Tonight Is The Night I Die -R...

By katecaswinchester

2K 88 1

it's 2034 and the vampires have taken over. the all powerful Dracula, AKA William Control is the leader of t... More

mates ?
Sex on fire
princess mating ball
longing for lust
Death to you mother and father !!
A true Queen
love and hate
On the rocks..... i dive to die
Fear of the unknown
I give myself to you
Bring me to life
where is she ?!!
Intimacy pt 1


124 5 0
By katecaswinchester

weeks later 

Maria's POV

I am currently helping Juliet set up the council celebration ball, for their 1000 year anniversary. I am on the ladder trying to alter the chandelier with some crystial flower decor , when suddenly my whole body grew hot and I was getting dizzy.  My whole body froze .

"Maria! Are you ok up there?"Juliet asked from the bottom of the ladder. I needed Remington...but  i was too weak to use the mate communication.

"Juliet...get Remington.."I said. 

"What's wrong."

"Go now!"I said and she ran out of here as fast as she could. I feel my  body start to tingle and all feeling in my hands and limbs go numb but i still try to hang on. Suddenly my vision blurs even more. I feel pressure and wetness between my legs. 

Oh shit...

I start to fall back but a pair of arms catch me. I look up and its Remington. His hand caresses my cheek and the whole council is surrounding me.

"It's time isnt it ?"Andy asked.


"Alright ! The ball has been postponed until next week ! Also nobody is to disturb my son and the princess over the next couple days!" The king ordered and everyone obeyed.

"I'm so hot Remmy."I said and he kisses my cheek.

"It's alright baby. It'll be over soon..Come on."He picks me up bridal style , before vamp speeding to our room and we try to take a cold shower together, the cold water cooling me off and helping me  , getting myself together, but the heat and the wetness and pressure between my legs not seizing at all.

Remingtons hands feel over my body and he uses his pointer finger to make me look at him. His brown doe eyes meet my sea blue and i could practically see into his soul. I could feel his emotions, all of it. He wants this as much as I..

"Are you sure your ready for this? It's ok if your not..if so then i can have juliet make a potion that will ease the heat for a couple weeks."He offers and I shake my head.

"No need. Just...take me...i'm ready..."

"It's more than just making love will become a part of me, my soulmate for life" 

"I know...I'm ready..." I said before kissing him.

He holds me close and pushes me against the shower wall and i feel myself being picked up and before i knew it I was on our bed.

As we kissed, i began to wonder what my life is going to potentially be like after I am turned. Will i hurt people? What if I killed someone I love...

I try to push all that negativity out of my mind and focus on the man pleasing me.



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