Meant To Rule

De Idek-515

221K 5.4K 553

Lily and James Potter left their oldest son on the Dursley's porch thinking hes a squib but someone else gets... Mai multe

Chapter 1♡︎
Chapter 2♡︎
chapter 4♡︎
Chapter 5♡︎
Chapter 6♡︎
Chapter 7♡︎
Chapter 8♡︎
Chapter 9♡︎
Chapter 10♡︎
Chapter 11♡︎
Chapter 12♡︎
Chapter 13♡︎
Chapter 14♡︎
Chapter 15♡︎
Chapter 16♡︎
Chapter 17♡︎
Chapter 18♡︎
Chapter 19♡︎
Chapter 20♡︎
Chapter 21♡︎
Chapter 22♡︎
Chapter 23♡︎
Chapter 24♡︎
Chapter 25♡︎
Chapter 26♡︎
Chapter 27♡︎
Chapter 28♡︎
Chapter 29♡︎
Chapter 30♡︎
Chapter 31♡︎
Chapter 32♡︎
Chapter 33♡︎
Chapter 34♡︎
Chapter 35♡︎
Chapter 36♡︎
Chapter 37♡︎
Chapter 38♡︎
Chapter 39♡︎

Chapter 3♡︎

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De Idek-515

It's now wednesday,Two days after the Potters payed Harden a visit. Dean and Harden told the pack everything that happend and everyone instantly agreed that the Potters were now an enemy. No one messes with Harden not only is he their alpha but also someone that they considered family, he completed them even when he was just a baby.

Today they are going to Diagon Ally to get the things Harden needs for Hogwarts. Every year since Harden turned eleven he was sent his Hogwarts letter so they have the supply list for this year already.

Dean is currently trying to wake up his son while Bella watches. It's the same thing every morning yet she never gets tired of watching.

Dean pulls on his Son's legs but Harden grabs the bed bord and lets out a small growl "Don't you growl at me! You need to wake up, geez your such a pain in the ass"

Harden lets out another growl when his father says the last part. He is not a pain in the ass. He lets out a small whine when his father slaps him on the back of the head "I said no growling! Now get up we need to get your school supplies"

Harden just buries his head into his pillow with a huff.

Bella rolls her eyes finally stepping in to help her husband "The pack is coming" she tries

Harden lifts his head but doesn't get out of bed,giving her his puppy eyes "Can I get chocolate mom?"

Bella's eyes soften and she gives him a small smile "Of course honey"

He jumps out of bed and runs around his dad giving his mom a sweet kiss to the cheek and rushes to his closet. For being half wolf he sure does love chocolate but for some reason his dad hardly lets him have any.

Dean quickly turns to his wife "He can't have chocolate! You know how hyper he gets and we all know that when he gets hyper his emotions seem to heighten! And he already can hardly sit still so it just gets worse" He says nearly pulling out his hair. His son really is like a puppy,always energetic even if people who don't know him usually see him as calm and emotionless he has his tattle-tale signs. Like the slight knee bouncing and constant fidgeting with something. Him being hyper just makes even more energetic and a bigger pain in the ass.

Bella gives him a sheepish look "I know but he used his secret weapon..." They both let out a groan "The puppy eyes" they say together. He can't even blame his wife, everyone,even him falls for the puppy eyes.It's just so adorable! He makes his big silver eyes even more bigger and he pouts out his bottom lip and just gives you this completely sad look like you'll break his heart if you tell him no.

Harden exits his closet coming out with a black silk long sleeve with matching pants and a black belt. He takes a quick shower before putting his outfit on and adds some jewelry.

He goes down stairs and the pack jokingly whistles at him. The whole pack look amazing. They always dress to empress when they go out since their a famous family but with his god like looks and charming smile plus the dark clothing Harden always gets the most attention.

When Harden finally makes it down the stairs he's instantly pulled into a group hug by his pack. Even though they visit often they still miss him when their gone.

Dean suddenly throws him over his shoulder and hurriedly sets him down in the passenger seat and rushes to the drivers seat before yelling out to the surprised pack "HARDENS RIDING WITH ME SO WHOEVER WANTS TO JOIN,JUMP IN!"

They all have expensive cars but Harden always rides in Deans car since it's his favorite simply because the car is his colors. Harden always goes with the colors back and silver whether it's clothes,shoes,bedroom,or jewelry. The car is a matted pitch black and the lights light up as more of a silver color. The pack always want to sit drive in the car their alpha is in but they can't all fit so they either fight over it or race.

Even though mates are pack members too they decided to just hand out at Hardens house to allow the original pack members to have alone time with their alpha since he's leaving on sunday.

