Love Bites

By Wolfgaming395

418 0 0

Girl suffers from Stockholm syndrome and falls in love with a vampire More

A Sober Start
Yet Another Visitor
Going for a Ride
I'm Home
Fun with my Kidnapper~
Life at it's Best
A Foggy Morning
Mikas Patience
A Moonlight Picnic
Getting Taken Away
Where am I?
Rougher Than Ever~
The Examination
Not Again
Where Are You
I'm Here Bunny
The Meeting
Some Casual Fun~
Birthday surprise Pt 1
A Birthday Surprise Part 2~
Next Morning
Static's Big Surprise Pt 1
Static's Big Surprise Pt 2~
Cuddles with Bunny
Static's Puzzling Thoughts
Let the Challenge Begin~
My Hubby
Ethan's Big Brother
A Strange Dream
The Meeting Pt 1
The Meeting Pt 2
Bunny Bunny Bunny
A Good Day
Ethan's Birthday~
Ethan's Nightmare
The Picnic
Noah's Play Time~
Our Palace
A Kingdom to Rule
My Love
The Rebuild
A New Queen

A Horrible Night

24 0 0
By Wolfgaming395

It's been a few days since I came back. Mika and I have been having so much fun. We went out for ice cream, went to a movie, out for dinner, and played many board games. It was getting late, and we were cleaning up after dinner. My belly was full. I yawned when we were done cleaning up and went upstairs to Mika's room. I climbed up into the bed and went under the blankets. I started to doze off when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I brushed it off as Mika came up to go to bed. I heard the door slowly creak open.
"Mika? Is that you?" I asked. No response.
"Mika?" I said as I sat up. I was shoved down with a hand covering my mouth. I then felt a sharp pain in my neck. My eyes started to get heavy. I passed out. I was breathing lightly as the drug ran through my veins. I wasn't sure what time it was when I woke up, but I looked around and saw that I wasn't in Mikas' bed. I started to panic. I couldn't scream. Duct tape was pasted on my mouth. I was tied to a chair. My wrist was bound to the arms, my stomach was tied to the back, my thighs were tied apart, and my ankles were tied to the legs. I started to struggle.
"I wouldn't struggle. You can hurt yourself like that." a mysterious voice said. It was a male's voice. I was terrified. I tried to find the body of the voice but to no avail. I heard a bit of shuffling behind me. I tried to look behind me but the voice just chuckled.
"Nice try pumpkin, you cannot see me right now. But you will soon. I promise." I heard him walking around. I felt like crying. I felt his hand be placed on my shoulder.
"Such a pretty face, I'll be happy when you finally give in to me." His hand trailed down a bit but then stopped at my collarbone. "I should wait. No need to rush things" He said and he started to walk away. I heard him lift something off of a metal try. He then started to walk back to me. I felt a cold blade press against my skin causing me to jump.
"Now now, don't make any sudden moves. It would be a shame to cut a beautiful body like yours," he said as he sliced my shirt off. I mumbled something.
"What was that pumpkin?" I mumbled again. He groaned and came in front of me. He was pale and thin. He kneeled in front of me and smiled. His messy dark brown hair fell in front of his pale blue eyes and covered some of the freckles that covered the bridge of his nose.
"What's the matter pumpkin? Do you want that tape off your mouth?" I nodded. He smiled.
"Are you gonna scream?" I shook my head no. He reached over to my face cupping his hand. I leaned close and placed my face into his hand. "Good girl," he said before gently taking the duct tape off me.
"There we go pumpkin. How's that?" He asked.
"Feels better," I responded in all honesty. He cupped his hand again and placed it on my cheek. I slowly closed my eyes as he started to caress my cheek.
"You'll love it here pumpkin. I'm gonna take great care of you." He said with a soft smile. I returned the smile. His eyes started to wonder and trace my every curve. I saw him bite his lip when he got just above my chest. my breasts were a little big for my thin frame. He then looked up at me. I felt a little scared and he stood up. He cupped both of my cheeks and had me stare deep into his pale blue eyes.

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