The Sun To His Moon (Tsukihin...

By Mother_Neko

73.4K 1.9K 1.4K

"The moon can't shine without the sun" This is gonna be my first Hinata x Tsukishima storyπŸ˜– sorry in advance... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

6.1K 174 68
By Mother_Neko

Monday morning

I feel the extra weight on my chest and open one eye to see Natsu sitting on my chest smiling at me. I close my eyes back and start snoring loudly.

"Hey!" Natsu starts to poke my cheek giggling.

I quickly sit up and start to tickle her causing her to laugh uncomfortably. Hinata wakes up and starts laughing at us. My mom comes in and leans on the doorway recording. Hinata soon joins in on the tickle war. This goes on for another 5mins resulting in all of us ending up on the floor.

"Ok ok you guys have to get ready or you'll be late," my mom said clapping our hands together.

Natsu jumps up and runs out of the room laughing my mom following close behind. I stand up dusting myself off before offering Shōyō my hand. He gladly accepts pulling himself up.

"You can take your shower first," I say stretching.

He nods yawning and heads toward the bathroom. I go around the room making sure we both have everything we need. I notice he didn't take any clothes in the bathroom with him so I pull out some for him and lay them out on the bed. I then proceed to pick out my clothes for the day.

I head downstairs and grab a few snacks putting them in the snack bag. What? It's gonna be a long drive. I go back upstairs and see Hinata in my clothes. I feel my face heating up and look away trying to calm myself down. Why the hell does he have to look so damn cute.

"Kei~" hearing him whine my name sends me into overdrive "These are too big for me"

I glance at him from the corner of my eye to see him pouting. I take deep breaths and finally get myself together. I walk into the room and look down towering over him.

"Duhh these are for me"

"Oh ok," he yawns rubbing his eyes lazily.

I grab the shirt and pull it over his head as he lifts his arms. I think I babied him too much. I can't believe he forgot how to dress himself. I help him out of his pants with a slight pink hue spread across my face. He's going to be the death of me. I grabbed the correct jeans and he put his hands around my neck stepping into them. Next, I helped him put on his shirt since he put it on backward. I can't tell if he's just extremely tired or just dumb. I looked at him and sighed.

"You're so hopeless," I say shaking my head at him.

"Huh, what do you mean?" He looks at me confused tilting his head to the side like a dog.

"How did you forget how to dress yourself? What are you gonna do when I'm not around?" I ask chuckling at him.

His eyes widen a little and he hugs me squeezing tightly. He starts violently shaking his head no and sniffles.

"Woah Shōyō calm down did I say something?" I asked completely thrown off.

"Are you gonna leave me? Am I a burden so you gonna leave?" He sniffles and looks up at me.

I give him a small smile, "of course not," I ruffle his hair and look down at him "I'll always stay by your side unless you say otherwise"

He looked up at me with big teary eyes, "Promise?" He held out his pinky to me.

I hooked our pinkies together, "I promise"


He wiped his eyes and finished getting ready. I triple-checked our things and even packed a second snack bag. Shōyō has a bottomless pit for a stomach I swear. My mom insisted on dropping us off so we all got in the car and enjoyed the brief ride. I looked down at Shōyō and noticed he was closer than normal. He was clinching the Dino plushie to his chest and also holding onto my arm for dear life.

It was as if he felt like I'd disappear if he let go. I also noticed that he hasn't been using complete sentences. He's kind of acting like he's Natsu's age. Shit! Did what I said earlier make him panic so bad that he reverted to acting like a child? I text the group letting them know before we get there. I look up out the window and see everyone outside the bus. We stop and I get out of the car grabbing our bags and putting them away.

"I thought we were going to have to leave with you guys" coach Ukai chuckled.

"Sorry about that it was a struggle getting Hinata together this morning," I say scratching my head nervously.

I glance at the car and notice Shōyō looking at me frowning. I shake my head at the dog-like boy. I opened the door and Natsu bounced out of the car followed by a nervous Hinata. Natsu jumps on me hugging me tightly.

"Bye Tsukii nii-Chan"

I chuckle, "Be good for Mom ok"

"Ok!" She beams getting down and then jumping on Hinata next.

He loosens up just a little and smiles at her brightly.

"Have fun onii-Chan!" She demands pinching his cheeks.

"I will" He giggles.

