Beautiful Soul - cash au -

By crystellethemage

129K 4.5K 2.3K

He never imagined that this was going to be his life. He thought that one day he would make it out of this go... More

One Step Closer
The Darkness That We Know
Deep Water
The Shadows Cover Me
Safest Place to Hide
Nothing Without Love
Climbing the Walls
Take A Bow
You Were Meant For Me
Everything I Have is Yours
The Skies Above Ablaze
We Are Never Broken
Pieces of You
You Make My Heart Skip
Stuck On Survive
The Cruelty of Everyone Else
Wake Up Alone
I Found a Boy
Fly, Let Me Fly
The Way We Are Now
Dancing In The Wind
I Want You and Your Beautiful Soul
Beautiful Soul Extras
Share This Day Anew
Thought I Was Lost
Falling Is Like This
Chosen as Mine
The Road Less Traveled
The Best of Me
The Best of Me Part Two

Dark Eyes and Careless Hair

4.5K 170 70
By crystellethemage

The rest of the week passed by without any problems. On Friday afternoon, Nash got his first paycheck with his raise. His eyes almost bulged put of his sockets when he saw the amount written on the check. It was nearly twice as much as he used to make. Was his raise really that much? He contemplates asking Bart about it but he decides not to. The extra money can go towards more nutritious meals for the kids.

He's fighting back tears as he realizes that they no longer have to starve. They no longer have to scrape the bottom of the barrel. He starts to walk home, his spirits are high.

"Nash!" Cameron yells and Nash stops and turns towards him. He smiles at Cameron, he didn't see him much during the week but they always smiled at each other if they bumped into one another.

"Are we still on for tomorrow?" He asks, his eyes shining brightly and a happy smile on his face.

Nash nods and smiles in return. "Yeah, we're really looking forward to it. We'll definitely be here."

"Great! I can't wait, it's going to be so fun. I'm going to take you guys to the river that's on the edge of our property, I wish it was summer so we can get in but it's beautiful none the less." Cameron tells him. His eyes move over Nash's body, Nash's face blushes at Cameron's look. He's never really had such attention on him.

"Are you headed home?" Cameron asks softly.

"Yeah... I have to pick up my siblings and then we're going shopping." Nash replies as he shuffles his feet.

"Where's your car?" Cameron asks curiously. His eyes take in Nash's appearance, he never really noticed it. His attention had solely been on his beautiful face and his brilliant eyes. Nash's shoes are very worn, to the point of almost being unwearable. His pants and shirt have small holes and lose threads. His snapback was faded and worn as well.

Nash stares at the ground and his voice is quiet as he answers Cameron's question.

"I walk. It's not too far only 30 minutes if I walk fast..."

Nash trails off, not knowing what to say next. Cameron tips Nash's head up to meet his eyes.

"Hey... it's okay. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'm sorry." Cameron regrets pressing Nash on the subject, he looks so sad.

Nash smiles wanly, it doesn't reach his eyes like before. "It's okay, it's a normal thing to ask."

"Come with me, I'll give you a ride home." Cameron says and he doesn't leave any room for argument. He leads Nash to his Range Rover and Nash follows him meekly. He gets into the car and he can't hold back his gasp.

The inside of the car is state of the art. Leather seats and lcd screen, the works. He's never been in such a luxurious car.

"Type in your address into the GPS," Cameron tells him as he pulls out onto the main road. He doesn't notice Nash's awe at the car. Nash fumbles a little bit with the screen but manages to get his address in before Cameron notices anything.

He comes to the realization that Cameron will see where he lives, he'll know he's trailer park trash,  that makes Nash incredibly nervous. What if Cameron decides that Nash is way too beneath him for him to even associate himself?

His breathing gets fast as he tries to swallow back the panic and fear. He's longed for Cameron for so long, he's watched him from a far for so many years. He finally has a chance to get close to him and he's scared that he'll blow it.

He knows the kind of people Cameron usually hangs out with, they're all rich like he is. They're not trailer park trash like Nash is,  they don't struggle to put food on the table like Nash does. They live carefree lives where their every whim is catered to.

Cameron glances at Nash, he's lost deep in thought as he stares out the window.

"What are you thinking about?" Cameron asks him. He glances at the GPS and notices they're almost to their destination.

"You know, we graduated together. We were in the same class." Nash says suddenly. He immediately regrets bring that up, it might make him seem like a creeper that he watched Cameron from afar.

"Really?? I never saw you... I'd remember if I did," Cameron looks at Nash who is looking at him now instead of out the window.

Cameron definitely would have remembered those eyes, his lips, his smile. He actually feels disappointment, he wishes he had known Nash in high school. He really wasn't attached to anyone in school, he went from one night stand to one night stand. He imagines being in a relationship with Nash in high school. They would have had stolen kisses in the stairwell, skipped class to spend time together. Go out on dates, do homework together. He zones out thinking about all the lost time, if only he had noticed Nash.

But he was wrapped in his own bubble of friends, he barely paid attention to anyone outside that group. People thought that made him conceited, that he didn't want to hang out with anyone else, Cameron didn't give a fuck about them.

