Chapter 4-Crunch

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"Good choice, the Gumbo here is pretty gross." I nod in agreement. I grabbed my mash-potato bowl with crispy chicken bites and corn, and snag a chocolate milk from the cooler.

"Here have some putting, the king cake gives a bad name to all other king cake. I'm going to have to take you to get some." I nod my head eagerly. I'd heard king cake was amazing but since Mardi Gras was just starting, I had to wait to have some.

"I'm in!" We laugh and take a seat at a completely empty table. Across the café a very fake looking blonde sat on Harvey's lap, with the rest of the soccer guys and a few random girls. Flavor of the week much?

"That's the school slut." Maddie confirms my suspicions.

"Well, slags will be slags no mater were you go."

"ELLO, LOVES!" Yells Jack and Finn, trying to copy my british accent. Failing terribly.

"Let's try and not copy my accent." Twats.

"Guess who got British slang apps?!" Finn smiles happily. Aw, he's so adorable... Like a puppy!

"Hmmm, can I guess...Harvey?" I pretend to look hopeful.

"Maybe, he probably wants to know what you call him behind his back. But it's me, and Jack." We all laugh and Marcus sits down at our table.

"Helllloooo." Draws out Marcus in his husky southern accent.

A chorus of Hey's and what's up were called.

"What's da crack?" I ask late.

"The what?" I get some confused looks and Finn and Jack get on there iPhones.

"You won't find it in your app. 'What's da crack' is Irish slag for 'what's up?'." I explain. Marcus nods and we all get back to eating, talking about soccer

(football for you other people who aren't (dumb American like myself) American , and know that it's called football)

Mardi Gras plans, and random people at our school. I'm just about to get up to throw away my food when I fell something wet hit my head and shoulders.

"Whoops." I can hear the smirk in Harvey's voice.

"What the hell?" Calls Marcus. I wipe the milk from my eyes and turn to face the arsehole.

"Long time no punch." I draw my fist back and punch him in the nose with all my strength. I hear a crunch, and I know that I successfully broke the wankers nose. I smirk at Harvey who is now on his knees, clutching his face.

I fell to sets of arms grabbing hold of me do I don't do anything else to Harvey.

"Funny how when ever we're together you always on your knees for me." Maddie bursts out laughing, her laugh being the only noise in the dead silent café.

"I'm fine Jack and Finn, I know better that to kick a dog when he's down." They nod and release me.

"Have you learned your lesson yet Harvey? Because my fist is starting to like your face, and honestly, I could punch you all day and not feel bad about it." I say strongly and walk out of the café.

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