By rosecinc

971K 35.2K 20.7K

"Nobody is allowed between these pretty little thighs but me....and if anyone tries...𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞... More

~Blood Oath~
~Dirty Work~
~Tantrum Protocol~
~Five million~
~Her Wrath~
~2 weeks~
~Ryan Martin~
~5 years ago~
~Phase 3~
~Katrina Annika Ivanov~
~Caskets & Chains~
~Dead Roses~
*Bonus Chapter-Aria's POV*
*Bonus Chapter -Aria's POV*

~Finn Grimes~

7.3K 374 399
By rosecinc

-"Not yet corpses. Still, we rot."-


"What?!" all of them exclaimed in unison. Katrina took a deep breath massaging her temple.

"I know it sounds crazy-" she started before Ida cut her off.

"It's more than crazy. It's fucking demented," she whispered harshly, anger seething out of her. Katrina nodded, understanding her anger and opening her mouth to speak again.

"Just hear me out," she pleaded. After everyone's mutters of disapproval, the room went silent making room for Katrina's explanations.

"Isn't it a little strange that the only two women that were close to the King are dead? Isn't it even more strange that Adrian has been "with the king" before the King was even a thing?

I think Aria and Midnight both knew that the King was planning on taking over and his first step was to take over the Scandinavian mob which Aria essentially owned. They found out what he was doing, so they attempted to get away, but he killed Aria before he had the chance and disguised it as a suicide, and made it seemed like Aria had also killed her parents after they sold her and the King knew she was just loose ends and eliminated her. But what if he didn't kill her?

What if the King held Aria captive and threatened to kill her if Midnight didn't work for him and do as he said. That's why Midnight left us this whole thing with the hitlist. The King found out she was planning to escape but killed her before she had the chance after he hired Alexei to finish the job.

But what if both of them... are alive... and the King is just holding them captive?" Katrina explained in one breath.

They all looked at her like she was crazy.

"I saw Midnight die right in front of me. There is no way she is alive," Luca said to himself more than her. Almost as if he was convincing himself of it. Even saying her name sent chills down his spine and his heart to clench.

She had to be dead.

Where else could she be? Why fake her death?

He buried her casket.

He helped carry it.

She had to be dead. She was dead.

But she had died before and she still made it out. She still fooled everyone. She was fooling everyone again now. But was she? Was she dead or was this a sick joke?

"And you saw me die too but here I am. What if she took the pill that Adrian gave me ten years ago. Don't you think Adrian hiding a little too much? He was the right hand of the Scandinavian mob and Aria's grandfather!

It doesn't add up. And since Adrian was the very first member of the King, it could mean that he's the King. He knew that he needed to get Aria out of the way since she was the only thing standing in between the Scandinavian mob and his plans to take over.

Digging up both of their graves will tell us all we need to know," she finished.

All eyes were on her as a deafening silence washed over them all.

Adrian was nothing but fatherly to the triplets these past years. He gave them all they wanted and more. Adrian gave them the parental love that they were deprived of since they were young. There was no way he was the King.

He was not an evil man, and there was no way that he was the one that killed their sister.

But still, why would Adrian kill his own granddaughter that his wife and himself worked so hard to protect and win custody over?

It didn't make sense.

"And what if you're wrong? What if the graves have what they are supposed to?" Thea asked with a hard expression.

"Then we interrogate Adrian as we planned and then we interrogate the last person who saw Aria before she died," Katrina responded.

"I thought you already interrogated her ex-boyfriend?" Starr spoke.

"I did, but with this new information, his story might be flawed," she replied.

"Ex-boyfriend?" Elias muttered questioningly.

"Finn Grimes. I thought you knew him?" Katrina asked. A deadly look grew on the triplet's faces, the same look a certain-someone had when she was angry.

It was dangerously familiar.

Luca couldn't help looking. Seeing the familiar glare and the scowl, he exhaled slowly. She was dead. But Leia was dead too and now here she is...

"What did he say the first time you interrogated him?" Felix grumbled, not answering Katrina's question.

"He said the last time he saw her was at school and that he loved her and what-not," Katrina told them listlessly.

Milo scoffed as he ground his back molars together. Felix fisted his hands, his knuckles stark white as his bright eyes darkened.

"Bullshit," Elias growled under his breath.

Everyone else's faces morphed into one of confusion.

"What do you mean?" Katrina queried.

"Finn was no different from the sperm donor and birth giver. He helped sell Aria to the black market. When they weren't abusing her then it was Finn who was hurting and violating her. The sperm donor forced Aria into the relationship because Finn's dad was a drug dealer and it got them their drugs for cheaper," Felix grumbled bitterly.

