Chapter 33♡︎

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Harden checked the mirror one last time before walking down to the common room,ignoring the looks he got.

He was wearing a black and white suit with shiny black shoes. His hair was perfectly styled back so that it wasn't messily falling into his eyes and the only jewelry he wore was the Royal family ring.

"You look hot" Pansy compliments as she stands infront of him with Blaise beside her who nods in agreement.

"And you look as beautiful as always" Harden tells the girl,bending down to place a kiss onto her cheeks before fist bumping Blaise,"You clean up nicely,Blaise"

He continued to talk to his two close friends while sending glances towards the stairs that lead up to the boys dorms.

"He should be here already,by the time we left Carter's room he had just needed to finish on his hair" Blaise informs the silver-eyed teen.

Harden and Draco decided to change in separate dorms so they could surprise each other. One of the sixth years-Carter Jackson-allowed Draco to use his dorm and Harden sent Blaise with his mate just in case Carter tried anything.

"Look,there he is" Pansy says,pointing at the stairs.

Harden looks at them,his breath hitching at the sight of his mate. The boy was wearing a white button up and blazer with black pants. Harden let his eyes freely roam over the other teens body as he walked down the stairs. He wanted nothing more than to push his beautiful make against a wall and hear him scream his name but that could wait til later.

"You" Harden breathed out once Draco was standing infront of him.

The two boys had then made their way to the great hall,all eyes turned to them as they made their way down the steps but neither paid any of them attention as they continued to talk.

"CED!" Harden yelled as soon as he spotted his best friend,pulling Draco along with his as he ran towards the older boy.

"HADES!" Cedric yelled just as loud and childishly as he too ran towards the boy,Harden letting go of Draco's hand just a second before the two best friends collided.

"Oh you look dashing!" Harden complimented his brother teasingly before turning to Cho and giving her a small smile, "And you look lovely,that color really brings out your eyes"

"So,Ceddy" Harden says as he dodges the other boys hand that swiped at his head, "Did you bring anything that doesn't taste like cheap fruit punch?"

"I swear they love each other more than they love us" Draco jokes as he leans back against the table beside Cho as they watch their boyfriends lean on each other as they laugh and take turns sipping whatever drink-most likely alcohol-from the flask Cedric had taken out of his robes.

Cho lets out a laugh and nods her head in agreement,watching amused as her boyfriend nearly falls over in laughter.

"We should probably stop them" Draco states as the boys start to push each other,Harden knocking Cedric into a student who sends them a glare.

"probably" Cho agrees.

Neither make a move to stop the playful boys.

"Now for our champions" Dumbledore announces which make Cedric and Harden stop their playing and walk back over to their lovers.

"You words can describe how you look" Harden whispers into Draco's ear,smirking when he feels the teen shiver.

He was getting bored watching the champions dance and watching the way his mate reacted to just simple words and his touch was so much more amusing. He liked watching Draco squirm. He liked watching the blond's cheeks turn pink as blood rushes to them. He liked hearing Draco's breath hitch. He liked watching Draco's eyes get darker.

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