Hannibal's untold story (Hann...

By skelly_bob

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18+ Grace's mind was supposed to be fixed and return home to Maria and be her perfect daughter. However, she'... More

(1) sticks and stones
(2) Lies
(3) therapy sucks
(4) friends
(5) heartbreak
(6) wicked witch
(7) the big escape
(8) expected of him
(9) the FBI
(10) first impressions
(11) I didn't want this
(12) survival of the fittest
(13) the minnesota Shrike
(14) love triangle
(15) sweater weather
(16) God's plan
(17) Mixed emotions
(18) quick decisions
(19) The Body
(20) Aftermath
(21) Truth sometimes hurts
(22) Hannibal
(23) Grace
(24) reunited
(25) Wicked Witch
(26) Destiny Almost
(27) rest in hell
(28) reality or imagination
(29) Sinners
(30) Mason Verger
(31) Mason and Finn
(33) God help me
(34) Finding Grace
(35) The Ball
(36) The Pigs
(37) Home Bitter Home
(38) Dreams
(39) where are you?
(40) 10 months later

(32) No more room in hell

210 5 3
By skelly_bob

I woke up to the birds chirping outside the window, I stretched, taking up most the bed to see Hannibal wasn't in bed with me. I sat up and grabbed one of his shirts off the floor. It was rather large on me and covered me up well, I ruffled my hair up and went downstairs to smell bacon and eggs. I turned the corner to see Hannibal cooking breakfast.
"Good morning" he said, cooking the eggs. I wasn't much of a morning person so I just waved and got a glass. I walked over and grabbed some coffee to fill my cup up. I sat down at the breakfast bar and took a sip from it. It felt warm going down my throat and I let out a sigh of relief.
"What time is it?" I asked, scratching my scalp.
"11:30" he said, flipping the bacon. I gasped in shock, did I really sleep for that long?
"When did you wake up? Why didn't you wake me" I started to chug my coffee so I could eat my lunch and change before Mason came.
"I believe I woke up at 10 and I thought some sleep would do you good" he started to serve the food out onto the plates. I groaned at my laziness and saw what Hannibal had laid out for me.
"Thanks" I picked up my knife and fork and began to eat my lunch. The bacon was perfect and the eggs were cooked just right. I smiled in Delight. Hannibal sat himself next to me and refilled my coffee.
"Thanks" I said, slurping some more coffee.
"I am going to get ready for the day, you sure you're going to be okay on your own?" He placed his hand on my shoulder for an honest answer.
"Course, besides I will have some bacon and eggs to keep me company" I joked. He smirked and started to walk out the kitchen and up the stairs. I looked back at my plate of food and began to eat again. I never thought in a million years that I would enjoy bacon and eggs as much as I am now. Once I had finished my coffee and food, I carried the dishes to the sink. Although it was 11:45, I decided to quickly wash the dishes and avoid the window thats in front of me.


I nearly dropped the plate but I held it tight. I closed my eyes and slowly placed the plate down. I counted to 10 and looked around, nobody was here again. I couldn't bring myself to continue washing the dishes so I had to leave them. I walked upstairs to change into today's outfit.

I brushed my hair and saw Hannibal walk out the bathroom, adjusting his hair and walked to the wardrobe to choose out his waist coat for the day.
"Any plans for today?" He asked. I looked at him through the mirror before looking back onto my hair.
"Nope, except hiding from Mason" i sighed.
"I could stop treating him if you'd like" he offered. I shook my head and stood up to put on my shoes.
"No. He clearly needs the therapy and plus I don't wanna get in the way of your work" I reasoned. I put on my shoes and walked downstairs, with Hannibal behind me, I walked into the kitchen and finished doing the dishes. Hannibal opened the door and Asked if Mason was present. The house was quiet yet I could scarcely make out what they were saying.
"Good morning, Mason. Shall we get started?" Asked Hannibal.
"Yes we shall" agreed Mason. I scrubbed off the egg yolk on my plate and listened in on their conversation, when I shouldn't be. I glanced behind my shoulder to see them both sat down and Mason still had his coat on while sat down, doing a cheeky grin. Hannibal started the conversation.

"How have you and Margot been?"

"She's hiding something from me, I know it. Or someone"

"Who do you have suspicions on?"

"I don't know, I think she's sleeping with someone and it's ruining our chances of having a baby"

"You're thinking she could have an accidental pregnancy?"