The triplets still vividly remembered their sister's screams and cries when Finn defiled her, or when her parents abused her and harassed her. It would be permanently etched in their minds as vivid as looking at her wounds and bloodied body when they were finished with her.

Luca's head shot up.


No. No. No.

A wave of different emotions crashed into him at once. Rage, red-hot, and burning. His heart shattered, his chest aching, and the feeling powerful.

His Diavola-

He couldn't breathe. He stood up without a word and without a glance at everyone else and walked out of the room. Walking fast and without a destination, he kept going. Tears burned his eyes and fell out without permission.

He couldn't breathe. He couldn't get air.

Finding an empty office, he didn't think before he slammed the door shut and found his fist flying into the wall. Hot, angry tears streamed down his face as he went over the words.



His Diavola. Trafficked. Abused. Violated.

And she didn't say a damn word.

Back in the room, Katrina found it hard to breathe as she covered her mouth and her eyes remained on the ground. The unshed tears, at last, spilled over.

Her best friend had been raped.

A fire sparked in Ida's chest, igniting something long forgotten.

She never liked rapists but had so much fun killing them.

She nodded to Starr and Thea, who already had his file pulled up on her phone and sent her an address. Matteo looked at her concerned, but her burnt amber eyes remained stoic and ever so lethal.

So catastrophic.

Without so much as a blink, Ida and Thea stalked out of the large mansion with malignant smirks, ignoring the people who called their names.

A smirk grew on Katrina and Starr's face, almost identical to Ida's as they both walked out of the mansion as well, following Ida.

Everyone else was close to following them except Blade who remained dangerously calm who had one thought.

Vengeance, ERROR 247, Dabria, and the Pakhan are going to get justice for what was stolen.


6 hours later(King's Base Sweden)

Milo, Felix, Elias, Blade, Oscar, Antonio, and Matteo waited at the base in Sweden. Surprisingly, it was nearly identical to the one in New York and Norway.

Luca eventually went back to the room, already planning out Finn Grime's execution.

They waited for Ida, Starr, Thea, and Katrina but didn't dare try calling the treacherous women. They were focused and afraid they would all be castrated if they interrupted.

They all made small talk with alcohol in their hands. Within just 6 hours, they had become well-acquainted with each other.

Blade, Oscar, Milo, Felix, and Elias didn't fail to notice the sparkling diamond ring on Luca's chain, and the King's instantly connected the dots after the Italians dropped a hint.

They did not comment on it.

After a few more minutes, the elevator dinged loudly in the large room.

As the doors opened dramatically slow, it revealed four women with blood staining their hands and clothes. When they stepped forward, they moved to reveal a castrated, a bloody, broken, and weak man on his knees leaning against the elevator walls with barely enough energy to keep his eyes open.

Some kind of envy gleamed in Luca's eyes. He wished he was the one who made that man bleed. He wished he was the one who castrated him.

"Is anyone going to help take the trash out?" Starr mused as she poured herself a glass of whiskey. Antonio felt his knees buckle as he fell impossibly more in love with her.

The men instantly fetched the bloody man from the elevator, tieing him against a wooden chair as the women did their best to clean off the blood from themselves as they enjoyed their heavy liquor.

"Did his story change?" Felix asked as he rolled up his sleeves, preparing to torture him in his own way.

But it seemed like he had been tortured enough, but you could never torture a rapist enough.

"Uh...we kinda forgot to interrogate him. We just got a little carried away," Ida chuckled. Matteo smiled adoringly at her as she cleaned her bloody hands.

"I don't think he can talk," Luca smirked as he eyed the weakling of a man that had blood seeping out from his mouth, clearly satisfied with this man's state. Luca's face was void of any sane thought. His pupil was microscopic and he swore his heartbeat was planning out a murder too. He felt he had been injected with some sort of drug that made him so careless. So destructive. He felt...murderous. Weightless and murderous.

He found sick joy in seeing this man tremble. A psychotic joy he didn't even know he was capable of feeling after realizing the love of his life, his first and last, was violated.

Weightless and murderous. Insane and with no intention of being rational.

"Sure he can!" Thea chided as she held a cold blade to his neck, smirking wickedly. The icy chill of the blade on his paled skin made him jerk alive as he coughed up blood.

"S-stop...n-no mo-more," Finn, the bloody man muttered as he squirmed in the chair.

"See," Thea smiled as she took the blade away and took another sip of the strong alcohol before wiping away the blood from her knife.

Milo smirked as his brothers came in front of him, towering over Finn's 5'11 frame and examining Finn's helpless state. Elias knelt in front of him, using the barrel of his gun to lift his chin to look them all in the eye.

Their eyes were struck with amber lightning and burning with rage.

Finn instantly recognized them from the color of their eyes.

