Lil' Red Riding Hood | Derek...

By shortfilipino

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"Hey there Little Red Riding Hood You sure are looking good You're everything a big bad wolf could want" Gold... More

Lil' Red Riding Hood
1: Body in the Woods
2: I like my sugar
3: Freak of nature
4: It was scary
5: Scary werewolf gives me the heebie-jeebies
6: Playing Lacrosse is Hard
7: Making friends isn't always easy
8: Their problems are my problems
9: Being Gross is a Boy Trait
10: I talk when I'm nervous
11: Far Longer Than Forever
12: Into the Woods
13: Walking on Sunshine
14: One call
15: What kind of dog are you?
16: The Dark of the Night
17: One long night
18: Much more to the story
19: Maternal Ancestry
20: Back to school
21: Attics are usually dirty
22: House Swap
23: Mercier Friendships
24: Pretty or not
25: Who's that Alpha?
26: Family protects family
27: That's not cupid's arrow
28: Too much whiskey isn't good for anyone
29: Some kind of inception
30: Oh, my God, it's Stiles
31: Let's take some pictures
32: Trudging through the woods
Lil' Red Riding Hood
33: Graveyard shift
34: Paige of music
35: Enter the Mercier Hunters
36: Family Importance
37: Welcome to Beacon Hills
38: Secrets in a House
39: No more masks
40: Looking through Glass
41: One thing on the list
42: Lines of a War
43: Snap, Crackle, and Pop
44: Out of Commission
45: Late Night Drown Fest
46: Fuzzy feeling
47: His Nice vs. My Nice
48: I have a feeling
49: Clubbing's fun when you're not fighting a lizard
50: Everything's Legal when Cops aren't around
51: Faith and Trust
52: Her Release
53: Familial Bonding
54: Where have you been?
55: No killing please
56: The Accident
57: Claws and Guns
59: Town Whackjob's Birthday
60: Paige, the murderer magnet
61: Maggie, the adult
62: How important is your family?
63: Things within 24 hours
64: You need a day to yourself
65: Game Night
66: Margaret and Peter
67: Familial Betrayal
Lil' Red Riding Hood
68: Permanent, like our friendship
69: Attack of the Crows
70: Nothing Dull Happens in Beacon Hills
71: Do you hear what I hear?
72: Teaching Assistant
73: Mental Health
74: The Creepy Uncle

58: Breathe In and Breathe Out

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By shortfilipino

Paige was just kind of bundled behind the dumpster, absolutely terrified of getting shot. And she was supernatural. Unfortunately, she didn't know how supernatural she was in the healing factor or anything in general. So she would have much preferred to just hide until she knew she was not going to be shot to death.

A yelp left her lips as Boyd dropped beside her, "Oh, my God! You're bleeding."

"Mmhm-" Boyd choked out and then looked over at Derek, he didn't want to alarm Paige at all but he knew he needed to say something, "I think I stopped healing."

"Bullets-" Derek leaned down, his breathing heavy as he pressed a hand against one of his own wounds, "-they're laced with wolfsbane. You got to go, take the car."

At the same time, Paige and Boyd shot Derek a look, but Paige's voice seemed to be more strained, "What about you?"

"I have to find Scott." Derek ushered for them to go, "Take Paige and get her out of here."

"What about you?" Paige repeated this time, pushing more so he'd look down at her, "They won't shoot at me if I go out, will they?"

"You don't know that."

Paige shot him a look, there was no way she'd just leave Derek. Soulmate or whatever the hell they were or not. She didn't want people to get hurt. So she then turned to Boyd, "Go, I'll stay with Derek."



"Go!" Paige yells at him, which actually made Boyd flinch and get up.

"Paige-" Derek went to yell at her, but she shot up and ran around the dumpster. Her eyes connected with her Uncle's and he instantly pointed his gun down. And with that, other hunters did as well. It was the Argents that were still pointed up, but Chris had moved it down.

