Her Biker Baby Daddy

By QueeenKisha

2.3M 60K 6.2K

Being a foster kid, she couldn't wait to be able to leave the group home. Finally eighteen, and the help of h... More

A/N & Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chaoter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 37

41.2K 1K 167
By QueeenKisha

Talia POV

"You think you can play with me! I'm tired of your shit!" He slaps me across my face hard. I fall to the ground as I hear Leslie cry.

"I am going to fucking kill you!" He screams and yanks me by the hair. I look up at him and smirk. He raises his hand and I wait for the next hit but it never came. We heard a loud boom and bang. Leo's eyes widen and he looks at his men, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" He yells and the man opens the door, as someone starts to bang on it.

"What the fucks going on?" He asks and all I heard was "Their Here." I watch Leo's eyes widen and just a couple seconds later, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Oh no." I heard Nate whisper, "Not now." I look at him confused before my eyes widen. Oh no, not right now. Baby your suppose to wait for daddy. I say to myself. Nate rushes to me and is pushed away. "What the fuck do you think your doing?!" Leo yells and Nate looks at me, "I need to help her! She's in Labor!"

"Now!" He screams and Nate nods and was about to answer but was cut off by another scream from me. This shit hurts like a bitch. How can women do this!?

I feel someone try to pick me up but it just makes thing worse as I yell back. "Leo! You can't move her roughly like that! With the damaged you caused to her body and being in Labor, it can hurt her and the baby, probably even kill her!" I heard Nate yell.

"This is bullshit! If she might die, I might as well do it myself." He smirks before pulling out a pocket knife. I don't know what happened next but the next thing I know, I felt a sharp pain in my side and him grabbing Leslie.

"No!!!" I screamed. Nates eyes are widen and he gets up and tries to fight Leo and take Leslie back but the other men punch Nate and he falls on his back. Nate groans and looks at the door and then back at me. He shakes his head and hurry's over to me and his bag and opens it. He pulls out something and presses it on my side. The moment he touches me, a sharp pain comes through. "Leslie." I whisper as I truly try to crawl out to the door. "Talia, please don't move, your in Labor." Nate says and I cry, "I need to get Leslie! I need to save her."

My body starts to feel hot as another contraction comes. I groan, he continues to hold the wound as he digs in his bag. He pulls some things out and placed my hand on the wound. "Talia, I need you to put pressure on your stomach. I need you to think about your son. We will find Leslie and I won't let anything happen to your guys. But I need you to trust me, please." I nod and he gives me a small smile.

He starts to do his doctor thing and check on the baby. The moment he presses on my lower stomach, I heard a gush. His eyes widen, "Talia, your water just broke."

I was going to say something but the door flew open and my body froze.

"Talia!" I heard someone yell and I looked up. This isn't true, my eyes widen when I see someone who looks exactly like Ryder. But it's not him, he isn't here! Whats going on. The person got his arms around me, I feel safe but it can't be true. I push the person away and shake my head, "No..." I whisper, "No, your not here!" I cry harder and shake my head. Labor is messing with my head. He tries to move closer and I move back, wincing when I do because of the stab wound from Leo. "Baby, look at me. Talia, its really me." I heard the voice say but I just shake my head and crys harder. I'm dying and my mind is playing tricks on me.

The person stated at me for a minute. Scanning my body from my toes to the top of my head. I press on my wound like the doctor told me. I look for him and I see a man holding him down.

The man that stood in front of me, turns and stalks towards the man and lifts him up off the ground. Nate shook and he looked so terrified.
"What did you do to her!?" The man yelled and Nate looks at me and then back at him before he started to shiver in fear and shake his head, "I swear, I didnt do anything!" Nate tries to explain but the man pushes him against the wall.

"I saw you!" He yell and Nate cried at the empact his head received from the force. "No, you dont understand! I wasnt hurting her! I was helping her!" He yanked him closer, "It didnt look like that to me!" Nate eyes widen more, "I swear! Im a doctor! I was taken because I owe a debt! I was just looking out for her and the little girl! I didnt hurt them! I would never hurt them!" He screamed and the man looked at Nate and lets him go as I felt a hard contraction which causes me to scream.

The man rushes over to me, he pulls me to him and grips my face as I felt tears pour out my eyes. "Talia baby, looking at me." He says and the moment I do, I'm met with the most beautiful blue orbs I have ever seen. They only belong to one person, Ryder. I bury my face into his chest to take in his scent. Making sure he was really here and he was. "Ryder! Your really here?! Leslie!" I felt him nod and pull me closer to him.

