Soccer Girl

By Different_214

237K 5.9K 1K

Soccer girl has played soccer her whole life, moving around the country for her fathers full time coaching jo... More

Chapter 1-Southern Voice
Chapter 2-Deniem Is A Death Trap
Chapter 3-Badass
Chapter 4-Crunch
Chapter 5-Lost With New Chances
Chapter 6-Take Me There
Chapter 7- Sam! No Captain Sam!
Chapter 8- No A Fairy Did It
Chapter 9- Frankly My Darling, I Don't Give A--
Chapter 10- Even I'm against myself
Chapter 11- Mr(s). Bigshot
Chapter 13- Fire Works (Burn it Down).
Chapter 14- Closed Eyes
Chapter 15- Teenage Dirt Bag
Chapter 16- Mr. Not-So-BrightSide
Chapter 17- You Misogynistic Prick
Chapter 18- HellFire
Chapter 19- You Could Disapear

Chapter 12- Do You Know the Enemy?

11.1K 352 69
By Different_214

I am none to happy. So I was scrolling through wattpad, and found a book that was well written after mine called 'Soccer girl' (the author didn't even capitalize the 'g' -_-). So I click on it and I'll be damned, She's legitimately using the exact copy of my first cover for THIS story as her cover for her story. So I'm mad at this point. I start to read the summary, AND IT IS JUST LIKE MINE BUT WITH A FEW MINOR TWEEKS?? WTF? Anyways, I'm pissed but here's a new chappie!


It was already the second half and I was livid. Sure, we're up three-one, but those damn wankers on the other team wouldn't come near me. What kind of highhorse do they think they're galavanting around on? They would elbow and push back all of my boys, but when it came to me, they stayed away like the plague, causing me to make two goals that I really didn't deserve. The only one giving me a fair game was Chance, and to be perfectly honest, i'd've cut off his testi if he didn't. He was lucky enough to know better than to play like that around me. We were just getting ready to start the second half when I turned to coach. He could tell I was pissed and nodded at me.

I want you to play mid, and send King up to striker. I want you all over that field and I want you involved in every play. Show them not to treat you like a flower." I looked at the team who had gathered around me, ready for the game plan.

"I'm sick of this game. It is far too easy. I want you all passing more. Also, take some more risks. I'll be at your side whenever one of you gets to the ball. I'm sick of those chavs acting like I can't handle this. The more we can show them what we're made of, the better." I clapped my hands and we all went back to our positions on the field, and I stood right between Jack and Olly. They both slapped my back, ready for this second half to begin.

"Ugh!" I grunted, slide tackling the ball away from number 33. The ball skidded to Harvey just as I did a somersault to get back to my feet. I ran to cover his position the right, seeing as he had moved to the left to retrieve the ball I had secured for him. King covered the middle of the field. As Chance moved in on Harvey, he switched the ball to King, who ran it the field, about 20 feet away from the goal box. One of their defenders went in for a tackle, but king was to swift. He pulled the ball behind him and rolled it around the other player, turning out behind their defence, leading the ball out with his left foot and burst forward, clipping the ball to me. I dribbled the ball and popped the ball into the air as I approached their last defender, sending the ball just behind him, and sprinted around him. I made sure to nudge into him before returning the ball and sending it sailing into the next, right into the left corner of the net. The guys ran back with me, congratulating me on my goal, but I was less than impressed. These guys were going way to easy. It's beyond frustrating to be treated like you can handle playing with the boys. Misogynistic asswipes.

"Chance", I called, "Make your team stop going easy on me, or so help me God I will make sure we never play another game against each other again." I narrowed my eyes at him, giving him /that/ look. I'm sure you know the one. The 'do what I say or I will kill you' look. He simply nodded and gave a signal to his team with his left hand. Pointer and middle finger up and together, ring and pinky finger held down my his thumb. He rotated his wrist clockwise twice and drop his hand. Let the game begin.


I grinned as I leapt over a hairy male leg, and took possession of the ball on the other side. I pulled the Maradona, a favorite move of my father that he had taught me when I was young. As I got to the eighteen yard line, I switched the balls with my left foot and shot it up, making a beeline to the right hand side of the goal. The ball landed directly in front of Harvey's head, allowing him to header the ball directly into the net. I grinned and ran back towards the center line. It was nice to watch the boys get excited over winning. This was the first time I'd seen them working together before. In all, it was heart warming. As much as they didn't all get along at school or even practice, they really came together on the field, and that's what matters.


We finished out the game 5-2, not a crushing win, but by all standards a well deserved one. We lined up once again and shook hands.

"Team meeting in the boy's lockers; now." Coach called to us. I grabbed my stuff from the bench and followed the team into the lockers.

"Good game folks. You played clean and fair and hard. Sammy; good game. You made a good first impression against the other team, and you set the record for our upcoming matches: just because we have a girl on the team, doesn't mean we can't and won't kick you ass. Alright. Practice at four o'clock tomorrow. Dismissed." We clapped simultaneously and left for the bus. I grabbed my kit and switched my cleats back out for my slides and walked slowly towards our bus.

"Sam!" Called a familiar voice. I turned around, walking backwards slowly and saw Chance jogging at me. I didn't stop walking, but turned around when he reached my side and we walked slowly together.

"Thanks." I spoke quietly. I could see him frown slightly from the corner of my vision.

"Don't thank me. A fair game is a fair game. I'd've been pissed if I was treated like that as well. Plus I know how you are, and you'd've never gotten over this." He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't tell me how I would have reacted." I pouted slightly at him, but neither of us were being serious. I bumped into his arm with my shoulder and he bumped me back.

"Ride home?" I nodded my head at him.

"Just let me make sure the driver knows there's going to be one less person." I gave him my bag and got on the bus.

"Just wanted to let you know that I won't be riding the bus back." The driver nodded and crossed my name off. I went to exit, but I smacked my face into a hard chest.

"Fuck!" I gritted out, glaring at Harvey.

"Watch where you're going. Or were you too preoccupied with your boyfriend out there?" He sneered. This boy was always finding his way onto my last nerve.

"Firstly, he's not my boyfriend, and secondly, this is none of you business. Just go make out with your cheerleader and let me be." I went to brush past him, but he gripped harshly onto my upper arm.

"Listen, Sammy. Not one of us on this team wants you to hang around him. He isn't someone we associate with anymore. And neither should you. I ripped my throbbing forearm arm out of his

grasp and returned his glare.

"No. You listen Harvey. Who I hang out with is none of your goddamn business. And don't speak for the team, because clearly you have no clue of what you're talking about. And one more thing. Don't you dare lay your hands on me ever again. Whether it be like the night of the teams meeting or like you just did now, don't put your fucking hands on me you absolute savage." I spit out, and jumped off the bus. I darted to Chance and he looked at me worriedly.

"Forget about him. He just isn't worth it." he said, sighing. I nodded and he put his hand on the small of my back, guiding me to his Acadia. He threw our bags into the backseat and we drove towards my home.

"Hey wanna grab some ice cream?" He asked.

"I don't have any money..." I replied he grinned at me.

"Don't worry about it." I nodded.

"Then ice cream it is."

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