Chapter 9♡︎

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It's been a few months since the night Severus set everything up in the common room. The Slytherins love to hear Harden sing before they go to bed and loves it when he sings to them when their upset. They all without even realizing it started following Harden. They follow his rules and they do as he says. He became their king without them even realizing it but none of them mind.

The other houses have noticed the change in the 'evil' house. They noticed how they don't bully anyone anymore and only seem to use defense spells when being bullied. They noticed how Harden leads the group of snakes whenever they all need to be in the great hall. They noticed how if one of the snakes get hurt the person who hurt them usually ends up in the hospital. They know Hardens the one who causes the injuries but he doesn't leave any proof behind so no one can do anything about it. They realized that if you mess with one of the snakes you'll have to deal with Harden. They also realized Slytherins aren't evil and the only house who haven't stoped bullying the Slytherins and become friends with them are the Gryffindor's.

The professors and headmaster have also noticed all the changes. The change has caused Severus to be proud and glad that someone like Harden is leading his snakes,becoming the king he's meant to be. It makes McGonagall embarrassed of her rowdy and rude house. It makes the Potters mad because Harden should be in Gryffindor and Gryffindor should be the best house. It makes the headmaster furious because the boy is changing everything.

Harden sits at the Slytherin table with Cedric and Draco. The three of them have become the bestest friends during the pass couple months.

Harden lets out a sigh and bangs his head on the table. He's been bored these few months. He's only saw the pack twice so far and he warned them about Dumbledore having a plan so they went to the ministry and Harden asked for a couple arora's to check on the pack once in a while.

Harden suddenly lifts his head up and catches Dumbledore staring at him for the third time. He gives the old man a glare and smirks when he looks away. He's so sick of Dumbledore and he still needs to show him that he's not someone to be messed with.

He turns to his mate and best friend with a mischievous look causing them both to share nervous looks before looking back at the trouble making boy.

"No" Draco instantly tells the silver eyed boy. Over the months he's found out that when Hardens bored he comes up with stupid ideas.  

"But this is a good idea!" Harden says with a happy smile

"You said that last time Hades. Snape still doesn't allow any of us near the potions lab unsupervised" Cedric tells his friend with an amused smile. He remembers when Harden added random ingredients to a potion when snape let the three of them use it to work on their homework. Harden ended up exploding the potion lab and it took Severus two weeks to fix everything.

"Well this one won't involve anything exploding so pleaseeeee?" Harden ask and gives them his puppy eyes

Cedric and Draco both let out a groan,knowing they can't say no to him when he does that.

"Fine" they both say with defeated looks

"Were gonna need some help" Harden says with a look that makes Draco and Cedric rethink their choice.

"Hello,devil twins" Harden says innocently as he sits down between the two red headed twins. They kind of just became honorary Slytherins after they started pranking the Gryffindor's who talked bad about Harden or any other snake.

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