"Kitten" Sirius Black x OC

By Lilith_Addams13

1.2K 35 15

Marauders era. Lily's cousin. But set in 2020 because Idk it's funny I guess. Ministry screwed up so Catherin... More

The Letter
The Train
The First Day
The Phone
The Full Moon
The Bet
The Dancing Lessons
The Hogsmeade Trip
The Consumption of too much Firewhiskey
Regretting the Consumption of too much Firewhiskey

The Sorting Ceremony

136 4 2
By Lilith_Addams13

I sat on the rickety old stool and looked out at the sea of faces. People had been whispering about me already because of the ministry screw up but now I felt so awkward with everyone's eyes upon me. I looked to the scarlet table to try and spot my cousin but was instead confronted with the grinning face of Sirius. I pulled my eyes away from his and tried to focus on anything else. The sorting hat was placed on my head and I held my breath. After a moments deliberation it yelled "Gryffindor!"

I walked down to my cousin and sat beside her. Right opposite Sirius. "We meet again Kitten. It must be fate." He said dramatically.
"Oh stop being such an arse." Complained Lily.
"Yes Kitten does have a nice arse though it's a wonder you'd notice Lily." He replied in mock bewilderment. My cheeks burnt.
"God Sirius your such a sleaze. Would you stop piercing on my cousin now please." Said Lily exasperated. Sirius chuckled and ignored her. "So Kitten, I guess we are gonna be seeing a lot of each other then."
"I suppose it's unavoidable isn't it." Sirius smiled and then it slipped into a frown. "Problem Bellatrix?" He growled I turned to looked behind me. "Nothing I just thought I'd say enjoy your mudblood whore." Her tone was like acid. Sirius' face as pure fury. He opened his mouth to respond but I beat him to it.
"I'm the whore?" I replied " Honey you look like you just got back from a twenty minute shag in a public bathroom. Ever heard of a comb?" Bellatrix's eyes went wide.
"Damn, Kitty has claws." Exclaimed James

Bellatrix turned around wordlessly. Sirius sat stunned for a moment before recovering himself. " I apologise for my cousins unsavoury behaviour but your way more fiery than you look." I shrugged.
"I guess. With family like that I guess family reunions are pretty interesting."
" Interesting doesn't even begin to cover it." He replied mischievously "Maybe you can tell me about them sometime." Sirius smiled
"I hate to interrupt this flirting which is a nice change from James' usual rejections but it's getting too much for me. Hi I'm Remus." Said the boy who'd interrupted. He had soft Sandy hair and a few scars running down his face. I studied him for a moment and saw Sirius visibly stiffen. "Your hair looks super soft." I said. They both sat there in a stunned silence. "What?" I asked
"Thank you?" Said Remus "That's not normally the first thing ppl comment on."
"Oh, yeah scars aren't anything to be ashamed of. They are just a reminder of the past it's not really relevant to the future." I said matter of factly .
"Marry me." Responded Remus
"Get in line mate." Said Sirius
"Okay." I responded but was saved form saying anymore as Dumbledore began his little speech and we were sent up to bed.

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