Chapter 3

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                                                                                        (Y/N)'s POV

  For the day I decided to go into our training room and do some training. While training Leo came in to meditate. As he meditated I started to kick and punch the dummy. "Hey, (Y/N), you know Master Splinter wants us to relax, right?", Leo asked me. I nod my head, "Yes Leo, I know." "Then why are you training?", I looked over to him and just stared at him. "Master Shiki told me it is always good to train just to be sure you are strong enough. So, I train to become stronger. I have to be stronger.", I tell Leo, while mumbling the last part to myself. "Say the last part again?" "I have to be stronger, okay?!", I say louder than usual. "Why do you have to be stronger?", Leo asks, sincerely. "I have to be stronger because for a long time I was weak and a coward. I didn't even want to come to the surface to face my own battles and save the ones I love.", I admit, sittign next to Leo. Leo looks at me as I look at him. "(Y/N), it is okay to be weak. You needed time to collect your thoughts and to plan something great. Every great warrior does and needs to.", Leo told me. I looked at him, "But, Leo, a true warrior should not be weak, definitely for the ones we love." "A true warrior will be weak, especially for the ones they love. But, when a warrior loves someone and the person they love is in trouble they will overcome any obstacles, any villains, and any doubts they have as a person, because when you love someone weakness does not matter when someone you love is in trouble.", Leo looked at me. I nodded my head, and looked at him," Thanks Leo. Wise words from a wise leader." He smiles at me and then goes back to meditating. I don't know why, but in this moment it's like some force is swelling around my heart while being with Leo.

                                                                                        *The next day

 Right now we are training and sparring with eachother. I have went against Mikey, April, Casey, Donnie, and Raph. Right now I am preparing to spar with Leo. We met eachother in the middle and he looked at me smiling, "I'll go easy on you (Y/N). Don't want to hurt a little princess and break one of her nails." I glared at him and had a little shock written over my face, too, I did not expect him to say something like this. I expected more of this from Raph, but here Leo is getting under my skin. "Oh really Leo? Who is the one who help save you and your family from the Foot Clan? I should be making sure I don't break your nails and tear your little pink dress.", I say, a little more fiercer. Next thing I know Leo and I were going at it. "So, Leo, before you hurt her maybe you should ask her out, huh, Fearless?", Raph shouted. This made Leo back out a little, but this gave me the chance to take him down in his weakest state. I got him down to the ground and then I got on top of him pinning him down, making us both blush in the proess. "So, u-um, Leo?" "Y-Yeah?", he asks, looking me up and down. "I am sorry." "For what?", I start smiling deviously, "For making your tiara fall on the ground. Here let me help you up, we'll get your tiara on, and then we'll call Prince Charming to pick you up." "Haha, very funny (Y/N).", Leo says, obviously not liking the insult. All the guys and April start laughing at my joke. I get up, helping Leo in the process. Everyone leaves the room including Splinter only leaving Leo and I. "That was very good (Y/N). I guess that extra training really came in handy.", Leo said, smiling. "Yeah, I guess so.", I say, smiling back. We walked to our 'Relaxation Area' and chilled. 