The pack all rush to the car and Jay,Jared,and Jordan are the ones to make it. The rest of the pack all groan and drag themselves to three different cars so they won't have to take every ones car.

One their way to Diagon Ally the play songs and sing at the top of their lungs. Half way through a song Jay reaches over and turns off the music and looks at his alpha "can you sing for us?"

The pack has heard Harden play piano and guitar,but he's never sung infront of anyone,though they all expect him to be just as good.

Harden thinks for a moment before nodding. He can't be shy forever and the pack is always honest with him so it's better to find out if he's bad now than someone over hearing him sing at Hogwarts.

When he's finished the car goes silent and he looks at them nervously "Was I bad?"

They all look at him like he's crazy. They knew he would be good,Hardens good at everything,but they didn't think he would sound that amazing.

"Of course not Harden! You were amazing! We were just shocked. We knew you'd be good but we didn't know you were THAT good," Dean explains to his son, while the other three nod their heads in agreement

All of Harden's insecurities about his singing instantly melt away. His dad would never lie to him, and his pack members are always honest with him.

He gives them a toothy smile "Thanks guys"
They all give him small smiles,glad to see his worries wash away. Harden seems to be good at everything,but just like anybody else,he has insecurities too.Since the pack would never lie to him,they just have to tell him the truth.Their all glad Harden always ends up being good at everything.

They park infront of the pub they were told to come too. They had to ask some wizarding friends how to get to Diagon Ally. They make their way out their cars,ignoring the starring muggles. Harden walks infront while his pack walks behind him. He leads all of them into the pub and walks up to the bar where a man stood behind handing out drinks. Harden gestures for his pack to sit down while they wait for the man to finish what he's doing.

Thats the thing about Harden, he knows working is important and would never try to stop someone from doing their job. He also doesn't think it's fair to demand attention and service if other people who were here before him were being seen too. This was one of the reasons everyone loved and respected him so much. He wasn't like the Potters, barging in here and demanding to be served at once and not even having any manners. All this,just because they're the parents of the boy-who-lived,and Harry wasn't any better. Almost everyone hated the Potters,but they felt like they owed Harry for killing Voldemort.

If only they knew the truth.

When Tom's done with the last person at the bar Harden calls out to him "Excuse me sir?" He says politely causing the man to rush over once he realizes who he is. He can't believe he was just ignoring the most respected man,he's practically royalty.

"I am so sorry Mr.Royal! I did not see you or your family there! I assure you, if I did,I would have assisted you right away," Tom rushes out,feeling slightly embarrassed for not noticing the Royal family in his pub.

Harden kindly smiles at the man "It's no problem sir, you were busy with work and I don't mind having to wait to get your attention, they were here before me"

Tom looks at the boy in surprised. None of the rich families are ever really nice. Sure they show more respect than the Potters but you can see the slight disgust in their eyes and how they give you fake smiles.Yet the richest family and a boy younger than them is treating him like an equal.

Everyone that was ease dropping on the conversation were also surprised and felt slightly guilty. They all though he would be stuck up and rude like the other families,but clearly thats not the case.

Tom gives the boy a small smile "Thank you Mr.Royal,what may I help you with?"

"Well we actually want to know how to get to Diagon Ally, a friend told us there's an entrance here and you can just call me Harden Mr...." Harden explains,trailing off when he realizes he doesn't know the kind mans name

"You can just call me Tom Mr.R- Harden" Tom's completely and the pub are completely in shocked about the boy. They all thought he would be stuck up and rude just like the Potters and all the other rich families.

"Well Tom if your not busy can you lead us to the entrance please?" Harden politely asked. He needed his supplies but he didn't want to distract Tom if he was busy.

"Of course Harden, follow me" Tom says while leaving the bar and leading the Royal family to the back.

Harden sends everyone in the pub a beaming smile "Have a good day" he says politely and jogs up to Toms side "So do you own the pub?"

"Yes,it was actually built by my great-great-great-great grandfather so it's kind of a family job though over time the place has gotten old and i've been saving up all I can to fix it up but it's never been enough so I kinda just gaved up on it" Tom says sadly. He's always loved the pub but with it's old age there's a lot of things wrong with it and he gets a lot of complains and eventually hardly any people stayed there anymore.

They reach the brick wall and Tom shows them how to open it before stepping aside to let them go through.

Harden signals the pack to go ahead of him and turns back to Tom,handing him a pouch "I hope this helps you Tom, never give up on a dream,your a good person you deserve some happiness" Harden says softy and turns around to catch up to his pack. He saw the sad look in Toms eyes and he wanted to help the kind man.

Tom shakily opens the pouch and covers his mouth with tears in his eyes,it was enough money to make the pub brand new. He would forever be grateful.

