In Her Laugh

By AmoraNext

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Reese Price moves to a different continent, not by choice, of course. An orphan and the youngest of five brot... More

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1. At least say hi first...
2. All is well that ends well, right?
3. Home Sweet Candy
4. Ro-Ro-Row your boat, Roman
5. It's King's Land
6. Everyone can go fu*k themselves
7. Our mistakes are not a reflection of your lack of authority or presence
8. Nobody parties like the Price family
9. I like different
10. I'm home!
11. WAP
12. And that's on period
13. Lets just cuddle
14. Pinky Promise
15. Magical Fingers
16. Glad we're on the same page
17. What I'm saying is
19. Positive Affirmations
20. Morning, sleeping beasts
21. He's the one
22. Spill the tea
23. Mistletoe Madness
24. I love you
25. In your laugh
26. This is my life
27. Goodbye
28. Stay

18. All men are toxic

3.8K 172 444
By AmoraNext


It's been a week since Sebastian and I broke up.

It took Sebastian a couple of days to change the caption underneath the picture he posted. I'm happy that he didn't delete the picture because it shows he still respects us and our relationship in a way.

We smile at each other and say hi, but it's nothing more than that. He and Roman don't hang out as much anymore either, but Roman said it doesn't even matter to him and that it's mostly Sebastian acting distant.

We have to respect him though so neither Roman nor I are pressing him on that matter.

I told the girls that I was okay, but they still convinced me to have a girl's night to help me with the breakup. Luckily, Ev has been really nice about the whole thing. She hasn't rubbed it in my face or been rude indirectly.

We're currently in my room. Ev and I are under the blanket while Zoya and Sarah are sitting across from us.

"Reese, you never talk about your past life," Everleigh starts.

I look at her confused. I know what she's trying to get at, but since I want to avoid that talk, I decide to play dumb. I wonder why she's curious about it now?

"This is the only life I've had, Ev," I laugh.

Zoya and Sarah laugh as well.

"Oh my God! You know what I meant!" she groans.

"What do you wanna know?"

"I don't know," she shrugs.

"I think she just means that you never talk about how your life was before you moved here," Zoya better describes.

"Nothing interesting or different from here to be honest," I downplay it.

"You were born in England, right?" Sarah questions as she takes a chip and dips it in the salsa before putting it in her mouth.

"So, you guys have googled me?"

"Maybe..." Ev sheepishly admits.

"Then you guys already know everything. There's nothing else to say."

"Oh, come on! No boyfriends or any friends that you still talk to?" Ev pushes.

"Nope," I shrug.

"So Sebastian is your first boyfriend?"

"Yeah," I lie. I don't like lying. I've lied before multiple times and it didn't lead me to a good place, but this feels like a small white lie. I'm not obligated to share things about my past that aren't going to matter in my future. "What about you guys?"

"Bro, no. Boyfriends, don't even ask. I'm married to my school until my parents get me married to a man," Zoya exaggerates. We all laugh.

"Sarah, what about you?" I ask.

"I dated Chris from the football team, but it didn't last long. I realized I rather just go through men and suffice my needs that way. Men are so gross. I swear the second they start talking, I'm just like shut up," Sarah rants.

"We can tell that's coming from being raised by a single and independent mother," Ev determines.

"Mmm," Sarah thinks. "Yeah, it does."

"Why is King calling you?" Ev questions. I look at my phone which is on silent, but it's facing up with King's Caller ID on display.

I look at her stunned. No one besides my family and Sebastian knows about King and I being friends.

"We exchanged numbers at Jake's party," I share. I take my phone and decline the call. I keep it upside down in my lap knowing King might call me again. It's not normal for me to not take his calls or even decline them.

"Do you guys talk?" Sarah questions.

"No," I lie. Wow, this girl's night has really turned into a lying night for Reese Price.

"Why is he calling you then?" Zoya asks.

"I don't know," I shrug.

"Is he still calling you?" Ev queries.

"I don't know and who cares, he's not important. I'm not even gonna call him back," I try to play it off. "Why did you and King break up?"

"Issues," Ev replies without even thinking.

