After The Ending

By hcneyed_toasties

91.7K 2.3K 194

š€šŸš­šžš« š“š”šž š„š§šš¢š§š  | į“„į“į“ÉŖį“„s ā I want our future to be just like that, as happy as theirs. āž āœŽ š€ļæ½... More



2.6K 68 13
By hcneyed_toasties

   I started to consider what Iroh said, agreeing that maybe if Azula saw her mother she would heal. Even so, I still feared her, especially as her deathly gaze stayed on me. I know she can't do anything with everyone around but I think that made me even more afraid of her.
   That night we decided to rest before leaving on the trip. I could barely sleep that night and half of it was because I was afraid that Azula could attack us at any moment because she was staying in the Palace with us and the other half of it was because I was worried about what might happen on the trip.

   I woke up feeling exhausted but I hid it pretty well and we started packing the things up on Appa.

   "Good morning Azula!" Aang called and we looked over. "Beautiful day for a trip isn't it?"

   "Hmph." Azula tossed her bag over. "Be careful when you put my luggage on that shaggy beast of yours!"

   "Why do you have to be so mean all the time?" Ty Lee asked.

   "Appa has feelings, too." Suki said.

   "Yeah but, Azula doesn't." Mirai picked up Azula's luggage.

   I walked over to the others and Zuko grabbed my hand. "You can stay here with Uncle and Mirai."

   I glanced at Azula. "No, I really think the more benders the better."

   "Hey!" Sokka whined.

   "I still don't like it, Zuko." Katara spoke.

"I don't think any of us like it." I added.

   "We'll need to take turns keeping an eye on her." Zuko said. "Every moment of every day, at least one of us has to be totally focused on Azula."

   "Well, if worst comes to worse there are five of us against one of her." Katara spoke confidently.

   "Katara have you forgotten that she can lightning bend?" I asked because she made it seem like Azula was weak against us.

   "I'll take first watch!" Sokka grinned.

   "What?!" I asked.

   "I appreciate the offer, Sokka, but maybe you should leave this to the benders." Zuko replied and I calmed down.

   "No, I've got it covered." Sokka said and pulled out his boomerang. "Mr. boomerang and I didn't really appreciate her ignorant peasant comment yesterday. We're gonna show her what we're made of!"
   He walked over. "Time to go Azula! And no funny business or else- wack a pow!"

   "Sokka caref—" I was cut off by Azula zapping him.

   Aang trapped Azula's feet to the ground, Katara froze one of Azula's arms while Mirai had the other one wrapped in the Kyoketshu, Zuko had the flame from his fist.


"I'm okay!" He said but you could hear the fear in his voice.

"Don't ever touch him again." I hissed at Azula.

"Tell your brother not to wave his toy in my face!" Azula replied.

"We made a deal, Azula!" Zuko walked to her. "If we're going to do this together, you have to stay calm."

"Keep your merry band of misfits in check and we'll get along just fine." Azula smiled.

"I changed my mind." Sokka rubbed the back of his neck. "One of you take first watch."

Zuko agreed to take first watch first watch so we took off into the sky, I looked down at Iroh as he waved us a farewell.

"Ahhh!" Sokka sighed. "The open sky above us, a daring mission before us? And friends all around just like old times isn't it?"

"Even better than old times!" Aang replied happily. "Before, I've always wanted to kiss Katara and now I actually get to do it!"

"Aw, Sweetie!" Katata smiled.

The two kissed and Sokka said how he could do without that part and I agreed.

"Too bad Toph couldn't be here." I said and we all looked back at Azula and Zuko.

"Well, instead of Toph, now we have.." Aang tried lightening the mood.

"So tell me, kids." Azula spoke. "I've been dying to know. Which one of you miscreants did she approach first?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"None of you had even met me yet! How did she convince you to help her ruin my life?!" She asked.

"That's enough, Azula!" Zuko stopped her, his hand in a fist ready to set into flames.

"Put that away, Zuzu." Azula replied smiling. "It's just small talk."

Sokka sighed and leaned back. "I miss Toph."

"You said it." Aang replied.

⇢ ⇢ ⇢

We sat in silence for most of the trip. I tried not to look at Azula making me more nervous, Ming was helping me calm down at times.

"What are you feeding her?" Sokka peeked over my shoulder as I fed Ming grapes. "Ooo can I have some!?"

"No." I bluntly replied.

"Come on Kaida." He shook my shoulder.

"Sokka, stop." I shrugged him off.

"Come on, I'm your brother!" He whined. "I always gave you food."

He kept shaking my shoulder and whined for a grape. I rolled my eyes and threw snow at him.

"Shut up!" I yelled at him.

"Fine when I have food I won't share." He grumbled and went back to his spot.

"We're gonna have dinner soon so just wait." I told him.