"Margot can get carried away sometimes. She thinks she found the right someone but their always in it for her fortune."

"What do you do about it?"

"I let her heart break"

"As a brother myself, I feel it is our duty to protect our sisters. Do you think otherwise?"

I didn't know Hannibal was a brother, I never gave a thought about his family. I wanted to know more about his family and his background, it could explain his accent, intelligence and even loneliness.

"I keep telling Margot that she needs to sort herself out but she always says 'you're not the boss of me' stubborn I tell ya, like Grace"

"Mason not this again."

"I apologise for my comment and yesterday's comment, but I have little regrets, anyway, Margot also keeps sneaking off. Not only do I have a pig farm to run, I have to do this baby thing all by myself"

"I think Margot doesn't like the idea of the baby idea, hence why she's sneaking off"

"No. She's just being Margot. Where is Grace anyway?"

"She's clearly not here and it is none of your concern"

"Is she doing well?"

"She is doing okay"

"Splendid, Dr. Lecter, do you believe in god?"

"I do, yes"

"Do you believe in the anti-Christ?"

"Mason. Talk about your father"

"He was a mean man. Some would say evil, but he raised me to who I am today, he raised me to believe in myself and what I can achieve. He raised Margot how she is today but... she's letting herself go. I always knew I was the better child anyway!"

"Not a pleasant way to talk about Margot"

I had finished drying the dishes and now I had to find a peaceful way to walk past them. I decided to speed walk away, in hope Mason wouldn't say anything to me. While speed walking away, I heard Mason not say anything to me, it was a relief and I got to the bedroom safely. I laid on the bed and looked at the ceiling. I thought about Finn, god I missed him so much it was unreal. As much as I missed him, I had no tears. I felt numb almost. While I was in my thoughts, I heard the door slam shut and I had a sigh of relief, I think Mason had left. I skipped down the stairs but someone grabbed me from behind. I let out a squeal but they held my neck and held a knife to my hip. I saw Hannibal on the his knees, surrounded by two men. He had a nose bleed and he seemed to have tried to put up a fight.
"Hannibal!" I screamed. I tried to tug away from the man who held me hostage but he only put more force on the knife. Hannibal looked at me before he got kicked in the stomach, he fell to the floor. I cursed at the men and Hannibal tried to get back up. Suddenly, they brought out a taser and used it on Hannibal. He must've blacked out.
"Let me go, let me go. Hannibal!" I screamed out.
"He tried" I heard from behind me, they did a slow, sarcastic clap and they revealed themselves by standing in front of me. It was Mason.
"Mason, what do you want from me?! Let me go!" I demanded! He only put his hands in his pockets and looked at me.
"What have you done to Hannibal" I tried to act like I wasn't scared but I never felt so scared in my entire life, it was worse than shooting Garret Jacob Hobbs.
"Only a taser. He'll wake up just feeling a little stiff. By then, we'll be long gone" Mason faced the two men and signalled for them all to pack up, by waving his finger around in a small circle.
"What're you going to do with me?" I asked, trembling in the mans arms.
"I know you're a smart girl, don't act dumb." He started to walk out and the man picked me up and started to carry me out.
"NO NO NO! HANNIBAL!" I screamed and tried to get myself out, I looked back at Hannibal and he was barely conscious, on the floor.
"SOMEONE. PLEASE!" The man shut my mouth but he could still carry me even with me squirming, it just showed how strong he was. They took me out the building and there was two fancy looking cars, Mason went into a different one with one of the men who surrounded Hannibal and I went into the other car with the remaining men. When they placed me in the car, I tried to break free and I ended up kicking one in the face.
"Little bitch!" He said, feeling a nose bleed coming in. He sounded foreign, maybe Italian. I tried to run out the car but he grabbed me, threw me back into the car, laid me onto my stomach and zip tied my wrists together and shut the door. I sat myself up right and tried to break off the zip ties. They were extremely strong and even drew some blood when I tried to wiggle from them. We followed Mason's car and I later gave up trying to escape. I looked behind the car and saw the distance extend between me and Hannibal. I faced back forward and looked at the two men.
"You're both so fucked" I said, flipping my hair behind myself.
"Is that so, little one?" Teased the other.
"I know Jack Crawford and Will Graham. Have you both read the articles Freddie Lounds made about me? She talked about everyone I killed and I wish they were you-" I tried to scare them so they would be intimidated by me but the one sat in the passenger seat altered his body to face me. I gulped but tried to mask it.
"We are already prepared for when that happens, little fish." He turned back round and said something to the other man in their foreign language and they both broke out laughing.
"What's so funny?" I asked. They both just ignored me, while chuckling.
"Dicks" I murmured, while looking out the window.