"Did he cheat?"

"No, he just viewed life differently and I couldn't see it the way he did," she admits.

"What do you mean?"

She looks at me skeptically at my question. Am I being too invasive?

"I don't know. Let's not talk about it," Ev brushes off.

"Imagine if Reese starts dating King," Zoya jokes. Ev, Sarah and I all look at her in disbelief.

Why the fuck would she say that? It was just not the time or place to say what she did.

"Imagine Ev starts dating Roman," I tease trying to change the subject. I elbow her slightly to get a reaction. She drops her head feeling awkward and smiling in embarrassment.

"Right! What was that about?" Sarah practically yells.

Ev blushes.

"Nothing, I was drunk," Ev shrugs.

"Reese, would you find it weird if Ev started dating Roman?"

"No," I laugh. "I don't care. Do whatever you need to, but just don't put me in the middle."

"Is that what Roman said to you when you started dating Sebastian?" Zoya questions.

"Yeah, pretty much," I shrug. "We need to stop talking about men, I already live with five of them. It's rare that I have more estrogen than testosterone around me at home, so I would like to enjoy this time."

"Preach," Zoya agrees.

Two seconds later, the power goes out.

"What the fuck?" I groan.

"Is there a power outage?" Ev questions.

"Looks like it," Sarah says.

"No, I checked online. Everyone else still has their power," Zoya corrects.

"Not this again..." I complain knowing it's probably the boys trying to prank us as my door slowly creaks open. I pick up my phone to check the security footage, but I find my phone dead.

Fuck, I knew I should've charged it.

"Am I hallucinating or did everyone see that?" Sarah breathes. Zoya and Sarah both crawl over to us and we huddle staring at the door.

"Who wants to go and see what it is?" Ev whispers.

"You said no one's home, right?" Zoya asks.

"Yeah, no one is supposed to be home."

"What do you mean?" Zoya queries.

"I think it might be the boys trying to prank us."

"Or a robber," Sarah cuts in.

"True," I shrug. Grayson has one of the best security systems in place, so I really don't believe that a robber got into the house. It's most likely one of the boys.

"It's your house," Ev says.

"Bitch, I am not going out there alone. Besides, what if they kill you guys first because the room is confined. No place to run," I explain. I'm sure it's not a robber, but I still refuse to go out there alone and the girls' reactions are quite hilarious.

"Fuck, true," Ev breathes.

"We all go?" I question.

"Sure," everyone hesitantly agrees.

I climb off the bed and the girls follow right behind me.

I walk out into the hallway, I see a shadow on the ground. I gulp and get my fists ready to fight.

Okay, God. I need you again. I know you think you did something blessing me with these flimsy ass arms, but you really didn't. I mean they suit my body and all, but they're kinda weak my man. I didn't really help myself because I don't even look in the direction of the gym and don't even ask me to workout, but let's just say that these flimsy ass arms are actually made of steel or are on some Avengers type of shit so whoever this intruder is, gets black and bruised my me.


I take a deep breath.

As soon as I turn, I scream.

"Sebastian! What the fuck?" I curse with my hand on my heart.

"Whoa!" he plugs his ears. "Why are you yelling?"

"Why are you in my house?"

"Roman sent me to grab something from his room, geez," he breathes. I watch as he eyes me up and down. I'm only wearing silk shorts and a matching tank top. I'm not wearing a bra and I realize my nipples are hard because it's cold. I cross my arms over my chest.

"How'd the lights go out?" I clear my throat.

"Uh- I don't know," he answers. He looks past me at the girls. "Hey."

"Hi," they all smile back.

"I'll let Gray know, he'll get it sorted then," I share. "Make sure you close the door behind you."

"I will," he smiles.

"Thanks," I say before heading back into my room with the girls following pursuit.

Ev comes back a minute later. She probably started talking to Sebastian which she obviously can, but I wonder what they were talking about.

Probably the play since it's tomorrow.


"Hey," I quietly speak while I'm in the hallway.

"Where have you been all day?" King speaks with a groggy voice.

"Were you sleeping? I'm so sorry if I woke you."

