GUMDROPโ”โ”โ” supernatural [disc...

By ashikia

61.6K 1.5K 427

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Authors note

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4.7K 99 33
By ashikia


The Winchesters headed to the library to research the latest information they learned.

Dean sat in front of a computer with Sam beside him and Aurora snuggled in his side drifting of to sleep.

Dean typed in different searches but came up empty. He was about to type another when Sam said "Let me try."

Dean just hit his hand away while rolling his eyes. " I got it ." He told Sam stubbornly.
Sam rolled his eyes and pushed his brothers chair away from the computer.
When the chair rolled , Aurora whimpered at the sudden movement . Dean noticed this and starting rubbing her back and cooing her back to sleep.

"Dude , your such a control freak." Dean whispered harshly to him while slapping his arm. Sam just ignored him and started typing on the laptop.
"So , angry spirits are born out of violent deaths right? Sam asked

"Yeah " Dean responded nodding his head while he continues to rub circles on Aurora's back .
"Well maybe it's not a murder." Sam muttered before replacing murder with suicide. When he did 1 result popped up which he clicked on .

"In 1981 . Constance Welch , 24 year old jumps off Centinnial bridge and drowns in the river. " Sam read from the article while scanning it for more information. Dean shifted Aurora so her head was lying on his chest so he could lean forward.

" Does it say why she did it ?" Dean asked Sam as he now started running his hand through Auroras hair . Sam scans it quickly.
" Yeah " he said sighing sadly.

"What?" Dean asked . Sam continued,
"An hour before they found her ,she calls 911. Her 2 little kids are in the bathtub. She leaves them for a minute. She comes back and they aren't breathing.Both die ." Dean tightens his grip on Aurora afraid that she might disappear if he let's go. He can't imagine what he would do if he ever lost his little girl.

" 'Our babies were gone and Constance couldn't bare it , said husband Joseph Welch.'" Sam read on as he noticed Dean's lack of response. Dean leaned in when he noticed something in the background of the picture in the article.

"That bridge look familiar to you ?" Dean asked, pointing to the bridge they were on earlier.


Centinnial bridge, Night

The brothers were walking to the side of the bridge while Aurora slept in her car seat. Dean made sure to leave the window a bit open and the doors were locked with her blanket covering her . To say Dean was being paranoid was an understatement.

Once they reached the edge, they leaned over to look at the rushing water. Dean took a step back but still looking at the water.
"So this is where Constance took a swan dive." Sam walked up and stood next to Dean.

"So, you think dad would've been?" Sam asked as he looked at Dean. Dean shrugged and started walking away from the edge while taking a quick glance to see if Aurora had woken up which she hadn't.

"Okay, so now what ?" Sam asked as he started following his brother .
"So , we keep digging till we find him . It might take a while." Dean replied shrugging his arms up. Sam stopped following Dean which he noticed and stopped as well turning to face his brother.

"Dean I told you , I got to be back by.." Sam said before Dean interrupted.
"Monday, right your interview. " Dean said nodding his head. Sam nodded his head while looking at his brother with a determined look.

"Right , I forgot . Your really serious that aren't you?" Dean asked rhetorically.
"You think your just gonna become some lawyer,marry your girl."

"Ya, why not . You did at some point ." Sam said shrugging his shoulders and also pointing out that Dean had thought about having a normal apple pie life with Emily after Aurora was born but that went down the drain . Dean clenched his jaw and looked to Sam with a hard look.

"Does Jessica know about you ,the things you've done." Dean asked his tone getting angrier. Sam took a step forward starting to get annoyed.

"No and she's not ever going to ." Sam replied . Dean nodded his head while turning and walking the other way .
"Well that's healthy . You can pretend all you want but sooner or later your gonna have to face up to who you really are ." Dean said in a sing song voice taking another glance at the Impala. Sam walked behind and asked ," Who is that?"

"Your one of us." He exclaimed.
Sam walked in front of Dean stopping him from moving any further.
"No ,I'm not like you Dean. This is not gonna be my life and do you really want it to be Aurora's?"

Dean clenched his jaw again trying to control his anger. Of course he didn't want his daughter to live the life he did but he can't just leave his dad high and dry.
"You have a responsibility.." Dean started but got cut off by Sam .