We arrived at some grand gates and I shuffled my body to the other window to get a better look. I saw they had a lot of workers around there and even armed people. Mason's car drove in then we drove a little forward and the driver rolled his window down.
"Car 17" he said, in his deep accent.
"You're alright to go in" said a man with a board, ticking a box off. The large gates opened and we drove in. That's when I saw it, the Verger's mansion. There was a large fountain in the middle of the long round about. Masons car dropped him off at the front of the mansion and then my car pulled up. I shuffled my body quickly to the other end of the car, which was furthest away from Mason. The two big men and walked out the car. The driver opened the car door and saw me on the other end.
"Come here" he ordered. I only moved my legs closer to me.
"Fine!" He leaned into the car and pulled me out by my arm. I shouted slurs at him and he had to actually pick me up to get me out the car. He slammed my car door and he shook me by my arm.
"You're hurting Me" I snarled.
"Now, now Carlos. We've talked about this" smiled Mason, I only rolled my eyes at him. Carlos grunted while letting me go. I considered running but I saw the grand gates and armed men.
"Now Grace, I'm sure you have many questions but I promise they will all be answered soon" Mason gestured something to Carlos and suddenly he grabbed my arm, swung me around and cut off the zip ties. I felt my wrists and they were scabbed and bloody.
"Gentle now, Carlos" Mason spoke in a soft tone and it was very unsettling.
"Come with me" Mason held his arm out but I only pulled a dirty look. He chuckled at me and dropped his arms to his side and started to walk somewhere, with his hands in his pockets. I had no choice but to follow him, he began his long, boring speech.
"You know, this house has been apart of my family for generations. It holds many people but only has me and Margot living here. We sometimes give rooms out to my trusty helpers but... it's never full of heart as I want it to be-" I cut him off
"Sell it then" I didn't show any emotions on my face and my eyes were droopy.
"It's been apart of my family for generations." He reminded me. I only shrugged my shoulders at him. He scoffed. We arrived to a different building and it seemed loud inside.
"Behind these walls is truly something beautiful"
He smirked and then turned to open the doors. We had to climb up these stairs to some panel's. When we got to the top, I saw there was a lot of buttons and levers and even a harness that hung above that seemed for people. The squeals of pigs hurt my ears.
"You've met a lot of people, right? Even killed a few. You must know some people who act like this?" He held his arm out to a large metal cage. I walked over to see pigs in a tight cage, squealing.
"People who act like pigs? I know a few" I darted my eyes at him and he burst out laughing.
"Me and you are going to get along JUST FINE" he said, holding his stomach while he laughed. I glanced up at the harness and Mason noticed my curiosity.
"We transfer the meat into the cage using that-" I again, cut Mason off.
"It's for people" I said, fascinated by it still and not showing any emotion to my discovery.
"Smart girl. Carlos? Demonstration?" Asked Mason. I looked away from the harness, a little confused by the term 'demonstration'. Mason walked over to the panel of buttons and pressed a button for the harness to slowly fall down. Carlos looked into a box and pulled out a large piece of raw ribs. They were massive and it looked like it belonged to a bear. Once the harness was down to level, he hauled it onto the harness and Mason lifted it up and guided it to the cage. The pigs squealed with anticipation and were stomping on each other to get to it first. He lowered it into the cage and they jumped in for the meat. Some were even killing and eating each other.
"Cannibalism?" I murmured. "Is it normal for boars to be cannibals?" I asked Mason.
"No" he said. The way he said it gave me goosebumps. Moments later, he lifted back up the harness and brought it back over. I looked to see the ribs were gone except some blood stains.
"Why such a small cage for such violent animals?" I asked.
"Curiosity. You see, I once put two dogs in a cage with no food but lots of water. One died of starvation and the other one got a warm meal. Survival of the fittest" he put his hand oh my back and walked me out the barn while telling me his story. Me, as a dog lover, was slightly disgusted at his story.
"It's not survival of the fittest, it's animal abuse" I explained it to him.

