Chapter 2: Brewing Trouble

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The train arrives to Hogwarts and most of the students are excited to start their new year, but not you. Everyone looks at each other with blank faces. The four boys followed Mrs. McGonagall to her office and you go with the golden trio to the Main Hall to wait for the start of the introduction and instructions.

"Ms. l/n, please come with me." Mrs. McGonagall said with a firm face, you look at Harry, but he just nods and whispers, "hurry and go..." You walk with her, asking no questions until you enter her office. Draco and George were already there and you could see Blaise and Fred walking in the other direction.

You sit in a chair right in the middle of George and Draco and can feel the tension between the two. Draco had a black eye and was trying to hide it and George had a cast on his arm. "Ms. l/n, I would like to speak to you privately so both of you boys stand outside and don't you dare fiddle with each other!" Mrs. McGonagall said firmly as she pointed her finger to the door. Draco sighed and walked out the door and George walked right behind him and closed the door.

"So, Ms. l/n what is going on in this situation? What are these boys bickering about non-stop?!" Mrs. Mcgonagall asked with a concerned face. "well...I rea-

"DON'T YOU TOUCH ME YOU WEASEL!" Draco yelled. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?! OH YOU'RE FOR SURE DEAD NOW MALFOY!" George yelled back. "BOYS BOYS!" Mrs. Mcgonagall shouted as she hit them with her newspaper. Snape walked down the hallway and ran as soon as he saw the two boys fighting each other. "get off of each other now." Snape cried with the most frightening face ever. The boys got off of each other and exchanged dirty looks to one another.

Snape grabbed them both by the ears and dragged them down the hallway, to his office and shut the door behind him. "Please continue Ms. l/n, those boys are mad," Mrs. Mcgonagall cried. "As I was saying, I just..."

For about 20 minutes, you explain to Mrs. Mcgonagall about what happened and your point of view on the situation...

"Thank you Ms. l/n, I appreciate you cooperating with me, I also know you are a wonderful young girl and you should always report to me if Draco ever bothers you again!" Mrs. Mcgonagall exclaimed. "Thank you Mrs. Mcgonagall and I will always tell you," you say as you feel relieved.

During lunchtime in the Great Hall...

You walk in and everyone stares at you, even Draco Malfoy stared and scoffed with his black eye. Ron rose his hand and waved, "Over here y/n!" You grin and quickly walk and sit down in front of Ron, Harry, and Hermione. "So? What happened? Are you expelled?!" Hermione worried."No, no of course not. Mrs. Mcgonagall just wanted to know what happened and I don't think George or Draco is gonna get expelled..." You say quietly. "Well that's good news!" Harry says smiling. "i guess..." you say looking down at your meal.

You're walking down the hallway to get to fresh air when someone approaches you...

"Hey y/n," says Draco Malfoy from behind, sending chills down your back. "So you had it lucky last time didn't you..." he says moving closer and closer with his friends. You realize you hit a dead end and there was no where to escape to without getting caught. You look back to see Draco smirking at his friends, "What are you going to do to me?!" You say slowly stepping backwards and attempting to think of a plan to escape. "Hold her down boys," he says with a grin as his buddies come forward and grip you to the wall. "See y/n, you need to feel what I've been feeling the past days..." he says pinning you against the wall and taking out a knife.

"i-i please...please d-draco i-i..." you whimper as he takes out the knife and shows the blade. You shed a tear as you realize that you're trapped. Nowhere to get to. No savior. No friend. No one.

You shut your eyes and take a deep breath, but keep sobbing while you're pinned to the wall, powerless.

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