Change of Heart

Por Reasonstosmileathome

2.9M 98.7K 152K

"You're lying." Zavier spoke so low that even he barely heard his words himself. "Huh?" He picked up the vol... Mais

character looks
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
alternate chapter 20

chapter 29

63.6K 2K 4.3K
Por Reasonstosmileathome

Third person POV:

Zavier had managed to avoid Isaac since the last suggestive sentence he had spoken to him the day before but now it was time for practice, and this meant no avoiding.

"You can't run away now." Isaac smiled on the field, doing the warmup next to Zavier. "I just wanted to say that-"

"Okay boys, it's time for a practise shooting." Coach ordered, separating Isaac and Zavier.

Isaac frowned but Zavier had a triumphant look on his face walking away from Isaac.

And that was how it went for the whole practice. It seemed like Isaac had the worst luck as every time he would finally catch Zavier, either Coach would say something, or somebody, mostly Harrison Isaac noticed, would come over and interrupt.

Isaac had become increasingly frustrated as he sat in the locker rooms, waiting for everyone to leave one by one.

Zavier would take the longest to change after he had showered he had noted and he would normally take his time with Dillon but Dillon had been off ill today.

"You coming Isaac?" Harrison asked, holding his soccer kit in his hand.

"Nah, I've just got to talk to somebody." Isaac dismissed him, watching to make sure Zavier didn't escape from his gaze.

Harrison followed Isaac's view, and saw it directly on Zavier. "What is up with you two?"

Isaac unwillingly removed his eyes away from Zavier and moved them to Harrison. "What?"

"You-" Harrison noticed Isaac looking at Zavier again and shook his head. "You know what, it doesn't matter."

"Yeah, alright. I'll see you tomorrow." Isaac waved, having not listened to a word Harrison had said, and not bothering to even see if Harrison waved back.

Zavier took his sweet time packing all his stuff and not only was Isaac becoming frustrated, he was feeling very tired.

What felt like an eternity later, but merely a few minutes, it was just them in the locker room. Isaac checked around the side to make sure there weren't any spies and when he didn't see anyone, he felt relieved that 'luck' had finally decided to be on his side a bit.

Isaac walked up to Zavier, who faced the lockers, still packing up random stuff from his soccer kit. He tapped Zavier's shoulder, causing him to turn around and face him.

"Looks like we can finally talk now." Isaac grinned, but Zavier's eyes darted to the side, searching for any kind of excuse to get out of this awkward confrontation.

"I'd rather not talk. I actually have to er- get home early to um... make dinner, yeah, prepare dinner." Zavier awfully lied, he really was starting to lose his cool around Isaac, and he hated that for him.

"I think your family can wait an extra five minutes for you, don't you think?"

Isaac had never seen Zavier so nervous before, and then he realised, he was probably uncomfortable with how close Isaac was, so what did Isaac do?

He got closer.

"So Zavier," Isaac was in control here now, and even he knew that. "I was just wondering by what you meant when you said that thing yesterday. Of course, I wouldn't judge whether it's true or not, I just wanted to know, that's all." But his kindness took over, snapping Zavier back to reality.

"Okay Isaac, if you don't judge, then you wouldn't mind helping out a friend."

Isaac raised a brow at him, "Helping out?"

"Yes, you dummy." Zavier overpowered Isaac, stepping closer to him whilst Isaac stepped back, realising his luck was up already. "We are friends, right? And friends help each other out, no matter how hard the situation is."

Isaac didn't like the double meaning behind that and decided this confrontation could be delayed, trying to leave but Zavier pulled him back, pushing him against the locker.

"Leaving so soon?" Zavier traced his fingers along Isaac's jawline, making him shiver.

"Yeah, I just realised I'm busy too. We can... d-do this l-later." Isaac struggled to get his words out as he felt Zavier's lips on his neck. "What are you doing?"