"Well. The dog who died, didn't attack the other dog for food"

"Because it's tame"

"If you was dying of starvation with a hunk of meat beside you, human or not, you wouldn't kill and eat it?"

"I would probably die from infections or food poisoning or even lose myself"

"If you lose yourself, you've probably killed whoever you was stuck with and ate them. You wouldn't care, you would be finally feel satisfied"

"Your reasons are just bull crap. You're doing that to the pigs because your curious"

"Yes, my dear"

His response made goosebumps flow through my body. It even made me shiver. I didn't even notice but we were at the front door to the mansion.
"Ladies first" he smirked while opening the door. I stepped inside to just see riches everywhere. There was expensive antiques everywhere, marble tiles, pretty flowers, it was spotless and had a lot of red tones. I stared in astonishment.
"You like it?" Asked Mason.
"Sadly enough" I murmured. I turned around to see Mason getting his coat taken off him by a woman then to hang it on a rack next to him, I rolled my eyes at him for how lazy he was and dependent on other people.
"Follow me" he said. He speed walked past me and I had to jog to catch up to him. The house was massive and there was paintings of the Verger family. When I saw Margot's painting on the wall, I had to stop to admire it. She was in a dress I could tell she didn't want to be in and had a very stern look on face. The detail Must've taken hours to do, but seemed worth it.
I glanced up to see Mason tapping at his watch.
"Sorry" I said while walking beside him again. He opened a door and I walked in to look around.
"This is where you will be staying" he said, standing by the door frame.
"Even Smells like prison" I murmured. Suddenly, he slammed the door and locked it shut. I ran to it and kicked and knocked at the door.
"Let me out!" I shouted. I only heard keys rattle, hitting each other and footsteps walking away.
"Mason!" I screamed. I later realised there was no use and decided to look around the room. The colour scheme for this bedroom was a red and a black, very flirtatious colours. I felt the bed sheets, they were silky, like Hannibal's bedsheets. I sighed while feeling the sheets. I decided to not get to distracted and walked over to the wardrobe. I gasped to see clothes were in here. They all looked very expensive and uncomfortable looking but also stylish. The one that caught my eye was a long, luxurious dress. I felt the fabric and it was a silk feeling. I wondered if I would ever have to wear it. I decided to look in the bathroom, it was spacious and I even was gifted some shampoos and sanitary towels. The bathtub was rather large And even had seats on them. I chuckled at the sight of them. 'Way too rich for my liking' I said to myself. I heard the door open and I walked back into the bedroom, there stood Margot. She had a box in her hand.

"Hi, I'm Margot" she said, she didn't seem that friendly.
"Grace" I said, not moving from where I was and watched her shut the door behind herself.
"I see my brother caught you" she sighed. I didn't respond.
"Not talkative, I get that" she sat herself on the bed and brushed off her pants. She must've came back from horse riding.
"What's in the box?" I asked, deciding to sit on the bed with her.
"A peace offering, from me and my brother. Mainly me though" she passed over me the box and it was wrapped neatly. I carefully opened it and looked inside. It was some snacks, DVD's and a phone with a charger. I picked up the phone and viewed it, it was the latest and the most recent expensive phone on the market, there was already a SIM card in it and I saw they even had some apps downloaded and a lock screen made, it was just a photo of a puppy.
"Cute" I said, I didn't really use much expression in my voice but I quite liked the phone and admired it for a moment.
"It's to call me or my brother. Other contacts are saved and my brother can see everything you do on that phone, so be careful" she warned. I nodded my head to her.
"Enjoy" she said while seeing herself out. SHe locked the door and walked away. I put my new phone on the nightstand and I decided to see what pyjamas There was for me to use. I opened the wardrobe and saw a robe that looked rather cute. I took it off the coat hanger and viewed it. I decided to wear it for the night. I took it into the bathroom with me and I changed there since I didn't like the idea to change in the bedroom.

I ruffled my hair while viewing myself in the mirror. It felt rather comfy on my skin but I couldn't wear such luxurious things like this on myself for too long. I decided to go straight to bed and hope to sleep the entire week away. I tucked myself in alone. I was missing everyone dearly and I even considered hugging my pillow. I slowly fell asleep and prayed that tomorrow would be easier than today and this was all a bad dream.

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