chapter 4♡︎

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The next morning Harden woke up with Cedric sleeping soundly next to him. He ended up spending the night since by the time they were done 'hanging out' it was dark outside.

Harden checks the time and groans when he sees it's four in the morning. He gets out of bed and lights a cigarette before walking out on his patio. Eventually he gets bored and makes his way back inside looking for something to entertain him.

He quietly exits the room and makes his way into his music room. He plugs in a mic and starts singing.

When he finishes he has a toothy smile on his face and his eyes are shinning with happiness. He loves singing it just makes him feel so alive and it always makes him feel better.

He jumps a little when he hears clapping behind him. He turns around and sees the pack and Cedric. 

He shyly looks at them "Sorry I didn't mean to wake yall, I didn't think I was that loud"

"It's fine,your voice is amazing none of us mind waking up to it" Cedric kindly says with a reassuring smile. They pack all nod,agreeing with him.

"Thank you,guys" Harden says gratefully. He's always been shy singing infront of people but with his pack supports and hopefully new friend,Cedric,he feels confident in his voice.

"Cedric can I talk to you?" Harden ask nervously. They pack share a surprised look before leaving the two teenagers to talk.

"Of course Harden" Cedric says as he steps into the room and closes the door

"I don't like you,I mean I do,but I dont like like you. Everyone knows how the Royal family are shifters and I'm one of them,the alpha,and we all have mates.My pack all found their mates and I'm still waiting for mine. I sleep with people to distract me from the empty feeling I get from not having my mate. I feel like I'll never find him or her. Anyways,I usually just sleep with my distractions and then they leave but your such a really sweet person and seem like a great friend and I've only ever had adult friends so I was wondering if you'd be my friend?" Harden ask and looks down to his feet to hide his teary eyes. He loves his pack but without his mate he feels empty and he loves all his adult friends but sometimes he feels lonely since he seems to be the only teenager without a friend thats close to his age.

"I would love to be your friend Harden" Cedric replies as he pulls the taller boy into a hug. He understands that he was used as a distraction but he doesn't really care,it's not like he didn't get anything out of it,he had a great time with Harden last night so he wasn't angry or disappointed and he realized that Harden would never love or be with anyone accept his mate. Besides he's heard how loyal and big hearted Harden is,hes honored the boy choose him to be his first friend.

Harden pulls away and gives Cedric a big grin "Wanna see my wolf form?"

Cedric instantly gets excited. He's heard people talk about how the Royals can turn into big wolves but no ones ever gotten a picture of them to actually show what they look like."Hell yeah!"

He watches as Harden shifts into his black wolf. Cedric looks up in awe at the huge wolf. It's the biggest wolf he's ever seen.

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