"To dad and his crusade. If it weren't for pictures , I wouldn't even know what mom looks like. " Sam said with sadness in his voice.

Dean just stared at him waiting for him to continue.
"What difference does it make , even if we do find the thing that killed her ." Sam paused shaking his head. "Mom's gone and she isn't coming back. " Sam told him .

Dean nodded his then grabbed Sam by the jacket and pushed him against a bridge pillar. He paused with a hard look on his face .
"Don't talk about them like that." Dean said in a cold voice referring to their mother and Emily. With one last push he let go of Sam and walked a bit away from him.

Sam stood up straight, collecting his breath . Dean stopped walking when he noticed something standing on railing of the bridge.
"Sam." Dean called to Sam to gain his attention. Sam walked to stand next to Dean, and he saw the reason his brother called.

Constance Welch was standing on the railing of the bridge. She looked back at the boys before free falling into the river. The brothers ran towards the railing and searched for Constance.
"Where she go ?" Dean asked still looking in the water .

"I dont know " Sam answered shaking his head. Meanwhile in the Impala, Aurora woke up and looked outside to find her father and uncle on the bridge. Suddenly the head lights turned on and Aurora looked around frantically.

Sam and Dean stepped back from the bridge when they saw the headlights turned on . Dean's eyes widen when he saw Aurora wake and looking around.
"What the .." Dean said starting to walk towards the Impala.

"Whose driving your car ?" Sam asked following Dean. Dean pulled out his keys showing Sam with his eyes still trained on his worried daughter. The car revved its engine which made Aurora start crying.
"Daddy !"

" Aurora!" Dean replied but before he could go to his daughter the car started driving forward only making Aurora more scared and cry louder . Sam pushed Dean away
knowing he wanted to go comfort Aurora, Sam did to , but they first have to out run the car.
"Dean , go ,go!!!" Sam shouted

Dean was hesitant but ran none the less . When the car was close they did the only thing they could do , jump . They jumped of the side of the bridge and the Impala came to a stop . The only sound that was heard was the rushing water and Aurora's scared cries. Sam was able to hold on to the side of the bridge and swing himself up. He quickly ran to the back door of the car and took out his crying niece.
"Shhh,its okay . It's okay, your okay now." Sam cooed while bouncing her to help her calm down. Aurora's cries turn into whimpers and sniffles.

Sam walked to the edge of the bridge still bouncing his niece and looked for his brother.
"Dean!" Sam called out .
A very annoyed, worried and dirty Dean crawled out of the river and onto the shore, panting.
"What !" Annoynce clear in his voice.
"You alright?!" Sam asked , rubbing circles on Aurora's back. Aurora lifted her head from Sam's shoulder when she heard her father's voice.
" I'm super." Dean said making an okay sign .

"Where's Aurora!" Dean screamed worry clear in his voice.
" I'm otay Dada !!" Aurora answered holding up a thumbs which made Sam laugh. Dean relaxed onto the shore knowing that his baby girl was okay.


Once on the bridge, Dean ran to his brother who was holding his daughter and checked her for any injuries. When he saw she was okay , he made his way to check on the car.

"Your car alright ?" Sam asked Dean as he walked over to him with Aurora settled on his hip. Aurora was playing with Sam's jacket buttons to keep her entertained.
Dean sighed closing the hood and turning around .
"Yeah whatever she did to it , seems alright now." Dean then faced the other side of the bridge.
"That Constance chick, what a BITCH. " he screamed the last part into the air. Sam hiked Aurora up more on his hip since she was falling and walked closer to the car .
"Well she doesn't want us sticking around that's for sure ." Sam commented leaning against the hood of the Impala, placing Aurora on his lap.

Dean sighed and shook his head.
"So , where do we go from here genius ?" Sam asked Dean who just lifted his hands and flicked mud off himself.
Aurora scrunched her nose up when she smelt her dad while Sam sniffed and commented,
"You smell like a toilet."
Aurora nodded in agreement while giggling at Dean's reaction which was looking down at himself.