                                                                                *Night Time

  They guys and I decided to go on a little patrolling tonight just to see if there is anything we could do. We went up and jumped from rooftop to rooftop, ocassionally hiding behind walls from Kraang security. "Okay, here's the plan. Lets split up and see if we can find anyone or anything.", Leo orders us. We nod our heads and divide into groups. Raph, Donnie, and Mikey all were a group and left, before they left they smirked at Leo and I. As Leo and I were jumping roof to roof we didn't see anything so we stopped to take a break real quick. "Tell me (Y/N)." "About?", I ask, curious what he wants to know. "About you. About your life. Tell me about it all." I look over the city and begin my story. "Well, I started Martial Arts when I was just four years old. The only thing I did was Karate at the time. All the way until I was about ten years old, then I learned about Ninjutsu. I asked my Master and he told me all about it. That's when I knew I wanted to train a little more and learn more about it. Master Shiki taught me everything there was to know. I kept it a secret from my parents they never would've approved of it. One day I came home from training and my parents sat me down and told me they found out. They told me they didn't approve of it and told me to quit it, but I begged them to let me stay. They wouldn't even listen they just told me, 'No, Ninjutsu will never save lives, it is not enough!' Then before I knew it my mother kicked me out only at the age of fourteen. I was devestated but I ran to the one place I know where I was excepted and knew would be a home to me, my Master's training area.", I say, tearing up a little. "I lived there until one day all this happened.", I say, referring to a destroyed and ruled New York by the Kraang and Shredder. "Master Shiki told me to run and never look back. I didn't listen, I just went underground and lived there until I felt I was strong enough to go back out and fight.", I told Leo. His eyes were wide, but with sorrow and worry. "I am so sorry to hear that (Y/N).", Leo said putting his hand on my shoulder, "If it wasn't for all that you never would have continued mastering Ninjutsu and meeting us along the way. I am happy you met us and that you live with us.", Leo admitted. I looked at him and smiled, "As am I Leo. I am so grateful to have met you all." We looked at eachother until his T-Phone started ringing. "Leo, here. Uh-huh. Okay Donnie. Alright, be there in a few.", Leo said hanging up. "Well, looks like the guys found something and need our help." We both run off the rooftop to the guys' destination. 

                                                                        *At the destination

  Once we got to the destination we rushed over to the guys. "What's up Donnie?", Leo asks. "We found some footprints of animals." "So, animals live here, Donnie. It's possible that these are animals of New York.", Leo says. "No, they seem to be footprints of mutated animals. I don't know, maybe humans in animal form?", Donnie explains. We all look at the tracks carefully. "Guys, I think I just heard something.", I tell the guys. "What?", Leo asks, before he could say anything an animal popped out of nowhere. "Why, hello freaks.", a warthog with a man's voice said. "Zeck?", Leo questions. "Who are you calling freaks you warthog.", Raph says. I elbowed him in the side wanting to know more about this Zeck. Next thing we know a rhinoceros came out fromt the shadows. "Hello turtles." a man said, in a Russian like accent. "Stanko." Raph again says, insulting the rhino. Again, I elbowed him making him grunt. Raph glared at me, but I gave him a glare back. "I see you have a new toy on your hands. Shredder would be happy to use this pretty, young lady to make you all surrender.", the guy's who's name is apparently Steranko said, reffering to me. "You won't touch her. We won't let you.", Leo said, in his fighting stance as well as his brothers. I walk past Leo and get in front of the guys and look at both of them. "SO, you work for the Shredder do you?", I ask. "Yes, yes we do. How about you come with us? You know make it easier.", Steranko offered. "Nah, I play hard-to-get. It takes a bit of a chase to get me to go anywhere.", I say, cockily. "Oh, really?", Steranko asks. I nod my head, "Yup." Before I know it they're attcking me and I fight back. Soon the turtles join in and fight amongst me. We take them down, and I get beside Steranko's ear, "You can tell Shredder that he will not dare touch any of us.", I get up and leave. Finally we arrive back at the pizza parlor. 'Ahh.... Home sweet Temporary home.', I think to myself, looking at everyone.

                                                                        *Steranko's POV

 Anton and I get up and head back to Shredder. We go over to Shredder and tell him we have some news. He turns around, "Speak fools!" "The turtles, we just saw them." "What else is new?!", Shredder yells. "No, this time they had a friend, a girl." "Yes, of course, April O'Neil." "No, sir, it was a girl named... uh... what was her name Zeck?", I ask him. "Her name was... um... (Y/)-(Y/N)?", Zeck answers, then I remembered, "Yes, that's her name. (Y/N)" Shredder looks at us, "(Y/N)? A butt-kicking ninja?" We nod our heads. Shredder starts laughing menacingly. "I have great plans for the both of you, but I want both of you to handle it." "Okay, but lets make a deal.", I tell Shredder. "Well, lets say this... if you do for me, I promise to do for you.", Shredder says, laughing. Now I am interested in his plans.

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