I start to feel hot and my eyes start to close. "Whats wrong with her!?" I hear someone scream. "I was trying to help her. Leo stabbed her and she went into Labor." I couldn't hear anything but a few seconds later, I felt myself getting lifted. I felt my world going away and the only thing I could think of was Leslie. I need to find Leslie. Ryder is going to be upset with me because I lose Leslie. Hawk and everyone is going to hate me because I didn't protect her. I need to get Leslie.

I felt myself being placed down. I try and force my eyes open and they only flutter a little. "Talia. Talia, can you hear me?" I heard a voice ask. I try to say something but I don't now if they heard me. They started to yell drive faster, drive faster. I groaned when I felt a hard contraction. It hurt so bad that I felt like my body was slipping away.

God please save my son. Please save Leslie.



That beeping was annoying. Who's phone has that annoying ringtone. Whoever it is, I want to smack the shot out of them. I try to open my eyes but I felt like something was holding them down. I try my hardest to open them and soon I seen a little light but it burned my eyes.

I groan, "What the-" I heard someone gasp, "Ryder! She is waking up, someone get a doctor, NOW!" I groan at the loud noise. "Baby, Talia." I heard a voice and it sounded groggy and rough. Ryder, he is here. "Baby, can you open your eyes for me?" I groan and try again. But the moment the light hits my eyes again, I squeeze them shut. "Lower the lights, now!" He yells at someone and then says, "Baby, try again." I do as he says and the moment I push my eyes open little, I feel so much better, but the vision is a little blurry.

I hear movement around me, "Talia?" I hear another voice. "Talia, it's Nate. I need you to open your eyes for me. Take your time though." I do what he says and take my time. After what felt like forever, my eyes open but my vision is a little blurry. "I can't see." I cried and I heard someone growl, "Whats wrong with her?"

"Ryder, I need you to give her a second, this is normal." I heard Nate tell him. "Ryder, you need to calm down and let him do his job." I heard a deeper voice and I recognized it at Hawk, "Dad?" I whispered, "Hey Sweetheart, I'm here. Just take your time."

Hawk has been the most amazing father figure since I met him. He opened his arms and heart to me. He has always made sure I was comfortable and the moment I called him dad on a accident for the first time, he didn't even flinch, he just smiled at me. Ever since then he was my dad, my dad-in-law, same thing.

"Talia, I'm going to put some eye drops in your eyes and then I want you to try and open them again. But this time, you should be able to see much clearer." Nate says and I nod, "Alright, here we go." I felt his hand pull my eye open and felt something drop in my eye. He then did the same to the other. "Alright, I'm going to sit you up. Your going to feel a little discomfort but that's normal, okay?" I nod, "I trust you."

I felt myself being sat up and something moving with me against my bad, which made my flinch. "Your in the hospital Talia, that's just the bed, it's alright." I calm down and soon, I stop moving. "Alright Talia, I need you to open your eyes, but take your time." I nod and do as he said and take my time opening my eyes. It was uncomfortable for a minute but when I felt my eyes open, my vision became clearer and I blinked my eyes a few more times until I was about to see.

I looked around the room and seen Hawk, Texas, Selena, Fawn, Alicia, Butch and Ryder. When my eyes landed on him, he looked tired and rough, "Ryder." I cried and he rushes to me and pulls me into his arms. "Hi baby." I grip onto him tighter. I cry into his chest. I can't believe he is here. I held him for a minute and he pulls away and crashes his lips to mine.

He smiled against my lips and pulls away. I look around the room and then I look down. My eyes widen and my heart starts to beat fast. The monitor starts to beep faster and Ryder looks over and then back at me. "Talia, calm down. Baby, breath. Talk to me, what's the matter?"

I look at my stomach, "Where's my baby?! Ryder where's my baby! Where's my son?!" I scream and everyone backs up. Ryder grabs me, "Calm down Talia! He is okay, he is safe!" I look at him and I'm still shaking. He looks at Nate, "Go get him. I don't think she is going to calm down until she sees him." He says and Nate rushes out the room. "Talia, I need you to calm down. He can't see you hyperventilating. He will cry, I need you to calm down babe."

He was right, I needed to calm down. "Breath with me." He pulls me into his chest and with my ear to his chest, I can hear the sound of his heartbeat. It calms me down right away.