He would be lying when he said that he didn't find the triplets frightening from their well-built frame and fatal scowls.

"Y-you three w-were a-a lot sh-shorter the last t-time I saw you," Finn stuttered, as more blood seeped out of his mouth.

"And you were a lot taller...and less bloody," Milo glared.

"Am I at the King's b-base? You all w-work f-for him don't y-you? T-this i-is ab-about Aria isn't it?" he stuttered even more as fear settled in his eyes.

Luca wanted to rip out his spine just for saying her name.

"Don't say her name," Katrina growled, stealing the words right out from the triplet's mouths.

"Tell us what you know and we'll think twice about cutting off your left hand," Starr seethed.

"No need f-for that," Finn chuckled through his fear.

"Talk," Elias snarled, clearly wanting nothing more than to rip out his intestines.

"I did see her before she killed herself...b-but not at the school. I was at the trade with her parents and sex trafficker. When she ran away her parents went after her and after they didn't return after a few minutes I-I went.

I found her parent's dead b-bodies and saw her the very second she got done slitting her throat. she was basically already dead when I g-got there.

So I left. I got out of that f-fucking town and never looked back.

A few months after I saw her die, someone broke into my apartment. It was a figure that I assume was a man but I couldn't say for s-sure since the person was in the dark and never stepped out of it.

All I saw was a deep red scar along the person's neck with the words "Memento Mori" tattooed over it.

Before I c-could ask who the person was they jumped out of the window but not before leaving a note on the desk near where he stood. On t-the note were the words "Memento Mori" again. Not until a few years later I f-found out who that was.

It was the King and I knew that my time was running out since he had condemned me to death the moment he left that note. I had to go all of these years looking over my back every second, living in fear for what the King was going to do to me and when he was going to kill me. I went crazy waiting for death.

I guess that was the punishment the whole time. To live in fear just like Aria did.

I guess karma finally caught up to me, and you all are here to carry out the order of the King," Finn explained.

"You saw her kill herself? No one was around except you two?" Katrina asked, realizing that her theory was wrong again.

"I saw the knife go from one end of her neck to the other. Besides the two dead bodies of her parents, it was just me and her," he assured.

Katrina sighed in defeat, sitting down in a velvet chair.

"But I think you all would want to know something else..." he spoke hesitantly.

"And what's that," Felix scowled.

"The sex trafficker we sold her to...was Alexei Ivanov and the people he worked with...are still after girls that were like Aria..." he mumbled.

Katrina would bring Alexei back from hell and kill him herself over and over again if she could.

"How many people are still loyal to Alexei and after young girls?" Blade asked with his voice low.

"Hundreds maybe even thousands...and the main person that they're looking for is the King because it was the King who took out th-their main source of business and they want revenge. They want the King dead. And you all know what will happen if they succeed. The whole world will fall apart. Ev-Everything that the King has done this past decade would go to waste," Finn told.

"Why are you telling us all of this?" Matteo questioned.

"Because I have nothing left to lose. I deserved everything I got," Finn sighed.

"Get everyone on a plane to New York. I'll take care of him," Luca muttered lowly to Katrina so that no one else could hear.

Katrina raised a brow at him but nodded. Gesturing everyone else to follow her, they looked reluctant but they followed anyway. The triplets gave Finn one last glare before walking out of the room.

Once everyone was gone, Luca smirked at Finn and pulled up a chair. He took a generous sip of his whiskey, chugging the last of it as he looked at the beaten guy.

"How old was she?" Luca finally spoke. It was a statement, not a question and it sure didn't come out as one. He already knew the answer he just wanted to hear it again.

Finn looked up, gulping at the tall and threatening man before him.


"How many girls after her?" He said once more. Not a question. A demand.

"W-what?" Finn stuttered, struggling to meet Luca's ridiculing gaze.

"Once a rapist, always a rapist. So how many girls after Aria?" Luca said through a locked jaw. It was the first time he had said her name. Her real name.

"No -I didn't- there wasn't anymore after her. I was scared after the King showed up-" Finn explained before Luca's scoff cut him off.

"You were scared?" Luca glared.

Finn gulped.

"How many times did she tell you to stop?" Luca composed himself, leaning back in the chair and resisting shooting the guy dead.

"I-I wasn't counting," Finn cowered and looked at the floor underneath him.

"A rough estimate," Luca clenched his teeth tight, using all of his self-control to stay remotely calm.

"Maybe tw-twenty," Finn shuddered as Luca suddenly got up from the chair and grabbed one of the knives Blade had left behind.

"That's how many countries your body parts will be buried in. Twenty countries for twenty body parts," Luca seemed to smile.

Hopefully, his Diavola would forgive him for not making him apologize at her grave.



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