Underbelly } Sweet Pea

By GraceMadeline16

144K 2.8K 406

Stephanie "Stevie" Jones was the older sister of Jughead Jones. Remaining on the Southside of town, so not ma... More

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The Blackboard Jungle
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The Wicked and Divine
The Tell-Tale Heart
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A Night to Remember
Shadow Of A Doubt
Judgement Night
Brave New World
Labor Day

The House of the Devil

4.9K 109 17
By GraceMadeline16

"He'd tell you to get off his daughter before he really does break your kneecaps six different ways."

Sweet Pea let out a groan as he stumbled forward from the force that hit his back as arms wrapped around his neck, laughing at the sight of his giddy girlfriend, "What's got you all happy?"

"My dad's getting out! He called me this morning!" She smiled, pulling him in for a kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist, pulling her closer to him, dipping her slightly.

"Hey now. There's kids present." Fangs laughed, causing the two to pull away from each other. Stevie saw Jughead walk in and walked over to him, pulling him up on the stage with her, "We have an announcement to make!"

"Our dad's getting out!" Jughead cheered, causing the serpents to let out hollers, Sweet Pea sending Stevie a wink.

"And when he does, we'll bring him up to speed with our plans with Mayor McCoy."

"That's brilliant." Tall Boy laughed sarcastically

"Is there a problem, Tall Boy?" Stevie sighed, crossing her arms over her arms over her chest

"Your old man? No." He started, "I got no problem with him. But you want us to sit down with the mayor?"

"We do!" Jughead nodded, "he's right. I think we can bring the Southside back. But it's going to take some work and it's going to take compromise."

"Bring the Southside back." Tall Boy laughed, "You've been here all of five minutes."

"Tall Boy, I'm sick of you acting like a little bitch," Stevie stated, "whispering behind our backs. That Jug's half serpent. That he doesn't belong here. That I can't run the serpents. Why don't we put it to a vote? If you guys think what I'm doing is wrong, I'll step aside."

"All those who stand with Stevie and Jughead and think Tall Boy should shut the hell up..."Toni trailed off, raising her hand in the process. Sweet Pea and Fangs both stood up, raising their hands, many serpents following. Tall Boy rolled his eyes and sulked off, causing the Jones siblings to smirk at each other.

Stevie was practically bouncing off the doors of the Coopers car as they made their way to Shankshaw prison.

"How much coffee have you had Stephanie?" Alice asked the brunette sitting in the passenger seat, "None. I'm just excited to be able to hug my dad."

Stevie was opening the door to the car before it could stop as they pulled up to Shankshaw. She couldn't help the smile that made its way across her face as she saw her dad. As soon as the gate was opened, she ran to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Hi Bug." He laughed, pulling her in tight, placing a kiss on her head as she pulled away, pulling Jughead into a hug before motioning to Stevie to join in. Betty had pulled her phone out to snap a picture of the family, smiling at the reunion.

As the three pulled away, FP greeted Betty's mom, "Alice."

"Is it true what they say about men who have just been released from prison, FP?" She asked

"What do they say?" He asked

"That they're incredibly sexually frustrated."

"Mom! What?" Betty asked

"Oh. I just puked a bit."

"Wow." Jughead spoke as they all made our way back to the car.

They all squeezed back into the Cooper car as FP sat in the front seat; Stevie kept her eyes trained on the two adults as she knew about their past.

Once they were situated in a booth at Pops, Stevie sat next to her dad, leaning her head on his shoulder, FP placing a kiss on her forehead.

"The Black Hood is targeting sinners, so I'd watch my back if I were you, FP, especially once you rejoin that gang of hoodlums." Alice said, drinking her coffee

"Here we go." Stevie mumbled, stealing FP's bacon, giggling as he smacked her hand.

"I'm not going back to the Serpents, Alice." FP spoke, ignoring the look his daughter was giving him, "Thought a lot about this while I was in Shankshaw, I'm done with Serpent life. It's gonna be my last ride for my kids and I. But it's too much of a slippery slope for me."

"Dad, I can't run the Serpents by myself."

"And what, pray tell, will you be doing with all your extra time, FP?" Alice asked

"Working, Warden Cooper." FP answered, "Saw a help wanted sign in the window. Thought I'd talk to Pop about picking up some shifts."

