By imgonnabedramatic

146K 3.1K 27.9K

Chloe and Halle are foster children who long to become famous singers, but their home life holds them back. W... More

Shine The Light
What's In Your Head
If God Spoke
Cry For Me Baby
La Familia
Say Something Part 1
Say Something Part 2
Bougie Party
Lucky Leaf, I Caught You
All This Way Too Much For Me
🕊When I Get Home🕊
Death Becomes Her
All Of The Worries
All Of The Worries (2)
Feel Numb In My Bones
Feel Numb In My Bones (2)
Sneak Peek
We Used To Love
It Was Me


6.8K 139 1.2K
By imgonnabedramatic

A/N: Chapter long af😭😭😭 this was not edited, so apologize in advance for mistakes. We at 12k📣📣 💥💥Also there was an alternate ending to the last chapter if you read the original ending please go back and read the actual one‼️

S/o to YouSowavyyy for helping me ALOT for this  chapter she the only reason this was posted cuz I wasn't gonna continue this story check out her page!!!

"Baby wait," Shawn called after his wife as she bolted up the steps forgetting the elevator all together.

The car ride home had been strenuous for him. Listening to his wife whimpering and weeping to herself wasn't on today's agenda, but neither was being a fly on the wall as children were ripped from her arms. Beyoncé cut her dash to her room short and stood, unmoved on the steps.

"This is all your fault," she had yet to face her husband.

He let out a defeated sigh and put his hands in his pockets. This was true. Had he just taken the girls with him, the dudes would've walked in on an empty studio instead of two unknowing, defenseless girls who literally could've been in the line of fire if they weren't live on Instagram.

"You left them there...knowing what type of people come in and out of those rooms all day. Without security at that," the blonde finally turned to her husband and ambled down the few steps she managed to climb.

"Baby I'm sor-"

"Oooh something told me, something told me to just let Halle come with me. She begged me, and Chloe wanted to stay home anyway. Why couldn't I just," Bey was pacing back and forth as the day echoed in her head over and over and over again.

Chloe's frantic eyes as the man threatened her, Halle's eerie sounds of struggle as another man stepped on her chest without a care, she couldn't stop pacing, and climatically feeling at fault. The tears were falling down her face, but they did nothing to quell her rage. Shawn was quiet; he was trying his best to push away the growing dread; the thought of him being the cause of the pain etched so deeply into his wife's face made him sick to his stomach.

"I was only gone for ten maybe fifteen minutes," the man reached out to touch his wife's elbow but she took a step back before he could get the chance.

"Do you know what can happen in fifteen minutes? I do...because I had to watch it on a phone Shawn. A phone! I couldn't be there for'em. I couldn't hold'em tell'em it's okay none of that! All I could do was sit there watching with God knows how many other people while they got man handled, thrown around, stepped on, held down, threatened, tormented for fifteen minutes! You wanna know how that makes me feel? Like shit! I ain't shit because I told them they didn't have to worry about nobody else treating them like that because they were with me. UGHHH," she was disgusted with herself.

"Baby please, I'm sorry," he pleaded.

Bey's face was pitifully convulsed, and tears welled in her eyes; she could barely see, "just leave me alone," she said sadly and turned to head to the elevator this time.

Shawn followed her, "wait!"

They were doing it again; dancing around the inevitable elephant, but this time it was more like a loud bee buzzing through the room. One they should have swatted and grabbed. Bey swatted first. The last of her self-control diminished; she was barely holding the tears back.

"I said leave me alone," she blared so loud Shawn's ears twitched.

The thick vein in her neck told him that she was serious, but he couldn't help himself from trying to make his wife feel better.

"What can I do to make it right? What can I do to make you feel better," he couldn't control the guilt that seeped into his pores and now painted his face a shade of red.

"Unless you can go down to God knows where they took my kids and bring them back home where they belong, you're useless," she turned on her heel once again.

Shawn grabbed her arm lightly in an effort to stop her from leaving.

"Bey please what do you want me to do," he was desperate.

His voice was urgent, serious, but also empathetic.

He couldn't remember the last time his wife was this upset at him; probably never. The blonde ignored him and walked past him to the kitchen her heart pounded after being in the same vicinity; she needed space. Beyoncé turned the faucet on with shaky hands filling her small glass and rushed the cool water to the back of her throat. She stood there a moment looking out of the window into the dimly lit pool area where Chloe spent many evenings under the stars with herself.

"Baby," Shawn sighed.

The plate narrowly missed Shawn's head as it broke against the floor. She hadn't intended it to hit him. But she didn't care if it did either. Rage, overwhelming rage. She kept screaming at him, asking the same question.


"Please tell me how to help," tears cascaded down the man's face.

"First, I need you to grab a suitcase," she started suddenly calm.

Shawn was still holding it together; somewhat. She had never spoken like this to anyone; not to this extent. Still, he never wavered. He stayed locked in eye contact with her, his heart racing and breaking at her words, realizing the weight of them and how easily they slipped from her tongue.

"Please leave," she held her palm to her forehead suddenly feeling dizzy, "you asked what you could do to make me feel better. That's what you could do... you could leave," the woman put her elbows on the counter and sighed.

She used the counter to keep herself up and she loudly sobbed as the last crumble of hope forced her into the inevitable. Her babies were taken. How she would have savored those hugs this morning if she knew this would be the ending to her day. How? Why? Questions were the only reality as the rest of the world felt surreal right now.

Jay's jaw tightened as he glanced Bey's way. She had been staring at him with a repulsed gaze. He could've backed off, but he needed to find some kind of salvation for what his actions had led to.

He rounded the counter slowly, "but baby this is our home please don't do this."

Her eyes fell to the ground breaking their eye contact, "you really don't get it do you?"

She looked up once more almost sneering this time, "somebody came looking for you with guns do you not understand that? We have a five year old child coming home. I don't know what you done got yourself caught up in, running around here thinking you Mr almighty and can't be touched, but you already got two out of three taken. I'm not gonna let you put another in harms way," Her eyes watered, and she took a deep breath channeling her rage again.

Jay swallowed hard as shame washed over him. He never thought that his extra activities would come back ten fold and hit so close to home. Had he really been that stupid? So naïve? Maybe it was his ego telling him that Ace wouldn't retaliate. Well of course he would, who wouldn't? But to break code? After years of building a rep as a traditional kingpin Ace does this? What happened to no women or children being involved? Jay cast his eyes low and scrutinized the floor because to face his wife's hurt eyes was to face himself, whoever that was Shawn or Jay, and he wasn't ready to know.

She put her hair behind her ears and hung her head, "those men, your enemies, hurt my babies," she cried.

"That grown man, bigger than you, got on top of a tiny child, my child Shawn, I don't know if you knew that but she's mine, digging his big ass knees into her stomach only stopping to step on her chest Shawn. Laughing actually laughing as she coughed and screamed out the best she could that she couldn't breathe."

"My baby couldn't breathe," she banged her palm against the counter with each word.

The tears were streaming down her face. No delineation between anger or sadness.

"And they wasn't scared to show the guns either. Oh nooo we had to see those. You know what it must've been like for Chloe? Huh? Being hemmed up with somebody's arm across her neck while they threatened to shoot her if she tried to help her little sister? Imagine if somebody did that to you. How would you feel? They're innocent in all of this and still caught the brunt of it, still took on that weight," she croaked, "so if I ask you to leave this house because I can't stand to look at your face right now the least your sorry ass could do is honor my wishes."

His eyes sparkled with the glint of burgeoning tears. His shame had found a way out. He took a deep breath and sniffed in.

"What are you gonna tell Blue?"


There was an emphasis on the way she said her name that Jay couldn't quite place. It reeked of thinly-veiled stupefaction but a jest that could offer a valid critique of his fatherhood.

"Easy fix, she's five I'll tell her anything," the blonde dismissed him.

Shawn scoffed and looked away.

"What you want me to tell her the truth? Cause I could do that. How this sound? Blue daddy at some hotel because he let your sisters get attacked at a studio by some thugs and now they're gone, they not coming home," she chuckled in disbelief at her own statement.

Shawn continued to be silent. So did Bey. They existed as something unusual, raw, and vulnerable in those moments.

"Front Door"

Beyoncé expelled a heavy sigh at the sound of the alarm. She quickly turned to the sink and began splashing water over her face. She sniffed up her snot and used a paper towel to absorb the water residue. It was more like wiping away what was left of her nightmarish day.

"Bey," they heard Kelly's voice over the loudspeaker.

The blonde rubbed beneath her eyes for good measure and headed to the foyer without so much as a glance in her husband's direction.

"Mommmyy titi Kelly took me to the party and we had arts and crafts, see," Blue bounced on her tippy toes excitedly holding a glitter filled piece of construction paper.

Bey sucked up her personal feelings and plastered a smile across her face for her child. It was like putting her emotions in a closet. She'd shut the door and keep them there, and not unlike grabbing her coat, she would grab her issues when Blue was put to bed.

"Let me see," she smiled and knelt to her daughter's height.

Blue held the paper proudly, "see here's you, me, daddy, Chloe, and Halle."

Bey ran her hands over the clumpy glittery areas taking time to study the last two brown blobs with lines sticking out of them every which way that were undoubtedly supposed to be long locs.

"It's beautiful Baba," she swallowed the lump in her throat.

Kelly watched with her hand over her mouth stifling her own sob. One look at her sister she could see the suffering she was enduring at the moment.

"I'm gonna go show Chloe," the five year old took off toward the elevator.

That was it. The last of her resolve.

"Blue wait," Bey called out stopping her daughter from pressing the call button.

"Come here baby," the woman sighed.

Shawn emerged from the kitchen looking worse for wear. Kelly promptly pulled her sister into a long embrace letting her know that everything was okay. She left soon after so that the family could have time alone.

"What's wrong mommy? You look really sad," Blue said standing at her mother's side.

The blonde hoisted her daughter onto her hip and walked to the family room with Shawn following behind. She sat the child in her lap and thought about her next words carefully.

"Blue, baby," she started.

She searched her brain to figure out how to break this to a child Blue's age before deciding it'll be easier to lay it out plain.

"Chloe and Halle aren't coming home tonight," she delivered the bad news with a strained smile.

Blue, innocent, a ray of sunshine asked if they were staying the night at her grandmother's home. Beyoncé's eyes were glassy, so much so it was hard to tell when they began to water. Blue peered to her father, "with titi Solo?"

Shawn sighed figuring he had to be the one to let his child know seeing as though his wife looked lost for words.

"They won't be coming home for a while Lefty."

The child glanced at the picture still in her hands, "did they do something bad?"

She was listening, patiently waiting for the next detail, surprisingly enthralled.

Beyoncé cleared her throat finally coming back to the conversation, "um no of course not they're just," she couldn't think of anything to say that Blue would understand, "they're visiting another family."

Blue turned to face her mother, "can I go visit too?"

Bey kissed her daughter's cheek and pulled her closer. Shawn rubbed Blue's back in comfort.

"No sweetheart, but you could call them," she said.

"Okay," the girl said sadly, sensing the despondency gushing from her mother's pores.


Devon and Yara had to meet at the restaurant so she could avoid the inescapable awkward meeting her parents required her and a beaux to endure before a date. She gave the maitre'd her name and she was seated at their table next to the window. She gazed out of it skittish and lacking confidence; the city was buzzing and beautiful. Each light lit up the downtown, and the energy felt good; infectious. It was a great night for a date.

Devon hadn't been able to wipe the grin off of his face all day. He was practically humming a tune when he walked into the restaurant. Just as he stopped to give the maitre'd his name, his eyes wandered to the left landing on his date and what a sight she was to behold.

A fitted blue top with a cutout on the chest; all of it against her perfect umber skin. Her wavy hair that usually framed her face was styled in a sleek pulled back style accentuating her striking cheekbones. Devon swallowed harshly his throat suddenly becoming dry. Contrary to popular belief, this was only his second official date. His first ending so badly that he vowed to never embarrass himself like that again until he was thirty and desperate. It took two teammates and his mother to convince him to come out tonight.

"H-hey Yara," he stood straight buttoning his sport coat, beaming ear to ear, "you look beautiful."

Yara's cheeks burned as she stood gracelessly to greet her consort, "Devonnn hey," she said after nearly knocking over her cup of water.

Yara embraced the much taller boy but as quickly as it began it ended. She took her seat once more but Devon stood there; his hands in the pockets of his very expensive suit. Damn it, Yara thought. She should've listened to her first mind and wore a dress. He looked so tailored, she couldn't believe that someone could look that handsome.

"You gonna sit," she chuckled.

"Oh, s-sorry," Devon apologized, slightly embarrassed and sat in the empty seat across from the actress.

Dinner would be hard to get through, indeed. Truly, she was the most magnificent sight he'd seen; at least in real life. It was the bright blue against all that glowing copper skin. It glimmered whenever she made a move under the soft lights that illuminated the restaurant. That's what caught Devon's eye first. What did she want with an average guy like me, the boy thought.

"What," Yara asked, turning around to see what he was looking at.

"Just taking in your allure," he said with a little more confidence.

Yara couldn't help but laugh and blush a bit at how forward the statement was.

"What wine is good here?" she asked jokingly, hoping to change the feeling.

The butterflies were getting too overwhelming. Devon looked up from his menu hoping to push away the achingly familiar feeling he'd felt months prior on his first date. He'd been so nervous that he started to sweat profusely and even spilled soda in the poor girl's lap.

"I would love to drink a red with you but I'm actually still on-call, surgery," he said in his best British accent.

Devon was an athlete and thus stayed away from anything that could ruin his body and alcohol was one of those vices he strayed away from.

"Surgery," Yara let out a genuine laugh.

"Just practicing, my goal is Harvard, pre-med," he stated.

The girl nodded, "impressive."

Devon's smile was bright. Going good so far, he told himself.

"You know I was surprised when you hit me up on Insta. What made you ask me?"

The slightest hint of pink presented upon Yara's cheeks, "funny story."

Devon raised his brow and took a brisk sip of water, "how so?"

His voice was soothing to the girl's ears, "well you know my friend Yas?"

"Mmhm bit of a character," the boy nodded seriously.

"She actually sent you the message... from my account," the actress admitted.

He took a small breath and raised his gaze finally, "so this date... you didn't wanna come?"

Yara's eyes nearly bulged from their sockets, "no no I mean yes I wanted to come but," she took a breath.

"You see my friends... they knew that I wanted to talk to you, but I didn't know how to do it myself. Yas took it upon herself to hack my phone and DM you."

He kept cool until the quickest blink of his eyes divulged his understanding.

"You didn't know how to talk to me," he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Devon had had a crush on Yara since freshman year after they bumped into each other in the halls. She apologized a million times over that day even though it was partially his fault for sprinting wildly, unaware of where he was going.

"Is that so hard to believe," a flirtatious tone frolicking at the end of her words.

Devon couldn't help but consume her with his eyes and the want in them could not escape his face either.

"Well, actually yes. I mean you're Yara Shahidi, everyone knows you," he declared truthfully, holding onto a napkin that was a little more than rags after he was through with it.

"I'm just Yara," she said, turning a bit pink.

The girl's phone buzzed vehemently. She ignored it instantly not even thinking to check the name of the caller.


"Why isn't she picking up," Yasmin hurried down her far-reaching hallway until she reached her bedroom and slammed the door.

Yas sent Yara a text and stared at her phone, waiting impatiently for a response; willing her ringer to blare loudly throughout her silent room. She had been on the live scrolling through the hundreds of comments looking to see if there were any haters she had to check at her friends' expense when she saw Chloe get pushed back into her seat. The blood ran cold in her veins. The teen couldn't peel her eyes away from the screen, spellbound by the chaos that was taking place. She hadn't had years of friendship with the sister duo, but it was a rarity that anyone was invited into their usual tight knit friend circle, so Yas considered them as close friends.

The teen's door flung open causing her to flinch violently. She was greeted with a boisterous snaggletooth seven year old she called sister.

"Yas mom said to come eat," she sassed.

The cinnamon haired girl pinched the bridge of her nose, "I told her I'm not eating after five this week ZaZa."

"You're weird," the child held very similar features as her older sister.

"And you're toothless, please shut my door," Yasmin rolled her eyes as ZaZa shut the door with a loud thwack.

"Pick up, pick up," Yas went back to her phone.


"How about a couple of steaks," Devon suggested as the waiter stood nearby ready to take their orders.

"-I'm a vegetarian," Yara announced curtly.

"Oh, okay, should we go with the beet and goat-cheese salad, uhh the soup is broccoli and cheddar or squash and pumpkin, something like meat," he suggested with a nervous smile.

His mother had given him a little extra cash when she found out who exactly would be accompanying him on this date. She made him promise to be a gentleman always and go full out if he really liked her.

"Sounds good to me," Yara wasn't really as high maintenance as most people thought.

Her phone buzzed for the third time in two minutes.

"Wow, someone is really blowing you up," he handed the waitress their menus.

"Probably just some group chat about this date. My friends are really immature like that," she shrugged.

Devon chuckled, "same, on the way here I had to put my phone on do not disturb because the entire basketball team was clowning me for this being my second date."

Yara raised both her brows, "really, your second?"

He smiled again, humored by her shocked expression, "why do you seem so surprised?"

"I don't know you're a varsity basketball player who's sweet on the eyes. I just assumed..."


Yasmin was desperate to get in contact with anyone. She checked Lovie's location, texted Chloe, called Halle three times, and now in her desperate attempt, she sent out an 's.o.s' to her three long term friends.

In the sixth grade they all agreed that if anyone sent an s.o.s that meant shit was hitting the fan. An s.o.s meant a dire emergency. She knew Lovie despised being interrupted while she was out making her money, but Yasmin didn't know what happened after the live ended, for all she knew, Chloe and Halle were gunned down in the studio or somewhere beaten to a bloody pulp. She called Lovie's phone and after a series of snipped rings, it went to voicemail.


Sleep deprivation was a classic torture technique police used to get criminals to confess. After two nights of tossing and turning with money rigorously on her mind, Lovie almost gave into the strung out junkie trying to barter prices in front of her. He was a commonplace caricature crackhead, skinny, greasy, but also somehow dusty, and desperate, and irritated; probably from coming down. She was watching the antsy way the man moved. Throwing out price after price like he was reloading a gun. She hadn't bothered to speak in a minute or so because she had already given the man her set price; there's no reasoning.

"Come on, I'm good for it. Just give me half for fifteen and I gotchu sweetheart," his voice softened almost as if he set his nonexistent gun down.

Lovie had skipped out on practice again, she had sat outside a random apartment waiting for potential customers to pass by. Taking turns sitting on the stoop or in her car. She had only made one thousand today. For many dealers that would be cause for celebration, but not when pounds of heavy narcotics were involved. That's why she was still there in front of the abandoned building.

"I'll take all your shit youngin," the man griped.

Just like that, the man had loaded his 'gun' again encroaching on the teen with a crazed glint in his eyes. Lovie shrugged nonchalantly, her eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep and she looked miserable. This wasn't her first run in with an angry addict and she could bet a million dollars that it wouldn't be her last.

"Try it," she chuckled.

The man held his glare, his nostrils flared in anger.

"You see buddy over there across the street?"

The addict whipped his head around to a sizable man sitting casually on a bus stop eyeing the two. This man was built like a brick wall. He looked like the type of man whose mother had died in childbirth, who was always in the top percentile, The Mountain. The person or persons who took him down had to have magical powers or it was an unfair fight. In reality, she didn't know the man, had never seen him a day in her life, but the junkie didn't need to know that.

"He'll make sure you're lying in a pool of your own vomit by morning with a needle up your arm. Now, either buy something at full price or get the hell out of my face. You fucking reek," she turned her nose up.

This junkie, nonetheless, was no magician, and this he knew.

"I'm sorry," he took a step back, loosening the grip to the butt of his 'gun'.

This frail man could not be the same person who threatened her just seconds ago. She looked at his genuine apologetic eyes. Lovie could tell the man was a gentle spirit who had allowed the harshness of the drugs to get the better of him. He pulled out fifty dollars and handed it to the teen with sunken, sullen eyes. Lovie's heart pounded as she reached into her bag and handed over a small bag of cocaine with shaky hands. It's people like her that created people like him; slaves to the poison she fed them.

Lovie watched as the man ambled down the street muttering incoherently to himself. Her phone rang loudly pulling her gaze away. She sighed deeply, reaching into her pocket.

YassyYas🤪🥰: S.O.S

The girl gulped watching as her fingers typed like greased lightning across her keyboard.

LovieLUV💕💗: What's going on??!!!

YassyYas🤪🥰: My house NOW!!


Beans found himself peddling like his life depended on it down the busy Los Angeles streets. He hadn't had a car since his parents revoked his driving privileges after a slew of speeding tickets arrived in the mail with his name on them.