"No, it's okay," he yawns.

"Are you sure? We can talk tomorrow," I offer.

I hear him shuffling and he clears his throat.

"No, I'm all good now. No more sleepy voice," he speaks.

I laugh.

"Fine, but the girls came over for a sleepover today, remember?

"Oh shit, that was today?"

"Yeah," I laugh.

"My bad, I forgot. Are they sleeping?" he questions. I hear him gulp down some water right after.

"Yeah, they passed out about an hour ago. Wanted to make sure they're asleep before I called you."

"Why? You haven't told them we're friends?"

"No, I haven't. It's just gonna cause a lot of drama. Ev saw you calling me today and she started asking a lot of questions," I tell him.

"Shit. Everleigh is just like that though," King says.


"Yeah, but it's funny because..." he lets out a small laugh.


"Never mind, it doesn't matter."

"You don't talk about her a lot."

"Yeah, because I left her in the past."

"True, but what even happened?" I ask curiously.

"Anything I say will seem like a lie or too hard for you to believe, so I rather not focus on that. You still need to know me better," King explains.

I sigh in defeat and roll my eyes.


"Are you free next Saturday?"

"Next Saturday?" I think about my plans before I respond. "Nothing too important I think. Why?"

"You know how I told you I practice and you always ask for what?"


"Well, I usually don't compete, but I decided to join next week. I was wondering if you and Roman, even Landon, would like to come to watch me?"

"What is the competition?"

"That's a surprise," he teases.

"Okay, I'm down. I'm sure Roman and Landon will be too."

"Good, but I'm giving you guys a warning, it's kind of illegal so dress casual. Dull colours will be perfect," King warns.

"King, what the fuck do you do?" I gasp still keeping my voice down.

"It's illegal, but don't worry, I wouldn't put you guys in any danger. Everyone in town is aware of it except for the police, obviously."

"You're scaring me, King."

"Would I have told you to bring your brothers if I was trying to do anything?"

"What if you're just trying to get the Price family in trouble?" I accuse.

"Now why would I want to be on the bad side of your family when that's the last thing I want?"

"Why would that be the last thing you want?"

"Because I care about you, Reese."


"Pinky promise."


"I'm serious," he replies with assurance.

"Are you coming to the play tomorrow?" I ask.

"You said you won't even get to be a part of it."

"I know, but what if Ev gets sick or something and I get to be a part of it. I want you to be there then."

"Did you put something in Everleigh's drink to make her sick? Should I be a little concerned if everything works out in your favour tomorrow?" King jokes.

"I mean a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do," I tease and King laughs. "No, but seriously, come. I bought you a ticket."

"You did?"


"Okay. It's at six, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, ma'am I will be there," he yawns.

"Better be, but we should call it a night now."

"Yeah, we should."

"Good night."

"Good night, have sweet dreams."

"I will," I laugh. "Don't dream about me too much."

"But those are the only sweet dreams I get," King whines.

"Are you sure it's not about Lola, the sweet little puppy that was just so obsessed with you?"

"Damn, you're still jealous of Lola? I think we should go back and let her know," King laughs.

"I'm not jealous of Lola," I roll my eyes and huff.

"Yeah? Then why do you keep bringing her up?"

"There is no way to win with you," I feel my cheeks heat up as I bite my bottom lip.

"Because I just state facts."

"Okay whatever, keep dreaming about me. I'm pretty sweet anyway."

"Yeah, just like your name," he chuckles.

"Just like my name," I go along. "Good night, King."

"Good night, my Reese's piece," King replies. I roll my eyes and let out a small laugh.

"Okay, bye my knight in shining armour."

"Bye," he chuckles and we finally end the call. This always happens. Every time we wanna end the call, we drag out another topic and delay ending the call for as long as possible. But I don't mind. Talking to King almost comes naturally to me and it never seems to get old. We always have something to talk about.


"Last scene guys!" the teacher directs. Sebastian heads onto the stage again as the curtains open.

The girls went home after breakfast in the morning. The boys were there too and it was actually really fun. The guys kept teasing my friends and it was really nice to see all of them getting along.