"I think that's Hira'a up ahead." Zuko pointed out. "If we can't get there before sunset, we should set up camp. I don't want to enter town in the middle of the night like a gang of bandits."

"Good point." Sokka said and turned to Aang. "Hey Aang- AH! What, it's not enough we have one passenger who stares at us with crazy eyes?!"

We looked ovet to see Aang's angered looking expression.

"What's wrong with your face!?" Sokka asked.

"I don't know there's something out there...some kind of spirit. I can feel it's presence, Especially in my face." Aang turned to me. "Don't you feel anything?"

"Why would I feel anything? I can't go into the spirit world." I replied. "I do feel fuzzy."
It felt like there were little flutters in my stomach and that was as best as I could describe it. It didn't feel nauseated either.

"Fuzzy?" Zuko asked.

"Maybe it's just flying sickness." Sokka suggested. "I've been feeling like that too."

He held his stomach and I glared at him. "Sokka, shut up."

"No wait, now that Aang mentioned it! I feel it too." Sokka made a face by using his fingers. "That's why I'm doing this!"

"Sokka, this is serious!" Katara yelled.

"As serious as this?" He asked making an angry face.

"Knock it off!" Katara yelled at him again.

"It feels closer." I said looking down. I looked down to the see wolf running under us and it disappeared.

"Whoa! Did you guys see that giant wolf spirit?!" Aang asked then looked at me. "I think that's the presence Kaida and I are feeling!"

"Did the wolf spirit look like this?" Sokka made another face.

Katara and I finally had enough of him and hit our brother with snow. "What was that for!?" He asked us.

"We told you to knock it off!" Katara and I replied.

"Azula get down from there." Zuko called, we looked at Azula as she stood on the edge of the saddle. No one was watching her?!

"I can't tell you what a pleasure it's been riding with you all, listening to you bicker. Too bad not all siblings get along as well as Zuzu, and me." Azula smiled. "Now that Hira'a is just a hop, skip, and jump away, it's time to bid farewell. I'll be sure to give her your regards!"

"No, Azula!" Zuko screamed as she jumped. "We're too high up!"

"Zuko, don't worry." I said and pointed as Aang caught Azula.

She burned a hole in his glider and shot a zap of lightning at him, this cause him to let her go and he crashed into the ground while she landed without a scratch and ran.
Appa got down and we jumped off of him. That fuzzy feeling was coming back.

"You guys check on, Aang!" Zuko ordered as we jumped off. "I'll go after Azula."

"Kaida, Go help, Zuko!" Sokka yelled and I nodded.

I followed after Zuko but he was much more ahead of me. I can't say I was pushing myself to go faster, I wish my legs did move faster but the fact that I was going to be facing Azula made my body slow down.

"Please... I don't want to do this." Zuko said and I watched them as they were ready to attack each other.

"Zuko get down." I demanded and trapped Azula's upper body in an ice straitjacket using the river water.

The others came running over, Aang and Zuko were talking to each other while Katara and I walked over to Azula, who laid on the ground.

   "I don't appreciate you trying to set my boyfriend on fire!" Katara growled about Aang.

"You made an arrangement with your brother!" I told Azula and started to feel that fuzzy feeling again.

"Of all the co-conspirators she could have chosen, why an uncultured-" Azula stopped with a gasp.

We followed her eyes to see the giant wolf spirit towering over Sokka. Aang told us to be respectful of the spirit and then it tried to bite off Sokka's head.
We noticed that the markings over the wolf looked like a face, like the face Aang had been making as soon as we got here, but where was that fuzzy feeling coming from? Aang tried talking to it while I created a shield over my siblings, Zuko, and I.
Aang apologized to it on Azula's behalf but the spirit didn't want that as it tried to eat Aang so we all attacked but none of them worked. Our ice and Sokka's boomerang bounced off of the beast while it ate Zuko's fire."

"Did that wolf spirit.. Just eat my fire?!" Zuko asked.

"And burped!" Sokka exclamined. "It ate your fire and burped at you!"

Aang tried talking again but then Appa came, Aang told him to go easy on the spirit and Appa threw the spirit. Sokka cheered but Aang went to check if the giant wolf was okay.

I covered my mouth feeling a lump in my own throat.


"It's not okay." I managed to mutter and then I coughed into my hand. I pulled away and a small moth-wasp flew from my hand.
"That's disgusting!" I shrieked and then we looked up at the wolf as it too coughed up moth-wasps but a swarm of them.

We were all getting swarmed by the moth-wasps but Aang told us not to hurt them because worse things might happen, it was getting harder to breath and even I couldn't focus on getting Tundra. Just then Azula shot lighting and they followed the light along with the spirit.

"You're welcome." She said with a smirk.

We all glanced at each other. It would be respected if it were anyone else but it was Azula.

Re-Edited; 7/14/21

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