He had been in the mirror preparing for his Beans 'power hour', which consisted of obnoxious shirtless selfies followed by a ridiculous amount of self praise, when he received the daunting text from Yas. An s.o.s? That could mean anything! He peddled harder panting and wheezing like he had been riding for hours. He and Yasmin resided in the same neighborhood, but the blocks were inanely long.

Just then, the sound of an emergency vehicle sounded off in the distance and the boy had to stop and let it pass him in a whir of red and white distress.

"Awe nah they done got her!"

He didn't know which 'her' he was referring to considering he was the only guy in a group full of girls, but he just knew somebody done got, got. Yas wouldn't send an s.o.s for nothing. The adrenaline urged him to follow the ambulance. He took off peddling down the blocks, street lights and signs whizzing past him. When the ambulance stopped, and turned down a street that wasn't anywhere near Yas's home, he allowed himself to breathe again.


Yara had been enjoying her salad listening to Devon tell an interesting story about how his older brother convinced him that he could fly at the tender age of five, resulting in him hopping from the top of the stairs all the way to the bottom without so much as a helmet, breaking his arm in three places. Her phone buzzed again and she let out a huff.

"Sorry," she picked up the small device embarrassed by its incessant pulsing.

Her finger went to silence it once more until an urgent message flashed across the screen.

She pushed her chair back loudly forgetting where she was, "I'm sorry, there's an emergency, I have to go!"

Devon's ears perked up, "is everything okay?"

Yara took the napkin from her lap and tossed it onto the table. She ignored the boy and scurried towards the door.

"Wait, do you need a ride? You said your driver dropped you here," he called after the girl.

Yara stopped in her tracks palming her forehead. She turned to him and nodded. Sensing the urgency, Devon threw money on the table never forgetting to tip and hot tailed it out of the restaurant to the valet.


The screech of Lovie's tires and the cartoonish coughing sounds coming from Beans as he willed air back into his lungs announced their arrivals. Two seconds later, the pitter patter of heels against concrete could be heard from behind the two. They turned to see Yara waving goodbye to Devon in an all black Rolls Royce. All three headed towards Yas's door without a word, but the scorched stares they passed along spoke clearly. They were terrified. Beans pounded on the door waiting for a response. He grabbed his phone to call Yasmin, when he noticed the text messages he failed to read earlier. She wanted to know if anyone else had tuned into Chloe and Halle's live. What the hell did that have to do with an s.o.s coming to his phone?

The door opened, and Yas stood completely fine. Limbs intact, air pumping in and out of her lungs. She wasn't dead. Thank God she was alive! Beans looked annoyed. Lovie scanned the girl in front of her from head to toe checking for any abnormalities.

Yara let out a puff of air she'd been holding, "what's going on," she asked, folding her arms.

"Took y'all long enough! Am I the only person that keeps their phone on them," Yas exclaimed.

"What's the s.o.s for," Lovie got out.

She broke about one hundred traffic laws trying to get down to Yas's house in a timely manner and if this was one of her existential crises involving her body or face Lovie just might attack.

"Come to my room," Yas turned on her heel and ran up the steps.

Yara, Lovie, and Beans eyed one another still on the doorstep.

"This better be good," Lovie peered from underneath her brows entering the house first.

Yara unceremoniously moved too, hanging out in the foyer of the home. She looked slightly surprised at Yas galloping up the stairs and heading back to her room before slowly following.

After they were all settled next to one another on the huge round couch Yas had added to her room months prior, the teen closed her door and whipped out her phone turning it towards her friends.

"Tell me you've seen this," she said but it came out like a question.

Yara sat in the middle, so she grabbed the phone from Yas's hands allowing Beans and Lovie to look on.

"I-I don't understand," the actress stammered once the horrible video ended.

Lovie looked like she'd seen a ghost. She got up and left the room. She was running on way too much coffee, minimal sleep, and frustration. As they watched the video, Yas couldn't help but stare at her friend's brown eyes, eyes that seemed like they absorbed everything around them, soft, kind, but almost intimidating at times. Coupled with a depth of insight Yasmin wanted to know more about but was also strangely apprehensive about.

She said she'd call if she heard from Chloe or Halle and made up a poor excuse about needing to make money. Yasmin didn't believe her. Lovie's eyes darkened when she lied, the innocent light quickly snuffed out. It always bothered her how easily her friend could tell a tale. Still, Yasmin nodded and told her she understood and to call once she was in the house safely.

Yara pulled out her phone and dialed Chloe's number, "straight to voicemail," she sighed.

"It's been like that for an hour now. I've tried calling both," Yasmin appeared flustered.

"What do we do," Beans asked after a while.

With a posture resembling an admired queen, Yas tapped her chin in deep thought, "I say we go to their house to see if they're okay. Then we trace the guys in the video and make sure they get what they deserve."

"So this is a plot to kill four huge guys that look like they could rip us to shreds just by looking our way... great," Yara sighed taking off her heels.

Yasmin gave Yara a pointed look, "we're not killing anybody, maniac, but are we supposed to let them get away with this? What happened to the feminist Yara who protested the football team because they didn't allow girls to try out? I mean Chloe and Halle are a part of this group are they not?"

"Group not gang Yasmin, God," Yara's head thumped hard.

Beans looked between the two girls but didn't offer anything to the conversation.

"Same thing. If it was one of you we'd be pulling out all the stops right now trying to at least get in touch. Yara you have Beyoncé's number right?"

"- Yes but I doubt if she'll want to hear from me right now while her children are in trouble Yas. I'm not calling her," Yara slouched on the sofa.

Beans sat up and turned to Yara, "then you'll give us her address."

Yara scoffed, "-wha- you think just because I went to their house a couple times I just have their address handy?"

"Yes," Yasmin and Beans said in unison.

"Well I don't...besides, even if I did, I wouldn't be able to give it to you," the actress shrugged.

Yasmin plopped down on her bed, "well we'll keep trying their cells until they answer. If we can't get in touch with them by morning, I say we go to the studio they were last seen and ask questions."

Beans raised a brow, "why are you so sure somebody would talk to us?"

"I always get what I want," Yasmin said in a duh tone.


Can we all take it down, down, down? Can we all take it down? Slow, slow, down

My chest hurts. It stings like I'm about to have a heart attack or something. Please God wake me up! I'm ready! I went to church last week. Didn't you see me? Couldn't you hear me? I'm right here. I'm breathing. Barely, but my pulse is there. I closed my eyes hoping that maybe I'd be back home, but I could feel the heat rising through my cheeks from pure embarrassment.

"Yes, that would be very helpful." Karen said to her husband as he walked further into the house.

I have no idea what she was referring to because my mind was focused on the hateful specimen in front of me. Alana was watching me avoid her eyes and it was an unneeded ego boost for her. I could tell because of the grin on her face. This cannot be happening. Out of the millions of people who called California home we were brought here? Was this some kind of cruel joke? Had I unknowingly stolen some enshrined religious artifacts from a sacrosanct and thus cursed for the rest of my stay here on Earth? Why of course I had. That's the only logical explanation I could come up with.

"Chloe, Halle, this is my daughter Alana. Vivian told me you two go to Lexington which is crazy because so does she. I take it you all haven't met," the woman smiled.

Halle opened her mouth to speak but Alana was too quick.

"No, I can't say we have," she stuck out her hand for me to shake.

(A/N : I know she's not white but for the sake of plot she is 🤣)

The ache in my chest intensified and my throat went dry. There were too many eyes on me and I just wanted to scream. To save face, I shook the girl's hand wondering where she was going with this. I eyed Halle from the corner of my eye already knowing the death glare I'd be receiving.

"Nice to meet you," I played along.

"Likewise," she grit out.

Alana clocked the sneer Halle wore and didn't think to do the same to her. Instead she plastered a faux smile on her face and turned to her mother.

"I didn't know you still fostered."

Karen slipped a piece of hair behind her ear, "well I didn't but Vivian here needed a favor, besides it's only temporary."

I looked to my social worker who had a smile upon her face.

"Oh, well I would love nothing more than to have fellow Lexington students over for a while. You know what they say. Lexington only accepts the best of the best," Alana smiled.

"That's the spirit," Vivian nodded, "well, I'll head out it's getting pretty late. Karen, thank you so much for the last minute decision. Please give Brian my thanks as well," she turned to me and handed my phone over.

"You girls have my number," she handed Halle her phone as well, "please use it any time day or night, with my job I'm never off the clock okay?"

I nodded never taking my eyes off of my adversary.

"You have a charger," Halle ignored Vivian and turned to Karen.

I couldn't fault her for that. They all said the same thing anyway. The only one I believed was Angela and that's only because of her kinship with Bey.

"Of course, I'll be right back. Talk to you soon Vivian," Karen headed up the steps.

"See you," Vivian made her exit out of the front door.

All that was left was Halle, Alana, and I standing awkwardly by the front door.

"What, you couldn't get enough of me at school? You had to resort in home invasion? I get the hype. I mean just look at me. If I wasn't me I'd be obsessed too," she smirked.

Halle folded her arms across her chest, "you're delusional if you think for a second we would willingly leave our home to spend one night in this," Halle looked around the Hardings' home, "in this dump."

Alana stepped closer to us looking down with an angry glint, "watch it now mini me. You're in my house now."

Halle held her arm out in front of her so Alana wouldn't get too close, "you don't remember what happened just this week when you tried us? You didn't get enough when Lovie smacked spit from your mouth in the locker room?"

Alana's eyes swiftly darted over her shoulder toward the stairs, "keep your voice down you little ingrate. She caught me off guard and as for you," she stepped closer to me, "you just made my job a little more easy. We're gonna have so much fun."

Just then, Karen was back with the phone charger in towe.

"Thank you Mrs. Harding," Halle smiled wide and ran off to find an outlet, I'm guessing.

Alana was back to her faux smile. My fingers clinched to my palms at my sides.

"Oh you two must be starving, Brian's just finishing up dinner," Karen explained.

To be honest, she didn't seem too bad of a person, but if she had anything to do with Alana's upbringing, I couldn't help but to think that somewhere in her was the same hateful energy that her daughter exuded. I'll just have to wait until it shows its face.



With the promise of food, Karen pulled Halle away from the charging phone and into the dining room. The room was beautifully decorated. It looked like something pulled straight from a magazine, but it didn't hold a flame to the one back home. Chloe noticed the disinterested look across Brian's face. She also noticed the blonde bird next to him chirping away at nothing and laughing in a high pitched giggle that could've broken the glasses at the table. Chloe and Halle inhabited the last two empty chairs. They went around the table going through the pleasantries of empty but ultimately interrogative questions, the usual table talk, "how was your day, what's your name again, where will we be sleeping," but when it was Chloe's chance to speak Alana's disposition went completely downhill. Alana couldn't stand to look at her and watching Halle whisper whatever the hell she was whispering in Chloe's ear made her blood spike. Halle couldn't care less that she was in her sister's rival's home chopping it up with her parents because she had drawn a target in the middle of the tanned forehead across the table long ago.  It could've been Michael Jackson risen from the dead sitting across the table and the young girl wouldn't care. She wanted to go home.

In Karen's eyes they were all getting along well. Halle was adorable, but Chloe was kind of quiet which worked for her because she was a talker. Brian was a renowned senator and Karen was his arm candy who was made to smile and nod when in the room surrounded by politicians and other lawmakers, so when given the opportunity she was loose lipped.

"So uh Chloe," Brian looked to Halle with a raised brow.

"It's Halle Ha•lee," the girl corrected for the third time since taking her seat.

Alana rolled her eyes discreetly and then glared at Chloe. Brian cleared his throat and sat up straighter in his seat, "well um you girls haven't touched your food."

Chloe and Halle peered at their plates in disgust; baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and string beans lay there unseasoned.

"We're vegan we can't eat that," Halle deadpanned.

"Beggars can't be choosy that's what mom always says," Alana smiled.

"Alana, your mouth! Just try the string beans sweetie," Karen insisted.

Halle pushed her seat away from the table and folded her arms, "you're not my mother!"

Brian choked on his food and took a sip of water. Alana's fork clattered, "do not talk to my mom that way!"

Karen's eyes bulged from her skull as she stood, "Alana calm down."

"But she"

"Honey, you know how this goes when someone's adjusting...please," the blonde woman said calmly.

Chloe began to fan herself. Why is it so hot in here, she thought. Brian's face held a scowl and Karen's thousand watt smile faltered as the couple stared the Bailey's way. The fifteen year old didn't know what to do, so she began apologizing.

"I'm so sorry Mr and Mrs. Harding we've had a long day. Please forgive my sister and her mouth. She doesn't mean any harm," Chloe attempted to convey her deepest apologies with knitted brows and doe eyes.

"My mouth," Halle questioned.

The oldest was only trying to preserve the peace. She didn't know these people at all and her nerves were already on one.

"It's okay sweetie, I understand," Karen took her seat once more.

Still standing, Alana rolled her eyes her envy surfacing for the first time. Chloe just absorbed the look, she could tell Alana had her parents wrapped around her finger, and she didn't desire to come between that. It could only cause more trouble.

Karen got up to use the restroom; probably to talk about everything not said at the table with her daughter, and Brian could no longer control his tongue.

"So you said you girls go to school with Alana? How is it that you two could afford that kind of tuition with being in foster care," he probed then stabbed with his words.

Halle's eyes flashed an annoyance but that smile was back masking it, "funny you ask because I was gonna ask the same thing judging from this modest home of yours," she looked around at the wall decor.

Her gaze fell upon a small porcelain cat figurine flanking an equally disturbingly tacky unicorn inside a hutch and she realized that she was nowhere near home.

Halle met the brunette man's eyes, "oh sorry I didn't mean anything by that. Your's cozy, snug as a bug in a rug," she kept her smile despite the look the man gave her.

Chloe read the look on his face as she watched Brian stare at Halle who was now asking who his interior decorator was. The splinter dug into her heart again, but she snapped out of it when she heard the sound of Halle's phone ringing from the other room. The younger girl quickly moved from the table and bolted to the family room leaving Chloe alone.

"Well I guess that's dinner," Brian chuckled, "you can go ahead I'll clean up in here."

With a nod, Chloe stood and headed to the family room where she found her sister sitting on the floor in a corner crying into her phone.

"Mama I wanna come home," she heard Halle plead into the phone.

Chloe didn't know how to feel hearing her sister refer to Bey as mom, but she knew what she didn't feel. She didn't feel like dying inside like she did whenever Halle referred to Mike as her dad. Chloe inched toward her sister. She yearned to speak with Bey as well. She sat next to Halle just as Bey posed her next question.

"Are the people nice," it was clear to Chloe that Bey was holding back tears, "hey baby," the blonde smiled warily once Chloe's face came into view.

"I can't stay here," the oldest whispered.

"Why, what's going on," Bey rushed out.

She was searching Chloe's face for the answer. Her tone made Bey a little nervous. Chloe quickly shook her head. She didn't know how to say I'm living with my arch enemy and I think she's going to try and kill me in my sleep in a way that wouldn't make Beyoncé panicky. Bey's head dropped and she looked away from the camera.

"I'm so sorry," she broke down.

"Don't cry," Chloe wiped the tear that escaped her eye.

"Do you feel safe there," Bey croaked.

Chloe and Halle eyed each other Halle shook her head no but Chloe nodded stiffly. She didn't like anyone worrying on her account at all, but somehow in this moment, Chloe liked the feeling of having Beyoncé worry over her. She hadn't experienced that in a while.

"Okay one says no and the other yes. Somebody talk to me please," she urged.

Halle sniffed up her snot, "well it's this girl from school and she hates us, and we're in her house."

"She hates you? Why you think that?"

"Because... she makes it known," the thirteen year old said vaguely.

Bey nodded, "try and stay away from her as best as y'all can. How many people live in the house?"

Chloe moved closer in frame, "from what I could tell just three, Mr and Mrs. Harding and their daughter Alana. They have a son but I'm not sure if he lives here."

Beyoncé nodded again and began apologizing profusely before drying her tears with a Kleenex. She couldn't pretend for much longer that the conversation they were having was normal.

"They show y'all where you sleeping" the superstar asked.

"Not yet," Chloe answered warily.

That had been on her mind since she stepped foot in the home. Where would she be sleeping? Would they put her in an attic? Would she have to get creative and make a makeshift pallet on the floor? Did they have any empty closets big enough for two people to lay their heads?

"Y'all sleep together. Don't sleep in separate rooms not until y'all come home," she said with a serious tone.

"Okay," they nodded.

"Do we have to go to school tomorrow," Halle's side was now throbbing and she couldn't imagine herself bustling through the hallways from one end to the next in under four minutes.

"Not if you don't want to," Bey replied.

"We need chargers. We left ours at the studio," Chloe gripped her dead phone in her hand.

"Okay, Vivian is coming by to get a few of your items in the morning so I'll pack two. Anything else y'all need?"

"Food," Halle rushed out.

"They don't have food?"

"They do, but nothing vegan and Alana said beggars can't be choosy," Halle whined.

Bey sighed heavily, "I'll make sure a care package is sent out. What do y'all want to eat now? I'll have something delivered."

The blonde had already checked Halle's location, so she had the address.

Halle shrugged her shoulders, "anything," she said sadly.

In that moment Bey knew just how broken Halle was. Food was her safe haven; her security blanket. She usually lit up just by the mention of it. Now she seemed a shell of herself.


"Don't touch me I said I'm fine," Halle leaned away from the doctor who tried to examine her chest.

The girl had contusions that were beginning to change colors from what Dr. Lee could see. Shawn had stepped out of the room because the exam required Halle to remove her shirt. Dr. Lee had been given a rundown on the situation prior to stepping foot in the room, so she knew that examining the girl's stomach was necessary as well. Chloe stood helpless on the opposite side of the hospital cot.

"Halle honey it'll be quick I just have to see if there's anything bruised or broken either in your ribs or any abnormalities in your breathing," Dr. Lee explained.

Halle allowed her tears to fall and mix in with her snot, "can you do it with my shirt on?"

"Checking your breathing and your ribs, yes you'll just have to lift it up a tad, but your chest I need to see. I'm not gonna hurt you honey," the woman assured.

"Can you call my mom please? Her phone number is 323 537-–"

"She's already been notified on which hospital you were taken to. Would you like to wait until she gets here," the doctor reached out to touch Halle's arm when she asked her question and the girl flinched.

Her heart rate sped up and she shook her head to bring herself back down; unable to take deep breaths from the debilitating pain that radiated through her torso.

"Yes please," Halle hung her head low.

When Beyoncé and Julius reached the ED everything was in chaos. There were crying babies, arguing families, and an angry mob standing in line to fill out paperwork. It was so much going on that they were able to slip through unnoticed. Beyoncé's heart dropped as the elevator doors closed before her. She had no idea what kind of state they'd been in. Of course Shawn had told her that the girls were fine but still needed to be seen by a doctor. However, he had a tendency to try and spare her feelings. The blonde tapped her fingers on her thigh watching the numbers light up with an ugly green color as the lift took them to the sixth floor.

The children's ward.

She had only been in pediatrics whenever Blue had a doctor's appointment, never for an emergency. The ding of the elevator snapped Bey out of the far away land she attempted to take herself.

The floor was quiet until a mother and daughter walked by. The little girl had a large cut on her forehead that bled through the bandage. Her mother looked terrible; her left eye was swelling and her cheek was red and beginning to bruise. Immediately her mind went to her girls and how she prayed they didn't look that way. With a knew pep in her step, she ran down the hall searching for the room number Shawn had given her.

615 615

Julius took extended strides searching frantically for the number as well. Once they passed room 614 Beyoncé slowed her steps. She could see her husband sitting outside the room further down with his head hung past his shoulders. He sat frustrated trying to figure out what in the world he was going to say before Beyoncé showed up, but at least he knew he was sorry for leaving.

"Where are they," she blurted out once he looked up after feeling her hard gaze.

Shawn pointed to the exam room and Bey scrunched her face up.

"By themselves? Why aren't you in there with them," her blood boiled.

"I was asked to leave," he stated.

"Asked to leave? What the h–" she didn't finish her sentence before she pulled the door open without so much as a knock.

Bey stormed into the exam room and immediately laid eyes on Halle. She was sitting on the bed with her legs dangling off the side; she didn't look her age at all. More like a scared six year old awaiting a shot. The woman's gaze landed on Chloe and the girl was shaking like a leaf. Time seemed to move slow as she scanned their bodies for injuries. Halle hopped from the cot and took off quickly toward Beyoncé. The two held each other tightly before they began sobbing. Bey pulled away first needing Chloe near. The blonde didn't have to say a word. She simply turned in Chloe's direction and the teen meandered her way seemingly hanging by a thread. Bey wasted no time peppering their faces with kisses and telling them how happy she was that they were alright.