Roman and Ev were kind of quiet though and that was weird, but I'm sure it was nothing.

I got to the school at four and everyone quickly started getting ready. Before we knew it, all the empty chairs were full and it was six.

I'm on the side of the stage watching and I can see my family in the audience. King is even sitting next to Grayson.

"Reese," I look at Sebastian standing in front of me. He was just on stage like five seconds ago. I look at the hand he has extended out for me and my eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"What are you doing?" I ask worried, looking between him, the audience and the rest of our crew. I look at Ev and she just bobs her head assuringly.

Fuck, I would like to be six feet under now.

God, are you listening?

Hello? I look up hoping I can get a response or something.

"Reese," Sebastian brings me back to reality.

Fucking shit, this is real.

"Just trust me," Sebastian smiles. Our eyes lock and I take a breath. I guess I don't really have a choice. I mean I can leave him hanging, but that would embarrass him so I take his hand.

He walks me to the middle of the stage and we face the audience. The lights are blinding, so I really can't see anyone and I squint trying to get a view.

"Everyone this is Reese Price and she is my Juliet. I met Reese when she first transferred here at the start of the school year and we really didn't get along at first. She's quite a sarcastic girl and her dark humour really isn't for everyone, but in the middle of it all, I fell for her and I guess she fell for me too because we started dating. It didn't last long, because I guess I kind of stopped appreciating what I had and well, she knows her worth."

"I had planned to do this before we had broken up and once we did I thought about if I should go through with it or not. Here I am, so I guess you know what came out of that," the audience laughs. Sebastian turns to face me and I face him. His hand reaches up onto my face and his thumb caresses my cheek.

Fuck, my heart is beating so hard. My eyes tear up as I'm overwhelmed. The lights make his chocolate skin glisten and his eyes sparkle.

"I love you, Reese Price and you are everything I've ever wanted. I know I made a mistake not treating you like the queen you are, but if you give me this chance, I promise, I'll never make that mistake again."

He kisses my forehead and takes a step back. I watch as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. He gets on one knee.

Oh. My. God.

Don't propose. I'm too young to get married and I don't even know what the fuck is happening. Is this real? Is everyone seeing what I'm seeing? Or is this a dream?

He opens the box and a small diamond ring glistens under the light.

"Reese Price, will you be my girlfriend?"

I look at him in disbelief.

What. the. actual. fuck. Sebastian?

I feel my heart beating against the cages of my rib and my breathing deepen. My mouth dry, I gulp turning my head to the audience.

I find my family. They look as shocked as I am waiting in anticipation for my response. I find King and our eyes meet.

Give me an answer King.

But, he doesn't.

Instead, his eyes shift to the side of the room and he drops his head.

My heart feels hollow.

I turn my head and spot Sebastian still waiting for a response.

Why did he do this to me? If I say no, it'll become a scandal in front of everyone and well if I say yes, I might not mean it.

I look at the audience and spot Sebastian's parents in the first row smiling excitedly and I frown looking back at Sebastian.

Even though I want to say no, I bob my head in agreement and force a small smile.

Sebastian smiles excitedly. He gets up and takes the ring from the box and puts it on my finger as the audience cheers. His hand on my waist, he pulls me in and we share a kiss.

"Thank you," he says hugging me. He breaks the hug and everyone from the team walks on stage and bows. The curtains start closing and once they're closed, the team members congratulate us.

The time seems slow and none of the interactions actually hit me. I'm not present in the moment, but instead, I am so lost and confused.

I see the teacher walking towards Sebastian and I take this opportunity to let our hands go to head out. I go into the hallway and find my family. I look around to see if King is still with them, but I don't find him.

"King went outside," Grayson whispers in my ear as he gives me a hug.

"Thanks," I smile back.

"Hey, no hug for us?" Aaron complains.

"Later!" I yell back as I head down the hall and outside the doors. I look around the parking spot and find King leaning on his bike. His head down, he's focused on his phone.

I shiver walking towards him.

"Were you just gonna leave without saying hi?" I question. He slides his phone into his pocket.

I watch as King lifts his head and our eyes meet.

