Chapter 16- Mr. Not-So-BrightSide

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     "Look, babe. I dragged you here to talk about Chance. He isn't exactly all sunshine and rainbows."

     "Oh like you have room to talk, Mr. Brightside." He chuckled in that low bass voice of his.

     "Yeah, so you've said. But I figured I should tell you before you get...hurt."

     "Fuck off. Chance has never hurt me, which I can't seem to say for you." I rolled my eyes, looking at the passing lumps of green as Harvey's car zoomed by.

     "Whatever, brat. Don't say I didn't warn you. And please, resist coming and crying to me when he fucks up." I began to reply, but Harvey slammed hard on the breaks, and I jerked forward.

     "Where here." He unlocked his door, and walked around to me side, opening the door from the outside. Seeing that I wasn't moving, He reached around, skimming my partially exposed stomach, and unbuckled my seatbelt. He proceeded to lift me out of the car and on the sidewalk in front of my house.

     "Hmph. Maybe you should avoid looking like a slut while you're at it, yeah? Don't want the boys getting the wrong Idea." He smirked at me, eyes scanning over my body, thoroughly to say the least.

      "You're ridiculous. It's hot, and i'm wearing cloths that make me comfortable. I don't care what pervert asssholes like you have to say about it." I was wearing a plain white, tight cropped t-shirt and jeans. There wasn't a damn thing wrong with what I wanted to wear.

     "Again, whatever, brat. Get inside. It's getting late, and you know that all the big bad monsters come out at night." I grinned, evilly at me, and bared his teeth. I flipped him off and began to walk away, only to be stopped by Harvey grabbing my hand and pulling me back to him, spinning me around until I was chest to chest with him.

     "That was rude, babe. How about you apologize for your gesture." The smirk that I had come to know him to wear was as evident as ever.

     "Why would I apologize to a brute like you? And with the way that you treat me? Ha. You wish." I spit out. I literally spit in his face, and before I could run, He leaned down until our noses were touching and whispered:

     "Get in the fucking truck." he didn't ask, really, nor did he give me the opportunity to move towards the car, before he had lifted me up and into the back seat, plopping down, and pulled me over his knees, slamming the door shut. The interior light shut off, and he pinned my flailing arms down with one hand.

      "At this point you'd think that you would have learned to show me some respect. But clearly not. Maybe this will straighten you out." He gripped my wrists hard before pulling my arms above my head. He leaned in close to my ear;

      "Good girls don't fight back." I smirked through the uncomfortable pain in my arms.

     "I never claimed to be a good girl, asshat." With that I smacked my head, hard, into his face, Harvey crying out in pain, releasing my arms. I scramble off of him and out of the car, running inside the house before he can process what even happened. He drove away, after that. I don't really remember though. I was too numb to really process what had happened, I locked the door behind me, double checking the locks on the back and side doors, and dragged myself upstairs, not bothering to turn on any lights. Dad was out of town for the week, for private training lessons in Norway, or maybe it was Sweden. I couldn't think straight. I wrapped my arms around myself tightly and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I simply turned on the hot water, and waited.

     I adjusted the water and undressed. I flipped on the lights just to see the damage he had caused. It took a moment for my eyes to get used to the light, I touched the largest mark on my wrist, which was of his hand, and flinched at how badly it hurt. I quickly shut the lights back off, and walked to the bath, sinking into the tub of warm water. The tears didn't stop as I submerged myself up to my nose in water, and I decided to flip on the jacuzzi bit of the tub, and let the colorful lights and turning water calm me down. I didn't really understand how he could be such a hypocrite, and what possessed him to do that to me. What gave him the fucking right.

     After an hour of soaking in the cooling water, I climbed out and let the water drain. I toweled off, slipped of clean knickers and a new bra, and threw on a baggy t-shirt. I layed in bed, hair dripping, and pissed off, and decided never to let Harvey make me feel that helpless ever again. Never to let anyone make me feel like that. Ever. Harvey was dead to me, he constantly lost his temper on me, and I wouldn't let him have control over me anymore.

     Harvey. You're going down.


I Feel it necessary to say that domestic abuse is not something to take lightly. If you or someone you know is a victim of abuse of ANY kind, please speak up. Also, Highkey check out my other book "Golden Days".

XoXo, Bailey

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