"Mrs. Carter," the doctor called.

Bey hadn't even noticed that there was another person in the room with them. She turned to the woman in the white coat giving her full attention.

"Ma'am," she said.

"I need to take a look at the contusions on Halle's chest and also check her ribs for any sensitivities before I clear her," Dr. Lee stated.

Halle held onto Bey's waist and Chloe held her hand. The blonde eyed Halle who shook her head. Beyoncé sighed knowing all too well the scene that was about to take place.

"Lil bit, let's just get the exam over with so we could go home okay," Beyoncé rubbed Halle's back with her free hand.

Again Halle shook her head.

"Why not baby," she asked, "don't you want to go home," the woman tried to reason.

Chloe stared at her sister begging her in her head to get the exam over with so they could get out of the nasty hospital. She could feel the ache of lost souls and heartbreak ooze from the walls. Hospitals meant death. At least in her eyes.

"Yeah but she wants me to take my shirt off," Halle whispered the last part.

Neither Bey or Chloe had broken their gaze on her, but the burden of her words was beginning to connect in a cataclysmic doom that the oldest teen had tried to push away for months or replace with all of her avoidance and anger at the truth. Chloe's heart sank even before her sister uttered the words. Bey closed her eyes and Chloe's fell to the ground.

The woman understood that at thirteen everyone was insecure or iffy about showing their bodies, but Halle's indecision was deeply rooted in years of abuse and sexual trauma.

"I'll be right here, nothings gonna happen," she coaxed.

Chloe didn't want to bring him into her new life, but here he was again inside these very walls haunting them.

Surprisingly, Bey let go of Chloe's hand only to lift Halle like she was Blue's size. Naturally, Halle's legs wrapped around Bey's middle and she nestled her head into the woman's shoulder. Dr. Lee looked on as mother and daughter had a profound moment full of warm affection and an intimacy no one could touch. Bey walked back and forth in the room cradling Halle, cooing indistinct mantras into her ear to which the girl sniffled and nodded ever so often. The moment brought tears to Chloe's eyes. She wished she could do that; allow someone in so easily without walls holding her back.

After a while, the blonde sat Halle down on the cot. She gave her a slight nod and the girl sluggishly grabbed the end of her shirt. Chloe paid close attention to the way Halle trembled lifting the shirt above her head. This must've been what she felt like during her encounters with that, that devil. The oldest knew that feeling all too well. Chloe felt her heart race and her stomach sour. Her mouth watered excessively as she barely made it over to the garbage to throw up. Those thoughts had literally sickened her as she stood over the trash can dry heaving. The emotions were like two oceans that weren't supposed to merge but they had and they were drowning her. She didn't protect her sister then and she couldn't protect her sister now.

"Chlo," Bey called out suddenly alarmed.

Dr. Lee asked her a series of questions all of which Chloe answered meekly claiming that she was fine.

Halle covered her nonexistent chest grateful that she decided to wear a bra today.

"Could you lay back for me sweety," Dr. Lee asked.

—lay back baby girl—

Tears welled in Halle's eyes. She didn't want to lay back. She peered to Bey with knitted brows shaking her head.

"It's okay baby," her voice was smooth.

The girl allowed the tears to fall as she laid back on the scratchy hospital paper that covered the cot. There were circular red bruises trailing her stomach. Her chest was a dark purple color and Bey could make out as clear as day a footprint right in the middle. The woman couldn't react how she wanted, which was to scream and throw something because she had to be the adult in the situation.

"Mild chest hematoma," Dr. Lee placed her gloves on and began to knead at the girl's stomach.

"Sllll owww," Halle complained loudly.

"Ribs Eight and nine are definitely bruised. Luckily there's no cracks or breaks," the doctor announced more for herself than anyone else.

"Can you take a deep breath for me," she asked as if she were examining a three year old.

Halle nodded and followed instructions.

"How'd that feel? Any pain when you breathe in or out?"

"Only a little," she answered truthfully.

Bey stroked her hair and Chloe walked closer to her foster mother so that they were both looking down at the girl.

Dr. Lee placed her stethoscope against Halle's chest, "one more big breath for me."

Halle inhaled the best she could without causing herself anymore pain.

"Good job," Bey and Dr. Lee helped the girl sit up and Beyoncé placed Halle's shirt over her head pulling her arms through the holes.

"Mom, she needs to apply an ice pack to her right side for twenty minutes three times a day. If her pain increases, any over the counter pain reliever should help. Same with her chest she needs that swelling to go down otherwise she's okay," the doctor tossed her gloves in the garbage.

Bey nodded unable to put words together at the moment. Just hours ago both Chloe and Halle were perfectly fine. She didn't have to worry about icing anything or over the counter medicine.

"I'll go print out a summary of their emergency room visit and one of the nurses will bring it. After that you're all good to go. Should I send in your husband," Dr. Lee asked.

"Yes please, thank you," the blonde rested her cheek on Chloe's head as she embraced her.

Beyoncé pulled a chair near the hospital bed and took a seat. She pulled Chloe into her lap and allowed herself to revel in the girl's presence. Halle looked on with a pout but unfortunately Bey's lap could only hold but one at a time.

"Are you okay?"

Bey whispered in the girl's ear as the oldest of her bunch rested her head on her chest.

Chloe nodded.

It helped that it wasn't a lie. There was absolutely nothing wrong with her; physically. However, the blonde wasn't referring to physical wounds. She needed to know what was going on in Chloe's mind that caused her to throw up. She rocked slightly side to side holding the girl close.

"You sure?"

Chloe nodded once more.

Bey could see it in her eyes that she was holding back, telling a lie, and not being honest about her feelings. Sweet Chloe, she was even sweeter when she was showing kindness, kindness in the form of sparing others' feelings by withholding her own.

There was a knock at the door and Shawn entered shortly after followed by Solange and Tina; eyes filled with concern.

Tina's smile, however bittersweet, was welcomed.

Shawn hadn't said much when he joined his family, even less when Tina went into grandmother mode asking a million and one questions that the girls had already told the police. Nothing as Solange attempted to put a smile on Halle's face by showing her a video of Julez failing miserably at starting a rap career.

The man rubbed the back of his neck clenching the middle as if it could solve his silence.

Beyoncé's big hazel eyes demanded one to give into them; Shawn wasn't immune. From across the room, he locked eyes with his wife. No words needed to be passed because he could feel her energy. It was sweltering; fiery like an oven. The complete opposite of the teen still in her clutches. Sweet was all that was left in Chloe's eyes as Tina posed her last question.

"What happened after the camera cut off?"

The entire drive over the elder woman couldn't help but to think of the worst. Beyoncé and Solange eyed each other as they awaited the answer.

"Nothing, he let me go," Chloe said truthfully.

"He just let you go? He didn't do anything else," the woman probed.

Chloe shook her head.

The Knowles family knew that Chloe had a tendency to tell half truths to herself and everyone around her, so Tina turned to Halle for confirmation.


The girl fidgeted with the white paper underneath her thighs, "they left."

A light knock was heard at the door and an aged nurse doting a warm smile had entered with papers, "who's mom?"

Solange looked to her sister who appeared hesitant to speak up, "she is," the curly haired woman pointed to Bey.

The nurse was somehow a pleasant disruption because Chloe hadn't really pinpointed how she was feeling and the little she said to Tina was as much as she had figured out.


"Could you go and get Mrs. Harding," the name felt wrong leaving Bey's mouth.

Chloe stood up pulling her shirt past her waistband and strolled into the kitchen where Karen assisted her husband in clearing the table. She stared at them nothing leaving her mouth for a while. The Hardings might be decent people she thought, but she was still in a house she found uncomfortable to inhabit.

"Th-there's someone on the phone for you," the teen looked at Karen.

Puzzled, the woman glanced at her husband and back at the child in front of her, "for me?"

Chloe nodded nervously. Karen immediately took the cue and walked out of the kitchen following Chloe's direction down the hall to the secluded space on the floor Halle had occupied a few minutes before.

When Halle held out the phone to her temp foster parent, Karen raised a brow, "who is it," she whispered.

"Our mom," Halle deadpanned.

Mom? She could've sworn Vivian said that they were orphans. Hesitantly, the woman took the phone into her hands. She turned the screen her way and was met with a puffy eyed, red rimmed Beyoncé.

On the double, Karen began to fix her hair, "hi, she smiled, "you wanted to speak with me?"

Bey studied the woman's face trying to burn it into her memory, "hi, yes the girls are worried about school tomorrow and I think it's best that they stay home."

"With all do respect Mrs. Carter, we take school very serious around here and so does Ms Ward. I don't know if they can stay home."

The singer had to bite her tongue in order to keep her composure realizing that things wouldn't get solved by lashing out.

"With all do respect, Mrs. Harding I know my girls and they need at least one day from school after something like this. There's gonna be tons of paparazzi hounding them with questions and after something so traumatizing I really don't want them in the public eye for a while. I'm sure you understand."

Beyoncé honestly wanted to pull them out of school all together and have them homeschooled, but she'd have to bite the bullet until they were under her care again.

Karen peered from the phone to the two girls standing by with wide eyes and sighed.

"I guess one day wouldn't hurt," she nodded.

"Thank you, now, they do require bodyguards and drivers so the girls know to call before they leave the house for someone to be there," Bey stated.

Karen felt a headache coming on. She was used to hiring detail for her husband whenever there was an important election coming up, but a day to day bodyguard was truly too much. The woman's mind went back to the call she received earlier that day from Vivian explaining Chloe and Halle's situation. If only they had bodyguards then.

"Will do," Karen agreed.

"Thank you so much uhh..."

"Karen," the lady helped Bey out.

There was an awkward pause over the line as Bey took in the irony of the name, "Karen...thank you."

The woman handed the phone to Chloe this time and left them to finish their conversation in private.

"She seems... nice," Bey admitted.

Chloe nodded agreeing. No one said anything they were just content being able to see each other's faces. The girls heard Shawn's voice asking if it was them on the phone. Bey looked off of the camera and nodded her head. He asked could he speak for a second and Bey turned back towards the screen.

"Y'all wanna talk to Shawn?"

Halle rolled her eyes after hearing the name and Chloe shook her head no. The woman couldn't blame them. She didn't even want to speak to him at the moment and he was her husband; her life partner.

"Okay Well call me back after Karen shows y'all to your rooms. I'm gonna order your food now. I love y'all," she smiled.

"I love you too," Halle said.

There wasn't anything robotic about it. No fear behind it, just genuine whole hearted love.

Chloe thought for a moment and realized those words did express her feelings towards the woman. Of course she loved her. She cherished the woman with every ounce of her being, but it was communicating those feelings that the girl had an issue with. Chloe waved goodbye before ending the call.


Once upon a time, a little girl named Lovie had an amazing twin sister; Reiyo. Reiyo had thick auburn coils, an intoxicating laugh, a fierce love of music, and a sharp tongue if need be. Lovie felt unstoppable whenever they were together, like a giant. They inflated each other from their broken home whenever their parents would fight. Lovie was mended in Reiyo's presence. Her favorite thing to hear was Reiyo's beautiful voice as she sang so passionately that Lovie was convinced every song was solely for her.

Here she was sitting outside of her home listening to the last song Reiyo sent to her email. Most of the time she would sit in her car for hours waiting until the lights went out in her comfortless home, but not today. The teen paused the song and pulled her phone out pulling up the video of her newfound friends. She fast forwarded it to the very end.

—My nigga Ace sends his best regards

She drug her finger across the screen to rewind the video

—My nigga Ace sends his best regards

One more time she thought to herself.


The audio seemed distorted like a malignant spirit had taken over the man she knew as her uncle Dre making his voice shrewd and drawn out. She couldn't understand why her dad's people would do that to kids, girls at that. The rule had always been no women or children, so why was it broken here? Why did her dad even have bad blood with Jay in the first place? Part of her irritation came from the fact that she actually liked Chloe and Halle; she respected them. Then there was that name. That stupid fucking name that seemed to follow her everywhere she went; Ace. She felt the need to spit any time it was said in her presence. A name she wasn't even allowed to utter because it was her father and he commanded respect.

Sometimes to quell her anger she thought about Reiyo and how she'd dismiss their father with the pop of her gum and a flick of her hair.

Reiyo would play in Lovie's hair pretending they were at an African shop and tell jokes to cheer her up. Those memories held her as she ogled her home. She could hear shouting. It was her father. He was probably angry that her uncle Dre said his name clear as day on video, but that's what he gets for dealing with incompetent hood niggas that didn't have any couth about themselves. The want to laugh in her father's face was the only thing that pulled her from the driver's seat.

When her phone pinged, she hoped it was either Bailey replying to the group chat but it was Yara giving her an update. Apparently Halle replied to one of her texts saying she was gonna call in a few. Lovie let out a relieved breath as she unlocked the doors to her home.

"That ain't how this shit is about to go," Anthony seethed in the other room.

The girl tiptoed up the stairs ensuring she was nimble enough for her footsteps to go unheard.

"You speak when you walk into somebody's house," she heard her father.


The teen turned around, her face twisted in a disgusted-rage at the sight in front of her, "why did you do it?"

"Imma call yo punk ass back," Anthony said into the phone.

"They're my friends," the girl yelled from the staircase.

Ace seemed genuinely confused, "who?"

Lovie clenched her fist, "the girls your ugly ass gang members decided to harm at the studio! You call the shots you could've called them off! They're innocent, just like –"

The teen had to take a breath, "they have as much to do with what you and Jay have going on as any of your children have to do with the shit you choose to put yourself through. Except Jay's smarter, he doesn't have his girls selling! And you're stupid they said your name on video. Now everyone's gonna be after you once you're green lit. You know the O.Gs can't stand it when code is broken. No matter what they claim, they're coming for you, and I'm not gonna be here when all hell breaks loose. I'm not gonna get caught in anyone's crossfire because your gremlins wanted to be sloppy. I'm getting the hell out of here!"

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. See 1. Lovie came into her father's house and disrespected him. Opposite reaction See 2. Anthony ordered Lovie to her room and demanded she stayed there, spewing every obscenity in the book at her.

She immediately began packing, throwing clothes left and right into a suitcase. She went into her bathroom grabbing a few toiletries and stuffed it any which way into the bag. Her hand lingered on a framed photo of her, Reiyo, and their little brother Cassious from Christmas two years so. She clutched it under her arm and rolled her suitcase to the door. The knob twisted in her hands before she had the chance to try and turn it. There was another hand on it. She yanked it open.

"Where you think you going," Anthony asked.

"Away from you," she sneered.

"Girl sit yo ass down," he said with a light laugh.

Lovie attempted to move past her father. Her eyes darted, after a beat, his grew large, putting thoughts together. Quickly he pushed her back into her room snatching the suitcase from her grasp.

He had her arm gripped in his powerful hands.

"Let go."

"Stop disrespecting me," he growled.

Although smaller, Lovie wasn't exactly weak. She pulled her arm away and pushed her father back into the door, her long forearm to his throat forgetting the frame that crashed to the ground and shattered into small pieces.

"Aren't you the one who said to never let a man put his hands on me," she hissed.

Anthony's eyes relaxed a bit and he lightly pushed his daughter's arm away from his jugular.

"I'm responsible for you until you're eighteen. Plus you still owe me money. You think you can just skip town? Where would you even go?"

New York, she wanted to scream but her plans were for herself to know and for him to find out. She had fifteen thousand in the bank already for college, but she was desperate enough to blow it right now.

The man unzipped the suitcase and dumped the contents on the floor.

A single tear strolled down the girl's cheek, "why do you want to ruin my life? Why are you doing this? You don't love me. Why do you want me here so bad? Why not Reiyo?"

Anthony stroked his daughter's cheek, "because she wasn't a fuck up that had to be sent to me for discipline. I clothe you. I put a roof over your head. I put you in one of the top school schools in America and you ask me why I don't love you? This is the thanks I get for being there for my kid, my seed?"

His proclamation angered her more than she'd realized. Was he really framing himself as some sort of victim? The one who'd been taken advantage of?

The girl took a step back fearing she would strike her father at a moment's notice, "I clothe me! I put a roof over my head and I got into that school by myself you didn't even know Lexington existed until I begged and pleaded for you to pay the stupid tuition! And at least mom loves me!"

"Yo mother never wanted you, that's why you here," he said casually.


Fucking Liar!

How could he be so cruel? So, calculating? So exacting? He lied as easily as he breathed.

This was what her grandmother meant, "He's dangerous." An emotional parasite, charming at times, manipulative, glib. Hiding in plain sight. Psychopath.

Still, Lovie allowed the man's words to pierce her skin. It was true, though Reiyo and Lovie were twins they couldn't be more opposite. Reiyo took after her mother whereas Lovie resembled her father. One glance at the girl and her mother was reminded of the hell of a husband she divorced. She was very short tempered when it came to Lovie often punishing her harsher for the little mishaps both twins found themselves in. The girl took another calculated step back carefully stepping over the broken pieces of the frame. If she told her mother what he had her doing then she'd be on the first thing smoking back to New York and that's exactly what she intended to do.

"You're a liar, always have been," she stepped around her father heading for the door.

"Sit your ass down," he yelled.

The look in his eye was giving Ace instead of Anthony. Lovie pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes until she saw nothing but sparkles. She tried to sit down, but it was more like a stumble and fall that left her in a trembling heap at her desk.

"I'm tired of you walking around here with your nose turned up like you better than somebody. Like yo ass not out here doing the same shit I was doing at your age."

"And who made me do it? Who kept me up all night teaching me how to weigh, how to bag, how to deal with haggling ass dope fiends? It was you! I came down here for acting out, not selling drugs! It's disgusting and after Thursday I'm not doing it anymore. You'll have your money and I'd be gone. You won't have to worry about me coming up short," she looked to her nail beds.

Ace stepped closer to his daughter, "you of all people know once you get in this shit ain't no getting out and as for those little friends of yours, you ain't talking to them no more. Matter of fact, hand over the phone."

Lovie reached into her pocket and handed her phone over. Luckily, she kept two on her at all times, so he received her back up.

"And your back up," he said.

She slouched in her seat and blew up her cheeks, "I don't have a back up."

He shook his head, "you a drug dealer, daughter, you have a back up."

"How am I supposed to make your money back if I don't have a phone," she asked.

"You a smart girl, you'll figure it out."

The girl rolled her eyes and crossed her room. She searched her dresser for her old iPhone she still had after she upgraded and handed it to him. With the baggy jogging pants she had on, he couldn't see that there was in fact another device in her pocket.

Just as her father left and closed the door, her phone rang. She snatched the device from her pocket checking the notifications.

—Are you pulling up today?
—How much for a zip?
—I still need that 3.5

The weight of their encounter drained her. The buzz of a dying light and the thickness of the silence he left in his wake was beginning to be too much. As her fingers went to reply, she busted the phone on the floor and banged her heel against it until shards of black and silver metal flew across the room. She kept kicking and stomping hoping she could rid herself of the anger. She looked to the window, opened it and threw the remaining pieces out.

"Fuuuuck," she screamed after sitting at her desk realizing what she had done.

Half of her customers were in that phone. Half of her money was in that phone.


Chloe and Halle were at the dinner table once more, but this time they were alone. The oldest Bailey watched as the youngest scoffed down food like it had been days since she'd last eaten. She took her eyes away from her sister and allowed her orbs to take in the strange house she'd be occupying for a while. Heavy steps came from behind the duo and they turned to see who it was.

"Let's go," Alana stated flatly.

Halle looked at her sister perturbed.

"What do you want," she asked.

Alana rolled her eyes and let out a dramatic breath, "apparently to show you where you scroungers will be laying your down and out, poverty-stricken little orphan heads tonight."

Halle turned back to her food ignoring the girl.

"I said let's go," Alana slightly raised her voice.

It was not a request but a demand.

There was that tick again.

"I'm not done eating," Halle sassed.

Alana looked at the amount of food she had left in the plastic container, "I didn't ask you that."

Chloe sighed and tapped her foot, "just let her finish her food and then we'll come."

"Bitch was I talking to you?"

Chloe's chest clenched at the ease with which Alana insulted her. She couldn't even remember the last time Alana called her by her real name (if ever) and not some hurtful derogatory slur. Alana stalked towards the table getting a bit of thrill at the way Chloe stood and recoiled slightly when she neared. Her eyes flashed wide with panic as the older girl reached over Halle's shoulder and grabbed the food container.

"Give it back," the younger girl found herself whining more than she'd like.

Alana ignored her, holding the container out of her reach. Halle looked to Chloe for help but she offered nothing. Simply watched as Alana tossed the container into the garbage.

"All done Halle-Annie. Now let's go," she folded her arms across her chest glaring at the much smaller child.

Where there's smoke, there's fire. And something was starting to get hot in there.