My breath hitches at the darkness in his eyes.

He smiles.

"Of course not," he says. He turns around and picks up a red rose from the seat. "I brought you this."

"Thank you," I smile taking it from him. "It's beautiful."

"I picked it from the garden of flowers my dad grows in our backyard," he shares. "I wanted to get you a bouquet of roses, but my dad refused to let me pick more."

"He really loves his flowers, huh?"

"Yeah, he says that if you really love something you wouldn't kill it and well when you pick a flower, you kill it. He only picks one rose out of his garden a year and it's on his wedding anniversary with my mom."

"Really? How'd he let you pick out this one?"

"He has one other exception," he shrugs. His hands in his jean's pocket, he seems a little sad not meeting eyes with me. His broad shoulders are slugging and he doesn't seem as confident as usual.

"Maybe one day I'll get to tell you."

"Why not, t-today?" I stutter. I can't believe how calm I am right now, because my mind feels like it's numb.

"It's just not the right time."

"What if the right time never comes?"

"It will," he assures.

"Are you sure?"

"Pinky promise," he extends out his arm with his pinky sticking out. I let out a small laugh as I feel my eyes water. I sniffle as I wrap my pinky around his.

"Don't break your promise."

"Just don't let me break it."

"I won't," I smile.

For a moment, no one speaks. The air seems to be getting heavier and maybe even colder as time passes. There's so much to say, but no way to say it.

"So you and Sebastian...?" King starts. "It's a nice ring."

I look down at my left hand and spot the ring on my finger. I mean he's right. The ring is pretty nice and it looks quite expensive too.

This is what I wanted, right? I was on Sebastian's case about officially asking me out and he was planning this the whole time. But was it fair to me, that he did it despite we were broken up and so publicly?

"Reese," King pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Sorry, I mean yeah it's nice... I guess," I shrug.

"Are you happy?" he questions.

"I should be, but it just doesn't feel right," I admit. I feel the tears roll down my cheeks and I break. No point in hiding how I feel even though I'm not even sure what it is.

I should be happy.

But why am I not?

King closes the space between us and engulfs me in a tight hug. His hand massages my head as I wet his shirt with my tears. The flower is safely between us in my hand and right under my chin.

"You're a smart girl, Reese. You'll figure it out," he speaks.

We remain silent and enjoy the innocent embrace between the two of us. The cold seems to be gone under the heat of his body and it feels safe in his arms. Almost like nothing else in the world matters anymore.

After a while, King parts first.

"You should head inside. Your family is probably waiting for you."

"Yeah," I agree. "Thanks for coming."

"Anything for you," he half-heartedly smiles. "Are we still on for next Saturday?"

"Of course we are. Nothing changes between us," I clear.

"I thought that-"

"You thought wrong. I made a choice before and I will make the same choice again."

I look him in the eyes and he looks right back trying to find a hint of hesitation, but he doesn't, so he bobs his head in agreement.

He gets on his bike and starts it putting on his helmet.

"See you, bestie."

"See you bad boy," I wink.

This causes him to let out a chuckle and he pulls down the shield on his helmet before backing out and driving away.

I watch him until he's no longer in sight. I wipe away my tears and look at the beautiful rose in my hands smiling. Then I look at my school and sigh heavily.

Do I have to go back in there?

I look at the ring on my finger and it makes me feel hallow.

"Fuck," I sigh.

Taking a few deep breaths, I walk into the school. Most of the people have left, so it's not as crowded anymore. I walk through the people only to find Sebastian and his family talking to my family.

I display a smile on my face.

"Hey, where'd you go?" Sebastian questions. He kisses me on the lips and I kiss him back, but it doesn't feel like it used to. His arm wraps around my side pulling me into him.

"I went to talk to King," I share not making eye contact. I'm not in the mood to see his reaction to King's name.

"Oh, he was here?"

"Yeah, I invited him," I smile. I look at his parents and smile giving them a hug.

"That's a beautiful rose," his mom comments.

"Yeah, it is," I smile back a bit happier.

"The ring is pretty nice too," Sebastian butts in. I smile in response.