"What are you laughing at little missy." Dean asked her .
Aurora still giggling.
"Sammy said you smell wike toilet."
She replied.
Dean reached out to Aurora and picked her up getting mud on her tshirt and spun her in the air . The little girl laughed and squealed. Dean then put her on his hip getting mud on her clothes which he knows he'll regret later but doesn't care.
"Daddy, now we both smell wild toilets ."
Aurora complained while Dean just smiled.

Sam shook his head laughing at the father daughter duo and grabbed a tshirt to cover Aurora so she wouldn't mess the car .
They got in the car and drove to the nearest motel.


Motel, morning

The Winchester trio stood in front of the front desk where Dean placed his fake credit card in front of the clerk. It was morning and Aurora was sleepy because the her adrenaline rush went down. She and Dean was now covered in dried mud.

"One room please." Dean told the clerk . The clerk looked at the card then at Dean then back to the card. The clerk raised his eyebrows.
"You guys having a reunion or something.?" He asked . Sam looked at Dean while he just asked the clerk .
"What do u mean?"

"Another guy, Burt Aframihian. He came in and bought a room for a whole month." He told them. The brothers exchanged a look .


Later they were standing outside the room John had paid for. Sam was picking the lock while Dean was trying to keep Aurora from going back to sleep so he can give her a bath and get her some breakfast. Sam finally picked the lock and opened the door. Dean who was playing eye spy with Aurora got pulled in by Sam leaving dust behind him. Aurora let out a surprised yelp at the sudden movement. Sam turned to her and kissed her head .
"Sorry munchkin. "

Looking around the room saying it was a mess was and understatement.
Books were scattered all over the desks,suitcases unpacked, articles and papers stuck on the wall and salt lines drawn.

"Woah " Sam commented.
Aurora looked around the room with wide eyes and wiggled in Dean's grasp to explore more but Dean didn't want to put her down incase there was sharp objects . Sam went to one side of the room and Aurora and Dean to the other.

Dean walked to a lamp where a half eaten burger was next to it. He shifted Aurora onto his hip and picked up the burger.
"Don't eat it Daddy." Aurora said pulling the burger away from Dean's face . Dean gave her a playful glare.
"I wasn't going to eat it , peanut. I was smelling it." Dean told her and smelled the burger but immediately recoiled. Aurora laughed at Dean's face which started making her less sleepy.

"He hasn't been here in a while ." Dean told Sam as he walked over to read the articles on the wall. Aurora tried to read them but there were words she couldn't understand so she decided to look at the pictures.

Sam knelt down to touch a salt line with his fingers.
"Salt,cat eye shells. " he said standing up and looking to the other two people in the room .
"He was worried. Tryna keep something from coming in ." He finished saying. He looked at Dean who was staring at the articles and asked
"What do you got here?" while moving closer to the duo. Aurora held her arms to her uncle which he happily took her into his.

"Centennial Highway victims. " Dean said still staring at the articles.
" I dont get it." He said as Sam moved to the other side of the room where something attracted his eyes. When he saw it up close, he buried Aurora's head in his shoulder so he wouldn't see the information. Which involved dead people and skeletons.

"They're different men,different jobs,
ages,ethnicities. There's always a connection right? " Dean listed while Sam was still looking at the wall on the other side. Sam turned his head to the side and saw a paper that said,
Woman in white.

"What do these guys have in common? " Dean finished. Sam walked towards the paper while Aurora lifted her head to see what her uncle was looking at.
"Dad figured it out ." Sam stated not taking his eyes of the paper.

Dean turned around to face him.
"What do you mean ?"
He asked .
"I mean , he found the same article we did. Constance Welch she's a woman in white ." Sam told him .

Dean turned back to the Centennial victims. "You sly dogs."
He said.
Aurora tilted her head to look at her uncle.
"What sly dogs mean ?," Aurora whispered to him .

Sam gave a glare to the back of Dean's head which went unnoticed by the latter before turning to his confused niece.
"I'll tell you when you older." He said going back to looking at the Constance Welch article. Aurora nodded her head in understanding and turned to look at the article as well.

"If we're dealing with a woman in white , dad would've found her corpse and destroyed it." Dean said , missing the small exchange between the uncle and niece.

"She might have another weakness. " Sam stated as Dean came and stood next to him. Aurora held out her hands for Dean and he took her from Sam's arms placing her on his hip .