It started from Halle's stomach, snaked its way into her chest until her air felt restricted, and finally to her eyes as thick heavy tears made her feelings known to the other girls in the room. Chloe's chest heaved as she took in the grief-stricken expression upon her sister's face. She slid her container across the table, her eyes never leaving Halle's.

"Eat," she nodded.

Halle wiped at her face and again took her seat. She lifted the fork slowly to her mouth as her sniffles slowly dissipated. Alana scoffed and attempted to do the same thing, but this time Chloe was too quick. Just as Alana blocked the door in the locker room, Chloe blocked her way to her sister. Her anger was so palpable, one would swear there were four people in the room as opposed to three. Fuming, indignant, tumultuous, Chloe's fists were balled as the two faced off. She was tired of people pushing them around thinking they had an upper hand because they were bigger or easily unhinged. She could be that too. She could act just like that if she tried really hard to push herself down and conjure up that angry hurt little girl to the surface that everyone seemed to wish to meet. Alana and Chloe were still locked in a fierce stare.

"Back up," Chloe held so much malice behind her words that Alana's glare faltered, but in a blink of an eye it was back.

Alana remained unmoved, "or...what," she seethed.

The vein in Chloe's neck flinched. The silence made Halle crane her neck to see what was happening.

Chloe's smile was so wide. Wide because she had hoped Alana asked her that. She planned it out perfectly in her head. She'd tell her to stand down, Alana would say 'or what' or something along those lines and she'd pounce.

"Exactly," Alana smirked and folded her arms.

The crack of skin contacting skin echoed off the walls. Vibrations of pain started in Chloe's palm and spread all the way to her fingertips. Her palm was bright red, the same red mark that Alana had on her cheek. The blow toppled Alana back creating space between the two. The girl stared at Chloe with her eyes wide as she cradled her face in shock. Chloe should've felt some kind of remorse. Should've dropped to her knees and asked for forgiveness, but she didn't. Not one organ in her body could produce guilt for her actions. A triumphant grin spread across her face. Halle's mouth dropped to the floor in surprise.

"Alana, did you show the girls to their rooms yet," Karen's voice called from upstairs.

Alana was still in shock.

"Your mother's talking to you, don't be rude," Chloe found herself saying.

Alana fixed her posture, "doing it now mom!"

She had a little trick up her sleeve for these two home invading bitches.


Chloe was on the floor texting Yara that she was perfectly fine. Karen had given them a set of pajamas to change into. Halle's was of course twice her size, so she rolled the sleeves up to her forearm and triple rolled her pants. Chloe, she couldn't fit her pants, but luckily the pajama shirt came to her mid thigh.

Halle laid on her back looking up towards the ceiling, "I can't believe you slapped her. It was insane! I felt like I could feel the impact from how loud it was. It was like BAM! I was like no...she... didn't. Ooh what if–"

"Halle," Chloe sighed, "I don't want you to see me like that again. Fighting and violence, it, it isn't me, and I don't want that to be you either."

Halle took her time sitting up, "girl she deserved it food is not for play play."

Chloe chuckled and nodded, "it's not."

There was a peaceful silence.

"Could you not tell anyone," Chloe asked sincerely.

"That you smacked Alana so hard she was left speechless," Halle asked.

Chloe nodded.

"Not even Lovie? She lives for this type of stuff," Halle was getting excited just thinking about laughing with the group.

Now she wanted to go to school tomorrow.

"Especially not Lovie," Chloe laughed.

She could hear all the congratulations now. It wasn't that she regretted her decision. She had thought about her actions at least twice before she brought her hand back to strike. It was the realization that she had it in her to be that way, but the girl didn't get apples from an orange tree. For the last five years that's all she was taught. Violence and brutality. In order for someone to behave how she wanted them to she had to be cruel; a savage.

Yara sat in her room surrounded by a pile of paper, flashcards, and water. Though it was late, she was busy studying for the upcoming decathlon competition, and her opponents were not about to let her off easy. If it took her all night to remember what island Alexander Hamilton immigrated from in 1772 then so be it she was pulling an all nighter. She was fifty three cards in when she received a text from Chloe. Her finger hovered over the call button before she decided to press it. She was willing to lose a few moments of study time for her friend. Yara listened to the ringer carry on. She figured Chloe wouldn't answer until finally hearing a soft voice on the other end.

"Hello," Chloe sounded a bit puzzled.

"Heyyy, how's it going," Yara asked awkwardly.

She didn't really know how to navigate the whole situation and to be honest she wanted to avoid any conversations that would make anyone uncomfortable.

"I'm fine, thanks for checking on me."

Yara sat up in her seat, "of course, are you kidding? All of us were worried. Especially Yas, the girl had an entire four man murder plot complete with places to hide the corpses."

Hearing the lively laughter forced a smile on Yara's face.

"That girl is something else," Chloe said after her chuckles died down.

The curly haired girl sighed, "yeah at this point I'm convinced everyone would have multiple mugshots if it weren't for me being the voice of reason."

There was a beat.

"It's nice to know you two are home safe though."

"Well actually," Chloe started.

Yara's eyes bulged at her tone, "don't tell me they still have you down at the station or something. I swear cops can be so incompetent."

"–We're at Alana's house," Chloe whispered.

"Sorry, come again," Yara slightly raised her voice.

There was rustling on the other end and Yara heard Halle's voice come through.

"Girl let me tell you, the state had to take us from home until they finish investigating so they say, and somehow out of eeeverybody on the planet we ended up staying with Alana's family."

Yara dropped the pen in her hand and stood in front of her bed, "so you're telling me, that you two are living like actually laying your heads in the same house as Alana? The same Alana Harding that's been harassing Chloe? The one Lovie had to have bludgeoned?"


Yara's jaw was on the floor at this point, "please tell me you're joking."

Halle sighed, "I wish, and guess what? Chloe smacked fire from– stop, it's just Yara she's not gonna say anything."

The voice cut out for a second, "wait, Chloe smacked fire from who," Yara pulled the phone from her ear to make sure the call hadn't failed.

She heard Halle chuckling before saying,

"Chloe smacked fire from Alana like thirty minutes ago."

Yara flopped down on her back in bed. This was all too much tea to take in at once.

"Smacked her for what!"

"It's Alana," Halle emphasized.

"True, but she must've done something for Chloe of all people to come for her."

"I guess she just snapped," Halle said.

Yara sat up straight, "can you put Chloe back on the phone?"

"Hold on."

"Hello," Yara could hear the reproach in her friends tone.

"Are you okay Chloe? Like seriously, I know you said you couldn't stand fighting and stuff like that. It's just not like you to hit someone."

That was one of many things the two had in common. They couldn't see the need for violence or treating people badly.

Chloe sighed, "yeah, I'm fine, really. Just don't tell anyone I did that...please?"

Yara's brows knitted together, "no, no of course not. I'm gonna let you go because I have some studying to do, talk to you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, talk to you tomorrow."

Yara ended the call and immediately clicked on another contact. She laid back down in bed, "Yas, you won't believe what I'm about to tell you."


Halle messed around with the comforter of the bed. They were in one of the guest rooms that was plainly decorated with what looked to be abandoned cheap hotel furniture.

"Chloe," Halle called softly.

The teen looked up from her phone.

"You think we'll stay here long," she asked.

Unlike the excitement in her tone the first night at the Carters', this question was interlaced with overwhelming heartache and officiousness.

"I don't think so," she patted the top of Halle's hand to reassure her.

Halle still looked sad.

"You wanna call Bey," Chloe tried, she knew that always made her feel better.

Halle nodded and Chloe dialed.


What if we were all fishing, and we found our Nemo down deep below no digging? The treasure of gold hidden in our soul unlocking, and we'd find precious pearls all in the sand and we'd all smile cause we can.

All I ever to be happy

BB smiled into the phone looking more refreshed from the last time we spoke, or should I say mama? Yeah, mama smiled into the phone. She didn't look surprised or get angry when I called her that. She didn't scold me or give some long winded speech about how she's not my mom because she didn't birth me. No, she embraced it. She smiled. Her eyes lit up filled with unabraded zeal.

I mean, I feel like she's my mom. She definitely treats me like a daughter and not someone she happens to have in her home. She does everything a mother is supposed to do. She clothes me (in the latest might I add). Feeds me when I'm hungry which is all day. She scolds me when I'm wrong, but most of all she loves me. Like actually loves me. She told me so. Not the kind of love Dr. Davis and I discussed. What was the word? Groom? She doesn't groom me, no, not in the least. (Unless it's my hair) She lets me be me; always. I don't get popped in the mouth if I talked too much. She would sit there and listen while I go on and on about nothing sometimes even though she's always really busy. I think that's what mothers do, right? They listen? Not with their ears but with their hearts? They see their children's souls? I think she sees me. I stared at the phone just listening tentatively as Chloe and mama talked. Wow!

Mama, Mommy, Mother, Ma, Madré, Anya, Ahm

I have one of those?

She's mine?


I remember the days I prayed for this. I used to pray for the day that someone would love me. They didn't have to love me a lot just a little bit so that I could see what it felt like. Feel the warmth in my chest that came from it. Would I walk different? Maybe talk with a little less south Atlanta twang? Suddenly be attending things like parent teacher conferences or family reunions? That's what the other kids used to complain about in middle school. At the time I had completely forgotten about my birth parents. They were an unattainable memory that I may have boxed away just to be able to get up every morning knowing that they wouldn't be there with me.

"Watchu thinking about Lil bit," mama said, snapping me away from my thoughts.

"Are you my mother," I rushed out.

My question came out as hyper confusion maybe a little delusional, but I had to hear her answer.

I needed it.

Chloe's head whipped in my direction. Her face shocked at my forwardness. I assume.

"Do you feel like I'm your mom," she asked softly.

I hung my head and nodded. Chloe's hand shook as she held the phone.

"To me, you both are my daughters in every way that matters. Your names and the word are one in the same, and I mean that no matter what," she said.

"C-can I call you that all the time," I asked.

"Call me what," she smiled showing her gums.


Bey chuckled and nodded.

"There's no going back though. You call me mama I'm that forever, no more BB," she said seriously.


Chloe looked up almost confused.

"Chloe that doesn't mean you have to call me that, alright? Whatever you're comfortable with," she assured.

"Okay," She replied.

"Now, I have someone who wants to speak with you two about something very important. At least that's what she claims," mama took her time handing the phone to someone.

Blue's face popped on the screen. I could tell she was walking through the hallways. She stopped once she got to her playroom and closed the door.

"Hey Ivy Blue," I said knowing she hated that.

She rolled her eyes and sat on the floor. The angle of the camera was all up her nose.

"Blue Bluuue," Chloe called since the child hadn't said anything.

"Mommy said you're not coming home for a loooong time," she said sadly.

"Awe it won't be that long okay," Chloe cooed.

There was a beat before Blue said anything else.

"Mommy said you went to visit another family," she picked up a toy car flashing it across the screen.

"We'll still see you though. We don't have to stay here all the time, just to sleep," Chloe tried.

"But why," she whined.

"It's just something we have to do. Bey said you have something important to talk to us about," Chloe changed the subject.

Blue's face lit up, "I'll be right back don't hang up," she wagged her finger.

Her little voice was too sweet. She came back in frame holding a sparkly piece of paper.

"You see," she beamed.

"Ohhh it's a umm," Chloe struggled.

"It's us, see, I'm here, daddy's there, here's mommy, then you then Halle," she said excitedly.

"Of course it is," Chloe smiled.

"Doesn't it look better than the ones you got from the doctor," her eyes turned to me.

Chloe elbowed me to speak.

"Uh yeah," I lied, "it's amazing!"


"I know," Blue stared at the picture proudly and sighed contentedly.

Mama came into the room telling Blue that it was getting late and it was passed her bedtime. Which it was. She came back into the camera.

"Can you send someone to pick us up tomorrow? I don't wanna stay in here all day," Chloe asked.

"Awe that's already arranged Terrell will be by at eleven You're coming to rehearsals with me," she said.

I did nothing to hide my excitement.

"See y'all tomorrow. Please try and get some rest."

"Goodnight," we said in unison.

"Goodnight,' she waved bye and ended the call.

"Do you have to pee," Chloe asked.

I shook my head. Chloe got up and drug a chair across the room, placing it under the knob so that no one could get in or at least we would hear when someone jingled the handle. She turned on a lamp before turning off the main light. Both of us got under the covers exhausted from this never ending day. I honestly didn't even feel like saying my prayers.

"Sweet dreams," Chloe whispered.

Let's hope so.




Blue was still asleep in her room. Shawn in another wing of the house probably asleep, but wide awake shaky from low blood sugar, a bone dry mouth, and a throbbing headache was Beyoncé folding clothes half her size to be sent across town. She tried her best to put together ensembles that were fashion forward, stressing herself deciding which shoes matched with each outfit for two wardrobes. The clothes were meager belongings in the grand scheme of things, but they belonged to her girls and they represented the life they made in LA with her.

Twenty Minutes.

That was all the time that Beyoncé had to get her mind wrapped around the idea of Chloe and Halle actually having to leave, and to say goodbye to them. Although finding out that they would be but thirty minutes away had changed her hidden forlorn over not seeing them on a regular basis, it was yet another complication that threw off her already disordered world and she didn't like it.

Once she was done with going through the neatly piled clothes that sat on Chloe's bay window seat, she headed towards the door and stopped. The woman looked over her shoulder to the Casio in the corner of the room wondering if she should send their instruments with them. The thought quickly left her mind. To send the instruments would be signing off on the girls staying away forever and she couldn't allow thoughts like that to run rampant if she wanted to get through the day. Beyoncé rolled the oversized suitcases fit for a month long sojourn into the hall and headed towards the elevator. She had an early call time for rehearsal, so Vivian was already on her way to pick up the bags.

As if someone had yelled 'action' the doorbell sounded. Bey let out a huff and padded across the floor. When she answered the door, she stood there and so did Vivian. She looked at the social worker like a bad memory. Vivian appeared more sleep deprived from the last time they were in each other's presence. She had to be tired to be able to make it all the way uphill before six o'clock.

"Mrs. Carter," the woman greeted.

Bey didn't bother lending words to the social worker. She rolled the bags out onto the porch and stared with her lip turned up. Vivian sighed.

"I'm sure you've spoken to the girls by now," she started.

Bey didn't answer. Her hand clenched the doorknob on the opposite side ready to close it at any minute.

"They're in a safe place please trust me. Before you know it this'll all be over with," Vivian tried, but the superstar had dead eyes and peered past her.

Grabbing the handle to both bags, Vivian let out a breath and turned on her heels heading to her car.

"Did you mean it," Beyoncé called out.

Vivian stopped to look over her shoulder, "mean what?"

"That you were gonna try and give them back to me," her voice cracked.

Vivian nodded, "yes," she held eye contact with the other woman, "yes I meant it."

There was a moment of understanding between the two and Vivian took her cue to hop into her car.

Beyoncé couldn't rest, not because the sandman didn't visit her because he did, probably two or three times. She had to fight off the effects of the enchanted dust to make it to rehearsals. After yesterday's incident, the location and time had been changed to avoid as many paps as she could. The blonde pushed Blue's door open. Just like her other two, Blue wouldn't be attending school. She dressed her still sleeping daughter, being extra careful not to wake her. After placing her shoes on her feet, she packed a few toys so Blue could have something to occupy her time. She also grabbed a blanket and a yoga mat. Without her morning staff there, Bey found herself juggling multiple items in her hands. She had Blue on her hip, the yoga mat under her arm, a backpack slung over one shoulder, and a duffle bag in her hand. She had to bend her knees awkwardly to push the button to the elevator.

The blonde tapped her foot impatiently; Julius was twenty minutes late picking her up, and though she was the boss she despised being tardy. She had to lead by example. If she wanted people to show up on time she had to be prompt as well. Finally the doorbell rang and Bey answered it.

"Sorry boss lady, it was too many people out there," he grabbed the duffle bag from the floor and everything that wasn't Blue from her hands.

The man opened the car door for her, closing it behind her softly. He worked quickly piling everything into the trunk and slid next to her before the driver took off.

The amount of paparazzi at the end of the block didn't surprise her, but it did however irritate. She was simply a mother with her child on her way to work. Couldn't they see that? Lately she had been toying with the idea of announcing her retirement or at least taking an extended break until Blue was out of her early childhood education. These were Blue's formative years and working mommy guilt was a real thing.

There weren't any photographers at the new location, but Julius had the driver park around back for good measure. The time was nearing 8am and Bey wanted to call Chloe before she headed inside. She dialed but the phone rang until it went to voicemail. They must still be asleep. Julius' eyes cottoning to her letdown made her realize she had made too much of it. She'd be seeing Chloe and Halle later on today, so it really didn't matter. The woman unbuckled Blue from her booster seat and hoisted the still sleeping child on her hip. Once she stepped foot into the building all eyes were on her but for a second. She was used to it being a superstar and all, but not with her crew. They usually said hi and went about their business, but today no one had anything to say. Some of her dancers picked with their hair attempting to avoid her eyes and the others found the floor more appealing. Without a word, Beyoncé took Blue's yoga mat and laid it out on the floor. She laid her child down covering her up with the blanket before placing noise canceling headphones over her ears.

Bey turned around facing her dance crew, "let's get to work."


Loving only comes to the ones who deserve it. You been in the wrong, and you been oh so dirty.

Did me oh so dirty.
Did me oh so dirty.

Lovie awoke with a start, clammy and wet from sweat but also from something else. Slowly she peeled back her covers to her knees. A pang of shame and humiliation jabbed at her chest as she eyeballed her damp pajama pants and the yellow stain that despoiled her usually white sheets. Sullen, she got out the bed dragging her feet across her carpeted floor to her closet. After stripping herself of the urine soaked clothes, she threw one of her bathrobes on. The top shelf is where she kept her extra linens. It was easier than walking damn near half a mile (at least that's what it felt like) down the hall to retrieve them at all hours of the night. It had become a ritual she tried her hardest to rid herself of. She took every precaution: no drinking anything after nine, use the restroom at least three times before laying down, nothing worked. Somehow she always found herself lying in a pool of her own body fluids cursing herself for being so inadequate. She threw the soiled sheets to the floor and began to replace them.

Sweet honey remember, remember November.

She couldn't get the song out of her head. It haunted her dreams like a soundtrack to her very own horror film.

Starring: her

Scored by: Reiyo...Reiyo the giant

Sickened, that's how she felt whenever she said the name now or thought it; sickened. Walking through life feeling nauseated had become the norm. She would swallow to crush the feeling. It'd leave but then come back like it never left with more of a repelling effect than before. She traversed the hall holding the bed set between her pointer finger and her thumb wondering if someone could look her in the eye and see how sick she felt. Could they smell it? Did she reek of stale beer like people with TB? Or was it more of a meaty odor like the inside of a butcher's shop as if she had somehow contracted the yellow fever? Lovie threw the covers into the wash and started it.

Feet still dragging, head hung low, she made her way back to her room to get dressed for school. Ugh. Those hideous skirts didn't help her feelings. She laid her freshly steamed uniform out perfectly. There couldn't be any wrinkles or she'd refuse to wear it. Perfect, that's what it needed to be. The girl turned to her alarm clock and her eyes went wide. Was that the actual time? She had overslept? She never overslept. It wasn't a thing that happened. She was an early bird. In nothing flat, Lovie hopped in the shower not caring that the water hadn't warmed to her liking. She scrubbed every which way as quickly as possible and hopped right out. She barely grazed the toothbrush over her teeth, but she made up for it with mouthwash. Ten minutes later, she was fully dressed. Edges in mint shape, eyeliner and mascara flawless. She snatched her backpack from the floor and her laptop from her desk. The last thing she needed were her keys. She could've sworn they were in their usual spot atop her dresser, but she checked and came up empty handed.


She tossed her room not caring what state she left it in. She'll just return home and clean it.

"Keys, where the fuck are my keys," she yelled, beginning to get enraged.

Finally she gave up and headed downstairs to use the house phone to call Yas for a ride.

Been waiting
Been rushing

Her dad stood at the bottom of the staircase waiting with his keys in his hand. They locked eyes, but nothing was said. Anthony headed out of the door leaving it wide open. The teen sighed, thought about her options, but eventually followed her father out to one of his cars. She noticed he used the Benz with the bulletproof windows and knew he feared for his life. Serves him right. Lovie decided to sit in the backseat still upset from the fight from last night. Anthony shook his head and chuckled lightly as he revved the engine. A heavy silence weighed on their shoulders as they whizzed through the city.

"I'll be dropping you off to school this week. You ain't driving until I feel like you earned it. That was too much disrespect for me yesterday," Anthony eyed his daughter from the rear view mirror.