"You guys did great," Grayson congratulates Sebastian.

"Thanks," Sebastian smiles back.

"Yeah, you killed it," Roman says.

"We should get going, I have an early meeting," Aaron shares. "It was great meeting you guys. We'd love to have you over soon."

"Yeah for sure," Sebastian's dad responds.

"We would love to have you guys over too," his mom adds.

We all exchange our goodbyes and head out. I sit with Aaron and Jaxson while Grayson, Landon and Roman take the second car.

"You okay?" Aaron questions as I stare out the window.

"Mm-hm," I reply.

The rest of the car ride is quiet and when we make it home, I exit the car and walk inside.

The rest of the boys make it home only a minute after.

"Reese," Jaxson calls as I'm halfway up the stairs. I sigh heavily as I stop in my tracks and turn around. "We all need to talk."

"I'm really tired, Jax," I whine.

"I know, but it can't wait," he says. He walks over to me and takes my hand walking me to the couch. We take a seat and I lean my head on his shoulder. His muscles are hard, but I still find comfort in them.

"Where's Landon?" I ask as everyone takes a seat.

"He's grabbing water for everyone," Aaron shares. A few seconds later, Landon walks out with water bottles and he distributes one to all of us. I take a few sips and leave the rest while all the boys chug theirs empty.

I gently set the rose down on the table and look at the ring on my finger taking it off.

"You don't like it?" Roman questions. I look up at him meeting his blue iris'. I didn't even notice him looking at me.

"Can I see it?" Jax asks and I hand him the ring.

"It's nice," I say.

"But?" Landon adds.

"I don't know it was kind of unexpected."

"Glad we're on the same page, so when do we beat the mother fucker up?" Aaron loosens his tie. We watch as he unbuttons the ends of his sleeves and rolls it back slightly.

"Aaron," Grayson scolds when he notices I didn't take the response well. "What's wrong, Reese? Did you want to say no?"

"I don't know. I-it w-was really-" I sigh heavily when I can't sort out my thoughts. It takes me a minute to get it together. "I should be happy, but I'm not."

"He pulled a bitch move," Jax says handing the ring to Aaron for him to see it.

"Yeah, Roman did he tell you anything about it?" Landon questions.

"No. I would've told you guys if he did and would have told him it's a dumb idea," Roman shares.

"Yeah, I don't know how I feel about this guy," Aaron says handing the ring to Grayson. I watch as Grayson examines it carefully.

"You think he did it on purpose?" Roman asks.

"Could be a possibility. He probably knew Reese wouldn't say no in front of so many people," Jaxson accuses.

"Well, I mean..." Landon says and I let out a small laugh knowing he's referring to how bold I can be at times.

"This was different," Aaron claims. "Didn't you see how happy and confident he was? He was so sure she'd say yes, you can tell by how happy he was after. He can't be that oblivious."

"Did he apologize to you about him not trusting you in private?" Grayson questions.

"No," I respond.

"See," Aaron huffs. "Immature."

"I don't trust him," Jaxson says.

"What do you think, Reese?" Roman asks.

"Me?" I question. He nods. "I don't know. Should I give him a chance? I mean he wasn't upset about me talking to King today."

"What if that was just because we were there?" Landon points out.

"True, I don't know then," I admit.

"I say we just take care of him ourselves," Aaron speaks.

"Honestly, I'm kind of down," Jaxson agrees. We all turn our heads, looking at him in shock. Jaxson is scary and he can win in a fight easily. He always threatens to beat people up too, but when it comes to serious situations like this, he usually will think it through logically. It's a surprise he's agreeing to beat up Sebastian because that means he must really dislike him.

"So clearly we all have the same feeling?" Grayson questions. All the boys agree.

"Um, I think it's probably a man thing," I pitch in.

"Yeah, it is," Roman says brushing me off.

"Cool," I huff.

"Yeah, so Reese what do you wanna do?" Grayson finally asks me.

"I'm gonna give him the ring back on Monday. The way he decided to do things wasn't fair to me," I confess.