Paige grabbed onto Derek's wrist and took off in a run. She could feel it earlier but she didn't want to say anything. But her lungs were burning. Like they were actually on fire, so she decided to ignore it. But it had to be someone. Stiles, Scott, Jackson, Isaac, even Erica.

"Someone is hurt." Paige whispers, but Derek had heard it. She didn't let him go yet, even as she approached Stiles. The only time she had released him was because she went through the mountain ash just fine but Derek was stopped.

"Whoa!" Stiles caught Paige before she could go falling back from the sudden pull, "Why the hurry?"

"Are you okay?" Paige demands as she looks him over, "Is everyone okay?"

"Uh, yeah, but I can't find Scott-"

Paige felt even more pain in her chest and then instinctively heard a howl fill her ears. She covered them and squinted up at Stiles, "It's Scott."

"Scott?" Derek had heard it as well, it was coming from past the mountain ash, something that he couldn't pass.

"What?" Stiles looked between Paige and Derek, now knowing exactly where she had disappeared too.

"Break it."

"What?" Stiles gaped, thinking of his hard work and the kanima trapped inside, "No way."

"Stiles-" Paige huffs, grabbing her chest as she tries to calm the connection with Scott, "Scott is dying. Or it at least feels like he's dying!"

"Okay, what?" He wasn't entirely sure how to react to this at all, "How do you know?"

"Please, I am in so much pain. I obviously know! Just break it!"

"But the kanima-"

"Oh, my God, Stiles!" Derek yells in irritation, "Break it!"


"I'll do it." Paige knew she could touch it just fine, so she dropped down to the ground and pushed the ash apart with her hands. Derek didn't hesitate to go running in and all Paige did was curl up in pain.

Stiles fell to his knees and placed his hand on her lower back, "Hey, hey, you're okay."

"My lungs are burning. Whatever is happening to Scott is actually killing him-"

"Is this worse than cramps?"

Paige groaned loudly and wished she could smack him, "Stiles!"

"Right, inappropriate timing. I'll ask later." He listened to another one of her groans knowing he should have just kept his mouth shut,"Or never... I'll ask never."

"Oh, my God!" Paige cries out, her own voice dropping into a deeper octave as she sent him a dirty look for his usual sexist comments. And then another wave of pain crashed through her, "This hurts so friggin' much!"

Stiles wasn't sure what to do, so he just winced, "Uh, uh... How do I help?"

"I just-I think I need to ride this out." She shrugged his hand off of her back as she curled herself further into a ball, pressing her forehead against the asphalt. Paige breathed in deeply and began to focus on herself in hopes that she'd feel better. "Stiles, breathe with me."


Paige threw her head up, her tear filled eyes meeting her childhood best friends', "Keep me focused on my own breathing."

"Keep you... anchored?"

With an annoyed glare after realizing his connection, Paige just groaned, "Sure."

"Uh-uh-right-" Stiles was a little flabbergasted with this entire thing, he was used to having one supernatural best friend, not two. "Okay, well... uh, breathe in through your nose." He watched Paige repeat the motion with him, "And breathe out through your mouth. And uh- say I am relaxed while you breathe out. In your head or out of your head."

Paige just nodded his head and repeated everything. Her eyes locked with his the entire time as she focused on staying relaxed. And soon the burning pain in her lungs disappeared, there was just this dull drumming pain as she breathed a bit.

"Are you feeling better?"

Paige leaned back so she was sitting on her ankles and feet, "Yeah, I do." She didn't ask where he learned his breathing technique because she remembered him doing it. Stiles learned to do this after losing his mom. She didn't need to remind him of it. "Thanks."

"No problem." Stiles helped her stand up to her feet, he could hear the sound of sirens wailing in the distance and growing louder as they approached, "We should head out before my dad catches us at another crime scene."

"He shouldn't be shocked if we're at crime scenes to be honest." Paige reached into her back pocket, "Do you have Derek's number?"

"Unfortunately, I do." Stiles tossed his phone over to her, "He's in S."