Lovie stared out the window watching the trees blur as they passed them. Driving privileges taken for a week plus she didn't have a phone? He was trying to sabotage her hustle. He wanted her to come up short. He wanted to call those people to maul her because he knew he couldn't bring himself to do it. Coward, the girl thought. She had more of a chance tussling with her dad than she did taking on five or six of those barbarous women. The same women she called all those years ago to pummel Alana would be the same people to cause her bodily harm in three days.

"You'll have to find your own ride home though," he said after a while.

An out.

Finding a ride home meant she had time to sell. Lovie gripped her book bag which contained so much lewdness that she probably would get fifty years or more if she were ever caught.

Twenty minutes of silence later and they pulled into Lexington's parking lot. The girl hopped from the seat but before she could close the door Anthony stopped her.

"Have a good day at school," he actually seemed like he meant it which angered her more than if he were being sarcastic.

With the slam of the door, Lovie stalked off. She paused once she was in front of the car and gave him the finger. Anthony threw his head back laughing because she really did remind him so much of her mother it was crazy.

The murmurings of the Instagram live though yesterday's events, was this morning's hot topic. She wanted to cover her ears as she heard a sea of students gossiping about what they thought had happened after the live ended. Some people claimed that Chloe and Halle had been kidnapped. Some say it was a hoax for their ep release which if were true would be completely ludicrous. Lovie wanted to say 'no it's just that my daddy is dumb enough to hire inferior pillagers to do mafioso type work.

"Lovie wait up," someone yelled.

The brown skinned girl turned to see a lanky preppy blonde girl by the name of Megan attempting to catch up with her. She dug deep into her emotional closet searching for her plastic smile and some fake enthusiasm but she had been robbed. Lovie's smile faltered and her steady strides were doubled making it harder for the other girl to keep up.

"What can I help you with?"

"Yesterday's practice was a nightmare! I know you said that you have faith that we could run through the routines by ourselves but as co captain I say we need the real captain there at all times. They don't listen to me. Rebecca's round off was more of a round on and now we've lost one of our best flyers. She twisted her ankle, and did you know Alyssa couldn't do a hurdler? I mean what's a cheerleader without a hurdler? It was cheer-hell," she finished her rant.

"I'll call for a meeting today. Have the girls meet in the gym at four fifteen on the dot. Let them know if anyone is even a minute late that's fifty toe touches to start," Lovie continued to her locker.

"Thank you thank you," Megan said in her chipper tone and headed in the opposite direction.

Yasmin, Beans, and Yara waited by Lovie's locker chopping it up with each other as she approached. She hadn't spoken to them since she stormed out of Yasmin's house, and knew they would probably have questions.

Lovie swallowed hard, "morning guys," she smiled.

"Morning," They said in unison.

"I still can't believe this," Yasmin handed Lovie a coffee, "they don't even know Chloe or Halle and here they go making up bullshit to feed into whatever their twisted little minds could make up."

"Hey, I called this morning it went straight to voicemail," Yara said.

"I got my phone taken," Lovie explained.

"Figured, when don't you get it taken," the girl chuckled.

"Watchu do now," Beans loved hearing about Lovie's senseless acts because she explained them so funny.

"Got into it with daddy dearest," Lovie shrugged.

Yasmin filed her nails leaning back on the locker, "about what?"

"Typical stuff, him trying to control the entirety of my life, me, not going," she shrugged.

The answer was short and succinct, it wasn't a lie, but it definitely wasn't the total truth. Yasmin looked over and realized that the look in Lovie's eyes had changed to mask a truth Yas was not privy to. The model in training may not have known the full truth, but she knew enough about the complicated father-daughter relationship to understand why her friend wouldn't want to truly talk about it in a group setting. She didn't press on, instead she nodded her head and waited for someone else to speak.

Beans opened his notebook and pulled a pen from his pocket, "maybe he doesn't want his child selling stimulants? Could that be an issue in the relationship," he asked in a professional tone mimicking a doctor.

The laugh Lovie stifled caused her to spit up her coffee a little. She hated when people spoke on things they knew nothing about, but for the sake of peace she ignored him.

"Good thing I learned from the best," Yasmin cut in, pulling her extra phone from her pocket, "I got two phones, one for the plug and one for the load," she sang and did a little dance.

"Ayye I got two phones, one for the bitches and one for the dough," Beans joined.

All three girls stared at him.

"What? I thought we–"

Yara shook her head.

"Give it back whenever, but if you get caught with it don't say it's mine...your dad's scary," Yasmin said seriously.

"Agreed," Yara and Beans nodded.

They were walking down the halls to first period. Yara began telling the group about her slightly disastrous date with Devon and Beans couldn't contain his laughter over the mess of her night. She playfully rolled her eyes and then looked across campus. Alana strutted through the halls with two of her many lackeys dawdling on either side of her. One girl Sunni, had managed to flunk English, so she took it with the Sophomores. She had basically been a class clown but was secretly brilliant and her quick wit and sharp humor always made Lovie and Yara laugh. Her tall frame hovering over a group of people alongside the malicious brunette didn't look right. Sunni was hanging with Alana now? Since when?

"I know she is not coming over here," Yas asked.

"Who," Lovie craned her neck.

Her gaze fell upon the smirking brunette undoubtedly coming their way. Lovie sighed because she couldn't promise herself that if Alana said something too out of pocket she wouldn't lash out in front of everyone. Today was not the day.

"Hey Yara, Lovie," Sunni smiled wide.

Yara squinted at Alana before twiddling her fingers in Sunni's direction, Lovie offered a curt nod. The tension could be cut with a knife and Sunni was ignorant to the reason behind it, so she hurried off to class leaving Lovie and the other blonde side kick.

"Okay you gonna say something or keep staring at us like you crazy? We have places to be if you didn't notice," Lovie started.

Alana sat into her hip, "have I ever told you about my parents? I have great parents they have always been very supportive and loving, so loving; you know they have to be to take in those two little Rasta friends of yours. I swear, growing up in the hood must have done a number on them. They're at my house behaving like wild animals."

Lovie checked her watch and scrunched up her face, "what are you talking about?"

Yara, Yas, and Beans discussed Chloe and Halle's situation over FaceTime last night, but they couldn't get in contact with the fourth musketeer to inform her. Beans stood next to Lovie and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

"Chloe and Halle living with her for some reason."

Lovie bucked her eyes in surprise but then relaxed, "bitch none of us are from the hood, but if I get a call that you've done anything to either one, you better believe you'll meet some actual hood bitches. Oh sorry, you've met some before haven't you? Got to know them real good? How was it! They talk about the woes of the hood with you over some soul food and malt liquor or did they just get straight into stomping your damn brains out? Now, I told you the truce was off, so don't test me. This is the last time I'll be discussing anything with you. Next time I'm beating your ass in the parking lot so everybody could see. You know if I say it I mean it and I don't talk about shit that I'm not about. How they say it in the hood Yas? Oh, I put that on my grandma grave."

Yasmin stared at Alana's friend with a disinterested gaze, "and what the fuck was she supposed to be doing," she turned to Yara laughing loud as hell.

"This who you bought for reinforcement? Oh baby you gonna have to do better than that," Yas was back to filing her nails.

Beans really wanted to see Lovie punch the bitch out, but knew Lovie held a squeaky clean record at Lexington and therefore wouldn't.

"Aight man look, you get your non fighting ass," Beans pointed to Alana, "and you get your non fighting ass," he pointed to the friend, "and get to class. If y'all haven't noticed these hoes are crazy and they serious."

The blonde rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak but Yasmin motioned for her to zip it.
Alana smacked her lips and stalked off, "Chloe's the one you should be worried about," she called over her shoulder.

"I'm beating your ass when I get back," Yas yelled as Yara pulled her down the hall.


The knock on the door jolted Halle from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes trying to figure out where she was before realizing once again she wasn't at home. Strangely enough, her body hurt worse after an eight hour slumber. Not unlike a day after a car wreck, everything she was sure wasn't attacked or injured on her body ached. The knock sounded again and Halle tried to shake Chloe awake.

"Mmm," she stirred and turned the opposite way.

Again Halle shook her sister, "Chloe there's somebody at the door," she whispered.

Still asleep, the girl smacked her lips in the annoying way Halle despised. The thirteen year old pinched Chloe's nose closed but only for a second so she'd wake. Chloe coughed sitting up looking terrified, "what are you doing?"

"There's someone at the door," Halle whispered again.

The oldest eyed the door which still had the chair beneath the knob like she would meet her doom on the other side. Slowly she got up and inched towards the door moving the chair out of the way. She peeked her head through the small open crack. Karen stood there with an awkward smile.

"Your clothes arrived this morning," she gestured towards the large suitcases to her side.

Chloe opened the door further to allow the woman in. The girl did a once over of herself forgetting she didn't have any pants on.

"Sorry," she attempted to pull the silk garment past her knees.

Karen waved her off, "it's okay," she rolled the bags in.

"So unfortunately you two missed breakfast. Brian and I thought it'd be better for you two to sleep in as long as you would like. I planned to go to the grocery store this morning, but low and behold, when I opened the door, you girls had two huge packages of all sorts of vegan friendly items to eat. Your mom beat me to it."

Still barely awake, Chloe and Halle only offered blinks as conversation.

"Well, I'll be downstairs if you need me," she could feel the off energy and didn't want to be a burden, so she left.

Halle pushed herself to the edge of the bed and groaned.

"You alright," Chloe went to her side.

"I feel worse than I did yesterday," Halle croaked. She was still holding onto the side of the bed in an effort to get up and use the restroom.

"You've been running off of adrenaline," Chloe said, avoiding her sister's eyes.

She placed her arm around Halle's waist to help her stand. This wasn't something Chloe was used to. Usually it'd be the other way around. Halle would help her into a cold bath after an incident. She'd sit with her making sure she didn't fall asleep in the water if she was too out of it. Chloe never wanted to return the favor. Never wanted to see her sister so bruised like she was. Halle got whoopings or slapped even a broken limb but the look of her chest from yesterday was horrible. Chloe didn't want to see what it looked like right now.

"You have to use the bathroom," Chloe asked.

Halle nodded with an anguished expression.

"Let's get your clothes first so you won't have to come back and forth.

The oldest opened Halle's Nike suitcase. Halle pointed to what she wanted to wear and Chloe got the items out for her. Bey had packed all of their toiletries because she knew how sensitive their skin was and switching products last minute would be cause for a breakout. Chloe slipped on some of her own pajama pants and helped her sister to the restroom down the hall. She turned the shower water on and tested its temperature.

She flicked a little water into Halle's face to break her from whatever was on her mind, "is it too hot," she laughed.

"No," Halle laughed until the scalding pain of her ribs broke up her momentary happiness. She hunched down again whimpering. She found it embarrassing. Was this how it always was going to be, Halle wondered, moments of happiness and then invasions of pain to remind her where she came from?

Chloe helped her stand, "do you need help with," she motioned towards Halle's shirt.

Chloe prayed she'd say no. Hoped she denied all help, but when Halle nodded Chloe's head dropped to the floor. She pulled on the ends of Halle's shirt a bit.

"Wait," Halle's hand covered her sister's, "make sure the door's locked."

"It is," Chloe assured.

"But what if it isn't," she asked.

Chloe walked to the door knowing she locked it, but if it made her sister feel more safe she'd unlock it then lock it again.

The entire time Chloe struggled to lift her sister's shirt without inflicting pain, she thought about how it should be Beyoncé helping Halle instead. She wasn't equipped for this.

"Okay, I'll be outside the door."

That's something Chloe used to do last year. She'd wait outside of the door while Halle showered, per her request. Halle would make her sing loudly so she'd know she was still there. At the time it seemed like an odd demand, but looking back, Chloe wished she had her own older sister who'd stand guard for her.

"Any requests?"

"Umm Pretty Hurts," she smiled.

Melodramatic, Chloe thought.

"Pretty Hurts it is," with that she left.

Halle stood in the mirror poring over all of her bruises. Yesterday the marks on her stomach were red but today they were purple and black matching the marks on her chest. The doctor said it was hematoma? Hema Tama? Something like that. Whatever it was, it looked disgusting to her. The guy's face flashed in her mind and the familiar feeling of not being able to catch her breath quick enough overwhelmed her. She would've peed herself if she ever saw him again. Her shoulders slumped and she went to pull her pants down when she heard Chloe's beautiful voice start to sing.

Mama said you're a pretty girl

A small smile etched across her face. She used to run to Chloe as a little four year old begging her to teach her to sing like the people on tv. Although her birth mother was the one who eventually walked her through a tune, at least Chloe tried.

Chloe belted the notes out loud enough so only her sister could hear. Footsteps could be heard on the stairs and Chloe halted her song. A young man probably in his early twenties rounded the corner with earbuds in. He strummed an invisible guitar as if he was in a rock band that was performing at a sold out venue.

"You stopped singing," Chloe heard Halle yell over the shower water.

The dude had yet to notice Chloe standing there. Her cheeks burned. The dude made his way further down the hall doing the utmost hopping on one leg still strumming his "guitar" with his tongue out and eyes closed. Chloe's heels backed into the bathroom door and she gripped the handle. She didn't expect the door to open, so she had to catch herself from falling backwards.

"You stopped singing," Halle said once more.

The air guitarist stopped on one foot. He looked at the duo almost shocked, "uh-uh sup," he tried to feign coolness.

Clad in a towel, Halle slammed the door shut. Chloe took in his all black beanie, Baja hoodie, and tight black pants. He had very thick brows, olive skin, and long hair that fell in black sheets down his back.

A male version of Alana.

"Oh hello, sorry," she stammered.

He gave a slight nod replaced the earbuds into his ears and headed to a room further down the hall.

Pulling her pants up was easier, Halle struggled to button them and was going to put her hair up but it hurt to raise both arms. Somehow she maneuvered her body well enough that she got her shirt on. Chloe wasted no time following her sister in the shower. They woke up pretty late and Bey said Terrell would be by at eleven to pick them up. They made their way down the steps cautiously as Halle talked to Bey on the phone about her dream from last night.

"And he was chasing me through the woods but it was like he was walking slow you know? Then I'm sitting at the lake and Jason came from under the water and I took off to a–what you call that thing that spin around in a circle at the park?"

"A merry go round," Bey asked, completely absorbed in the story.

"Yeah that, I got on and it kept spinning me real fast until I felt like I was gonna throw up and that's when I woke up," they were now at the bottom of the steps.

Chloe peered her head around the corner like she was a thief in the night who had just spotted the hidden safe.

"I can never remember my dreams but if they anything like that then I'm glad. What y'all doing," the woman asked.

"We about to eat, then wait on Terrell to come," Halle strolled to the kitchen.


Karen got up every morning for a run. Exercising every morning after eating was recommended for weight loss. Not that Karen needed to, but it had become ritual. Even in medical school when sleep was scarce she would find time to squeeze in a little jog. However, the two girls standing in her kitchen weren't apart of the ritual and to be honest she had forgotten that they were in her home.

"Um I put the food that needed refrigerated up for you two and labeled it. You have to do that around here or BJ will eat anything he sets his eyes on. This cabinet right here is specifically for you two so you wouldn't accidentally eat anything that isn't vegan. But if you decide to, everything in the kitchen is up for grabs except for Alana's to-go smoothies. That girl goes crazy over those things," Karen sipped from a water bottle.

At the sound of that name, Chloe glared at the woman.

"Oh honey let me take a look at that," Karen stepped toward Halle going into work mode.

Karen was a physician before her and her husband married. After finding out she was pregnant with Brian jr. she and Brian sr agreed that she'd be a stay at home mom instead. Halle jumped back from the woman. She was still on the phone with her mom and she didn't want anything to interrupt that, plus she didn't know this lady from a can of paint. Karen opened the freezer removing an ice pack holding it out for the girl.

"Sweetheart you need to put ice on that," Karen referred to the noticeable bruise on Halle's upper chest, with the circular neckline of her shirt, it was still visible.

Chloe finally stopped looking through her rage colored glasses to truly see Karen. Her pale skin, long blonde nearly white hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, and piercing blue eyes.

She seemed sincere. She radiated a gentle soul, but Chloe could not be fooled. This was Alana's mother for crying out loud. Karen wrapped the ice pack in a kitchen towel and Halle accepted it.

"Say thank you Halle," Bey's voice sounded.

"Thank you," the girl repeated.

Vivian looked over Halle's shoulder to peek at her phone, "is it alright if I gave her some Tylenol? She's walking pretty stiff."

"Yes that's fine, thank you," The singer voiced.

"I'll be right back and please, like I said help yourself to anything. Plates are in the top right hand cabinet," the blonde left.

Chloe checked the time on her phone. Terrell would be there in about twenty five minutes so something quick would have to do. Chloe whipped up some instant oatmeal and sliced up a grapefruit for them both to share as Halle finished her conversation. She searched the fridge for bottles of water and called it a meal.

"Here you go," Karen was back with the pills just as Halle ended her call.

After finishing their meals, and cleaning after themselves, Chloe and Halle received a text from Terrell saying he was outside. Karen had since moved to the family room sipping coffee and watching daytime television.

"Heading out," she smiled once the girls neared the door.

"Mhm we're going to rehearsals with our mom," Halle said excitedly.

Her ribs didn't hurt as badly and the aches were not so bad either.

"Alright, wait, you called for the bodyguards right," Karen found it funny to say.

These girls were pint sized and didn't look half as mean and crooked as some of the politicians she knew who needed constant protection.

"Yes, they're outside," Chloe said.

Karen nodded taking another sip of her coffee, "oh wait, here, take my number down you know just in case I'm not home or something when you get back which is rarely ever but..."

Chloe handed the woman her phone allowing her to save her own contact. Karen called herself so she'd have at least one of their numbers. They were in her care for the time being after all.

"Gotcha, have fun ladies," she turned back to the television.

Once more, Halle reached for the knob.

"One second please," the girls heard a deep voice.

Halle sighed. The obnoxious blasting horn from outside let them know that Terrel was getting restless.

"Where you girls headed," Brian asked.

Karen turned as well, "just rehearsals with their mother."

Brian rubbed his brow, "unfortunately ladies," he started.

There was that word again. Chloe swallowed and waited for what would follow.

"We're having a small party to celebrate my candidacy for congress and I know you just met us, but you two are a big part of my campaign. We need you at the house today."

Chloe blinked unsure of what she was hearing. They were a big part of his campaign? How? Halle peered between Karen and Brian.

"B-but we're going to rehearsals... with our mom today," maybe he didn't hear her correctly.

Karen's eyes softened, "honey just let them go. I'm sure it won't run that late, look what time it is."

Just then, Terrell texted Chloe that he had been waiting for ten minutes.

"Our ride is outside," Chloe offered.

"Karen you know how the other kid used to leave the house for days on end," he turned back to the sisters, "We need you here at the house... for the party," Brian was firm but he held that faux politician smile.

Chloe opened her mouth to speak, but snapped it shut.

"Honey," Karen stood.

Brian raised his brow. Ever the stepford wife, Karen turned to the teenagers, "will your mom be practicing tomorrow? Maybe you girls could go then," she reasoned.

Halle's lip quivered. Couldn't one day Just go how she intended it to? Just one?

"She wants us at this one," Halle said.

Brian folded his arms casually, "well maybe next time she'll be more careful about who she has around you two. I mean a gangster rap recording studio is no place for girls your age anyway."

"Brian please be mindful of your words," Karen scolded her husband.

Halle placed her hand on the knob and twisted it. Chloe was in shock. She now understood who Alana got her bite from.

"Can I see you two in my office," he asked in a non threatening tone.


Chloe's heart was sporadic and so was Halle's. They both had separate yet shared experiences in an office that they would not wish to revisit.

"W-we have to get going," Halle didn't want to give it up.

"It'll be quick. I just have to show you something" Brian turned and headed down the hall.

Halle watched as Chloe swallowed and straightened her back. Never refusing an order from an adult, especially a man, Chloe took the first step then the next until she followed directly behind the man. Halle, forever her sister's shadow lowered her head and ambled in the same direction. Karen shook her head. Her husband could be so anal at times. The woman flinched at the non stop ringing of her doorbell. She opened the door and a man much taller than she, hair a hot pink ombré with bouncy curls and long fingernails to match folded his arms across his chest.

"Can I help you," Karen could tell he was a driver by his uniform and hat.

"Yes you can miss white lady, I'm supposed to be picking up two bad ass little girls one about yay high and always popping off at the mouth. The other one my favorite cause she quiet as kept, chile I don't even know if she got a mouth. Anyways, they need to be cross town in like twenty minutes but they ain't out here yet. I done honked my horn for five minutes straight and I know y'all hear me cause ain't nothin goin on over here. Just a bunch of manicured lawns with unnecessary decorations. Now this is the address I was given so where they at," Terrell sassed.

Karen was taken aback, "oh unfortunately they won't be coming today."