"Good, because if you were gonna say some lovey-dovey shit I was about to go apeshit," Aaron shares. "What? I hate the guy. I know his intentions weren't right. I mean, if he really loved her, he would apologize for being a dick and sort it out in private."

"Yeah. Like he put you on the spot with what he did tonight. It's kind of fucked up," Jaxson adds.

"Yeah the ring isn't even that nice," Landon says putting it down on the table. You already have way better shit than this."

"Not that it matters," Grayson clarifies.

"I mean if he's gonna be a shitty guy then at least make sure the diamond makes up for it," Aaron scoffs.

"Okay there, guys he's still my friend," Roman reminds us.

"At least he's not a shitty friend," Jaxson snickers and everyone lets out a small laugh.

"Yeah, we know his parents personally," Grayson shares. "Kofi and Elizabeth are actually really good business partners."

"Yeah, they invest a lot of time and energy into it," Aaron. "Clearly, it's misplaced."

"Yeah, you know Sebastian has an older sister? She's out in Washington with her husband though."

"Really? I thought Sebastian was an only child," Roman says.

"Yeah, I didn't know about her either," Grayson shares.

"Weird. He's only mentioned her once though never after that," I explain.

"Probably family issues. I mean I'm not judging, but don't raise a toxic man," Aaron claims.

"I don't think Sebastian's toxic," I clarify.

"He seems pretty toxic," Jaxson says next to me. "But I don't think you can blame the parents either. We've all had our phases too. Aaron, you know it better than all of us."

"Jaxson, don't put me on the spot like that, it's not about me. But, I know what you mean. Landon and Roman are great examples too," he throws them under the bus. Both boys gasp as their jaws open wide. Instead of arguing back, they cross their arms and stare intimidatingly in response.

The rest of us laugh at their reactions.

"All men are toxic," I say.

"Hey!" They all rebuttal at my words. "Sorry boys, you all have your times."

"Reese is right, but at least we're better than most men and we are self-aware. If we make mistakes-"

"Which you do," I add.

"Which we do, we own up to them and try to fix the situation and make sure no one is still hurt or hurting from it," Grayson finishes.

"Yeah, that's why you guys are bearable," I smile teasingly.

"Shut up, you love us," Jaxson says pulling me into him and giving me a nuggy.

"Hey, my hair," I laugh complaining.

"King got you the rose?" Aaron questions looking at the rose on the table.

"Yeah," I smile picking it up. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Just one is kind of odd," Jaxson points out.

"Yeah, but he picked it from his dad's garden. He said his dad doesn't like him picking them and his dad only picks out one every year on his wedding anniversary," I share.

"Oh, that's nice," Jaxson smiles.

"Don't you still have his bouquet of flowers in your room still?" Grayson queries.

"The dead ones? King got you those?" Landon asks.

"Yeah. I was planning on keeping the pedals and putting them in a box frame or something," I share. "I mean I had a good day that day and I want to keep them as a good memory."

"I was wondering why you weren't throwing them away," Landon laughs.

"But that's cute," Aaron adds. "So roses are your guys' thing?"

"Yeah, I guess so," I smile smelling the rose. It's an earthy smell with a soft lightness to it.

"So put the boy in his place and let us know when it's done?" Aaron says getting up.

"Deal," I agree.

"I'm gonna head up. Gray, I wasn't lying about the meeting earlier," Aaron shares.

"Oh, shit. With the Ross', right? It slipped my mind," he groans. "I should head up too then."

"Yeah, grandpas get on to bed now," Roman shoos.

"Who you calling grandpa?" Aaron deepens his voice threatening.

"You, old man," Ro retorts.

Aaron rolls up his sleeves further and flexes his biceps.

"This old man could beat the fuck out of you," he taunts.

"Yeah? Do it," Roman says rolling up his own sleeves.

"What is up with men and fighting? Go to fucking sleep Aaron, and Ro, shut the fuck up, you can't even kill a spider," I roll my eyes.

"Roman's scared of spiders?" Grayson sounds shocked.

"Reese," Roman whines. "Why would you expose me like that?"

