they were just simple thugs. You're not hurt, are you?" He asked, gesturing my wrists where I had been bound.

"No, I'm okay thanks to you Shoto," I smiled. "Thanks for coming along when you did, turns out I was pretty useless-,"

"Don't say that. No one could hold their own up with that many robots coming at them at once, whilst also trying to protect someone," Todoroki said, gesturing Uraraka. "What's going on anyway?"

"Uraraka lifted Midoriya and Melissa into the air, to go into the tower through an emergency exit up there. The plan was to avoid the robots, so doing this was quicker," I told him and he nodded.

"Are you okay to fight?" He asked carefully.

"Of course I am, we have to beat these guys," I said confidently, standing up and clenching my fists. He smiled and stood up next to me.

"OI LOVEBIRDS, FANCY GIVING US A HAND?!" Bakugou yelled as he took out five of the robots at once. Both Todoroki and I blushed dramatically, and I shouted loudly at Bakugou as I jumped off of the ice column, landing directly on two of the robots and crushing them under my feet.

"Oh no! They're blowing away!" Uraraka suddenly shouted and I turned, seeing Midoriya and Melissa caught in the wind.

"Bakugou, aim the propeller at Midoriya, quick!" Todoroki suddenly shouted, stripping his tux jacket off.

"I told you not to give me orders!" Bakugou shouted angrily, but still did as he was told. I covered Todoroki as he and Bakugou went ahead with their plan, and managed to kick many of the robots out of his way, powerfully enough to actually crush some of them. I knocked several into the crowd of what seemed like endless robots, but now that I knew Todoroki was here and that he was safe, as well as having the knowledge that I had backup, my body was once again filled with adrenaline as opposed to fear.

"They're in!" Uraraka suddenly said, and I looked up towards the emergency exit Melissa spoke about previously just in time to see her and Midoriya vanish through the doors. Straight away Uraraka came and joined the fight, her jumping through the robots quickly and making many of them float. I kicked the ones she had touched out towards the edges of the tower, her then releasing her quirk and the pair of us being able to watch them fall.

We high-fived each other and kept up this tactic, knocking off as many robots as we could. Cold chills around us told me that Todoroki was using plenty of his ice power, and loud bangs and shouts told me that Bakugou and Kirishima were battling just as hard. Five robots jumped up at me almost all at the same time, however I was able to counteract their attacks with a swirling kick I had been practicing recently in heroics.

I jumped up and spun around, my dominant leg outstretched and hitting each of the robots, causing them all to stack up in a heaped pile, their red lights dimming showing that they were now inactive. The fight however was no where near being over. Despite the fact there was now five of us fighting against these things, they were still incredibly tough to beat.

"Where the hell do they keep coming from?!" Kirishima shouted, and we all looked over to the door to see more piling through.

"Shoto! Use your quirk to block off the door!" I shouted, turning towards him. I blushed brightly however when I saw that his shirt was torn, probably from using his flames, his left arm and part of his firm chest on display.

"Right!" He shouted, stomping his foot to the ground and creating an incredibly large ice barrier between us and the door, trapping most of the robots inside. I tried to ignore my crushes attractive body being partly on show as he came up to me, shooting fire at several of the robots before I had even realised they were jumping towards me. He created many ice platforms for me to bounce between, me being able to kick and punch at the robots attacking us, the pair of us working together perfectly. The robots didn't stand a chance.

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