Terrell closed his eyes, clapped his hands together and took a deep breath, "let me repeat myself cause I don't know if you heard me or some of us are just a little challenged but that's okay. It is alright trust me. I'll start again."

Terrell held his head down, his fists clasped together just under his chin before he took in a dramatic breath and looked up, "THEY MAMA wants TERRELL that's me I'm Terrell nice to meet you. To gather her BAD ASS CHIRRN, especially the little one, AND TAKE THEM TO HER! Now, I don't know if you slow or you just ain't hearing me but could you PLEASE go get BEYONCÉ's CHIRRN, multiple, two of'em, and send them to the TERRELL EXPRESS parked right there, again for the slow hoes, that's me, so I can TAKE THEM to where their MO•THER wants them to be. Ooh Terrel that was good. It was, wasn't it? I don't know how you do it, me neither girl" he turned back to the woman who was now convinced that he was clinically insane.

"Well Mr. Terrell," Karen smiled, "like I said before unfortunately the girls can not come today."

"Girl I almost just – whooo," Terrell swung his arms back and forth, "y'all be calling the cops too much to be having all that mouth. Chloe, Halle if these white folk got y'all locked up in there say something so I can have permission to knock a hoe out," the driver leaned his head inside of the door frame.

Karen chuckled. She didn't feel threatened by this man in the least, it was quite entertaining.

"Mr. Terrell please, you'll alert the neighbors," she said.

Terrell put his hands on his hip, "you think I give a damn 'bout some neighbors? HEY HEY HO HO TELL CHLOE AND HALLE THEY GOTSTA GO! HEY HEY HO HO TELL CHLOE AND HALLE THEY GOTSTA GO," he screamed making a scene on the porch.

Karen sighed.

"Try me," Terrel looked the woman up and down.

"Mr. Terrell please," she chuckled, "just have her call them."

"Oh she will be calling trust, mama Bey don't play when it comes to her Chiirrn," with that he flipped his hair and turned.

"And these lights is tacky as hell. I thought white folk posed to have class," he yelled over his shoulder.

Karen shook her head and closed the door. This was about to start something she wanted no parts of.


The office might as well have been an interrogation room. There was a slick desk with just a couple of drawers. Two chairs to it's front and the other facing it. No pictures adorned the walls, but there was one of Alana and Karen on the desk. There was but one window allowed for light. This was a room of seclusion and secrecy. Halle held her sister's hand as they waited for the man to speak. He searched for files in his laptop. Once he found his preferred one he turned the computer so that it faced the Baileys. It was a pie chart.

"You girls know anything about politics," Brian asked.

"A-a little," Halle answered.

"Okay, so I'm up for re-election. I'm a Republican Senator, if my campaign can get at least fifteen percent of the black vote that pushes the Republican Party i.e me into this percentile," he circled a part of the chart with his finger.

Chloe didn't understand why he insisted on telling them this.

"I don't understand," Halle said.

"So tonight at the cocktail party there's gonna be a photographer. They're going to take our picture to let the people know I'm down with the brown, which I totally am. I voted for Obama in '08 believe it or not," Brian smiled, "so what do you say?"

The sisters exchanged confused looks.

"So you want to take pictures with us because we'," Chloe asked.

"Well if you put it that way it sounds terrible, but yes, in a sense," he nodded.

There was a beat.

"We can't randomly have pictures of us put out. I don't know if you know this, but we're signed to a record label and our publicist has to approve things like that first. Everything goes through Parkwood, especially photos that would be used for a political campaign. Legally we can't participate," the oldest explained.

Halle nodded, "we're a brand, and quite frankly sir we don't know you like that to take pictures with you in the first place. Isn't that kind of weird?"

Brian searched his mind for a loophole, "actually no, people in your industry stage photo ops all the time. It's the same thing, and honestly with temporary custody of you two it wouldn't be illegal. You're simply taking two seconds to pose for a photo with someone who graciously took you two in."

The three sat quietly, Chloe sitting with a question at the edge of her tongue. Brian, skeptically examining their faces. Finally, Halle asked;

"What if we don't want to?"

Brian looked almost bored by the question but he shrugged, "listen ladies I don't want to be that guy, but I've already invited people over tonight to meet our new houseguests, and I think it'd be rude if you just decided not to show up."

"What do we have to do in the pictures," Chloe asked.

"Just smile and wave nothing too hard," the man shrugged.

"Well I'm not doing it," Halle stood, "Come on Chloe!"

Chloe stood because she wasn't participating either. What was he going to say to his political friends? Hey everybody come look at my African Americans? Look at my little negro orphan children?

"You want to see your mom right? Let's make a deal," Brian called after them.

Halle stopped in her tracks. Chloe absorbed the hit.

"You two take the photos with me and I allow you to go with her any time you want, that's not today."


He must not know any black people.

"What do you mean allow," Halle asked.

"Really you're not supposed to be with her until the state approves it, so if she sabotages herself by having you two around while the investigation is still going on you may never be with her again," Brian explained.

Halle sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, pulled out her phone and headed out of the room followed by Chloe.


Blue was running around playing with all of the dancers since we were on a fifteen minute break. She'd been asking when Chloe and Halle would be by the dance studio. To be honest I'm more hype than her. I just need to lay eyes on them. My phone buzzed and it was Halle for the umptenth time since she woke up.

"Mama," she said loudly.

Immediately I could hear the distress in her voice.

"What's going on," I asked.

"They said we can't come today," she sniffed.

I stepped out of the room and changed the call to FaceTime, "who is they?"

Halle's face was filled with tears and Chloe bit her thumbnail.

"The Hardings," she cried.

I palmed my face. If it ain't one thing it's another. How they just gonna say they can't come? They were able to dictate who they could see?

"Why they say that," I'm trying to remain calm for their sake but lately I've been getting tried.

Halle continued to cry, so Chloe took the phone from her.

"What's going on Chlo?"

"I don't know how to explain it," she admitted.

"That's okay, just start from the beginning."

She went through the entire story from beginning to end, and I couldn't believe my ears. He was blackmailing kids for pictures? They can't leave the house to see me because some random man wants to take pictures...for a campaign? This is getting too ridiculous and I feel like I'm being Punk'd at this point.

"Don't do nothing that man tells y'all to do! Imma call y'all back, stay in that room until I get some answers," I said.

After ending that call, I quickly dialed Vivian's.

"Vivian Ward speaking," her professional tone rang loud over the phone.

"Hey this is Beyoncé."

"Oh, hi Mrs. Carter."

"The girls were supposed to come to practice today with me, but the Hardings said they can't come because apparently the husband needs to do some kind of photo op with them today? Then had the nerve to tell them that if they didn't do it they wouldn't be allowed to see me. Can he do that?"

I could hear a deep sigh from Vivian.

"Technically they are not supposed to be with you until all of the paperwork says that you and your husband are fit. That was the whole point of them being removed from the home."

"So a grown man is just allowed to blackmail kids? This is crazy."

"Mrs. Carter," she sighed again, "if I put what you just told me down on paper that would be cause for removal from the home and sent somewhere else. To be honest the Hardings were the best people I had to deal with kids with the status that Chloe and Halle have, and I can not promise you that they won't be separated if they leave. I barely convinced that family to take both of them in."

"So they supposed to just put up with it? They can't see me...because a man they met yesterday said so? This is the system built to protect them?"

"Tell you what. If there were paperwork submitted from their boss stating that they have a contractual obligation to show up somewhere. I would sign off on it and they'd have to be there."

"So I have to submit paperwork to hang out with them for just a few hours?"

"All I'm saying is they'd have to show up for work related events. Now, it's too late for today but if I received an email from their boss later on, I could have them at work tomorrow."

Ain't this about a bitch? Not only are they being blackmailed because of their race. I can't do nothing about it and the system won't do anything about it. That man could tell them to do anything. Today it's photos for a campaign tomorrow God knows what else. I don't think Chloe has it in her to say no and Halle will follow her sister over a cliff. This could get out of hand quickly.

"You'll have the papers in a few," I hung up before she could say anything else.

I go back in the room to check on Blue, something Shawn dumb ass would never think to do.

"Are they here mommy," Blue ran up to me.

"Um you remember how Chloe and Halle need quiet time sometimes to study for their school work," I lift her up.

She nods, "because big kids learn so much."

"Right, they learn so much. That's what they're doing now they can't interrupt their study time BaBa, so they can't come today."

She rested her head on my shoulder, "I can study too."

I kissed her forehead, "I know baby, but they're studying big kid stuff."

"I like big kids stuff too," she said sadly.

There's no way I can get through the rest of this rehearsal with the way I'm feeling. Only one of my assistants were here today and that was Miranda. I walked up to her still cradling Blue, "can you hold off on any work related calls until tomorrow? I'm gonna leave."

Julius seemed elated when I told him I was headed out. He couldn't stand hearing the same song time after time again while we perfected our moves.


Anthony's phone practically hummed off the table as he was lounging on his couch.

"Buzz me in the gate." It read.

He lazily got up with an exhausted exhale and hit the button. It had been a long night of making plans, moving weight to different locations and barking orders from his secure home. He unlatched the door and opened it as she made her way in. He wasn't at his main house, but one of his condos in downtown LA.

"Where's your car," Anthony squinted out the window as an obvious black company truck peeled back out.

"I didn't wanna drive," Solange answered as she gave him a quick kiss.

"Ain't nobody gonna see yo car, too many people in this city," he said with a scoff.

"I like to be careful. It's paps everywhere and I don't have time for it," she stated as she set her bag down.

It contained the usual; her night scarf, pajama pants, and a change of clothes. Although why she ever brought pajama pants was anyone's guess. They never slept clothed. An extra tooth-brush and her special body wash were regular fixtures in his bathroom.

"You ate," Anthony asked as he strolled over to the kitchen.

"Yeah I grabbed a quick bite before I left."

Solange noticed his slumped shoulders and lazy gait.

"You okay," she asked.

"I was just lounging...waiting on you," he responded.

"You look sleepy," she remarked solemnly.

"Up dealing with work" Anthony stated, "figured you ain't wanna go nowhere today anyway."

Solange rolled her eyes and took her jacket off. He made comments like that all the time. Anthony felt some type of way that she didn't want to be seen with him in public. It's not personal. She did that with anyone she decided to date. Anthony grabbed two bottles of water and headed back to the front room where Solo sat on the couch.

"You know what I was thinking," he asked, taking a seat next to her.

"What," Solange removed her shoes and laid across the couch with her back to his chest.

He was playing with the tips of her fingers before lacing his through hers.

"Maybe we can go on a couples trip just you and me."

Solange chuckled, "where would we go?"

"Anywhere you want."


"How tomorrow sound? We could book our trips tonight and shop when we get to wherever we going."

Solange let out an exhausted sigh, "I can't just pick up and leave, Anthony."

"Why not?"

"I have a twelve year old son who's on a schedule, and my family's going through problems right now. It just wouldn't feel right."

"Ain't that what daddy's for? Drop son son off and come with me, and that family stuff is just an excuse," Anthony stated honestly.

Solange sat up and stared at him, "me and my son's father have a set schedule set by courts, and family could never be an excuse. You know how close I am with them."

"It's always an excuse when it come to you and this relationship. You say ain't nobody else but I don't believe that."

"Believe what you want. I can't force nothing on you. My sister is going through something right now and she needs her family," She tried not to raise her voice.

Solo was fed up of being accused of stepping out when she was too busy living life being an artist, a mom, and now Anthony's girl. Where would she even find the time?

Anthony used his free hand to cup her face and make her face him.

"Wassup with sis?"

Solange laid her head against his cheek.

"She got her kids taken away, the oldest two she took in? They were taken by the state because of some incident that had something to do with Shawn."

Anthony's jaw went a little tight at the name and the ever-present reminder of keeping their relationship in the dark.

"I'm sorry to hear that baby," he stroked her hair.

"I didn't say I didn't wanna go. It's just not a good time. I couldn't be vacationing happily knowing my sister was back home fighting to get her kids back. That's not how you do family," she said quietly.

His face softened, "you just seemed tense when you stepped in the door and I wanted to help."

She nestled her head deeper into his cheek after he kissed the top of her head. Fingers intertwined, she felt that safe feeling being alone with him.

"Tell me if there's anything I could do to help the situation."

Solange smiled but she didn't say anything. It was moments like this that reminded her of what a great guy he really was and why she was so lucky to have him.


Lovie couldn't seem to focus as her friends continued to discuss Yara's interrupted date. She had been that way all day, going in and out of conversations and catching the tail end of jokes she pretended to laugh at.

"So he came in a full blown suit," Yasmin laughed, "who knew Devon had a little class."

Yara shrugged her shoulders, "dude was sweating so hard I thought he was gonna vomit. He claimed it was his second date."

Yasmin rolled her eyes and leaned her elbow on the desk. They were in their last class and everyone was granted permission to talk amongst themselves quietly.

"It may be the second time he actually took a girl somewhere but I doubt if you're the second girl he's dealt with. Boys are trash," she pointed her finger at Yara.

"What about your on again off again boo," The curly haired girl asked.

"Kenny ass is trash too why do you think we're on and off, but you better get your man sis. Did you talk after he dropped you off," Yasmin asked.

"Yeah he texted asking if everything was okay," Yara looked over to Lovie, "you good?"

Lovie looked around the class like she had been caught sleeping on the job, "Yeah I'm just going over routines in my head I have practice after this."

Yara nodded and gave Yas a knowing look.

"Oh I almost forgot," Lovie turned to Yasmin, "could you give me a ride after school? I don't have my car anymore."

"Damn You really must've pushed your luck last night," Yasmin shook her head.

The modelesque teen reached into the pocket of her blazer and tossed Lovie her keys, "I'll just hitch a ride with Yara and Beans. I'm not waiting while those no rhythm hoes do backflips and argue about who's spray tan rubbed off on who's uniform. I don't see how you do it girl."

Lovie chuckled, "they're not that bad. I just zone them out."

The bell sounded and everyone rushed out trying to get to the parking lot first. The line to leave was always excessive and people had places to be.

"See you later on tonight. If you crash my car that's yo assss," Yasmin laughed loudly as she and Yara headed to the lot.

Lovie checked the time. She had four people to meet in the bathroom before she needed to head to practice. The lyrics from her favorite song by her sister had yet to leave her mind.

Remember November

She squeezed her eyes tight and clenched the straps to her backpack.

Sweet honey, remember

Lovie stopped and stood in the middle of the hall. Teens left and right walked around her, some even bumping into her. She ran in the opposite direction and dipped into a staircase students rarely used. Lovie pulled out Yasmin's spare phone and dialed her sister's number. Not many numbers she had memorized, but this one she could recite backwards. The robotic voice sounded immediately.

This mailbox is full please hang up and try again.


Reiyo must have ignored it because she didn't recognize the number. She would wait to see if someone left a voicemail and called them back, but how was Lovie supposed to do that when the mailbox was full?

You lied
You lied
You lied again
You lied
You lied
You lied my friend

If only Reiyo would pick up then Lovie could apologize for being wrong, for lying to her. She took off to the bathroom, sold a few items and was off again toward the gym. The time was now 4:12 and Most of the team were already waiting for her.

"Where's Paige and Jessica," she asked, sitting her bag on the waxy floor.

The group of girls sitting on the bleachers shrugged their shoulders. Just then, two girls laughing loudly sipping some kind of sports drink waltzed into the gym. Lovie checked the time and it was 4:16pm. Paige and Jessica were the two trouble makers on the team often disregarding anything the captain and co captain had to say. Lovie sneered at them.

"Megan when did we say practice started," she placed her hands on her hips.

"4:15 on the dot," Megan stretched her arms.

"On the dot," she panned around the room making sure she commanded everyone's attention.

"What time is it Paige," she turned to the tall brunette.

"4:16," she rolled her eyes.

"Exactly, fifty toe touches to start for everyone since Paige and Jessica have no regard for anyone's time."

A sea of groans and complaints echoed throughout the gym, "don't be mad at me, be mad at your teammates I was on time," Lovie shrugged.

The teen sat in the bleachers barking out orders, correcting ill executed forms. Did they lose their heads because I missed a practice or two, she thought. What did she have a co captain for if this is what she had to come back to? At the moment she couldn't hear anything over her own thoughts. Just a defective record going round and round in her head.

I lied
I lied
You're not my friend.

She felt sick again. She needed to talk to Reiyo. She needed her sister.

"Stop," Lovie yelled.

The team stopped their poor performance and eyeballed each other.

"How are we supposed to get through the song if you keep yelling for us to stop every two seconds," the girl Paige from earlier asked.

Lovie stood, "I don't want to see you get through anything! I wanna see the moves executed! I want you to know this routine like you know your names and if this shit show continues, I'm making cuts."

"You're not even doing anything. How are you the captain and you're sitting down," Paige asked.

Lovie cocked her head to the side realizing that the entire team agreed with Paige. She languidly made her way down the bleacher steps making sure the thuds echoed dramatically and faced her squad.

"Megan start the music."

The team watched as Lovie hit every mark, every kick, every flip wholly with a smile. By the end of it, the girls were scratching their heads, folding their arms, or giving her the stink eye.

"That's why I'm sitting down. I know what I'm doing, and if you don't like the way I run my rig, you could always jump ship," she glared at Paige.

"That goes for anyone," she walked the line of girls looking each one in their eye, "if you have a problem, you don't have to be here. How is it that we've been practicing this same routine for a week straight and none of you are where you should be? You're wasting my time and I have better places to be and people to see. Now, you're going to run through it until you get it right. Megan, start the music!"


Beyoncé and Blue arrived at Kelly's house in a little under an hour due to the hectic LA traffic. The driver parked the car and Julius got out first to open the door for Beyoncé.

"You know you don't have to do that everytime right," Bey asked as she helped Blue from her booster.

Julius waved her off, "my mother would kill me if she found out a lady touched a door in my presence," he said with a light laugh that his boss returned.

It felt nice to see a slight smile on the woman's face. Being Beyoncé's bodyguard meant that he had to sit idle while she went through life's heartaches and not speak a word to her about it, but he was her friend underneath everything.

"You'll get'em back," he declared with a pat on her shoulder.

Beyoncé sat with the words for a second; she believed them.

"Thank you," she nodded and headed to the porch," You can have the rest of the day off. I'm just gonna be with family and I'm sure Sherae wants some quality time."

Julius chuckled, "she sure does, thank you. See you later Blue Blue," he waved.

Blue was still upset that she had been stood up, so she buried her face deeper into the crook of her mother's neck and didn't say anything. Beyoncé pulled her keys out from her pocket, unlocked the door and walked into Kelly's house. She was taking her shoes off by the door when she heard a voice she hadn't heard in what felt like ages.

"Mama I think I hear cousin Angie," Blue said excitedly.

The five year old wiggled out of her mother's grasp and darted towards the front room. There was a bunch of 'heys' and 'give me hugs' thrown around. Gradually, the blonde made her way into the archway of the family room. Angie turned around with a small but perplexed smirk. The last time the two cousins spoke, Bey accused her of leaking vital information.

"Bey, are you gonna have a seat," Tina asked concernedly.

She shrugged as an insecure smile appeared across her face. Kelly, Tim, Richard, and Angie were all looking her way. The unwanted feeling of regret had found its way to the blonde's heart. Ever since they were children Angela and Bey were thick as thieves. They would do everything together. They would keep each other's secrets, spend a night over each other's houses any chance they got, even stayed up writing songs together. Usually there wasn't a day that went by that they didn't at least send funny text messages back and forth to troll the other. However, the last few days were spent without so much as a call and it was all Beyoncé's fault.

She couldn't take her eyes off of her cousin. The blonde eventually took a seat next to her mother. Tina dismissed Blue to check on Titan while the adults talked.

"I'm sorry Angie. I was drunk. I don't really think you leaked that," the words poured out of Bey easy and sweet.

Still Angie didn't say anything, wouldn't even look her cousin's way.

"I miss you," Bey admitted remorsefully.

"Do you?" Angela answered almost accusingly.

The last of Beyoncé's confidence diminished; she was barely holding the tears back.

"Angie," Tina scolded.

The diminutive woman looked to Kelly who just wanted the petty hatchet buried so the family could focus on more important things. Angela looked back to Bey.

"Girl I got over that days ago. That's why I came up here. To see how you was doing considering..."

Beyoncé stood and walked over to Angela with her arms out.

"Uh whatchu doing," Angie asked.

"Bring it in," Bey smiled.

Angela recoiled playfully, "ugh!"

Beyoncé leaned down attempting to hug her cousin.

"Auntie get your child!"

Tina waved her off as her husband laughed.

"Girl if you don't give your cousin a hug!"

Angela leaned back as far as the couch would allow and Beyoncé still managed to bear hug her, going as far as to land a wet kiss on the other woman's cheek.