"Let's hope your plans don't come crashing down once you start drinking again." Alice spat. Stevie refrained from saying something to Alice, choosing to put her mouth on her milkshake.

"Actually, I'm in AA." FP stated, matter-of-factly, "started in jail and don't plan on stopping."

Alice raised her eyebrow at FP as he sipped his coffee, sticking his pinky out as he did, causing Stevie to laugh, hiding her face in her elbow.

"Well, I need to go. I have to help Sweet Pea and Fangs with their bio homework."Stevie spoke, turning to kiss her dad on the cheek, grabbing her jacket off the back of the booth.

"Sweet Pea actually does homework?"

"Hold it, Stephanie."

Stevie closed her eyes and turned to face her dad, taking small steps forward.

"Oo, so close." Jughead whispered, chuckling at the glare his sister sent him

"Sweet Pea coming to get you?" FP asked, looking up at his daughter, "Yes?"

"Tell him to come in. Wanna see him." FP told her, causing Stevie to narrow her eyes at him, "You already met him, Dad."

"Yeah. But not as the father of his girlfriend. Just wanna have a little chat with him."

"Daaadd." She groaned, turning to walk out of Pops.

"Dad wants to have a sit down with you. Even though he already knows you. Just not as the father to his girlfriend." Stevie sighed, laying back on Sweet Peas beed. Fangs had left about an hour ago to go help Toni at the Wyrm so Stevie and Sweet Pea finished their homework before heading into his room in his trailer.

"What? Why?" He panicked, stepping out of his closet, causing Stevie to let out a laugh, "Because he has to give you the talk about how he's gonna break your kneecaps six different ways if you break my heart."

Sweet Pea visibly gulped at his girlfriends words causing her to let out a laugh, "C'mere."

Sweet Pea laid back as Stevie climbed on top of him, causing him to smirk as he placed his hands on her hips as she leaned down to connect their lips together. Sweet Pea sat up, flipping them over so he was on top, "And what would your dad say if he could see us now?"

"He'd tell you to get off his daughter before he really does break your kneecaps six different ways."

The two teens jumped apart to see FP standing in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest

"Hi, Mr Jones." Sweet Pea gulped, jumping up off his bed as Stevie sat on the end of it, "Hi...Dad."

"Both of you. Living room. Now." FP demanded, walking out into the living room. The two teens looked at each other before rushing into the living room

Stevie sat in the armchair as Sweet Pea sat on the couch, FP staring at him. Stevie could see him tensing up under her fathers gaze, "Jesus, Dad. You're scaring him."

"You watch it. I'll deal with you at home." FP spoke, before turning his attention back to face Sweet Pea, "I ever catch you on top of my daughter again, I will break your kneecaps. If I find out you touched her in anyway she didn't like, I'll break your kneecaps. If you so much as look at another girl, I'll break your kneecaps. And, if you break my little girl's heart, I'll break your kneecaps."

Stevie hid her smile behind her hand at the sight of Sweet Pea shitting himself, "Dad. Okay. He gets it."

"Get your stuff. Let's go." FP snapped, turning to face Stevie who rolled her eyes, grabbing her bag and jacket, "I'll see you tomorrow, Pea."

Stevie was sitting at the bar while Toni worked her shift, laughing hysterically as Stevie told her what happened with her dad and Sweet Pea last night, "It was horrible. Pea was basically shitting himself while dad told him he'd break his kneecaps six different ways if he hurt me."

"You're his little girl. And Sweet Pea is your first serious boyfriend. And it could have been worse if he walked in on you two actually doing something worse." Toni explained, causing Stevie to throw back her shot.

Stevie rolled her eyes as Betty sat on the stool next to her, signaling for Toni to pour another shot.

"You have a stage, would you be open to me bringing in a karaoke machine?"

"For FP's retirement?" Toni smiled, looking over at Stevie who shrugged, "Sure, why not?"

"Also, Toni, Stevie, one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you, beyond the party-planning..."Betty sighed, causing Stevie to turn and face the blonde, "I've been walking the razor's edge since Jughead joined the Serpents and all I've been thinking is...you know as FP gets home, everything will get better because he'll be there to protect Jughead and make sure he doesn't get hurt." She continued.