"Dad would wanna make sure , he would dig her up." Dean pointed out as well as looking at the article. Then he turned his face to his brother.
"Does it say where his buried?" He asked Sam as Aurora let out a small yawn which he noticed, so he gave her his other hand to play with to keep her awake.

"Um, no ." Sam stated .
"If I were dad though I would ask her husband. If he's still alive." Sam finished .
Dean nodded his head and walked over to Aurora's duffle bag to take out an outfit for her.
" Alright why don't you find an address, I'm gonna get us cleaned up." Dean told Sam walking towards the bathroom with Aurora holding her new outfit.

Sam turned to Dean.
" Hey Dean. " Sam called out which made Dean turn around.
"What I said earlier about mom,dad and Emily, I'm sorry." Sam apologised.
Dean lifted his hand to stop Sam and turned it to the side.

Sam nodded his head .
"Alright. Jerk ."

Dean replied,

"Itch " Aurora copied her dad.
Dean turned to her and Sam was laughing in the background.
"You don't say that word ." Dean told her .
Aurora tilted her head in confusion.
"But you said it." She stated innocently not seeing how her dad could say it and not her.

"That's a grown up word and only grown ups can say it ." Dean told her walking to the bathroom.
"Okie " Aurora said while nodding her head,now understanding why she can't say the word.
Dean chuckled and closed the door behind him .


A little while later . Sam was on his phone walking around the room . Aurora ( now cleaned ) was playing with her dolphin while Dean was still in the bathroom.

Sam sat down just as Dean exited the bathroom, shrugging on his jacket.
"Hey man , I'm starving . I'm gonna get Aurora some breakfast and something little to eat from the diner down the street. " he said walking over to Aurora.
"You want anything? " he asked Sam as he tied Aurora's hair into a ponytail. Aurora looked at him and smiled which he returned.

Sam shook his head.
"Aframihian's buying ."Dean said smiling , trying to convince him.
"No thanks ." Sam said .
Dean nodded then turned to Aurora who was making fish faces at dolphy.
"What you in the mood for today , Rory?" Dean asked her.
She stopped making fish faces and looked at her dad.
"Waffles. " she exclaimed, smiling widely.
Dean chuckled then placed a kiss to her forehead before standing up.
"Waffles it is."
Dean said making his way to the door.
Aurora turned in Dean's direction .
"Bye daddy ." Aurora told him waving good bye just as he was about to leave.
Dean smiled and turned to face her, holding the door handle.

"Bye baby. See you just now." Dean told her walking out the door.
Aurora then walked to her uncle who was sitting on the bed with his phone in his ear.
She climbed on his lap while grabbing his hand drawing circles. Sam bounced his leg to keep Aurora entertained. Suddenly Sam pulled the phone away from his ear to answer the phone call he was getting .
"What." Sam said to the phone.

"Dude 5- 0 . Take off ." Dean told him turning away from the cops.
Sam stood up quickly bringing Aurora to his hip while she watched him, confusion taking over her features. Wondering why he stood up so quickly.
Sam started moving around the room.
"What about you?" He asked Dean as he picked up Dolphy and handed it to his niece.

"They kind of spotted me. Go find dad and look after Rory. " he said quickly ending the call.
Sam walked towards the window looking through it before hiding behind the curtain. He turned to Aurora and put his finger to his lip,signaling her to be quiet. She nodded and held onto her dolphin.

Sam then exited the room through window and helping Aurora out before they made their way to the Impala.
"Where we go ? " Aurora asked Sam as he drove away from the motel.

Sam looked in the rear view mirror then back at the road.
"We're gonna go talk to someone. " he responded.
"What about daddy ?" She asked .

Sam sighed and put on a small smile not to worry the child.
"We'll see him later." He replied
Aurora nodded her head before putting on a sweet smile.
"Uncle Sammy." She drawled out his name .

"Yeah ?" Sam asked still focusing on the road.
" Can I pway a game on your phone, pwease ." She asked him giving him puppy eyes ,she inherited from him . She knows it's nearly her nap time but Sam doesn't and Dean won't know, so what's the harm.