"Ughhh them lips infected aunty get your child!"

The onlookers looked on laughing. Tim even recorded the moment to send to the family group chat. Beyoncé eventually let her loose sitting thigh to thigh with her cousin.

"I thought you had rehearsal Bey," Kelly stated.

"I had to leave early."


Niggas wanna come in the play
Niggas get all in they feelings
Niggas get down every day
Niggas play games when you flex
Niggas throw stones, they gon' feel it on they face

Take it all home, make 'em feel it on they face

Solange found herself parked in front of Kelly's place in the passenger seat of Anthony's car. She had planned to spend the night with him since Julez was with his dad, but she had gotten overwhelmed with his comments. Something was off about Anthony. He seemed antsy and stressed, and his energy was sucking the life out of the room. He didn't say much when Solange requested to be dropped off at her sister's house, but the clenched jaw and the way he refused to meet her eye told her all that she needed to know. He was pissed.

"So you just gonna leave? Was it something I said Solo," Anthony asked.

Solange sighed, "your energy is off and I told you how the comments about me "cheating" makes me feel."

Anthony wiped at his face, "my energy is off?"

Solo turned towards him, "yes Ant, I don't know if you're stressed about work or if it's something else, but something's going on and I don't have time to try and figure you out."

Anthony thumbed the steering wheel, "oh but you got all the time in the world to borrow problems from your sister?"

"–Nope," Solo unlocked the car's door and Anthony's head snapped up at the sound. She had one hand on the door ready to leave.

"Solange, wait," Anthony called.

"I'm not doing this."

"I'm sorry it's just... there's a lot of stuff going on right now."

After hearing the sincerity in his voice Solo sighed and sat back in her seat, "then say that. Don't go around putting your problems off on other people Anthony, it ain't right. We all have problems and I'm here if you ever want to talk, but this attitude you have towards me right now ain't gone cut it. I don't deal well with aggressive male energy. I don't take well to it at all."

Anthony raised a brow, "aggressive? How was I being aggressive?"

Solange rolled her eyes, "it ain't what you said or did. It's in your breathing, your facial expressions, all that. You know I can read people, right?"

Anthony grabbed Solange's hand peppering kisses all the way up her forearm, "I'm sorry baby, okay?"

"You say it, but fix it Anthony," with that, Solange got out of the car and headed inside without so much as a goodbye.

After failing miserably at her attempt at a lazy Monday with her boyfriend, Solange dragged herself to Kelly's front room, where her family were discussing Bey's latest findings about Mr Harding. She didn't want to listen, didn't want to be a part of whatever ridiculous thing happened while she was at Anthony's. He had actually drained all of her energy. Tina was the first to notice the glum expression on her daughter's face.

"Thu Thu baby, what's the matter?"

Solange gave Angela a hug first before greeting the rest of the people, "nothing mama, what are y'all talking about?"

Tina's eyes were still filled with worry even Richard knew something was off about his step daughter. He had a feeling that it had something to do with Solange's mystery man that she refused to let the family meet. Richard couldn't understand how a man could date someone's daughter and didn't have the decency to knock on the door and introduce himself, but maybe that was his old school rules talking. He hadn't even met the guy and already he didn't like him.

"The girls' temp family said they couldn't see Bey unless they go to some cocktail party today and take pictures with the man of the house who's apparently a senator," Angela informed her cousin.

Solange followed Beyoncé's pain-filled eyes as they dropped to inspect the flowers on the coffee.

"Wait, what," she exclaimed, "can somebody run that back for me?"

Kelly nodded, "yup he wants new black voters and figured this was his in."

Tim shook his head, "I don't know any black people that would vote Republican these days, but if he thinks this is the way to do it, he's wrong. We the first people to call a thing a thing, so when those pictures come out, our people gone know what's up."

"Damn right," Richard agreed.

Solange watched Beyoncé carefully as the blonde fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat.

"And I don't like the look of it. I see way too much stuff on the job. This how the manipulation starts, with something small. Always. Then it gets worst. They ain't been there a full twenty four and already being blackmailed. He told them they might not ever see Bey again if she screwed up by seeing them when there's an ongoing investigation which is a lie. There's many cases and reasons where a former foster family could see the children while they investigate, but the girls don't know no better," Angela shook her head.

Tina and Beyoncé sighed simultaneously, "poor babies. I miss them already, with they crazy selves," the elder woman said with a light chuckle.

Solange didn't say anything to her sister because she recognized when Bey was all talked out. She eyed each person in the room.

"And where is Jay at? Why is he not here?"

Bey shrugged, "I told him to get out last night. He said he'd go to another wing of the house until morning and I haven't seen or talked to him since."

The youngest Knowles woman ran her hand through her hair, "so what are we gonna do? I got nieces over there in the house with the white folk and an absentee "daddy" this sounds like it came straight from the Tyler Perry collection. Let's go by the house."

Beyoncé smiled weakly, "Terrell was sent over there to get them earlier but he called me being all loud saying they wouldn't allow them out of the house. I mean I spoke with Karen last night and she seemed nice. She was okay with the girls coming she didn't care. It's the politician husband."

Solange turned her ears off after she heard Karen, "my nieces in the house with a white woman named...Karen? This just keeps getting worse."


Halle was sitting in the Harding's den twirling around in a chair, she looked almost child-like. The youthful action was not lost on Brian as he walked in.

"So," he started, "you girls decided what you're wearing? If not, Alana has a couple of things you two could borrow I'm sure," he had a smile on his face and his hopes held high.

Halle stopped in the chair, her locs hanging over the back of the seat pulling up and over as she stopped her swinging to sit up and face Brian.

"We have our own clothes but thanks," she said with the same forced smile Brian sent her way.

Brian continued to smile but in Chloe's eyes there wasn't anything to be joyous about. She drummed her fingers lightly along her thigh until he walked off to tend to other matters.

"Can you believe him? Alana has a couple of things you two could borrow," Halle mocked in a low voice, "he thinks we're poor."

Chloe shook her head, "his daughter acts just like him."

"I know, at least Karen's not so bad."

Earlier, Karen came to check on them and suggested they get out of the room for at least an hour, said something about it not being good to be cooped up all day. Chloe almost laughed in her face because the woman truly didn't know who she had the pleasure of having inside of her home. The teen could stay in one place for hours at a time probably days and it wouldn't bother her any. What intrigued her was Karen not asking her son to come out of his room. They could hear the loud rock music all the way from downstairs, but Karen buzzed about the house preparing for the cocktail party as if she didn't hear the heavy metal blasting. Just then, Chloe could hear the front door open and heeled footsteps on the hard wooden floor. There's only one person that could be. Luckily they hadn't seen Alana all day because she was at school.

"Mom," the brunette teen yelled making her way through the house.

Karen tossed a towel she had been using to polish some silver over her shoulder and pushed the swing door to the kitchen open to see what her child wanted. Alana met her mother half way which of course equaled the den.

"What is it honey," Karen asked.

Alana smacked her thigh, "how can anyone think in this house with this God awful music rattling the hinges?"

Karen's eyes softened and a faint smile was etched on her face, "you know your brother needs his creative space sweety. Just try to ignore it."

The bass thumped loudly and Chloe could've sworn she saw a few picture frames rattle on the walls. She hated to agree with her enemy, but the music was at a ridiculous level now. Halle pulled her legs into the chair and covered her ears which Karen took notice of.

The woman sighed, "I'll ask him to turn it down," she made her exit.

Chloe froze, her breath catching in her throat as her eyes locked on Alana fully. Still, she couldn't help but to be shook by the mere presence of the girl. It was the unpredictability for her. Chloe couldn't calculate the moment Alana would attack with her venom laced tongue or by trying to harm physically. She hadn't learned this girl like the last person who taunted her, and it had the fifteen year old on edge.

"What are you looking at? Is that all you two do all day? Stare people down," Alana asked, raising her voice slightly over the thumping music.

Halle still had her hands covering her ears not paying Alana any attention.

Alana noted the far away look in Chloe's eyes as she talked about her like she's some sort of impoverished creature and not a human being with feelings. The brunette also caught the pained expression that flashed across the fifteen year old's face when she made a snarky comment about her sister's undeveloped, childlike mental state, and her lack of family.

"Wow Alana, I see I'm not the only one you're a bitch with."

Chloe turned her head to see the long haired young man from earlier, but he had changed his clothes. He now had on an all black cotton long sleeved shirt with a faux blue tie plastered on the front. He matched that with another pair of black skinny jeans but these had less rips in them. Alana made a show of rolling her eyes at her brother. She and BJ had never been that close growing up. He had always seemed annoyed by her presence and resentful of the attention she received from her parents, and she hadn't exactly made being her brother easy on him. She knew how to play their parents so they'd always take her side in an argument and she never hesitated to hold BJ's secrets or mistakes over his head to get her way. But she had harbored her own fair share of resentment for him as well. BJ had spent the majority of his teen years drunk or stoned and she resented him for being weak and absent all the time. She hated that he was never around when her father pressured her to be the perfect daughter and when her mother lacked any trace of an original thought often placating whatever her father said.

"Well, gotta keep that image up right? Wouldn't want that ruined," the brunette said sarcastically.

BJ sneered at his sister, "looks like you're doing a bang up job keeping up. I mean What's she eleven, twelve, and you're saying those things to her? Grow up Alana."

"Oh I'm sorry. Did the twenty two year old who never left his parents' home just tell me of all people to grow up," Alana now had a new target and was geared to aim.

"Yes! Contrary to popular belief, the world doesn't revolve around you! Mom's trying to help these girls from what she told me, and you're sitting here trashing them? That's bullshit what you said and you know it," BJ was a lot of things including a drug dealer, but at the end of the day, he had his mother's heart.

"You don't even know them," Alana ground out angrily.

"I don't need to, I know you."

Chloe and Halle had remained quiet throughout the entire exchange, hoping to avoid being pulled into a conversation between siblings that was surprisingly about them. The oldest Bailey had it already made up in her mind what kind of person BJ was. She assumed he was a malicious hothead much like his sister, but now she could see the very thing that Alana lacked. There was sort of a calming spirit about him. Where Alana's eyes were dark and glassy, BJ had soft blue eyes like his mother. That was the only thing besides their gender that differentiated the Harding children. If it wasn't for the age gap, they could've been twin siblings.

"What's all the ruckus about," Brian joined the young people in the den.

"Nothing daddy, me and BJ were telling our guests how wonderful your cocktail parties are," Alana smiled.

Brian nodded, "speaking of... why don't you all go and get changed it should be starting in a few."

"Sure thing," Alana said.

Her smile was still there but it didn't reach her eyes as she headed out. Brian eyed his son.

"I am changed," BJ motioned towards his shirt with the tie printed on it.

Brian simply shook his head and exited.

"Listen, don't let Alana get to you. Just ignore her. She'll drive herself up a wall if she realizes what she does or says doesn't have an effect," BJ pulled his phone out after it pinged and left the den as well.

Halle turned to her sister, "these people are nuts."


Chloe stood in front of her suitcase trying to decide what to wear. A dress? A t-shirt and some jeans? She had no idea. She was once again in unfamiliar territory and the weight of her emotions were crushing everything. Earlier it was her ability to speak when Alana read her like an open book and now it was her reasoning skills. She grabbed a plain black dress and scolded herself for being so choosy about something so simple, but she was so nervous. She had never been to a cocktail party before and had no idea what to expect. Halle laid in bed attempting to let her body rest. The Tylenol from earlier had since worn off and the annoying pain in her side was back.

"Mama said don't do nothing that man tells us to do Chloe. Why are you picking out clothes," Halle asked.

Chloe was now rumbling through the suitcase to see if Bey had packed any shoes to match the dress, "look around, she's not here. She's all the way across town Halle, and I'd at least like a chance at seeing her, wouldn't you?"

Halle winced when she leaned on her elbow, "this is wrong."

Once Chloe found her shoes, she quietly placed her belongings down on the plain wooden desk that sat off in the corner and unzipped her sister's bag to find her something.

"Yeah, well, people do wrong things all the time. That's just the way life goes. How about this one," Chloe held up a long sleeved dress for her sister.

Halle now stared at the ceiling with her hands folded on top of her stomach, "I don't care, choose whatever."

The defeat in her voice wasn't lost on Chloe, but she had to push it to the back of her mind to be present in her task. Fifteen minutes later, the sisters were all dressed up and waiting to be summoned. Halle peered through the blinds out of the window as expensive car after expensive car struggled to find places to park. The party had already started, this Chloe knew from the light contemporary music muffled by the closed door.

"They just keep coming," Halle turned to her sister, "I hope we don't have to speak to everyone."

A knock at the door halted Chloe's reply. The oldest knew Halle wouldn't answer, nor did she expect or want her to. She got up and pulled the door open. It was Brian. Chloe ogled her feet, he had a way of making Chloe feel small just by his presence.

"Um, the party started, girls thought I'd come and get you," his suit was tailored perfectly to his lean stature.

Halle huffed from across the room and Chloe peered her way. The youngest Bailey grabbed her phone from its charger and slogged towards the door. Brian led them down the steps.

"You don't have to stay for long. I understand teens don't like being surrounded by lame adults. Alana and BJ could rarely stay thirty minutes without complaints about how bored they are. Just greet a couple of people, take a few pictures, sip on some punch if you'd like and the rest of your day is all yours."

Chloe nodded.

If looks could kill, Brian would have a golf ball sized gaping hole in the back of his head from the way Halle stared him down.

The strings from the music grew louder as they neared the main floor. From the staircase, Chloe spotted Alana smiling wide, strutting through the party greeting a few people like the French with double checked kisses. Instinctively, Halle moved closer to her sister, taking her hand. An older white man with a painfully obvious wispy toupee turned around with a glass of champagne in his hand.

"Who do we have here," he asked.

Halle couldn't stop staring at the top of his head. She so badly wanted a sudden gust of wind to pass through the house and blow the rest of the hair piece off so it wouldn't hang the way it was.

Brian stood behind the girls now with one hand on each or their shoulders, "these are the children Karen and I are fostering."

The man looked between Chloe and Halle, "children... fostering hmph... interesting."

Halle peered over her shoulder at Brian and back to the retreating man who was making his way across the room. Being in the room had Chloe hyper aware of the color of her skin. They were the only two specs of color in an enormous sea of uppity Caucasians. Chloe tapped her left index finger on her thigh. Her mouth was unbelievably dry.

"Oh here's another person I want you to meet," Brian pointed across the room.

The first one didn't go so bad, so Chloe nodded in her familiar way and followed Brian with Halle in towe.

"Excuse me," Brian said to a group of three woman who conversed in hushed tones amongst each other.

One woman, a hefty red head, in a blue dress turned greeting Brian with a broad smile.

"Senator Harding," she held her glass up to him.

Chloe felt crushed under the intense fixed stares the two ladies sent her way. The red head was too busy sending googly eyes The senator's way to notice the teens before her. Brian arched his brow and fixed his tie.

"Hi Belinda just wanted to introduce you to the girls I've been fostering," he motioned towards the two.

Belinda grabbed her chest, "oh," she said loudly causing Chloe to flinch and Halle to step closer to her sister.

"They are absolutely adorable," the woman bent over to Halle's height and pinched her cheek, "you're just a darling little thing aren't you!"

A camera flashed right before the woman let Halle's cheek loose. Chloe searched in the direction it came from just as Brian promised there was a photographer capturing the party and had caught the moment. Alana sneered from across the room a few feet away from the camera man. Brian chuckled, "they are just a delight to have in the home."

One of the women who eyed Chloe earlier finally spoke up, "so they live here...with you Karen and the kids?"

"Why Yes they do, right here in my home," Brian said loudly.

He slightly turned Chloe's shoulders toward the camera and held up his right fist for the next shot.

"You're so brave. These your home with your family? That has to be a big risk, no?"

Chloe's eyes widened and her throat felt more dry than before at the crudity of the woman's words. She couldn't quite decide if she felt degraded by them or if they only confirmed how she felt about herself.

"Huge risk," Brian continued to smile for the camera, "but knowing that I helped someone in need outweighs all of that."

Halle couldn't help but to roll her eyes.

Ten minutes, and a thousand backhanded compliments later, Chloe and Halle felt like they had greeted the entire House of Representatives. They didn't know what any of those people did for a living, but judging by their upturned noses and disgusted gazes, Chloe imagined they were all high up in the political world. By the time Karen had finished serving finger food to all of the guests, Halle was on her tenth complaint.

"Can we go now," Halle whined.

Alana had long gone and BJ was never spotted at the gathering. Brian nodded not looking their way and the sisters decided to get fresh air by the pool out back.


"You sure this is the address," Yara asked.

The crew minus Lovie were parked outside of the Hardings home with Yara in the driver's seat, Yas in the passenger, and Beans in the back. Yasmin insisted they drove by after the threat Alana made at school.

"Yes I'm sure. I came here a couple of times with Lovie to pick up some stuff from Alana's brother."

Beans squinted through the window, "it looks like they're having some type of old people party."

Yas unlocked her phone and texted Chloe.

YAS📣💥: Me, Yara, and beans outside Alana house

Chlizzy💕🎤👯‍♀️: 😳😳 for what

YAS📣💥: uhmm because our friends are in a house with our opp🥴

Chlizzy💕🎤👯‍♀️: 🤣😭😭 I'm around back by the pool come through the side and I'll open the gate

YAS📣💥: 👌🏾

Beans hovered over Yasmin's shoulder, "what she say?"

"She's gonna open the gate around back for us," the girl removed her seatbelt.

Beans scrunched his face up, "the back? I'll bust through the front door and scare the shit out them people."

Yara felt a pit in her stomach, "I can't believe I let y'all talk me into this."

Yasmin and Beans were already out of the car.

"Come on curly Q," Yas folded her arms.

"Huuuuh," Yara dragged herself out of the car making sure she locked it a thousand times over.

Feeling like a bunch of bandits, the three teens strolled to the side of the house until they were met with a gate.

Yasmine texted Chloe again to open it. They heard a latch and a creaking sound before they were met with Chloe's wide smile.

"Y'all are crazy! I can't believe you came over here," she allowed them in and locked the gate behind them.

Yasmin spotted Halle sitting on a pool chair a little far back.

"Heeey," she yelled.


Yasmin whipped her head around, "Yara, it's a party going on and they're old, they can't hear us girl."

Everyone made their way to Halle, "I just feel like we're gonna get charged with breaking and entering."

Beans smacked his lips, "one, we didn't break in. Two, who the fuck cares we're fifteen we'll get a slap on the wrist if anything."

The group took their turns greeting Halle who seemed as if she was in real pain. Once they all sat down there was an uncomfortable silence.

"So I heard you slapped Alana," Beans said.

Chloe's eyes narrowed in irritation.

"Sorry Chloe," Yara said genuinely, "but that was vital information your friends needed to know. I was afraid for your safety."

Chloe could see genuine regret flash across the other girl's face. She carefully considered Yara's words, turning them over in her head as she attempted to figure out her next move. Her first instinct had been to shrug it off or get angry, but Yara's right. Keeping secrets had never protected her the way she thought it would. She did it because she had to. She convinced herself she couldn't trust anyone, and maybe she couldn't, but as a result, she compromised her own physical and mental health. And it's lonely living in a world with no friends who care or to trust and she didn't want to live in that world anymore.

"It's alright. I wish y'all could've seen her face afterwards though," Chloe laughed.

Halle hopped up, suddenly forgetting her pain, "Ooh Ooh let me tell the story."

"Please, cause I'm never around when y'all decide to go up side Alana's head and y'all know I can't stand her ass," Beans said.

Halle delved into the story even adding her own exaggerations, always one with a flare for the dramatics. Yasmin had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard.

"Man you good Chloe for only slapping her. If that bitch took something from my little sister's hand it would've taken all y'all plus the strength of Jesus and his disciples to pry my hands from around her long ass neck."

All five teens turned around in panic as the patio door slid open. BJ glanced at the teens and hesitantly stepped forward.

"Geez fucking relax yo," he laughed, "Yas what's up," he went to her dapping her up.

Yasmin smiled wide. She had no problem with BJ, just his bitch of a little sister.

"BJaaay, long time no see. Your hair's gotten longer."

"I know, man can't get it to stop growing," he sat down.

Yara cleared her throat.

"Sorry, these are my friends Yara and Beans."

BJ nodded their way. Halle's brows knitted in confusion and she looked to Yasmin for an explanation.

"I know BJ from going on little excursions with Lovie for her business," Yas quoted the air.

Chloe and Halle nodded. BJ pulled out a bag of weed from his pocket and a backwood from the other.

"You guys wanna smoke," he asked the group.

Yasmin and Beans were the smokers out of the group. It used to be Yara as well, but she stopped almost five months ago. She had her slip ups every now and then when she was overly stressed from dealing with work and school, but for the most part she was good.