Stevie sighed in realization at what Betty was getting at. She knew she couldn't stay mad at Betty forever. She knew Betty did what she did to protect Jughead, but he was her little brother. And she looked out for him no matter what.

"Yeah, I'm following," Toni nodded, "I mean, with FP out of the picture and Stevie now leading the Serpents..."

"But that's my whole point, "Betty cut Toni off, "I do worry. So, I wanna keep an eye on Jughead, myself. Make sure that as deep into these snake-infested waters as he goes, he doesn't do something that...you know, puts him in danger."

"You wanna be a Serpent, don't you?" Stevie interrupted

"Let's say...Serpent adjacent," Betty corrected, "But, yeah. Part of his world. This world."

Before either could respond, Byrdie started laughing.

"Shut it, Byrdie." The two girls snapped

"Sorry, Sweet Valley High,"Byrdie laughed, "if you wanna the club, you gotta do the dance...the Serpent dance."

"Excuse me, Serpent dance?" Betty asked, turning to face the two girls

"An outdated, sexiest, tradition. " Stevie told her, Toni rolling her eyes, "She's the only one who didn't have to do it. Tried to get it outlawed, but misogyny dies hard."

"You don't wanna know." Stevie told her, knowing that Betty was still going to do it

"Uh, yeah I do. I wanna know everything." The Blonde stated, looking around the bar before looking back at the two girls, "Why didn't you have to do it?"

"Hello? My dad would flip his shit if he saw me doing it. A bunch of old men watching his underage daughter stripping to join the Serpents? I just had to keep my hand in the snake habitat for a solid minute instead." Stevie explained.

Stevie, once again, let Toni dress her; her hair was pin straight, she had fishnets on under black ripped jeans, a black crop top that showed a little bit of cleavage, and her Serpent jacket to top it off. She even let Toni do her makeup. The two girls walked into the bar, arm and arm, causing many heads to turn. Fangs smacked Sweet Pea's shoulder, causing the boy to turn to face his best friend, who motioned to the bar. Sweet Pea looked over to see Stevie and Toni throwing back a shot.

Toni nudged Stevie, motioning to behind her, causing her to turn to face Sweet Pea. Stevie saluted Toni before making her way over to Sweet Pea, "Hi, Handsome."

"It's like you're asking me to knock some heads." He laughed, wrapping his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "Toni dressing me is starting to grow on me."

Sweet Pea just hummed in response before leaning down to connect their lips together. Stevie tangled her fingers in his hair as Sweet Pea tightened his grip on her waist.

"Uh...FP is coming." Fangs said, causing the two to pull apart.

"Mhm. You better keep your hands off her, Sweet Pea." FP snapped, walking past the three teenagers.

Everyone's attention went to the door as Alice and Betty Cooper walked in. Alice was dressed in black and leather, causing Stevie to walk over to them, "Mrs Cooper, you look...wow."

"Thanks Stephanie." Alice winked, bringing the girl in for a hug as Jughead walked over to the three, "Mrs Cooper. Betty. You look...incredible."

"Thank you, Jughead. Although, I couldn't get this one to dress for the occasion." Alice smirked, motioning to the fact Betty was wearing a baby blue blouse and a light pink skirt. Stevie laughed at the older women before making her way back to her boyfriend, "I think pigs are actually flying. Alice Cooper is embracing the Southside, I forgave Betty, and she doesn't have her hair in a ponytail."

Sweet Pea and Fangs just let out a laugh as Sweet Pea placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You've got to be kidding me." Fangs spoke, causing Sweet Pea and Stevie to look over at him, only to see him looking up at the stage; where Archie and Veronica were singing.

Stevie leaned back into Sweet Pea chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist, placing a kiss on the back of her head. Suddenly, Veronica ran off the stage, Archie running after her, causing the Serpents to start booing. Sweet Pea included.

That was until Betty started singing, taking her clothes off in the process.

"Holy shit." Stevie let out, moving up to stand next to her brother, "Did you know she was gonna do this?"

"No. Did you?" He asked, not taking his eyes off his girlfriend.