"It's not my fault. I asked him to kill a spider for me once and he had the broom in his hand, but the spider fell somewhere from the ceiling and I have never heard a man squeal so high before," I laugh. The rest of the boys laugh with me too.

"Yeah, that's it. You better watch your back now," Ro threatens. I stick out my tongue in response and continue laughing.

"Well, good night kids," Grayson says getting up.

"See, grandpa," Roman mumbles loud enough for us all to hear. Aaron rolls his eyes and shakes his head in defeat ignoring Roman's comment. They both head upstairs.

"I'm gonna get a snack," Landon says. "Then head up too."

"I'm gonna go shower," Roman yawns.

"Bye," I say as they head their separate ways. "I should go to bed too, been a long day."

"Yeah," Jaxson agrees. "But before you go, I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Yeah? What is it?" I ask facing him.

"Raven was asking if you're down to go to the mall or something with her tomorrow. She wants to get along with the family and I think you would like her too," Jaxson explains.

"Yeah, that sounds great. I'm really curious to know the girl who made her way into your heart because that's my spot ya know. Sad I have to share it now," I pout. He smiles letting out a small laugh.

"You'll always have a spot in my heart and it's even more special knowing that you were there first," he assures.

"Good, but tell me about her. We never really get to talk because you're busy with school, her and Philip now."

"She's unique. Very loud, but quiet at the same time. She speaks with her heart and acts with kindness, but damn, treat her wrong and she will put you in your place. She's the perfect balance of right and wrong, you know?" he breathes. I watch him lost in his thoughts as he thinks about her a small smile tugging at the ends of his lips.

"She sounds like a very complicated, but amazing human being. As long as she treats you well and you love her just as much, then I'm happy for you guys," I smile.

"She can be at times, but yeah I really like her," Jaxson admits. "So you're actually down to go tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I needed some new clothes too. Just give her my number and we'll go. It'll be exciting to have another girl around in the house."

"Thanks, Re."

"No problem. I'm happy for you," I hug him.

"Thanks," he rubs my back. "How do you like Philip's progress by the way?"

"It's really good, he's so happy too," I reply as I part from the hug.

"That's good the kid is dedicated as fuck and I respect that," Jaxson says.

"Yeah he is, but we should head up now."

"Yeah," he agrees. I grab my ring and we both head upstairs parting ways at the top to go to our own rooms.

I set the rose and my phone down on my nightstand and go to shower. Once I'm done with my nighttime routine, I decided to sleep in just a big oversized shirt and nothing else

I get into bed and under the sheet sighing. I stare at the ceiling for a minute with not a single thought in mind. I turn to the side after a while and notice the ring on my finger. Annoyed, I take it off and put it on the nightstand too.

I don't bother to check my phone knowing none of the messages are gonna be important. I also don't want to read a message and ruin my mood further. The day has been long and I'm ready for it to be over.

I can't help but think about what Sebastian pulled today. I mean, he's gorgeous - a sight for sore eyes, but his beauty doesn't cover up how he makes me feel. It's like hot and cold with him. Sometimes it's like a fairytale other times it's like hell.

I don't know how he'll react once I give him the ring back, but hopefully, he understands.

He's been nice to me and I can't deny that, but nice isn't enough. I also don't want to be in a relationship right now. No relationship has served me any good and this doesn't seem any different.

Whatever happens Monday, I just hope it's for the good.

With that last thought, I drift into a deep sleep.


Hiiii, hope everyone is doing good.

I, on the other hand, am 2 weeks from the end of the semester and am having what feels like yet another mid-life crisis. HAHAHA. & by that reaction, you can tell I'm not doing that well, but writing this helped me feel better and hopefully, I can't figure out what I really wanna do with my life.

I don't really want to do a 9-5 for the rest of my life, so I'm overwhelmed right now knowing that's the path I'm headed towards.

But I believe in manifestation, so I am successful. One day I'll be somewhere in my own house with a beautiful view writing that I am successful, happy and abundant in all aspects of life with amazing friends and my family. I'm making it big. ❤️✨

Hope you liked the chapter, I love Reese and her brothers! How do you think Sebastian will take Reese's response?

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