A Lovers Quarrell

By dumpling824

695 6 0

y/n (your name) l/n (last name) is back at Hogwarts for her fourth year. You have a crush on a fifth year, Ol... More

Chapter 1: The Return
Chapter 2: Brewing Trouble
Chapter 3: A Savior?
Chapter 5: An Apple Pie
Chapter 6: Surprise...!
Chapter 7: A Seeker
Chapter 8: The Start of A Busy Day
Chapter 9: The Halls
Chapter 10: Nothing more than a Kiss?
Chapter 11: The Game
Chapter 12: Jealous

Chapter 4: Amortentia

73 1 0
By dumpling824

After hangin out with Oliver a few more times, he finally asks you something, "Hey! Y/n...do you wanna m-maybe go out some time?" "I would love to!" You exclaim while jumping up and down with glee.

Soon everyone knows you guys' are dating at Hogwarts...

"Oliver!" You shout as you quickly run up to him. "meet me in the corridor after quidditch practice," you whisper as you wink and walk away. Oliver chuckles and yells, "of course!" As his quidditch buddies nudge him.

You look back at Oliver as he answers and quickly run to class. You bump into someone. It was none other than Draco Malfoy. "What do you want," you say as your smile turns into a frown. "Hey...ummm I'm sorry about the entire arm and 'mudblood' thing," he said while looking actually apologetic. "Draco, that was months ago...I accept your apology I guess, but now I'm happy so please just leave me alone." You say, passing him to get to your class. You hear Draco shouting your name but don't look back.

Class goes by quickly and you keep thinking about Draco's apology...

*in your head: did he really mean it? He was probably forced by one of the teachers...But he seemed like he actually car-* "Ms. l/n, can you please tell me the ingredients for making amortentia?" Snape asks with a raised eyebrow. "Oh- umm...ashwinder egg, rose thorn, peppermint, crushed moonstone, and..." You answer, but forget one of the ingredients as Snape stares you down. "Pearl dust." Draco says from the back of the class looking back down to his book. "Well thank you Mr. Malfoy for...assisting...Ms. l/n," Snape said as he turned to his desk and started to mix the ingredients.

*in your head: did he just help me out in front of Snape?! Instead of making me crash and burn? huh maybe I was wrong about him...* "Everyone, I will pick volunteers to share about their amortentia," Snape explained as he waited for someone to raise their hand. No one volunteered and avoided making eye contact. "Mr. Ron Weasley, please tell me about your amortentia." Snape said annoyed because of how no one volunteered. "Ummm...I-I smell freshly mown grass...new parchment...and m-my h-hair..." Ron answered as he stuttered. We all stared back at Hermione as she looked down at her book, blushing. You and Harry laugh quietly as Snape tries to find his next victim.

"Ah, Ms. l/n, please tell me about your amortentia," Snape asked as he approached you. "I smell...cinnamon gum, broomstick wax, parchment, some strong cologne, herbs, and green apples?!" You say as you smell it again. "Alright class, that is all for today, now get to lunch now," Snape said to the class as he motioned everyone to the door.

"Bloody hell, y/n you got Oliver Wood!" Ron exclaimed as he walked with you out of class. "And she got Draco Malfoy!" Hermione cried as she caught up with them. You quickly run ahead and turn the corner, leaving the golden trio behind. "She definitely is mad," Ron said with a confused face.

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