Harden catches up with his pack and his dad pulls him into his side "What did you do?" He questions curiously

"Tom kept saving money to fix the pub up but he gaved up when it kept being not enough so I gaved him money" Harden says with a small shrug.

Dean pulls his son closer to his side "I'm proud of you" he said honestly. Hes so proud of his son for not being stuck up and always treating everyone as his equal,well unless they were an enemy. Harden may have a lot of money and he may be popular but he never let any of it get to him. Sure he became powerful but he has a big heart. Well unless your on his bad side. Then he's cold hearted and mercy less.

His whole face brightens. He loves making his dad proud. His dad's approval means everything to him. He does everything he can to not disappoint Dean.

☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐏☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎☽︎

After a few hours of shopping Harden has everything accept for his wand. "Dad,do you know where the wand shop is?"

"No Harden, if I did we would be there by now" his dad says with sass

Harden gives his dad a glare "Don't make me sit on you again" He threatens and lets out a satisfied humm when his dad puts his hands up in surrender.

Harden spots a cute boy with brown hair and blue eyes talking with his group of friends. He smirks and walks up to the boy,he could get directions and a new distraction.

The boy turns around when his friends go quiet and staring at something behind him with red faces.
He's surprised when he sees the god like person walking towards him. Hes glad he's sitting since his lets felt like jelly when the boy reaches him and starts talking "Hey handsome,can you show me and my family find the wand shop?" 

The blue eye boy blushes a light red. He of course knows who the royals were and he's seen a couple pictures of Harden,everyone has but even though he looks handsome in the very few pictures on the newspaper they do not compare to how good he looks in real life.

"O-of course" The blue eye boy stutters and clumsily stands up

As Harden leads him to his family he looks at the boy "So whats your name handsome?"

"C-Cedric Diggory" Cedric stutters. Cedric's always been a handsome boy,Hogwarts golden boy but he's never had many girlfriends. He's never liked boys in that way but he just like everyone else can't help but feel his pants get just a little bit tighter and can't seem to stop his mind from thinking of things he'd let the god like Royal do to him

"Well Cedric I'm Harden" He introduces himself to the blushing boy

"I know who you are,everyone does" Cedric replies and Harden nods his head and calls out to his pack "Hey guys! This is Cedric,he's going to take us to the wand shop"

Dean shakes his head as his son flirts with Cedric on the way to the wand shop. He turns to the pack "I bet he's going to bring Cedric home and if I am then yall have to babysit Harden tommarow"

The pack all share looks before sharing a nod and look back at Dean and take turns shaking his hand to seal the deal. Of course they knew Harden would take Cedric home but they also knew tommarow is Dean's and Bella's anniversary so he's probly trying to take her out. They honestly don't mind watching their young Alpha for a day,they know Dean needs atleast a one day break,he loves Harden like a son but even they have to admit their alpha can be a pain in the ass.

When they stop infront of the wand shop Harden turns to Cedric with a bright smile that causes his legs to feel weak

"Thank you for the help handsome" He steps closer to Cedric and leans down "Id be happy if you could tell your parents your coming over to...hang out" he whispers and teasingly bites cedric earlobe causing the boy to let out a small gasp

Harden makes his way to the front of the pack and leads them inside with a small smirk on his face. He can't wait to have the blue eyed boy on his bed.

When he walks in he looks around the small shop. Wands are everywhere!they line up on the shelves making sure each one is filled.

A guy with white hair and grey eyes suddenly appeared behind Harden "Ahh Mr.Royal i've been waiting for you"

The pack all jumped while Harden didn't even blink. He turns to the man and gives him a polite smile "Hello Mr..."

"Garrick Ollivander" the man asked slightly surprised. No one really bothers to ask his name but hes not completely shocked,hes heard great things about the young Royal.

"Do you go by Ollivander or Garrick?" Harden questions,he didn't want to be rude.

"Most call me Ollivander but I'd hope my friends would call me Garrick,if I had any" He replies with a lonely look in his eyes, no one bothered to be his friend he was just the man that made and sold wands

"Well Garrick me and your family would gladly be your friend,you shouldn't be alone" Harden tells the man softly. He didn't like seeing the lonely look in the mans eyes.

Ollivander looks at the boy shocked. He was not expecting the youngest Royal to want to be his friend just because he noticed how lonely he was,expecially not the whole family

The pack all smile when they notice the proud look on Deans face. Their Alpha has always been good with people and treated everyone with kindness and upmost respect unless they showed him they didn't deserve it and thats always made Dean proud. He loves how his son can treat everyone as his friend and rip his enemy's apart with no mercy.

