Facing Rejection & The Curse...

By Victowrite1999

117K 3.9K 183

My life was never ordinary, I was never really exposed to the normal of the world. Being a werewolf is never... More

1. Wait
2. Don't
3. Lets not
4. Attacked
5. Back from the dead
6. Blue moon change
7. Talk of the Town
8. This isnt Playboy
9. Sunny with a chance of disaster
10. Dark Heart
11. No paradise
12. Fae
13. Darkness follows
14. Weakness of the heart pt1
15. Weakness of the heart pt2
16. No Control
17. Everlasting pt1
18. Everlasting pain pt 2
19. V is for Vendetta
20. Icyhot
21. Moon Child
22. Moon Child Pt 2
23. Trials and Tribulations
24. Pull of the Hearts
25. Rogue
26. The Beast Within
27. Fearless Devotion
28. Tales of The Past
29. The Beginning of The End
30. Unbeatable
32. The End of Damnation

31. Fall of The Beast

435 20 3
By Victowrite1999

     The Beast stopped mid stride when he smelt a smell he hasn't smelt in five hundred years. Turning his nose up to the air he looks around ignoring the screams of the people he's ripped in two. Seeing in the distance of the smoke and fire he's caused he sees his mate striding towards him slowly and he takes a step back. "No it can't be." He whispers while his mate smiles up to him. "Sable stop this, I am free, our children are free, let the poor girl go you don't answer to them anymore." Salinea says while cupping his cheek. "I, I you're not real." He says stepping back while Salinea frowns. "Sable I'm no liar your sons are here as well, we are free of those fae forever. Let her go and we can all live freely in another realm." Salinea says causing the beast to break down. "I've caused this girl a great deal of pain listening to the command of those people."

"Nooo !"

Turning they see the faerie queen and her army and the beast growls pulling his mate behind him. "Finally at last I'm back where my people are truly meant to be. The werewolf population is almost completely wiped out, my army can handle the remaining ten thousand or so that are left." She says smirking at Salinea. "Who let you escape ?" She growls while Salinea grasps her mates hand before whispering into his ear. "End her."

Sable smirks looking back up to the faerie queen before she steps back slightly as he grows slightly bigger. "Attack !" She screams while the fae army do as told. The Beast makes easy work of the queens guard and looks to her with a bloodied smile. The queen smirks before holding up a single yellow pearl. "Nah Uh, not so fast now Sable. If I crush this pearl the girls soul will fade and you will lose your vessel. You still belong to me." She says a evil smile gracing her face before she feels her hand get grasped from behind. Turning her head Jackson looks at her with a smirk before taking the the pearl from her grasp. "I'll hold onto that." He says setting it into a glass orb that gets locked into place before fading into his skin. "The witches who created Sable are no longer on your side. They created him for your civilizations protection and a guard dog of the royal family. Not to be used as a blood sport for ill will and personal gain." Jackson says while the queen begins to stutter. "I...her..he..her families...an..ancestor killed some of the royal family. We do not allow such treachery." She says looking from Sable to Jackson.

"If you want something done you must do it yourself." She says before grasping her blade from her thigh and shoving it into Jackson's abdomen. "It's silver, I know you little werewolves have a weakness for such metal." She says smirking before she stops feeling a sharp pain into her back through her chest and exiting through her heart. "And I know fae have a weakness for copper." Salinea says twisting the copper rod as the faerie queen gasps in pain. Turning back the queen smirks looking from her to The Beast. "I'll be back, I won't stay dead forever." She says while Salinea shoves a copper blade through her skull. "You see I want you to actually stay dead." She says letting the Faerie Queen fall to the earth. Her blood soaking into the muddy ground. Looking at Jackson she helps him to lay back while he hisses in pain. "How is she ?" Jackson asks Salinea who tends to his wound. "She's fine Sable is keeping her alive. I'm sorry for what my mate has done to your people." She whispers while she begins to heal him. Taking out the blade she tosses it aside. Looking over to her mate she sees him looking at her through the girls eyes before she falls to the ground. "Amelia !" Jackson shouts ignoring the pain in his abdomen before running to her sinking down next to her side. "It's okay Sable is free he's letting the girl go." Salinea says watching her mate manifest into his human form. Looking at his mate he smiles softly at her before he goes to approach her. Stopping he looks down seeing an onyx arrow head sticking out through his chest. "I finally found your weakness." The last witch from her coven stands before him lowering her bow. "Noo !" Salinea screams looking at her mate then to the girl. She raises her hand up then makes a slicing motion slitting her throat. The girl grasps at her throat before falling to the earth. "Sable ! Sable my love no !" She cries while Sable just lays there looking up to her before cupping her cheek. "It's okay it's what I deserve after what I've done." He says before he grows weaker letting his hand fall back to his side. "Tell the girl I'm sorry." He says before the light leaves his dark eyes and he's no more. Fading into dust, the air carrying his ashes away. The only thing remaining is the arrow and Salinea picks it up before snapping it and tossing it away from her.