"Everyone give us a second." I hear him say as my face was still buried in his chest. I don't know how long it was but soon we were interrupted by a small cry. My head shot up and I see Nate walking in, holding a baby that is wrapped in a blue and white blanket. He walks over to me and smiled down at me. He hands Ryder the baby and stands there. "Talia, I would like to introduce you to a very healthy and beautiful baby boy, your son." Ryder hands me to him and the moment my eyes landed on his, I awed at how perfect he was. He had dark drown hair like Ryder, curvy eyes like me, perfect button nose and lips just like Ryder. I looked up at Ryder and I felt my heart swell up.

"He's perfect." I say and I look back down at my son. "But I'm confused, you said he would have to stay in the NICU because his lungs." I said as I look at Nate and he smiled at me and nods, "Remember the shot I gave you when we were with Leo." I nod, "That was a shot to help develop his lungs. The shot is effective right away and takes about a couple weeks to fully work." He said and I nodded but then turned confused. "But you said a couple weeks, how is he here then?" I asked and he gave me a sad smile.

"When Leo stabbed you, you went into labor. Texas and I bring you to the hospital and we had to perform an emergency C-Section. The doctors here wouldn't let me help at first but when I told them I was your doctor and what was happening, I was able to perform it and bring this little man in the world. During the C-Secion, you died twice but I wouldn't give up on you. I did everything I could to save you but you fell in a coma. You have been sleep for almost three weeks. So after the C-Section I had to have another doctor rush him to NICU because he was having a hard time breathing. About two days ago, we decided that we should try to get him off to see if he can breath on his own. Ryder didn't want to at first but with his dads help, and Ryders signature we were able to give it a try. About three minutes of silence, we were all blessed to hear a loud cry come from that little body and man did he have some good lungs. After that we were able to move him into the nursery. Everyone decided that they would wait to see him until you woke up."

As he explained, my eyes stayed onto my son. He was so perfect but as I moved his hair around, my eyes came in contact with a cut just under his hairline. My eyes widen and I looked up at Nate. "Talia, he is okay. When Leo stabbed you, the knife nicked him there. Which caused your Labor, he will have that scar for the rest of his life but it's not hurting him. I promise, you have a healthy strong boy, just like you."

I smiled and looked at Ryder. My face fell when I though of someone, "Leslie?" I whispered and my eyes widen, "Ryder, where's Leslie?" I cried and he took our son from me and handed him back to Nate. "Talia, calm down, your starting to shake again. Leslie is fine, she is in the waiting room with everyone else." I just looked at him and he sighed and pulled out his phone and texted someone, "Hold on, okay?" I just nodded and about a minute later, the door swung open and Hawk came in carrying Leslie.

My eyes widen, "Leslie!" She looked behind her and when she sees me, she pushed her dad away and he puts her down as she runs to me. She jumps onto the bed and I pull her into me. Ignoring the pain in my body. "Your okay!" I cried and she wrapped her arms around me tightly as she cried, "I thought you was dead." She cried and I hugged her tighter, "I thought you left me!" I shook my head and pulled her away, "I will never in my life leave you!" I said and kissed her little head. We stayed like that for a while we heard a baby cry.

"Is that my Nephew?" Leslie asked and I nodded, "Do you want to hold him?" I asked and she nods quickly. I looked up at Nate and he hands me my son as I help Leslie hold him. Ryder moves her arm so she is supporting his head and I keep my arm under him for extra support.

"He is really cute. What's his name?" She asks and I look at Ryder, who shakes his head, "I haven't named him, I was waiting for you to wake up." I smile at him. I thought of an idea, "I think I want to make the name we picked his middle name and I think we should let Leslie pick." The moment I said that I seen her face grace us with the biggest smile.

"Really!?" She squealed, which made the baby cry. Ryder quickly picked him up and Leslie gave us a sad smile, "I'm sorry." She said and I smiled at her, "It's okay sweetie, you just scared him a little when you squealed. He's okay, look." I point at Ryder who is standing and bouncing the now quiet baby. "Now why don't we think of a name for him." I say to her. She nods and puts her finger on her chin in a thinking manner. It made us all chuckle a little.

"Prince? I've always called him that! Can that be his name?" She asked and we all looked at her for a second, "Prince?" I said to myself, "I love it, Ryder?" I look at him and he looks at Leslie, "I love it too." I look at Hawk, "I like it too." She cheered and I looked at Hawk again, "So that's it, his name is..."

"Prince Hassan King."

I know you guys don't like the name but you have to look at it as a 5 year old naming him. Plus Talia let her choose the name because of what they went through together.

Also, DONT WORRY ABOUT THE NAME! It will be a little different in the sequal that I'm currently working on!)

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