Trust in Love Again (COMPLETE...

By castleMG

182K 9.3K 1.1K

A MewGulf fiction... Hi! I'm a newbie in writing and english is not my first language so sorry for the gramma... More

Author's note
2. 😍
3. 😎
about the story
4. 🀯
6. 😌
6.5 😻
7. πŸ•Ά
7.5 πŸ˜±πŸ˜πŸ‘¨β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨
8. Officially Mine
9. Mine alone
9.5 Beaching
10. To be Loved
10.5 πŸ”žπŸ”žπŸ”ž
11. The start
11.5 Is this it?
12. Please?
13. For us
17. πŸ”ž
AUTHOR'S Thoughts
35. Finale


2.5K 147 9
By castleMG

Morning came and right after breakfast,Mew and Gulf went to the hospital. When they arrived at Prem's room,they saw Dr. Jirayu.

'Good morning Doc.'  The couple greeted politely..

'Good morning,but you two can call me uncle too like Prem.' the doctor said.

'How's he do-uncle?' Gulf asked

'He's great. He woke up earlier but went back to sleep after. You can wait here if you want.' Doc. J answered

'How about Boun uncle?' Mew asked

Sighing.. 'He's not awake yet. He's in shock to everything that happened. That's why his body is refusing to wake up. I hope it will be Boun when he wakes up.' The couple a nodded in agreement. Dr.J excused himself and left the two with his nephew.

After a while,Prem woke up. And he is glad to see the couple there.

'Premie!' Gulf shouted his name and run to his side when he noticed he's awake. He chuckled at his friend.

'Baby~ don't run like that.' Mew whined..

'Hi Gulf,hi Mew.' Prem greeted them. They help Prem to sit properly.

'How are you? Are you hungry? Mew can get us food if you are.' Gulf said in one go.

'you're hungry again Bii?' Mew asked Gulf who blushed. Prem chuckled at him and winced.

'It's not my fault..Our seeds are making me hungry all the time.' Gulf said pouting.

'Oe oe oe...I'll buy you and our seeds something to eat...' Gulf's face lit instantly clapping his hands saying 'yay' cutely. Mew is really a whipped hubby..

'What about you Prem?' he asked Prem.. 'Anything will do,thank you 😊' Prem answered and Mew excused himself.

Gulf is sitting on the bed beside Prem.
Gulf holds Prem's hand and his eyes become teary.

'Hey..Guppie why are you crying? I'm fine you see..' Prem panicked at Gulf's sudden change. Gulf engulf him in a brotherly hug. Prem was taken aback a little.

'I'm just happy that you're okay..' Gulf said. Prem hugged him back. He is happy too that he gained new sets of friends. 'I got so scared when you got shot.' he added.

'It's nothing Gulf. I will do anything to bring back my Boun. Don't blame yourself okay? Besides,this happened because of Boun's are just a victim.' Prem said,rubbing Gulf's back.

Gulf pulled away to wipe his tears. He's still holding Prem's hand..

'Speaking of Boun,what if we failed?' Gulf asked worriedly..

'I don't know too Gulf..but let's hope for the best. I believe in my friend.' answered Prem.

They are just waiting for Boun to wake up. When Mew came back with the foods,Win and Bright arrived. They had fun talking. Beam and Kit also visited Prem during their breaks. After lunch,they all went to Boun's room. They wheeled Prem. His uncle is there too and also Beam to check.

While Beam and Doc.J are discussing,Win noticed that Boun is waking up.

'Ah guys...I think he's waking up.' Win said a little nervous. Well,all of them are kinda nervous because they don't know if it is Boun or Spencer.

***********                           ***********

' head is aching... I'm hearing different voices and one of them was the voice that I longed to hear. The voice of the man that I love...Yes,I love Prem. He's the reason why I won this battle. He taught me how to love myself and what's love truly means. I'm glad that he didn't give up on me. And to Gulf also,I need to ask his forgiveness and thank him and his family for helping me and Prem.

Opening my eyes to shut it close again because of the lights,I open it again slowly. When my vision is clear,I saw the faces of the people that I owed. I can see doubts on their faces which is understandable. I smiled at them and Prem wheeled himself near me. I can tell that he recognized me. '

'Prem wait..'
'Be careful'

'They said at Prem's sudden action. I'm glad that they are concern for my Prem. I can't move since I was strapped. Which Prem is trying to remove.'

'Prem,what are you doing?' Uncle J asked.

'It's him uncle..can you help me to unstrapped him?' Prem answered his uncle.

Everyone glance at each other,thinking if it was safe to do or not.. Gulf move forward and help Prem to unstrapped Boun but Mew hold his wrist asking through his eyes.

'I believe that Prem is the one who knew Boun the best..' With that being said,Mew understand his wife and he's the one who help Prem. They also help him to sit properly.

Boun thanked them and he look at Prem sadly. Prem furrowed his brows at him.

'Why Boun?' Boun shakes his head..

'I'm sorry if I hurt you Prem.To you also Win. Especially you Gulf...sorry for causing troubles.' He sincerely apologize...

'It's okay Boun,I know that it's not you.' Gulf said

'Gulf is right. It's not your fault. So don't blame yourself.' Prem said

'We're good....but what happens now?' Win asked

'I mean...are you cured now?or he is just sleeping?' Win added and the others are curious too..