His voice was higher pitched than usual so I'm guessing I was right. That means I'll just have to watch him closer. I'm gonna have to stay with him all day so I won't be able to practice for the day. That's fine with me tho Shōyō's more important. This school has doors and it's two to a room so luckily I won't have to worry about us sleeping in front of everybody. We finished saying our goodbyes and they left. Hinata grabbed my arm walking closely behind me.

Everyone says hi but keeps their distance being respectful of Shōyō's situation. We all get on the bus and I let him get the window seat. The bus started moving and I pulled out a book and my headphones. Hinata tugged on my earlobe and I chuckled putting away my headphones. I think it's cute that he's trying to find ways to talk to me without having to talk to people. He loves listening to music with me while I read now.

I pull out my earbuds instead and put one in his ear. He smiles lays his head on my shoulder and falls asleep. I go back to reading while trying to ignore the chaotic noise around me. I opened my eyes hearing a clicking sound. I didn't even know I fell asleep. My eyes adjusted and I noticed orange hair. I sit up yawning and notice Suga's reflection in the window. I turn around and notice Daichi and Suga peaking over the seat at us with goofy grins.

"Please delete that"

"Nope!" Suga says sitting back in his seat.

I sigh giving up and Hinata sits up rubbing his eyes and yawning. He looks at me with a small pout and I chuckle already knowing what he wants. I grab the snack bag and take out a meat bun handing it to him. He smiles brightly and takes the meat bun bouncing happily in his seat while he eats.

"You've gotten good at that," Suga says smiling at me.

"Good at what?" I ask confused.

"Knowing what he wants without him speaking," he said patting my head.

"I guess," I said trying to hide my embarrassment.

"We're here!!" Coach Ukai yelled as the bus came to a stop.

I waited for everyone else to get off the bus before me and Hinata got off. I grabbed my and Hinata's things and sat them on the ground. I looked down at Hinata who had food all over his face. I sighed and wiped the crumbs from his cheeks. He giggled and poked my cheek causing me to shake my head at his childlike behavior. I think it's cute but I like him better when he's acting like himself. I looked up to see Kenma coming over.

"Hi Shōyō," he said with a small smile.

Hinata hid behind me and waved with a shy smile.

"He's still like this?" Kenma said with a sad smile.

I simply nodded and he frowned a little. I could see the other teams heading our way. Hinata started to tremble and I called the coach over. Hinata hid behind me completely and Kenma talked to him gently to calm him down.

"I don't think I can leave him today," I glance back at him "We're going to stay in our room for the day"

"That's fine I'll have Kiyoko come get you for lunch," He said with a small smile.


He walked away and told the rest of Karasuno to distract the other teams. Kenma grabbed our bags and I picked Hinata up Bridal style. He buried his face in my chest calming down a little. Me and Kenma snuck away making our way into the dorm building. I unlocked the door and Kenma walked in sitting our bags down. I looked at Hinata noticing he was quietly snoring. I laid him down on one of the beds.

"You can come by tomorrow but if he asks for you later I'll text you"

He nods, "ok, hopefully, he feels better soon"

We said our goodbyes and I locked the door behind him. I took off Hinata's clothes and put him in something more comfortable. He touched the empty side of the bed and wined a little making me chuckle. I then changed out of my clothes and got into bed too. He immediately scooted closer to me and nuzzled his face in my neck.

I knew I had to be blushing right now but I ignored it since no one was around to notice. I woke up hours later hearing knocking at the door. I glance at the digital clock seeing it was 7 pm. I get up stretching and open the door seeing Kiyoko.

"Are you guys coming down for dinner?" She asks.

I glance back and see Hinata having a bad dream, "no I think we'll eat in here" I say with a sad smile.

She nods, "ok I'll send Yachi up with food for you two"

"Ok, thank you," I say closing the door behind her.

Soon Yachi comes to the door with food for us. I thank her and she leaves. I notice Hinata crying and shake him awake making him jump out of his sleep. He's shivering slightly so I pull him into a gentle hug. He buries his face into my shirt crying softly. I lightly rub circles on his back as he cries.

"It's ok I'm right here," I tighten my hold on him "I'm not going anywhere I'm probably"

He looks up with teary eyes causing my heart to ache.

"Can you stay with me forever?" He asks quietly.

"I'll stay with you until you tell me to go away," I say wiping his tears.

He smiles softly and I carry him to the bathroom to help him wash since he was drenched in sweat. His face was bright red as I washed his back but he'd cry if I left him alone. Once we both finished washing we ate and watched movies before going back to sleep.

Ok, but these are so fucking cute😣

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