The Girl Who Hid | George Wea...

By lizzature

2.2M 62.2K 71.2K

Hanging over George's back, you grunted, "Seriously, put me down, Weasley." He shook his head and laughed gle... More

ch 1 : the letter
ch 2 : the sorting ceremony
ch 3 : what was that, potter?
ch 4 : the blood traitor
ch 5 : "friend"
ch 6 : the imbecile
ch 7 : the girl who hid
ch 8 : we're angels
ch 9 : the boy who had no choice
ch 10 : mint
ch 11 : sunshine
ch 12 : the calm before the storm
ch 13 : the party
ch 14 : a little mystery
ch 15 : the hospital wing
ch 16 : sunflowers
ch 17 : burnt toast
ch 18 : cologne
ch 19 : they're a bit mad
ch 20 : old men
ch 21 : nap time
ch 22 : hands
ch 23 : longbottom
ch 24 : cookies
ch 25 : the yule ball
ch 26 : fire protection
ch 27 : permanent vacation
ch 28 : stupefy
ch 29 : april 1st
ch 30 : cedric
ch 31 : nightmares
ch 32 : galleons
ch 33 : dudley
ch 34 : 12 grimmauld place
ch 35 : thelma
ch 36 : joy
ch 37 : you aren't foolish
ch 38 : darkness
ch 39 : green
ch 40 : the trial
ch 41 : scarf
ch 42 : hermione's army
ch 43 : blimey
ch 44 : christmas eve
ch 45 : i'm only joking
ch 46 : get your filthy hands off of her
ch 47 : rotten
ch 48 : that wasn't your word to bear
ch 49 : the grand exit
ch 50 : sirius
ch 51 : the scarier guardian
ch 52 : wildfire whiz-bangs
ch 53 : the broken boy
ch 55 : he trusted you
ch 56 : i knew you only liked me for my looks
ch 57 : morning
ch 58 : please
ch 59 : you seem stronger
ch 60 : he didn't even say goodbye
ch 61 : the girl who grinned
story playlist
Thorn - My Second Fanfiction
under the willow tree - my third fanfiction

ch 54 : assumptions

17.2K 536 130
By lizzature

You hadn't had any more conversations with Draco since that night outside the Hufflepuff dorms, but you would smile at him whenever you made eye contact.

It was nearing the end of the school year now, and you had been on shaky ground with Harry for the past week. You had found out from some other students that Harry and Draco had fought in the bathroom. They said that Harry admitted to throwing the first curse that started the fight, and it ended when Harry used a spell that nearly killed Draco.

When you heard these rumors, you were appalled. This couldn't actually be true, right? You didn't want to believe it until you spoke to Harry himself.

You ended up catching him before curfew that evening as he was heading back to the Gryffindor dorms. The corridor was empty, so you ran up to him and tugged on the sleeve of his robe. You wondered, "Hey, could we talk?"

You had asked him what happened because you wanted to hear his side of the story, but you were horrified when he admitted that all of the rumors were true.

You questioned, "Is it true that you sent the first curse? Or was that a lie?"

Harry stared at his feet and confessed, "Yeah. I sent the first spell."

You had started to gape at him and drawled, "So, you're telling me that you went up to him while he was in the bathroom and just started attacking him?"

His head snapped up as he explained, "Yes, but he hexed Katie Bell! I was angry!"

"And you knew that? You were certain that he hexed her when you snuck up on him in the bathroom and attacked him?"

Harry groaned, "It was obvious. He's a death eater now. He was crying after seeing Katie Bell for merlin's sake."

Your breath caught. You stared at Harry with disbelief as you choked, "You nearly killed him because you saw him crying and just assumed his guilt? Without even talking about it with him?"

Harry glared at you and demanded, "Why are you so mad at me? Why are you defending him? He's a slimy git who has proved repeatedly that he is our enemy."

You ran a hand over your face and exhaled, "Because you nearly killed someone over an assumption, Harry...I just need some time to think. This feud has gone too far." You shook your head and turned, hurrying back towards the Hufflepuff dorms.

Harry called your name that day, but he didn't go after you, realizing that you needed some time alone.

That fight with Harry happened last week, and you felt awful about it. You hated fighting with him, but you couldn't even wrap your head around the situation. It was unbelievable how foolish Harry had been using a curse he didn't even know. You were even more horrified after you found out what the Sectumsempra curse did.

Now, you had a horrible image in your head of Harry standing over Draco as numerous wounds opened over his body. Apparently, Harry didn't even call for help as Draco was bleeding out in front of him, and that's one of the things that bothered you the most, even if you knew that he was likely just in shock.

You were sitting in your dorm one evening the next week when you decided that you needed to go talk to Harry and end their silent war. You had started to understand Harry's perspective, even if you still didn't agree with it. You just really didn't want to fight with him anymore.

You slipped on your robes that evening and shoved your wand into your pocket and hurried down the corridors to find Harry.

When you couldn't find him at the Gryffindor dorms, you decided to go to the astronomy tower to see if you could see anything, and that's when you heard frantic voices. You quickly climbed the steps and frowned when you saw Harry crouching on the platform just below the main part of the tower. You slipped over to him and almost asked him what he was doing, but you clamped your mouth shut when you saw how the blood had drained from his face.

You glanced up where he was looking and felt all the breath leave your body.


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