"S?" Paige repeated in confusion until she read out Sourwolf and snorted softly, "Ah, nevermind." Instead of calling him using Stiles' phone, Paige simply sent herself the contact and called him using her new phone. Since Erica had broken her old one.

Paige hopped into the jeep and watched as Isaac and Erica left the club themselves with the crowd of people. She breathed out, knowing that those two at least didn't have to deal with lizard Jackson.

"I don't know how you-"

"How are you so aggressive answering the phone?" Paige huffs while cutting him completely off before he could even snap at her any further, "It's-"


"Is he okay?"

"He's going to be okay. I got him to Deaton."

Paige released a sigh of relief and glanced to Stiles, "Scott is okay."

Stiles blew air from his mouth as he puffed his cheeks out, "Thank God. Does Derek know what happened?"


"Wolfsbane in a humidifier."

"Oh crap..." Paige whispers before she realized that Stiles had no idea where to drive her, "Uh, I'll have Scott fill us in later. Just... be safe. Both of you."

Stiles gave Paige a side eye but chose to not comment on what she said, "Am I bringing you home?"

"Ah... well... I haven't been staying with Maggie."

"Okay, where have you been staying then?"

"With my other Aunt..."

Without hesitating, Stiles swerved and parked on the side of the road, "I'm sorry? You've been staying with the people hunting Scott?"

"No, I've just been staying with Odette, who hasn't actually been hunting Scott. She-she doesn't agree with the code."

"And you know this for sure?"

"Why would she be helping me otherwise?"

"I don't know!" Stiles exclaims while throwing his hands in the air, "To get close to you and then betray you! I mean Allison's aunt was fucking crazy."

"I believe Odette. So trust me."

Stiles breathed out and leaned into his seat, "Fine. Fine. I trust you... I just don't like it."

"Thank you." Paige mumbles before she rubs her eyes, "Just drive me close to the hotel and I'll walk from there."

"Ah, yeah, no. Absolutely not. I can drop you off in front of the damn place."

Paige gives him a warm smile before leaning back into the seat to get comfortable. Once she got to the hotel, Stiles squinted his eyes at the place and watched her walk inside. Paige walked into the elevator to head to the room. She rubbed at her eyes again, noticing that drumming pain in her chest was no longer there meaning that Scott was better.

She breathed out and shut her eyes. At least she was no longer feeling that pain. It had probably gone away at some point on the ride here.

"Timing is key here... Ah..."

She opened her eyes and released a scream, but her mouth was covered with a hand. An actual hand was blocking her from making any more noise. Her eyes were wide as she stared up at the man. A man that was supposed to be dead but he was clear as day in front of her.

Paige was backed into the wall of the elevator, she was too scared to even touch him because she was certain her hands would just phase through him.


And then he was gone. Paige fell down to the ground and stared at her reflection in the polished wall of the elevator. She wasn't sure how to react but that was Peter Hale. He spoke. She heard his voice and he had even touched her. Paige wiped her mouth in disgust as though she could still feel him on her. How did she see him? What was happening? Why did she see him? Was it something to do with her powers? It didn't make any sense.

Paige flinched when she heard her phone go off. She grabbed it out of her pocket, still a little shaken up. It was a message from Allison just saying, 'Please call me now.'

Without hesitation, Paige called her, "Are you okay?"

"Paige!" Allison exclaims with an odd amount of happiness in her voice, "Yeah, hi! I'm sorry. I forgot that I was supposed to come over tonight. I just dropped off Matt. Matt say hi."

"Uh, hi Paige. I was actually trying to get Allison to come inside to show her some of my pictures. Do you need her now?"

Paige wasn't sure what was going on but she knew girl language enough to know that Allison wanted a way out of it, "Am I on speaker?"

"You are now."

"Hey, Matt! I really need Allison! She promised to help me out with a boy I liked and I really need help because I feel like I'm getting nowhere with him. I'm sorry, you can show her some other time, right?"

"Right... Yeah, okay. Well, I'll see you later Allison."

"Okay. Later Matt."

Paige waited a couple of seconds as she pulled herself off the ground and walked out of the elevator, "Allison? What was that about?"

