Crazy In Love (Leonardo x Rea...

By greatvalue098

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What happens when two paths cross in a world of destruction and loss? More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
A/N: Not an Update
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

2.7K 83 8
By greatvalue098

                                                                                Leonardo's POV

We have just lost Master Splinter, our home, and now our town. My brothers, April, Casey, and I left for a farm out of town. We got there and made oursleves at home. Soon we will have to go back to search for Master Splinter and fight for our town.

                                                                                 (Y/N)'s POV

I am alone. I have no family, no friends, and no home. I am living solidly underground and I continue to train everyday. I practice everything I know. Before I left I grabbed my favorite weapon, and have been practicing on a dummy with it. I miss my home and everyone. Luckily, I am alive and strong. I know I will fight for my home back soon. I just do not know when I will be able to fight back.

*1 year later

It's now 2015 and New York is still taken over by, who I found out to be, Shredder and his gang, and the Kraang. I have continued to train, and tell myself this is what Master Shiki would have wanted. I have gotten stronger and I am willing to fight for my home now. I pack up my things and go  to get MY HOME BACK!

                                                                                        Leonardo's POV

We went back to New York and saved Master Splinter. Right now we live in a pizza parlor and it isn't too bad. It is still a home, but we need a plan to defeat everyone, and turn everything back to normal. " My son, you shall rest. That way we can train tomorrow, and make you all stronger.", Master Splinter says to me. "I know sensei. It's just.... I hope we can get everything back to normal.", I say. " My son nothing will ever be normal, but it will be back to civilization as it used to be.", he says, smiling towards me. I smile back at him, and he walks away going to sleep. I head to bed and rest up that way I am ready for training tomorrow.


I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to train. I wake up and get ready with Master Splinter and my brothers to train. We start training and then sparring. Once everything was over we were all exhausted, but I felt the need to keep training. Finally before I knew it I was starting to get really exhausted and soon went to bed.

*The Next Day

We all wake up and gather our weapons. Just as we were leaving Master Splinter catches my attention. ":My son, be careful out there, and be strong." I bow down to him and head out. We get on the streets and already met with the Foot Clan. Of course we would already have to be fighting, why wouldn't we be? We begin to fight, but there are too many of them. Soon I see an arrow shooting at one of the Foot Clan bots heads that I was holding. I look to where it came from and see a girl around my age shooting a bow and arrow. 'Wow!', I thought to myself.

                                                                                        (Y/N)'s POV

Once I gathered my stuff I headed out to go do a run to see if  could do anything. While being in the shadows I see the Foot Clan fighting with.... Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? 'Oh my gosh! Those were the four that saved me three years ago', I thought to myself. I see that there are too many of them, and pull out my favorite weapon,. the bow and arrow. I start shooting it killing most of them, while the others get the rest. Soon I catch myself next to the blue- masked turtle and both of us doing ninjutsu on one of the Foot Clan bots. We kill the bot off and look at each other for a moment before being interrupted by screaming. We turn our heads the same way to see an orange-masked turtle screaming for some help. 'Help dudes! There's too many of them!" The blue-mask one and I rush over to his safety. While he grabbed the orange-masked one I fought the clan bots off. Once I killed the last one we were all done. I turned around and they all stared at me. "What you never seen a 17 year old girl doing ninjutsu before?",I ask. They just continued to stare at me in awe. I walk over towards them, and they pull out their weapons. "Woah, woah, woah. I am not here to hurt you. I come in peace." , I say. "You come in peace? Really? We are not aliens!", a red- masked turtle says. " Raph, she does not mean we are aliens. She is just trying to make sure we know she won't harm us in anyway.", the one in the blue mask says. "Yeah, Raph. I don't mean that. Look let me re-do that.", I say. "Hi, my name is (Y/N). I am a master in ninjutsu and in archery." , I say, holding my hand out.  The orange-masked one comes over and hugs me. "Hi, I'm Mikey. This is my brother Raphael, but you already know that.", he says pointing to the red-masked turtle. "This is Donatello.", Mikey continues, pointing to a purple-masked turtle. "Hi, you can just call me Donnie.", he says holding out his hand, I shake it, and look to the blue- masked turtle. He is the one I really want to get to know. "And this is our leader and oldest brother Leonardo, but you can call him Leo.", Mikey says introducing him to me. I hold out my hand waiting for him to shake it. He finally shakes my hand, "Hi, you did really well out there. How did you learn ninjutsu?", he asked. "Thank you, and I was taught by my master. How did you all learn it?", I ask. "Our master, who is a rat taught us. He is also our father.", Mikey replies. Raph hits him in the back of the head. "How about you come back with us to the place we are staying?", Leo asks me. I nod my head yes and we all went back to a pizza parlor. Once in the pizza parlor I met eveyone. Master Splinter talked to me about ninjutsu and his sons. He really does seem to care about them, as do they care about him. We were all having a good time until it was time for bed. Everyone went to sleep, but me. I stayed up to train in the other room.

                                                                                         Leonardo's POV

I wake up to hear grunting from the other room. I grab my katanas just in case I had to fight someone. I went to the front room to see (Y/N) training. I watch her as she trained, but I didn't watch long as she has noticed me in the shadows. "Leo, come here. Don't be afraid I don't bite.", she says, giggling. I walk over to her and sat down watching her as she continues. "(Y/N), why are you not in bed?", I ask. "Oh, well, I wanted to just train a little more.", she says. I shake my head, " Come on. The only time I would train like this is I have something on my mind. Is there something on your mind?", I ask her. She stops in her tracks and sits down next to me. She looks and stares deep into my eyes as I look into hers. She lays her head on my shoulder, "Why is it so hard, Leonardo?" "What's so hard,(Y/N)?", I ask, still looking at her. "Why is it so hard to fight back for what was once yours? Or to fight for someone you love?" I look into her eyes again and hold her hand. " I agree it is hard to fight for what was once yours, but for someone you love it will never be hard. If you truly love someone then nothing is never too hard to fight for." , I say. She keeps looking at me and smiling. I think I might have a little crush on her.


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