Chapter 5

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                                     (Y/N)'s POV

    As we were on patrol, I saw Karai. "Guys, look, it's Karai!", I shout to the boys. They rush over to where I was and looked down. "We need to go save her.", Leo suggests. I put my hand on his shoulder and look at him, " Leo, right now is not the best time." " We have to get her (Y/N). Master Splinter would be so happy to have her. We need to.", Leo keeps going. Raph grabs him, " Leo, I agree with (Y/N). We just have to wait it out. Our every move is probably being monitored by Shredder and his gang." Leo looks down and nods. He looks at me with sad eyes, and I hug him tight. "Leo, I promise we will get her back. Just not right now. It's okay, she's okay.", I reassure him. We let go of each other when we hear the boys clearing their throats. We continue our night patrol in peace.

                       * Few Hours Later

  We arrive back to the pizza parlor and I head to go get dressed into something more comfortable. When I come back out Leo is in front of me. " I am so sorry (Y/N). I should have watched where I was going.", Leo apoligizes. "Leo, really, it's fine. It was an accident. Actually I'm kind of glad you did.", I say looking at him, he looks back at me with wide, shocked eyes. "W-why?" "Well, I wanted to ask you a question." "Okay. Do you want to go somewhere more private?", Leo suggests. "Yeah, sure.", he grabs my hand and leads me outback into the ally. "So, what did you want to ask me?", Leo asks. "Well, I wanted to know why...", I froze, I can't just ask him if he was about to kiss me, what if he gets disgusted and never wants to talk to me anymore, "why, you, umm..., why you were happy to be training earlier? Don't you always train? ", I ask, mentally face - palming myself. " Well, just happy to be training with someone. You know...", Leo says, looking down at his feet. It feels like he knows something, but why won't he tell me?

                               Leo's POV

   When (Y/N) asked me to talk to her I was beyond nervous. I thought she was going to ask me about what happened earlier in the training room, but she didn't. I was happy, but I looked down at my feet when I answered her because I know I have a huge crush on her. Why can't she see I like her? Maybe my signs are not clear enough? Well, whatever, maybe I can just continue to like her and send more signs.

                              (Y/N)'s POV

   We went back into the pizza parlor and sat down watching the small TV that was there. About an hour later everyone started heading to bed, but I went to Donnie's  little lab he had. I decided I would work on a project he has been showing me. Maybe it will help us in the future.

                     *The Next Morning

   I wake up in Donnie's lab. OH CRAP!! I forgot I was working on that project last night. I get up and head out to the main area. No one was up so I decided to just relax at the 'dining area'. I sat down until I got in a jumpy move to cook breakfast. I got up getting the ingredients I needed to make breakfast. I put the coffee pot on and heated up some coffee. "Goodmorning Miss (Y/N).", Master Splinter said to me. "Goodmorning Master Splinter. Coffee, sir?", I ask. "Yes, please. And thank you.", he says scanning me over. "No problem.", I say smiling. "Someone seems to be in a happy mood this morning.", Raph says. "Yes, I am. Don't rain on my parade Raphie.", I say, sticking my tougne at him. "Wouldn't dream of it, brainless.", Raph retorts back. We laugh at each other and Master Splinter looks at both of us. "Raph, Miss (Y/N), you two aren't- you know?" We both shake our heads. "Nope. Just two bestfriends picking on each other." , I reply. "Ya', wouldn't dream of dating her either.",he says. He walks over to Master Splinter and whispers loud enough for me to hear, " Plus I think her and Leo have a a thing for each other.", and I automatically start blushing. The others start treading in. "Mmm, what smells good?", Mikey questions. "The breakfast I am making.", I reply. "Well it smells great (Y/N)!", Mikey yells. "Yeah, smells divine (Y/N).", Donnie says. "Agreed.", everyone says. "Well, thank you, all of you.", I reply happily. Once breakfast is done I eat quickly then head to the training room. I start training when Leo comes in. "Want to spar with me? Or are you too scared from what happened yesterday?", Leo teases. "Bring it on Fearless.", I retort back. Next thing I know we start sparring. I wonder if this is going to so lead to anything like it did yesterday.

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