"I was scared and didn't know what to do... I think Matt is a stalker."

"Matt?" Paige blinked a couple of times and walked into the hotel room. Odette wasn't there, so she assumed she had been at the club looking for Jackson, "Why?"

"I don't have proof but... on his camera. He had photos of me. At my aunt's funeral and at home in my room. In my private spaces. I think some of the photos he took of were you too but the glare was too bad so it's all blurry. I was so freaked out and the first person I thought of was you. Thank you for calling me."

"Of course..." Paige was already uncomfortable because of the whole Peter thing and now Matt, who she saw as a friend. "Are you okay now?"

"I am. I'm heading home. Thank you so much for lying for me. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. I'll talk to you later. Stay safe."

Paige walked into the bathroom and set her phone on the counter. She pinched the bridge of her nose before turning on the faucet to wash her face. 

Sorry if this chapter seemed a little short. 

Q&A with the Author

Q- First and most important one for me. Are they gonna end up together? Just cause I read so many stories that the lead characters weren't end game and I really want Paige and Derek to be one.

A- Yes, Paige and Derek are the endgame couple for this fanfiction.

Q- Can we have an Alison Argent funeral? At Least in the book. Like for real the series had a funeral for useless Kate but the girl, i quote "died saving her friends" and we didn't even get a simple grave let alone a whole ass funeral.

A- Oh definitely! I would love to add a funeral scene for her character. Especially since her and Paige have connected in the book.

Q- You definitely are not gonna answer it yet but I'm gonna ask anyway. Is Paige able to feel people's death? Like she is a love fairy so she feels the pain of the people she loves but death can be either painless or painful and I want it to be painful... cause I'm sick:) no but for real I want it to be painful so it's like she never leave the people she loves and she is with them till the last moment, feeling their pain with them so they'll know their not alone and she is with them even in their death.

A- I will answer that Paige can feel the death of loved ones. Whether she can feel the genuine pain or can tell that they died will be a secret until then

Q- Are Paige and Derek gonna have other love interests other than each other? Like Derek with the crazy lady "Jenny". I want them together but like having them be with people and then get with each other is gonna be nice too. Also we have more than one occasion that Derek leave and come back.

A- I have definitely thought of that. With how uncomfortable Paige feels with the whole "meant to be together" situation due to her supernatural abilities as a fairy. I would definitely like to have her branch out anyway and experience relationships. Though, that simply depends on how I feel while writing this book. Especially in the future seasons where Derek is no longer there. 

Q- Mercier family obviously are gonna go back to their town eventually so can we have a relationship between Christine and Paige? I think they can be good friends and family for each other and bonding over how much they both want to spend time with Odette.

A- I do plan on having the Mercier family more apart of the plot in the future. As of now they are simply recurring characters, whether they become main characters depends on how I further the plot.

Q- Can Erik show some emotions? I mean dude your friend is pointing a gun at your niece. What if one of those dumb hunters you came with shot her accidentally?

A- Erik does have emotions. A lot of his emotions have been compartmentalized due to what he has gone through in his life. Whether he opens up later is up for debate. 

Q- Are we gonna have this sugar abandonment forever? Cause I kind of missed happy optimist Paige.

A- This sugar abandonment is not going to last forever. As of now, Paige is trying to see what her life is like without relying on sugar. Sugar is practically a drug that she now has a pretty good tolerance over since she had been using since she was a toddler. Optimist Paige is still there but I am depicting mental illness, i.e. depression and etc. You could definitely analyze Paige for a psychology essay depicting trust issues, depression, and even abuse. I am not entirely sure if these are reading in the fanfiction. But I do plan on having Paige return to sweets once she feels ready and comfortable with them again. Remember, her Aunt Maggie used that as a way to keep her complacent when she was being too much or anything. (I did not realize how realistic I wrote Paige.... oh jeez).

I hope these were the answers you were looking for! Some answers I wanted to give would have been spoilers so I gave simplistic/vague answers to it.

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