Zavier took his lips away and smiled at Isaac's reaction that he had caused, "Absolutely nothing Isaac. Like you said, I think whatever's waiting for us can wait another five minutes."

"No, not five minutes. I was joking." Isaac tried to go back on his words but Zavier stayed smiling, nodding his head unconvinced. "No, really Zavier. I just meant that-"

But Zavier shut him up, bringing his lips to Isaac's, connecting them in a long awaited kiss.

Isaac's eyes widened, trying to understand what was happening and when it sunk in that Zavier was kissing him, he tried to resist, but when Zavier leaned himself against Isaac, Isaac gasped at the surprise of body contact, allowing Zavier's tongue in, and that was all Isaac needed to kiss back.

But the kiss didn't last long as Zavier removed his lips from Isaac's lips to his neck, making sure to leave a mark.

"Wait I, Don't l-leave a hicky, please." Isaac tried to say, but it came out more as mumbling, and Zavier wasn't paying too much attention to Isaac's mumbles.

"Fuck." Isaac bit back a moan, pulling Zavier closer to him.

Zavier left kiss trails down Isaac's neck, then very slowly and a bit unsurely slipped his hand down into Isaac's pants.

Isaac in his daze didn't notice until he felt a light squeeze on his dick, causing him to gasp.

Zavier's hand moved slowly and gently up and down Isaac's dick , glancing up to assess Isaac's reaction, but when he saw Isaac with his eyes closed and head back against the locker, Zavier's confidence grew as the strokes increasingly became faster, making Isaac lose his breath. "Fuck." He choked out, feeling Zavier use one hand to play with his hair, whilst using the other to jerk him off.

It didn't take long for Isaac to know that he was close and it was as if Zavier also knew this, slowing down his pace, purposefully teasing Isaac.

"Zavier, stop i-it."

"You want me to stop?" Zavier stilled, but kept his hand cupping Isaac's length.

"NO... I mean no, just, you know, please?" Isaac's cheeks flushed, knowing how desperate he sounded.

Zavier didn't reply, understanding what Isaac wanted and carried on pumping Isaac's length.

"Shittt." Isaac groaned as Zavier's lips returned to his neck, sucking a certain sweet spot whilst his movements of his hand got faster until Isaac eventually felt that sense of a dreamy bliss, finally getting his release.

Zavier left one last lingering kiss on Isaac's neck before disappearing to the sinks behind the lockers whilst it dawned on Isaac the full extent of what had happened.

"Oh my fuck. Fuck. Fuckity hell. Fuck me. Fucking idiot. Fudge." He swore, running a hand through his already messy hair.

Maybe it was the tension in the air, but Zavier found that uncontrollably funny, laughing so hard as he walked back to sit next to Isaac whilst Isaac gave him a glare.

"Nothing's fucking funny." Isaac scowled.

"You swear a lot when you're anxious."

"No I fuck- shit, I do." Isaac sighed, "I just don't know what I'm doing."

"You're sitting down." Zavier stated deadpanned.

Isaac hit him on the side lightly, "You idiot, that's not what I meant. I meant I don't know what I'm doing with you."


"Maybe it's still a fluke."

"What do you mean?"

"Like I don't actually enjoy kissing you. Think about it, we've only really kissed when we're arguing, so maybe I accidentally mistake my anger for lust."

"Are we arguing right now?"

"No... not that I know of."


And with that, Zavier put his mouth on Isaac's again and almost instinctively, Isaac responded back, already feeling the warmth in his stomach emerge again.

Zavier had only planned it to be a short peck on the lips, to prove Isaac wrong but when he felt Isaac's hands on his cheeks, he melted into the kiss, feeling his erection start to become even more unbearable.

Isaac had such a big effect on him yet Isaac seemed reluctant to acknowledge it.

It then dawned on Isaac what he was doing and he pulled away, wanting to smack his forehead at his stupidity. "Oh fuck."