Once the song was over, the Serpents let out cheers, excluding the two siblings and her mother.

"Let's give her a round of applause! Show her some of that Serpent hospitality we're known for," FP started, "you know what, I've been in and out of the Serpents since I was younger than my kids. And it's been a...a Wild Ride. Good times, bad times. But through it all, the Serpents stuck by my side, while most other people turned their backs on me. My own family included."

FP had looked both of his kids in the eyes as he said that, tears welling up in Stevie's eyes.

"Now, the letter of the law says that I can't be here in the Serpent den. That I can't associate with my friends," Fp continued, "My real family. My blood."

By now, tears were falling down Stevie's face as her dad was taking digs at them, Stevie's eyes widened in realization of what was happening.

"Northside wants me outta this gang?" FP asked, "Well, they better bring a coffin because FP Jones isn't retiring! I am not going gently into the night! I'm taking the Serpents back from my daughter. I am here to stay! So, bring the fire!"

"Yeah!" Sweet Pea cheered, causing Stevie to look back at him in disbelief. FP made his way over to his kids, pulling them into a hug, "I know about the snake charmer."

"And the delivery you did and the debt you owe her. It was one thing, son. The one thing I asked you not to do."

"I can fix this, let me just talk to her." Jughead begged as FP turned to Stevie, "I asked you to keep him out of the Serpents and away from Penny. You couldn't do that for me."

"Dad. Please." Stevie whispered, "You broke my heart, Bug." FP stated, placing a kiss on her forehead, doing the same to Jughead.

"Shots! Line them up!" Sweet Pea called, handing FP a shot glass as Stevie shook her head at both of them in disbelief, "Dad. Don't"

"To the king!" Tall Boy toasted

"To the king!"Everyone shouted, downing their shot as Stevie shook her head in disbelief at Sweet Pea's behavior.

She pushed her way through the crowd, making her way outside of the bar, placing her head in her hands as she crouched down, taking deep breaths.

"Stevie?" Sweet Pea called, causing the girl to stand up, turning to face him, "What, Sweet Pea?"

"Everything okay?"

Stevie let out a laugh, running her hands through her hair, "No. Everything is not okay! You cheered when my dad said he was taking back the Serpents! You handed him a shot when he's been sober for three months! He told me I broke his heart! So no, everything is not okay!"

"That's good for you though, isn't it? You won't have to stress about them anymore, " Sweet Pea stated as Stevie scoffed at him, "He won't fall off the wagon any more. Not after he sees how bad it affects you. You two are as close as it gets, he'll forgive you tomorrow."

"How am I supposed to believe in myself if my boyfriend and my dad don't believe that I can run the Serpents? He was doing so well with not drinking and you knew that! You know how much I hated when he drank! And you gave him the shot! You know how much my dads' opinion means to me. My heart broke because I let him down." She cried.

"I don't know what you want me to say, Steph." Sweet Pea sighed, stepping towards her

"I want you to say that you believe in me! That you believe that I can run the Serpents!" Stevie exclaimed. It was quiet between the two for a few seconds before Stevie nodded her head, "Really? You don't think I can do it?"

"I do!"

"Then why did you hesitate?!?" She exclaimed

"Because I don't! You let Jughead come in and act like he was running the Serpents! God, he did more than you did by getting Penny off our backs! You? You let his girlfriend do the dance and you let your own brother get beat up by the Ghoulies!" He shouted

Stevie felt her heart break at his words, taking a few steps back, "You really think that? All of you?"

Sweet Pea turned to see Fangs and Toni standing a few feet away, the two not saying anything and he turned back to face Stevie who let out a laugh, "Some friends you are. We're done, Sweet Pea. We're done."

Stevie walked away, hoping he would call out for her. He didn't. None of them did.

That night, one of the strongest people in Riverdale wore her heart on her sleeve for once and she got her heartbroken by her father, her boyfriend, and her best friends.


I'M SORRY I'M SORRY. I just had to considering pretty much every couple broke up in this episode. I had a hard time debating if I wanted to have things end the way they did with FP and Stevie and then Sweet Pea and Stevie but I love me some angst and it needed to be done. Buuut don't worry, they'll be back.

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