Amelia wakes up in a cold room in darkness. Looking around she sits up turning on the light. "What the actual fuck ?" She questions looking down seeing her pregnant belly. "Your free of him Amelia." Looking up she sees a beautiful woman who smiles at her. "Sable sends his apologies he is no more." She says sadly while I glare. "I killed all of those people because of him and your sad because he is dead ?" I ask angry at the woman who smiles sadly at me. "He was my mate and he was only following orders he was given because he didn't want to lose his family, and the soul of the girl he grew fond of. The faerie queen had your soul in the palm of her hand Amelia. One wrong move and she crushes the pearl she kept your soul in."

"Soul but I wouldn't be alive if I have no soul." She says looking down at her hands. "I implanted your true soul back into your body my mates soul was put into your body, your mind was never truly yours, you knew that. The moment you died your soul was ensnared into a pearl and his soul transferred into your body. He became his true self when the queen was slain."

"Now you can live a normal life." Salinea says before Amelia's face twists in pain. "Damnit, ahh !" She grunts in pain at the tightening of muscles and the sharp pains shooting through her pelvis down to her toes. "It's to soon." Salinea whispers while she runs out of the room. Grasping the sheets she feels a liquid drift out between her legs. Touching the sheets she pulls back to see a clear fluid and her mind begins to grow hectic. "I'm not ready to be a mom." She says falling back as a contraction hits. Jackson runs in seeing his mate awake and he looks at her. "I take back my rejection." He says while Amelia looks up to him with a glare. "To soon." She hisses as she lays there. Salinea runs back in with nurses who are hesitant to enter. "Your Luna is giving birth you do as I say and help deliver our child." He growls while I look at him with a glare. "I'm not your Luna." I shout while I cry out in pain. "Make it go away, Jackson this is your fault !" I scream while the nurses get everything they need. "My fault this is a two person ordeal." He says while Amelia shouts in pain grasping Jackson's hand and squeezes. "Ah ow ! Ow ! That hurts !" He shouts while she snaps her head over to him. "Being in labor hurts !" She shouts back before the doctor comes in putting on gloves before she checks Amelia's cervix. "She's almost there she's five centimeters dilated." The doctor says looking down at the girl who killed her mate. "Crying Amelia opens her eyes and looks at the doctor who is glaring at her. "I'm sorry." Amelia says while another contraction hits. "I'm so sorry." She cries hyperventilating while her heart monitor sky rockets. "Amelia calm down it wasn't your fault." Jackson says while the doctor steps out catching her bearings. "My mate was the one who did the damage, don't take it out on the little girl, it wasn't her fault." Salinea says before disappearing into a portal. The doctor takes a breath before hearing Amelia's screams. "Doctor shes hemorrhaging !" Rushing back in she sees the blood and begins to worry. "She won't make it to the hospital in time we have to do an emergency c-section the baby is breached." She says looking down at the girl. "We have lidocaine but not enough for this, she won't be able to handle this pain." A nurse says while the doctor ignores her and preps her. "She's strong she can do this." The doctor says while looking back at another nurse. "Call an ambulance."

Scared Amelia looks at Jackson while he glared up at the ceiling. "Do it." He says while they begin to numb up her lower abdomen as much as possible. "If we don't hurry they both will die." The doctor says before checking to see if she's numb enough by pinching the sight slightly. Hissing in pain Amelia let's tears fall before she lays back clenching her hand into the sheet and grasping Jackson's hand tighter. "Okay I'm ready." She says while the doctor begins to cut into her skin. "It doesn't hurt at first then it begins to burn and Amelia begins to scream in agony. Jackson grabs her hand tighter while he helps to hold her into place looking into her eyes before they begin to roll into the back of her head.

He hears his child's cries and he looks back to see his son. Smiling at him he looks back at Amelia to see her eyes beginning to close. "Amelia keep your eyes open, you have to see our son he's so beautiful." He says looking back before they carry his son out of the room to be cleaned up. Packing her abdomen to stop the bleeding the doctor hangs up a bag of O- negative before she checks her vital signs before she grows concerned. "Her blood pressure is dangerously low. Help me get her to the car the ambulance won't get here quick enough. Picking up Amelia gently the doctor rushes after the two hanging up the fluids and blood bag. Hearing the sirens in the distance Jackson prays she makes it. He has so much time he needs to make up for. He can't lose her while he just got her back. Looking back he sees a nurse holding his son before she looks up and smiles up at him. "He's coming as well." She says rushing after the parents. The ambulance pulls up and Jackson puts her on a stretcher before sitting down. The nurse hands the other nurse the infant before she looks over to her alpha. "She will be okay Alpha Jackson, she's a fighter you won't lose her." She says just as the ambulance doors closes.

I pray I don't lose her either.

Only one chapter left

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