Boun smiled genuinely. 'The moment Prem was shot,he left. More like,destroyed.'

'How?' Bright asked..But before Boun can say something,Doc.J's the one who speak...

' he overcome his fears,insecurity and learned to love himself. Your constant support help him.' Doc.J said.

A.N: this is pure fiction..I don't know about the real medical methods of this pardon me 🙏🏻

'So you mean uncle that,he's really free?he's cured?' Gulf asked

'Yes,but still...(turning to Boun) I would like to suggest that you still go with therapy..just to be sure and also to help you move on from all the things you've been through.' Doc.J said..

'Sure uncle..I want to be better for the people who love me,especially Prem.' He look at Prem lovingly.. Gulf nudged his hubby to give a signal to let the two have a private moment.

'I think we should leave first.. Prem ,do you want to go back to your room?' Asked Gulf..Prem look at Boun first then back to Gulf and said he will stay with Boun for a while..

'That's what I thought' Gulf mumbled while giggling... Before they left the room,Beam told Boun that his treatment will be shouldered by the hospital..and he felt really grateful for these people.

Boun and Prem finally got their alone time.

' you want anything?' Prem asked...Boun is just staring at him.

'I want someone.' Boun said and it didn't sink at Prem first.

'Oh okay I'll get it fo-' Boun is grinning at him. Prem turned red like tomato.

'Wh-what do-...'

'I love you Prem' Boun boldly confessed...

'Fuck! He didn't even say he like me...but straightly saying he love me!!!' Prem's thoughts are foggy because of the confession. Boun just continue talking...

'Stop thinking too much..I meant what I said...I love you Prem.' he said..

Prem tears fell on his cheeks and he look at Boun...

'Do you really mean it or you are just...' he didn't get to finish his sentence when Boun cut him again..

'I said don't think too much..I meant what I said Prem. I love you not because I pity you or because I owe you..but because that's what I feel for you. So,do you love me too or not?!' Boun said. ' he confessing or he's nagging me?' Prem thought.

'What? not gonna answer?' Boun was teasing him..

'You prick..can't I think first huh? So there a cab waiting for you outside?! You called this confession? it's more like you're nagging me..jerk.' Pream ranted and Boun laugh at him.

' Alright,alright...Premie,my dear Premie...will you accept me as your boyfriend? Although I am a handful one, but will you accept me as I am?' asked Boun..Prem is crying while nodding...

'Yes Boun I will..I will be your boyfriend you asshole...' Prem said while crying...Finally,his love is not one sided anymore. Boun get down from the bed and kneel in front of Prem. He pulled his boyfriend for a hug.

'Thank you baby. Thank you for giving me a chance to be with you not only as a friend but a lover.' Boun said while hugging Prem. He pulled away enough for him to face his new boyfriend. Holding his face with his hands,he slowly leans towards Prem's face and kiss the latter's lips. Parting,he attached their foreheads.

'I love you' they said at the same time. They both giggled.

Unknown to them,everything that their talked about was heard by their friends who are just outside the room.  They got startled when MewGulf and BrightWin suddenly barged in,whistling and teasing them. Their faces surely emits shockness. They thought that these people left already.

'Ho-how?' Prem asked..He is blushing so hard.

'This' Win showed his phone that he took on the table. He left it there after he called Brigth's phone. They didn't noticed it because they are focused on what they were about to talk earlier.

'You cheeky bastard.' Prem said gritting his teeth. Boun is just looking at them with contentment. He is happy that,even though they met at the worst time,these people still treated them as friends and even help them. They are blessed to met these people. He didn't noticed that he's in tears until Mew speak..

'you okay bud?' asked Mew with worry..

'bud..' he mumbled but still can be heard... 'yes bud..why?' Mew said...Boun smiled at them..

' nothing b-bud..*clears throat* I..I am just happy for all the things that you guys did for me and Prem. It's just that...I feel like I don't deserve to be called or considered as one of your friends...' Boun said and the four smile genuinely to him.

'Like what I said before...all of this are not your fault. You were just a victim like us. And who are we to judged you?...' said Gulf

'I admit,before I am ready to hurt you if you dared lay a finger on my wife...because it's natural for me to do, to protect my wife and our little seeds...but,we don't want it to reach there..We still wanted to solve this without getting hurt and vice versa.' Mew explained

'It's true Boun..when i went to them and told them your condition,they didn't hesitate to help me to save you. They treat me like a family..I felt their sincerity. They even called your parents.' Prem added.

Boun was shocked at the information. This time,he let his tears fall freely. He is overwhelmed. How come these people give a fuck about him when he is a threat for their sons safety...

'Wuiii..don't're making us cry too...beside,you just got yourself a boyfriend...We should be happy and celebrate not like this.' Win said trying to lighten up the mood...but it's too late...Gulf is already crying...Mew is consoling him..

'aw look at K2,crying a river already.' Bright teased Gulf..

'Shut up K1!!...damn this hormones' Gulf said then press his face at the crook of Mew's neck...It's his calmative.They all laugh..Boun is determined to get better. And he will do anyting for these people that he can now called as family.

'Thank you for giving me these people'

there...everything is good now.. No more Spencer..

Thank you for reading and sorry for the errors. ❤🙏🏻❤🙏🏻

Now,time for Gulf's pregnancy ride 😁

And Gosh!!! Ep.4 is coming!!!!

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