"Sure ." He said, handing his phone to her .
"Tank you ." She said and started to play.
"See I told you I could get it ." She whispered to Dolphy while giggling quietly.


Aurora didn't know when she fell asleep but the next thing she knew it was night time and Sam just finished a phone call.
Sam noticed Aurora moving and started getting her sippy cup .
"Hey , munchkin. " sam said .
"Hi Sammy. " she replied slightly sleepy.

Sam handed her the sippy cup and flashed her a smile before turning back to the road.
"Here , drink some water and I'll give you a snack just now . Okay ." Sam told her.
Aurora nodded her head and started drinking the water. Suddenly Sam's phone started to ring and he picked it up .

" Fake 911 call Sammy. I don't know ,that's pretty illegal. " Dean told Sam over the phone. Sam smiled slightly and looked back at Aurora who was watching him on the phone.

"Your welcome. " Sam replied.
"Hey, put Aurora on the phone."
Dean asked.
Sam handed the phone to Aurora and said
"Its daddy." Seeing the confusion on her face. Aurora smiled brightly at the mention of her father. She took the phone and put it to her ear. Sam chuckled and looked back at the road.
"Hi daddy!" Aurora said with excitement.

Dean chuckled practically seeing her excitement.
"Hey baby. You okay ?"
He asked worried for her even though she wasn't in danger.

Aurora nodded her head even though Dean couldn't see it.
"I'm okay Daddy. Where you?"
She asked

"I'm not far from where you are . Did you take your nap?" He asked, his tone serious knowing she wouldn't sleep unless he told her to .

"Hmmm . " Aurora said .
"Good. Can you give uncle Sammy the phone now . " Dean asked her.
" Okay. Bye daddy ." Aurora said brightly. Which made Sam and Dean smile.

"Bye honey." Dean responded.
While Dean and Aurora were talking, Sam got Aurora some chips to snack on . Aurora handed Sam the phone back and he handed her the packet of chips. She smiled at him as a thank you and started eating them.

"Alright we gotta talk." Dean told Sam seriously. All softness faded when he stopped talking to his daughter.

Sam nodded, holding the wheel with one hand and the phone with the other.
"Yeah tell me about it. So the husband was unfaithful, we are dealing with the woman in white . She's buried next to her old house." Sam babbled .

"Sammy would you shut up for a second. " Dean told him annoyed .

"I'm still trying to figure out why he hasn't destroyed the corpse yet." Sam stated confusion in his voice.

"That's why I'm trying to tell you , dad's not here. He left Jericho." Dean told him the new information.

"What how do you know ?" Sam asked him .

"I got his journal. " Dean said while lifting the journal.

"He doesn't go anywhere without that thing." Sam said ,taking a quick glance at Aurora who started humming a song with her chips packet in hand.

"Well he did this time." Dean said while looking outside the phone booth .

"What does it say ? " Sam asked.

"Same old , ex-marine crap. Coordinates. To tell us where he's going. " Dean said while sighing at the fact their dad wasn't here.

"Coordinates. Where to ?" Sam asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"I'm not sure yet ." Dean replied, sighing once again.

"I don't understand. What could be so important that dad would skip out in the middle of a job. " Sam said . Trying to understand why his dad just left.
"Dean what the hell is going on ?" Sam asked .

Before Dean could reply. Aurora screamed,
"Uncle Sammy !" Which cause Sam to stop the car when he saw what she was looking at . Constance Welch was standing in the middle of the road . The car pulled to a screeching stop.

"Rory ,Sammy." Dean shouted into the phone when he heard his daughter scream and what increased his worry more was hearing the car screeching. He hung up the phone and started going towards the old Welch house, knowing that his daughter was in danger.

Sam stopped the car panting trying to catch his breath when he remembered Aurora was the one to alert him.
He turned in his sit to see small tears rolling down his nieces cheeks.
"Hey it's okay, it's okay." He said trying to calm her down while rubbing her leg.

Aurora was starting to calm down when Constance suddenly appeared next to her which made her scream again . Constance just glanced at her before turn to the face the front.

