Chapter 10: Nothing more than a Kiss?

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You see Oliver and Katie Bell kissing in the hall and don't know whether he's kissing her back but you storm off. A tear rolls down your cheek and think about how he could do that?! You can hear Oliver calling your name, but you can't look back. You run down the hall and see Draco, "Oh coming to me now?" He says with a chuckle. You shoulder him as you run off crying. Draco shocked, looks at you run off but doesn't follow you.

You run into the girls bathroom and slump down against the the wall. You sob as you think about Oliver and Katie kissing again. "y/n? Are you ok," says Harry as he takes a seat next to you. "H-hey h-harry," you say calming yourself and trying to stop crying. You lay your head on his shoulder and cry while Harry puts his head on top of yours.

You and Harry have some laughs and talk about what happen...

You stand up and help Harry get up, "Thanks H-harry..." you say wiping your tears. "I'm always here for you,
y/n," Harry said. "There you are!" Hermione said walking in to the bathroom and hugging you. "I'm so sorry about what happened...that Oliver is such a pig!" Hermione cries as she takes you from Harry. Harry walks alongside Hermione and the three of you walk out of the bathroom. Ron runs up to you and says, "Y/N! I heard what happened..." "Leave her alone you guys," Hermione said while walking you to the girls dorm. You look back at Harry and back at Hermione.

You take a seat on your bed and shrivel up. "OLIVER, OLIVER THAT BASTARD!" Hermione exclaimed as she hit her book against her bed. "Hermione could I be alone for a bit," you mutter as Hermione responds, "of course, I'll be outside, so call me if you need me...I'm gonna kill that Oliver!"

You cry and sob, thinking back at all of the memories you spent with Oliver...

Oliver runs up to the Girls Dorm, but gets interrupted by Hermione. "YOU PIG!" Hermione cries as she hits him with her book. "'s not worth it," Ron whispers to her. "How could you do her like that mate," Ron says with a disgusted look on his face and pulled back Hermione. "You really broke her...Oliver," Harry said. "I-I didn't mean to...Katie did it...y/n just came at the w-wrong time!" Oliver stuttered as he looked down. "How is she?" He asked. "Not good, she's crying her eyes out," Hermione says as she steps down the stairs. "You better leave her alone," Ron said as he followed Hermione. "Don't go in right now," Harry whispered to Oliver as he followed Hermione too. Oliver just stood there, in front of the girls dorm...

After nearly bawling your eyes out, you remember you have a quidditch match today!

You slowly get up and change. You wash your face and try to put on a smile. You let out a big sigh and put on your socks. You get out of the dorm and bump into Oliver, waiting there for you. You scoff and walk down the stairs not caring. "y-y/ wasn't how you saw..." He says grabbing a hold of your arm. You turn around and say, "Really? Cause it looked like you kissed her!" You get Oliver's hand off of your arm and run down the stairs. Oliver felt sorry and stood there like a lost puppy.

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