"Looks like your brain knows the difference between anger and lust." Zavier got up and grabbed his soccer bag whilst Isaac watched in disbelief on how collected Zavier was, but he didn't see the worrying look Zavier had on his face, or his hand shaking a bit as he picked up his bag. "I'll see you tomorrow Isaac." Zavier walked out, leaving Isaac with his jumbled thoughts.

One thing Isaac did know is that he would need to take an extra cold shower as soon as he got home.


Isaac had stayed up all night, reliving the day before and trying to figure out his feelings and his sexuality. Unfortunately, that meant he hadn't got enough sleep, and although that was normal for him, he was feeling cranky due to the fact that it was indirectly Zavier's fault that he hadn't been able to sleep properly.

"Are you alright Isaac?" Gemma repeated for the third time but Isaac nodded, even thought it felt like he could just fall asleep right now, by the lockers.

"Is it because of English? You can always skip the class or something." Gemma suggested, but he shook his head.

He had skipped too many English lessons and he needed to keep his grades up.

"Whatever's wrong, you can tell us when you're ready, okay?" Gemma's kind words fell on deaf ears for Isaac.

How would he be able to just causally pop out, 'oh you know, Zavier gave me a hand job last night... and we made out... oh yeah, and that wasn't the first time we've kissed' ?

Isaac noticed Harrison staring at his neck, making him feel a bit uncomfortable and self conscious, when it dawned on him what was on it.


"I'm gonna get something from my locker, I'll see you guys later." Isaac split from the group, not realising Harrison had followed him.

"Isaac... wait, Isaac!" Harrison had to speed up to catch up with Isaac who didn't stop walking. "Were you running away from me?" Harrison questioned when he caught up with Isaac, walking by his side.

"No." Isaac lied.

"What happened last night? With you and Zavier?" Ever since getting back from the trip, it just seemed like everywhere he'd go, he would either see Zavier sneaking peeks at Isaac or vice versa.

"What? Nothing did." Isaac stifled a yawn, feeling his energy being even more drained out by this pointless interrogation.

"Why have you got hickies then?"

Isaac tried to keep his expression neutral, "You do know that I could've gone out last night? Anyway, I'm too tired for this Harrison, we can talk later."

"Fine then." Harrison half stormed off in the other direction and Isaac pondered on his sudden change of behaviour but didn't dwell on it and collected the things he needed from English and begrudgingly walked to the class.

Zavier already sat there, and Bella too, but Bella sat in his seat, and Isaac was really not ready to fight over the seat, so he just sat next to Bella.

"You look like shit." Bella snorted, covering her mouth with her perfectly manicured bubble gum pink nails.

"Yeah, was aiming for your looks today."

"Fucking dickhead." Bella muttered, and turned to Zavier for support, but Zavier had a small smile on his face making her roll her eyes. "I'm in the middle of two idiots."

"You are in Isaac's seat Bel." Zavier pointed out, but Isaac was comfortable where he was, away from Zavier, but his heart didn't agree.

Bella huffed, but got up, waiting for Isaac to also get up so they could swap seats. Isaac unenthusiastically stood up and sat in his rightful seat, ignoring Zavier's gaze on him until it got annoying when he still didn't look away.

"Stop staring at me." Isaac muttered, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

"Someone's grumpy." Zavier had a sly smile on, watching Isaac's scowl grow deeper. "Woah Isaac."

"What?" Isaac turned to look at him.

"Who gave you those hickies on your neck?" Zavier admired his work, feeling a surge of pride that he was able to mark Isaac like that.

"Fuck. Off." Isaac groaned, putting his head on the desk to hide his neck.

He really was stupid to forget about them, he should've stolen his mom's concealer or something like that.

Zavier leaned down to Isaac's ear, "If it makes you feel better, I think you look hot." He whispered, the warm breath sending shivers down Isaac's spine.

Isaac wished he could stay with his head in his arms, but when Miss Page came in and the class went silent, he knew he had to raise his head up.