"Take me home ." She said looking at Sam. Sam shook his head.
Constance's expression changed into a angry one and she disappeared. Before Sam can turn to comfort his now crying niece , Constance appeared in the passenger seat.
"Take me home . " she said with more force.
Sam shook his head which made Constance lock the doors.
Sam tried opening the doors while Aurora was hugging her dolphin tightly, like her life depended on it which she thought it was .
The steering wheel started to turn which made Sam grabbed a hold of the wheel to drive but realised it was driving itself.
He started saying sweet nothings to calm down Aurora while rubbing her leg .


Old Welch House

The car pulled a stop in front a old, brown house. Aurora's cries turned into soft sobs .
"I can never go home. " Constance stated sadly.

"You can't go home can you ." Sam realizes.
She turned her head to him before disappear. She reappeared on Sam's lap and said "Hold me I'm so cold ." In a low voice . She pushed him back in the seat leaning forward towards his face.

"You can't kill me, I've never been unfaithful." Sam told her while Aurora's once quiet sobs turned loud .
"You will be ." Constance whispered in his ear before pulling back and kissing him.
Sam struggled trying to break the kiss with an uncomfortable expression on his face .
She pulled back from the kiss and disappeared. Suddenly Sam started screaming in pain which made Aurora start screaming for her uncle . Sam pulled back his jacket where five holes were being burned into his skin.

Constance kept on flickering in and out on Sam's lap while holding him in place. Suddenly gun shots fired at Constance and she disappeared for a moment then reappeared which made Dean shoot her again. When she disappeared, Sam sat up and put his hands on the steering wheel.
"I'm taking you home ." Sam muttered.
Before putting the car in drive and drove right into the house. Aurora did a mix between a scream and a sob when the car drove forward. She knocked her head against the roof of the car and was knocked out .

"Sam,Aurora!" Dean screamed walking into the smashed house . Dean walked to Sam's side .
"Hey, you alright ?" Dean asked him. Looking in the back window Dean saw his daughter's unconscious body and started to panic. Sam replied with a small yeah . And got out also noticing Aurora. The brothers moved to get her but Constance stopped them by moving a drawer in front of them.

The brothers tried to move it but had no luck. Suddenly the lights started flickering and water started falling from the staircase. Every head turned towards the top of staircase where 2 children stood holding hands.

Constance moved to the bottom of the staircase and looked at her children with sad eyes.
"You've come home to us Mommy. " they said at the same time in an eerie tone. They moved to the bottom of the staircase and stood behind their mother . Constance turned around only to be hugged and disappear in a bright light.

Sam and Dean moved the drawer and rushed to the back seat . Dean opened the door so quickly it could've been thrown off its hinges. He started tapping Aurora's cheeks to wake her up .
"Come on baby, wake up ." He said , trying not to think the of the worst case scenario.
Aurora opened her green eyes slowly, to see the same pair looking back at her ,worry clearly written on his face.
"Daddy. " Aurora mumbled.
Sam and Dean let a sigh of relief. Dean picked her up and cradled her head to his shoulder. He kissed her temple while she lazily put her arms around his neck. Sam put his hand on her back and started rubbing circles. Sam felt guilty for being so reckless and hurting his niece in the process.

They walked over to where Constance exploded. Sam bent down to inspect it as Dean bounced Aurora up and down to calm her down .

"So, this is where she drowned her kids." Dean stated , rubbing circles on his daughter's back.
Sam nodded his head and stood back up .
"That's why she could never go home."
Sam said.

"You found her weak spot ." He said taking his hand off of Auroras back and hitting Sam in the chest .
"Nice work Sammy." Dean commented, starting his way back to the Impala.
Sam laughed through the pain and turned towards his family.

"Wish I could say the same for you. What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak." Sam said smirking lightly. Dean turned to face Sam, placing Aurora on his hip .

" Hey saved your ass and besides I wasn't thinking." Dean told him with a smirk.
He wasn't thinking because all he could hear was Aurora's cries which made him act.

" I'll tell you another thing. You screwed up my car," Dean said turning to look back Sam then the car . "I'll kill ya ." He finished.

"Alright you get the car out , I'm gonna try and put her to sleep. " Dean said to Sam , walking outside.

"You okay , Rory ." Dean asked , looking at her.
"Hmmm ." Aurora answered sniffing a bit . All tonight's events came rushing back to her when she woke up and made her want to cry again.