"Thank you Mr.Royal" Ollivander says with a small smile and gestures Harden to follow him

"You can call me Harden Garrick,were friends now" he says as he follows his new friend to the counter

"Okay Harden, I just need to measure your wand arm" Garrick tells the young boy

Harden nods and holds out his left hand. He's never had a wand before but he writes with his left so he assumed it would be the same hand he would use for his wand. He honestly doesn't need a wand since with homeschooling he just did nonverbal magic that his pack taught him but Hogwarts requires a wand.

After Garrick measured his arm he had him try wants and after each one Garrick seemed to get more happy while Harden got more frustrated. After about the 50th wand Garrick gaved Harden a bright smile "I got the perfect wand"

Harden watches as he practically runs to the back of the shop and he turns tk his pack who all cover their mouths to hold in a laugh as his messy hair and annoyed face "Let out one laugh and I'll sit on you. I know none of yall would like a 12 feet and 5 inches wolf sitting on you,isn't that right dad?"

Deans face goes serious and he looks to the rest of the pack "you don't,I swear he almost crushed my ribs"

Garrick came back with a black glass box and very carefully opens it and Harden looks at the wand in awe it was all black with a green gem on the hilt and seemed to have snake and moon phases carvings.

Harden gently grabs the wand and silver,black,and green sparks shoot out.

Ollivander was in awe. Thats the strongest wand to ever be made.

Harden suddenly turns into his wolf form and runs around in happy circles,good thing they were the only ones in the store.

Dean laughs at his sons sillyness and walks to the surprise and slightly frightened Garrick "Sorry about him if his emotions are too high then he turns without even meaning too but as long as you don't do something to make him feel angry or threatened then hes like an overgrown puppy"

Garrick gives a slight nod feeling a little more assured but not completely. He slightly tenses when Harden turns towards him but lets out a small smile at the wolfish smile the big wolf gives him

Harden notices that Garrick is a little scared of him so he sends him a smile which works a little but not completely so he lays down on his stomach and crawls to him,trying to look smaller.

He stops a few steps away from Garrick and lays his head on his front paws and puts his ears flat down looking at him with big grey eyes

Garrick lets out a small chuckle at the adorable giant wolf,he can't believe he was scared of Harden. He truly was like a huge puppy. He softy pats Hardens head and laughs when the giant dog licks his hand.

Harden turns back to his human form and grabs his wand from his dad before giving Garrick a happy smile "Thank you for the wand Garrick"

"It was my pleasure Harden. This wand was made by Salazar Slytherin himself with a help of a friend though no one knew who that was,this is the most powerful wand to ever be made" Garrick explains

"Who's Salazar Slytherin?" Harden ask confused

"He was one of the founders that created Hogwarts.His colors are green and silver and one of the houses at Hogwarts is his. The Slytherin house" Garrick explains

"Is is symbol by any chance a snake?" Harden questions

"Yes,how did you know that" Garrick questions confused 

Harden looks at his Garrick with wide eyes before pacing the small shop. It all makes sense now!the pieces fit together now but he wants to make sure

He stands still and takes a deep breath  'Moon Goddess I wish to speak to you please'

A Angelic voice rings through his mind 'Yes young Alpha?'

'Is the Slytherin house the think I'm suppose to rule over?'

A sweet chuckle echos through his head 'I see you figured it out,I always knew you could be smart if you tried'

Harden makes an offended face 'I don't know what your talking about, I'm always smart'

The moon goddess gives an amused chuckle 'You thought leaping off the second floor railing to get to the first floor in your wolf form was a good idea'

'It was!' Harden argues

'Young god you broke one of your front paws and strained one of your back ones,your lucky you heal within seconds' The moon goddess says with slight amusement

'Okay so I don't always think but you have to admit that when I do I'm smarter than an average human' he says with a slight pout

'Your a god and a wolf,an alpha to be exact so your not even technically human,Now get out of your mind,goodbye young Alpha' The goddess says and leaves his mind

He opens his eyes and looks around making sure Garrick wasn't around before looking towards his dad with a pout "She said I wasn't smart and then proceeded to tell me I'm technically not human and She told me I was right about Slytherin being the thing I'm meant to rule over"

His father gives a small chuckle and points towards the back of the shop "Go tell Garrick bye,we have to get going now and I'm sure Cedric's been waiting on you"

Harden jumps over the counter and runs to where he can smell Garrick "I have to leave but I promise to visit"

Ollivander smiles at the young boy "Bye Harden"

Harden hurriedly leads the pack outside and finds Cedric was indeed waiting for him. He wraps his arm around Cedric and leading him and the pack to the cars.

Once they get home he leads Cedric to his room. Thats where the fun started.

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