Isaac tried to at least keep his head down a bit, but when Miss Page's eyes searched around the room and landed on his, he knew he was screwed as they held the eye contact before Isaac looked away in distress.

Not only would he have to worry about Zavier now, Miss Page was also included.

For the most of the lesson, Isaac kept his eyes on his paper, wishing the seconds would go faster, so when there was a minute left, he started to relax a bit more.

Until this.

"Isaac, stay behind please so that I can inform you on what you've missed, it won't take long." She picked up some sheets and placed it on the front table. "Everybody else can go, just collect these sheets on your way out, they're your homework due for next lesson."

Isaac stayed say in his seat whilst everyone else scurried out, Zavier taking one last look at Isaac before walking out of the classroom.

"So Isaac, I noticed that you missed a lot of English classes since our last chat." Miss Page walked over, pulling out a chair from the table in front and turning it to sit opposite Isaac.

He scratched the side of his head, not really knowing what to say, and settling for a, "Yeah... bad timings I guess."

"I wanted to apologise." She placed her hands on the desk.


"Yes. I know you're uncomfortable around me, and I don't want me to be the reason you feel like you would rather skip English classes then see me. I understand what I did was very unprofessional, so I'm sorry for that." She admitted, seeming a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, okay." Isaac nodded unsurely, waiting for her to say something else, but she didn't. "Can I go then?"

Miss Page appeared as if she had something else to say, but changed her mind at the last minute. "Have you been able to catch up on the work?"

He nodded, and stood up eagerly, glad to be leaving this weird atmosphere.

"I'll see you later this week."

Isaac didn't respond, only grabbing the sheet that was on the front desk and walking out so quickly that he bumped into a person on the way out.

Realising it was Zavier, he rebounded back like he had just been electric shocked.

Zavier's eyes slightly widened at Isaac's reaction, and a concerned look took over, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes I'm fine. Let's just try keep a distance between us." Zavier's heart felt a little crack at Isaac's hostility, but he masked his concern with a laid back expression.

"Uh that's gonna be a bit difficult since you're coming round mine tonight."

"You're fucking joking." Isaac muttered sharply. "Why?"

"Because some of my relatives are coming over for my dad's birthday and your family's invited." Zavier explained, walking alongside Isaac.

"Amazing. Just amazing." Isaac clenched his jaw and created a gap between the two of them.

Zavier noticed, and tried to close it, but whenever he did, Isaac would just move again, until he couldn't move again since his shoulder was brushing against the lockers.

"Don't you think we should talk about... you know... yesterday?" Zavier looked to the side, making sure that there was nobody near.

"No." Isaac bluntly responded.


"Oh look, I'm at my Spanish class, I guess I'll see you later."

"Like you say Isaac, you can't run away forever." Zavier warned, but Isaac had already gone into the classroom.

Isaac had heard him but the events were too fresh in his mind for now, he needed more time to think, because even he was confused with what was going on with him.

Watching the Spanish teacher come in, he kicked Zavier out of his head and focussed on the lesson.

He would have to deal with Zavier when the time came.

A/N: err enjoy BAHAH the hints of smut 🤫 25/11/20

I HAVENT POSTED FOR SO LONG wait let me go check when i last posted... 20th november and its 29th december OOPS i might not even post this yet but i'm writing chapter 38 rn so that's great, kind of at a mind block tho unfortunately :/ i didn't want to post this cuz i had to edit the handjob bit and the kiss bit a lot so i cba and just wrote other chapters but now this chapter is ready for the world i guess so enjoy this :) sorry for my random plots yk just go with it guys so yeah that's basically it. also just binge watched doctor who season 5,6,7 with matt smith as the doctor cuz it goes off netflix on 31st and i loved season 5 and 6 👨‍⚕️

THIRD UPDATE LMAO- i posted it then unpublished it BUT I'M PUBLISHING IT NOW TODAY 31st December cuz i was gonna expand on the BJ but i couldnt be bothered so enjoy :) also ty for the reads

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