"I'm sorry." Dean apologised. Aurora lifted her head and placed her hands on his cheeks, making Dean face her.
"Love you. " Aurora said with a smile.
Dean smiled at the fact she that she wanted to make him feel better .
"Love you too kiddo. " he told her .
Aurora smiled satisfied that she made her dad happy.
"Now come on,it's way past your bed time."
Dean said starting to walk back and forth humming a random song.
Aurora snuggled into his chest and listening to his steady heartbeat. In five minutes she was a sleep and the Impala was out of the house.
Dean placed Aurora in her car seat . He kissed her forward and pushed her hair out of her face . He covered her with the blanket and walked to the drivers seat.
"She okay ?" Sam asked his brother looking at a sleeping Aurora.

"A little spooked but okay ." Dean reassured sam , as he knew that Sam was beating himself something he had no control over. Dean didn't blame him but blamed himself. He knew raising her in this life she would get hurt and scared but what could he do . He needed to find his dad but he would make sure that she stayed the innocent little girl that she is .


Later they were making their way to Stanford to drop off Sam. Dean was driving, Aurora was sleeping and Sam was using a ruler on a map to figure out where the Coordinates lead to .

Sam switched of the flashlight and turned to Dean. Dean looked at him before turning back to the road.
" So here's where dad went ." He started saying . He looked at the map and said
"Its called Black Water Ridge , Colorado ."
Dean nodded his head .
"Sounds charming. How far ?"
He asked .
Sam took a minute before answering
"Um,about 600 miles . "
Dean looked at Sam then at the road.
"Hey If we shag ass, we can make it by morning without disturbing Aurora. " Dean said with hope in his .

Sam put the map down and turned to his brother with a guilty expression.
"Dean, I ...I. " he stuttered trying to tell Dean his not going.
Dean's hopeful demeanor dimmed when he heard his brother.
"Your not going ." He said .

"The interview is in 10 hours . I gotta be there. " Sam told him. Dean turned away from him , nodding his head sadly .

" Yeah , I'll get you home." He told his little brother trying to his disappointment. He looked at Aurora in the rear view mirror. She was holding the blanket close to her body as small snores escaped her mouth .
Dean's mood picked up a little and he turned the radio up a bit .


Outside Stanford University

The Impala pulled to a stop . Dean turned the car off and faced Sam. Sam got out the car and leaned in the passenger seat window.
"Call me when you find him." Sam said .
Dean nodded his head not answering.
"Maybe I can meet up with you later."
Sam suggested.
"Yeah ." Dean replied.

Sam looked at the back seat at Aurora then to Dean.
" I'm gonna say bye ."
Sam said making his way to the backseat.
He opened the door and leaned on it .
He kissed her forward and said " Bye Rory." Even though she was asleep.
Aurora heard and mumbled,
Sam smiled softly before heading towards the door.
Dean leaned in over the passenger seat.
"Hey ." He called out . Sam turned to face Dean.
"You know we made a helluva team back there and I'm sure Aurora would love to see her uncle more often." Dean said to Sam who just nodded. Sam started walking towards the building while Dean pulled way from the university.
"I guess it's just me and you Rory ." Dean said . He switched on the radio but it was static . He looked at his watch and saw the hands wasn't moving. He made a sharp U turn which caused Aurora to stir.
"Daddy ?"

Dean made it back to the university and saw fire coming from Sam's apartment. He got out the car and ran towards the burning ,leaving his daughter to worry about his and Sam's safety.


After a while fire trucks was parked outside the building and neighbors came from their homes to see the commotion.
Dean had gotten Sam out while Jessica wasn't so lucky. She died pinned to the roof with a cut in the middle and engulfed in flames. The same way their mom died.

Dean who was holding Aurora on his hip because she refused to let go , stood in the crowd before walking towards the trunk of the Impala where Sam was loading a gun .
He spared a worry glance at Sam before shifting Aurora so she was more comfortable. Aurora was sad that Jessica gone because she really like her and was even more sad for her uncle.

Sam threw the gun back in the trunk and said

Probably won't update till the weekend.
But here's a long chapter . Don't forget to vote and comment.

✌ d.s

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