"Hell, yeah," Beans said excitedly.

"BJ when have I ever turned down a free blunt," Yasmin laughed.

The twenty something shook his head laughing as he broke the weed down in his hand, "never."

Chloe and Halle knew their friends smoked. Hell, one was a major drug dealer, but they had never sat and watched them indulge in the act. The only time they were in the room while their friends smoked was at Lovie's party and Yasmin was the only one high that night. As Yara talked animatedly into Chloe's right ear about what? Chloe couldn't say because she was too zeroed in on BJ expertly rolling the backwood in front of her. The flick of the lighter as he ran the fire up and down the blunt enticed her. BJ wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. Him and Beans were having their own separate conversation. BJ caught Chloe's stare but didn't address it instead he nodded like the discussion with Beans was serious and finally put flame to the end of the blunt. Chloe followed the clouds of smoke with her eyes as it held her in a trance seemingly tempting her with its dance and flitter into the night sky. BJ eventually passed the blunt to Beans who took two long drags and passed it to Yasmin. Halle and Yas had been sharing a pool chair. She had complained about being a little chilly which was absurd to everyone around her. No one had a jacket to lend and Halle didn't want to go back inside to retrieve hers, so Yas offered her body heat. Halle rested her head on Yasmin's shoulder as she took drags from the blunt.

"That stuff stinks oh my God," she pinched her nose.

Yasmin chuckled and blew the smoke in the opposite direction, but a cloud of smoke still managed to hover over Halle's head.

"Dang Yas, you gonna pass it or what," Yara had her hand out.

Yasmin smacked her lips, "here you go with that in and out stuff. I thought you stopped," she passed it to her friend.

Yara shrugged, "I slipped up and bought some from Lovie."

"When," Beans asked.

Yara leaned back propping one arm behind her head and took short huffs from the blunt, "I don't know about a week ago I think."

BJ was busy rolling another backwood because with all of the people in rotation there was no way he would get high.

"Do you mean to tell me I could've had a smoking buddy who wasn't Beans for a week," Yasmin asked.

"Chill on that, on God bro," Beans said.

Yasmin and BJ laughed.

"See, everytime he smoke he swear he a hood dude from Chicago," Yas shook her head.

Yara reached over Chloe to pass the blunt back to BJ.

"You're not smoking," he asked and looked at her, expectant.

Beans, Yara, Yasmin, and even Halle waited on her answer. She wanted to let go of all of the thoughts running through her mind. To cleanse herself from the hell of a thirty minutes she just endured being insulted again and again by those people in the Hardings' home. She wanted the memory of yesterday to vanish. Just disappear and to never come back. She was just so tired of it. Tired of being the victim. Tired of being at everyone's mercy. Tired of being the one who got used. The one who got played with like a toy and put back on the shelf when people grew bored with her. She wanted to feel free like her friends seemed all the time. Her sister gasped as she watched Chloe take the blunt in between her pointer finger and thumb.

"Chloe," Halle called but was ignored.

Chloe stared at the blunt letting it burn and Beans tried not to get upset that she was wasting the weed.

"Well," BJ said.

Those piercing blue eyes locked with her deep brown ones. Don't do it, her brain told her, but what had it done for her lately? Nothing. So she did it. And it felt good. It felt good being the one in control for once. Not Tasha. Not Mike. Not the system. Nobody but her. She had made her own decision. Slowly, the girl put the blunt to her lips and inhaled. Chloe didn't have a curious-case in hell about what she was doing. She coughed as the smoke burned her lungs.

"You have to inhale slowly," BJ coached.

Normally, she wouldn't think twice about smoking. This was not her mantra. Not what she did or was about, but if everything else in her life was crumbling, then why not? What could it hurt? Again Chloe inhaled, this time more slow.

"Hold it," Beans said when he saw her about to blow the smoke out.

Chloe held it for as long as she could until she was patting at her chest from nearly coughing up a lung. Yara patted her back like she was burping an infant. Yasmin bit her cheek to keep from laughing but when she locked eyes with Yara all bets were off. They threw their heads back cackling as Chloe passed the blunt to BJ who had already started the next rotation. A goofy smile was on the teen's face as she took in her friends still carrying on. Halle held onto Yasmin's waist, staring at her sister like she was a stranger. The first blunt went around twice more and by this time Chloe had tears down her face from the smoke getting into her eyes and laughing so hard. The feeling had been downright euphoric to her, soothing her fury while dulling her pain. And the high she felt was too enticing, too good to give up, so she allowed it to consume her, to keep her in a fevered trance where nothing hurt.

"I can't feel my cheeks," Chloe had her palms on either side of her face looking terrified, "I can't feel my cheeeks," this time she smiled wide and nodded slowly like she was impressed with her inability to feel her face.

BJ passed her the second blunt.

"Didn't I just have it," she asked with a peculiar smile.

"That was the other one," Yas confirmed.

Chloe's not sure how she got here. In LA sitting in the back of some random people's home with her friends, high out of her mind but somehow still lonely. Still empty inside. Still fighting the same demons. Still broken. She shook her head to push the thoughts away and again put the blunt between her lips. Yara laid with her head in Chloe's lap stretched out between two chairs as she looked up at her friend who now had the hang of smoking. The singer took three long drags before handing it to her.

"I wonder if my brain had like a, like a voice...what would it sound like," Beans' eyes were bloodshot as he stared at his hands in deep thought.

"Dude," BJ upped a brow.


Yara sat up to pass the blunt, "your brain does have a voice. You're kinda using it now."

She fell back onto Chloe's lap and played with the strings to her own hoodie pulling them back and forth all while, looking up at her friend who was now in a disoriented daze of temporary peace of mind.

"Yoooo, on foe'nem grave you righhhht this shit crazy like my brain just be talking and shi- aye what the fuck," Beans yelled when he looked up.

Yasmin followed his gaze looking down to the thirteen year old she shared a chair with and gasped. Yara sat up and clasped her hand over her mouth.

"Ground control to major Chloe," Yara patted her friend's shoulder.

Chloe took a break from staring at the sky to see what was happening down on planet Earth and was greeted with an eyeful of her younger sister taking puffs from the blunt. Her jaw could've fallen off. She wanted to go and snatch it, but she was too high to intervene. Too high to move. Chloe just looked on as Halle casually inhaled like she had been smoking all of her life.

"I'm sorry Chlo, I guess I wasn't paying attention to who I was passing it to," Yara said.

She nods uneasily, realizing Yara must be mistaking the look of anguish on her face for worry, which isn't entirely inaccurate. She is of course worried about Halle smoking, but it's the guilt that was destroying her. She felt the dread pooling low and warm in her stomach as Halle started coughing with a slight smile at the ends of her lips.

"What's in this stuff," Halle eyed the backwood.

"How about weed," Yasmin went to snatch it, but BJ intervened.

He looked at the young girl and shook his head, "might as well let her finish it, it's about to be a roach anyway."

Yasmin bucked her eyes and looked to Chloe when the youngest of them all went to take another puff.
Chloe was still looking at Halle, but her eyes had filled with tears and she was holding her breath.

"Halle you're too young to be smoking girl," Yas tried.

The teeny bopper looked up to her friend, "how old were you when you started smoking," she asked as thick grey waves escaped from her nostrils.

"-Uh, um I," the girl stammered.

"Thirteen," Beans answered for her.

Yasmin smacked her thigh, "this ain't about me. I'm not thirteen now and don't say it like both of y'all wasn't with me trying to figure out how to roll them nasty ass swisher sweets."

Yara put her hood on and pulled the strings so tight that all anyone could see were her eyes.

"If anybody need a blunt today it's these two. Not saying I condone Halle participating but I'm just saying they did kinda get attacked," Beans held his hands up in surrender.



I have come to whisk you away

I can feel you



I'm floating. More like falling. My eyeballs feel like there's kittens massaging them with their cute little paws. I can't remember the last time I felt this relaxed or at least at ease. Probably whenever I was at home with mama curled up in her bed or sitting with her as she responded to all of her emails. I just wanna go home to her. I want my mommy. I wonder what she'd say if she saw me like this.


I'm really high. Like reeaallyy high. I can tell because there's a ringing in my ear and I feel stuck. Why would anyone wanna feel this way?


Like they can't move at all? Yasmin is talking to me and patting my face but I don't know what she's saying, so I can't answer. She looks funny right now like she's worried or something. Girl, I'm just high. Wasn't she high too? Chloe looks like she's about to cry or throw up, probably both. Should people not smoke on an empty stomach or was that just Alcohol? I think I might throw up too. Am I too young to have a heart attack? Oh my God I'm gonna die! What if I never come down from this? What if I end up on one of those TV one specials unsung? Or worst the first 48: Torched.

I get high - high - high - high(Every day)
I get high - high - high - high(Every night)
I get high - high - high - high(All the time)

I found myself singing out loud. Everyone laughs including Chloe so I know she's definitely under the influence. I sung that song once in front of her and she made me sit for an hour as she lectured me on the importance of staying away from drugs and alcohol. Everyone around me flinched and turned at something. I craned my neck to see what they were all looking at.

It was Alana standing there with her arms crossed and a scowl.

"She so damn ugly," I said.

"Pfft," Yasmin burst out laughing.

Chloe and Yara caved too. They both made a show to exaggerate their laughs so Alana knew they agreed.

I was serious though. She is really ugly. I mean she's a beautiful girl on the outside, but her insides are all scrambled and that's the most important. Beans and BJ just stared at her in disgust.

"Get out before I call the cops," She looked to Yasmin.

"Caall'em," Yas sang like she was Erykah Badu, earning a couple of chuckles.

"She like a damn ghost just appearing and shit," Beans got out.

Alana walked closer staring at Yasmin, "get out of my house! What are you even doing here. This is criminal trespassing!"

Yasmin moved me from her shoulder and stalked closer to Alana, "make me. I would love to whoop yo ass on your family's property."

BJ got up and shuffled toward the two wedging himself between them.

"Alana, what are you doing" he asked.

I can't help the smile on my face because it seemed like this girl wanted to get beat up at every turn. Why? Why didn't she ever swing first? The only person she laid hands on was Chloe and that's because she knew Chloe wouldn't hit back. Well at least not then. I'm not so sure anymore.

"I came out here because mom wants you," she rolled her eyes.

Yasmin still hadn't moved. My stomach hurt from laughing at this point. I don't know what's funny it just is.

"Alright," BJ said.

He turned to Yasmin and dapped her up like before, "good seeing you Yas." He waved to Yara and Beans before heading into the house with his sister glaring over her shoulder.

What does she think squinting her eyes at us would do? Were we supposed to scream and run in the opposite direction? Like I'm confused.



Some time later, the ringing of Chloe's phone in her lap snapped her out of her daze. Her stomach twisted with fear as she grabbed the device and turned it over to see who was calling. Her heart hammered in her chest and her head was in a thick fog of panic upon seeing Bey's name flash across the screen.

"Shit," Chloe exclaimed.

"What's wrong," Yara raised a brow.

Chloe turned her phone to the curly-haired girl, "it's Bey!"

Halle jolted up from her relaxed position, "don't answer it!"

Chloe smacked her lips, "I can't just not answer. You know she'll just keep calling and then try your phone next."

Yasmin went into her purse and grabbed her eyedrops knowing that parents these days didn't just call, they FaceTimed. She quickly got up and flashed the tiny bottle in front of Halle's face. Eventually the phone stopped ringing. Yasmin had her left hand holding Halle's eye open as she quickly dropped the clear liquid onto her orbs. She scurried over to Chloe doing the same. Chloe wiped the excess tears that leaked out due to her eyes being opened too long and looked back an forth between Beans and Yara as her phone rang again.

"My eyes red," she asked.

Everyone sitting in a chair was dazed and therefore no help for each other, "nah they don't look like it from here."

"You're good," Yara agreed.

Chloe went to answer the call but before she slid her finger across the screen she looked to Beans, "please don't speak like at all. As in, mouth closed until I hang up please?"

Beans let out a huff but nodded. Chloe answered the call.

"Hello," she said nervously once it connected.

"Hey baby what took you so long answering," Bey asked.

'Oh my fucking god that's Beyoncé' Yas mouthed.

"I'm outside and my phone was too far away," she always struggled with lying.

Beyoncé squinted and put her face closer to the camera, "everything alright you seem a bit off."

Chloe looked off camera towards Yara for a split second, "everything's good," she smiled widely.

Again Bey squinted, "where's your sister?"

Halle's heart sank into the floor. She motioned for Chloe to tell her she was asleep.

"She's right here."

Halle sighed and took that as her cue to stand up and show her face in the camera. She sat beside her sister and put her hand in the camera waving.

"Hi mama," she said softly.

Beans' mouth dropped at one of his friends referring to Thee Beyoncé Gisselle Knowles-Carter better known as the woman of his dreams as her mother.

"Why can't I see you?"

Chloe moved the camera so that they were both in frame.

Bey laughed at how silly the girls were being, naïve to the mind altering drugs they had just consumed.

"Y'all so silly. I was calling to see how the event went with Mr Harding."

Halle did the best she could to hide the fact that she was high, but the excitement from talking to her mom coupled with all she had to say about the cocktail party pulled at her restraints.

"It was awful ma, all these white people kept pinching my cheeks and telling Mr Harding how brave he was for taking not one but two black kids into his home. They asked him how he makes sure we don't steal nothing from his family and he told the man that he puts his trust in the lord and walked on faith. He even made us pose while he held up the black power fists to the camera," she giggled at the last statement because she had to admit that it was kind of funny.

The whole time Halle talked, Chloe did a little jig on the side while laughing and it was throwing Beyoncé off. The woman sighed simply because she couldn't do anything about their situation.

"Make sure you two mind your manners, but like I said before don't do anything that man tells you to do if it don't sound right or feel right. Y'all call me first if anything. You hear me Chloe," Bey watched as the fifteen year old made different poses in the camera.

"Chloe," she said seriously.

The girl laughed and covered her mouth, "I hear you Bey."

Yara watched in horror as her friend failed miserably at masking her marijuana induced trip. She just knew, like the party, her name was going to be brought up if they were caught.

Beyoncé decided to ignore the odd behavior for now, "So I talked to Vivian and she said basically the same thing Mr Harding said, that I'm not technically supposed to see y'all until they finish doing what they doing on their end."

The blonde waited on their responses but they were both sitting there fighting back smiles.

"She had me submit some papers saying I needed to see y'all for work related reasons and she just emailed me back with the approval so I'll see y'all tomorrow after school. For real this time," Bey continued.

Halle let out a snicker. She had heard her mom loud and clear, but she didn't want to get her hopes up high like they were earlier that day.

"Okay," she eventually said.

"Y'all are giving me sign language. What's going on," she asked.

"I'm just a little tired," Chloe lied.

"Me too," Halle rushed out.

"Halle it is nearing your bed time so that's accurate for you but Chloe? Tired at this time of day," she squinted her eyes.

"I didn't get much sleep last night," That wasn't totally a lie.

Bey nodded her understanding, "well Imma let y'all get some sleep. Make sure to set y'all alarms. Chloe you set two. I love y'all."

"I love you too," Halle said.

"Good night," Chloe called before ending the FaceTime.

Beans was still in shock and Yasmin sat with an unguarded smile, "like I still can't believe Beyoncé is Y'all mama. Do you know what type of flex that is?"

Yara's hood was still pulled tight around her face as she started to freak out.

"Oh my God! Oh my God she totally knew you two were high. That means she knew me was in fact, high."

Beans smacked his lips, "you not even making sense she didn't even know you were here."

"Are you kidding? Chloe can't hold water to save her life," she looked to her friend, "sorry Chlo you're my dog and I love you but you can't," Yara said.

"You good girl. I know I can't, but trust me if Bey knew we were high? She wouldn't hesitate to say something. That's not who she is," Chloe explained and Halle nodded agreeing.

Yara started to relax.

"That's my cue," Yara stood and stretched, "I need to get home before my mom calls and the conversation isn't gonna go anything like y'all's just did."

"Mrs Wilkins don't play," Beans said from the side as he stood to leave as well.

"If that hoe try something you know we're just one phone call away," Yasmin pulled Chloe in for a hug.

"Thank you guys, really," Chloe replied.

Everyone exchanged hugs and Beans stood in front of Chloe, "it don't have to be an emergency, you could just call...anytime and I'll come running."

Yara smacked him hard upside his head, "alright let's go. See you tomorrow," she called over her shoulder and continued to scold her best friend.


"Man I told y'all all I know!"

This nigga sitting here like a bitch crying in a bunch of other nigga's faces. We been at his ass for hours though. He was dangling from the ceiling of one my warehouses with his toes barely scraping the ground. One of his eyes were completely swollen shut. He had slice wounds damn near everywhere and his entire body was covered in sweat.

"You been talking but you ain't saying shit," Glizzy sent a bone cracking punch to dude jaw.

Glizzy is a crazy Puerto Rican mufucka with nothing but murder on his mind. He ain't even let me finish explaining to him what happened before he called his own people to find at least one of the niggas from the studio. The rest must be in hiding and as for that bitch Ace, I'm saving him for myself. I don't know why they saw fit to try and run up on me. Hov? Now everybody know I'm serious about mine. I never took a break from these streets. Yeah I elevated, but Imma always have one leg in and one out.

I leaned casually on the wall as dude spit blood on the floor, "I told y'all I ain't lay a hand on naan one of them girls I was by the door."

Aight man that's it. My tec had been in my hands this whole time. It ain't take much to take the safety off. I inched towards this nigga.

"Please Hov man don't do this, I got kids," he could barely keep his head up.

I grabbed him by his jaw squeezing hard until he had no other choice but to open his mouth. I heard the metal clink hard against his teeth as I shoved the gun in his mouth. Pussy nigga must got nine lives cause he saying all the wrong shit.

"You got kids," I twisted my gun to the side.

He stared at me breathing all hard like he was the one mad.

"You might wanna answer my question."

He nodded.


I pulled out my phone with my left hand pulling up the video that was still getting more views. He stopped crying and a look of horror came on his face as the sound of Halle's breathy cries and another nigga's empty threats blared loudly throughout the warehouse.

"I can't breathe"

I looked around at the six other men standing around watching, "he said he got kids," I chuckled.

I shoved the gun deeper down his throat only stopping when I heard him gag.

"How many of y'all got kids," I asked the men.

All of them nodded looking underneath their brows basically foaming at the mouth they was so ready to kill this nigga.

"Nigga we all got kids. In fact," I turned my phone towards him again, "these two of mine right here!"

I could tell his blood ran cold. I could always tell.

"You ain't know that did ya? How about after I kill you. I go to yo family house drag yo kids out they beds put a knife in'em take a little bit of life from'em and stuff they ass in the mattress like drug money nigga and make ya girl watch?"

He struggled against his chains but that only made them dig into his wrists more.

"Yeah that's how I felt too, watching the shit y'all put mine through. Yo best bet is to tell where the other niggas at cause I know you know. You gonna die here today that's a given, but if I don't find the rest of these mufuckas I ain't gone be satisfied and a kid for a kid seem to be the only solution."

His voice was muffled as he tried to say something. I yanked the gun from his mouth taking one of his front teeth with it.

"That nigga Dre he got a spot out in Boyle Heights cause he got it good over there with the Latinos. I don't know the address if I did I'll tell you. Caine, the one with the dreads he, he stay over in Watts in Nickerson gardens and Trill, that's the nigga with the braids who stepped on your daughter he over there in Jordan Downs. That's all I know man I don't usually even run with them niggas that's why they had me at the door. Please leave my kids outta this."

When I'm in Hov mode I really don't feel nothing, like I'm numb or some shit and this nigga crying in my face is really starting to piss me off. I ripped a piece of his shirt off and stuffed it in his mouth. He was sucking in as much air as he could through his nose. The least he could do was look me in the eye like a man. My hand was on his jaw forcing him to look at me. I put the gun to his head and he squeezed his eyes shut waiting for me to pull the trigger. He expected me to kill him. I changed my mind and aimed at his thigh pulling the trigger but one time. He screamed out in pain but it was muffled due to the shirt. I ain't give a fuck. He better be lucky he could still do that. The first drop of blood spattered on the floor and then onto my shoe. His head rested on one of his outstretched arms as he tried to get his breathing under control. I took the cloth from his mouth and he began gulping in fresh air.

"Imma let you live, since you got kids," I growled.

I bent down wiping my worn handkerchief to my all white forces and stood back up walking away from him.

"Man Thank you Jay, thank you," he cried.

Glizzy gave me the eye and gestured towards the nigga and I nodded giving him permission to kill. The first round of shots warmed my heart and as I walked further, I could tell that all six men was gunning him down. They really didn't play like that when it came to code, so I understood.

A/N: 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 yall 🤷🏾‍♀️ idek

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