"Did you notice me?" Cameron asks abruptly, he's curious to know. He looks at Nash as he makes a turn  like the GPS instructed him to.

Nash is silent for a moment. "Yeah... I noticed you."

He wants to say more but he swallows back the words. He wants to tell him how infatuated Nash was with him, well if  Nash is being honest with himself, he still is. Probably more so now that he's actually interacting with him.

He wants to tell him how Nash would wait for him to walk by to his locker just to catch a glimpse, even if it made him late for class. He wants to tell him how Nash dreamed about him, how he was desperate to be noticed by him. How he wanted to cuddle with him, kiss him, play with his hair. Stare into his dark eyes.

But Nash doesn't say anything, he's too embarrassed to say anything. He's scared that Cameron will think he's crazy on top of being trailer trash.

Cameron stops and actually takes in his surroundings. Nash sits there quietly, he wants to get out of the car but he doesn't want to leave Cameron.

Cameron is unsure of what to say, he doesn't want to offend Nash or make him feel bad about a situation he clearly has no control. This changes nothing about his plans with Nash or how he feels about him.

"I'll pick you guys up tomorrow, yeah?" Cameron says, there's no way he'll let the 3 of them walk all the way to his ranch.

"I... yeah that would be great." Nash replies tentatively a shy smile of his face. Cameron loves Nash's smile already. He's getting attached so easily to him, he's the first one to make Cameron feel that way.

"Thanks for the ride home. I really appreciate it." Nash says politely. His father isn't home yet so they'll have to walk to the store, but Nash doesn't mind. He's excited to be able to actually buy some of the things they want to eat.

"You're welcome." Cameron replies as he tries to think of ways to extend his time with Nash, he doesn't want him to leave.

Nash makes the move to open the car door but Cameron reaches over and stops him.

"Do you need a ride to the store? I could take you guys and bring you back." He offers, he prays that Nash will agree.

"Oh no, I couldn't inconvenience you like that. We'll be fine, we do it all the time,"  Nash declines his offer and Cameron feels disappointment in the pit of his stomach.

"It's not an inconvenience, believe me Nash. I want to do it. I would love to. Let me do this for you," he pleads and smiles when Nash bites his lip and nods slowly.

"I just have to get the kids from my neighbor. They're actually excited to meet you." Nash says and Cameron nods at him. They both get out of the car, Nash is surprised that Cameron is following him but he doesn't say anything.

He walks up to Mrs. Kaplan's trailer as Cameron looks around the trailer park, taking it all in. He's never been in such a place before. He's lived a fairly sheltered life. His parents would take him to a country club where he'd play tennis, go swimming and hang out with his friends. His friends are all children of his parents friends so they all hung out together. He never paid attention to anyone outside his circle and he kind of regrets it.

Mrs. Kaplan opens the door a smile on her face, she's surprised to see someone else with Nash. In the years that she's known him, she's never seen him with anyone but his siblings.

"Hi, Mrs. Kaplan, this is Cameron..." he introduces them and Cameron shakes her hand and smiles back at her.

Skylynn is a ball of energy and throws her self at Nash who catches her and picks her up. His body is still sore from the beating he took last night but the pain is the least of his worries.

"Hi baby girl, did you have fun at school today?" He asks her kissing her head tenderly. Skylynn starts to talk about her day and how she painted a 'horsey' and how she was so excited to see a real 'horsey' tomorrow. Hayes comes outside, carrying his and Skylynn's bags.

"Guys this is Cameron, he's the one who's taking us riding horses tomorrow." He tells them, he waves to Mrs. Kaplan who looks happy and waves back at them.

"Yay, horseys tomorrow!" Skylynn yells in excitement. Hayes is quiet, he's not sure what to say but he's excited as well for tomorrow.

Cameron leads them back to his car. Hayes is still quiet as he climbs into the car and Nash straps Skylynn into the back seat next to Hayes. He wishes he had a booster seat for her because she's still so small, but they just can't afford it.

Hayes is looking around the car with wide eyes. The back of the front seats have small tvs, Hayes has never seen a car with tvs before. Even when they lived in their old house, they never had anything as luxurious as this car. He silently wishes that this could be their car instead of the clunker that their dad drives. Most of the time they end up walking everywhere because their father was gone to the bar or wherever he goes to drink.

Skylynn babbles about horses to them and Cameron smiles at her cuteness. He can see why Nash loves his siblings so much and why he would do anything for them. He drives them to the grocery store and they all get out and enter the store. Cameron places Skylynn in the seat of the shopping cart. He plays silly games with her as Nash stops by the customer service desk to cash his check. Cameron is confused as to why he doesn't have a checking account but he doesn't say anything.

Hayes walks with them he looks longingly at treats, they can never afford to buy anything but bread, lunch meat, milk and cereal. Nash comes up next to him.

"Why don't you pick out a treat for you and Skylynn?" He says, giving Hayes a small smile. Hayes looks up at him, a hopeful smile on his face.

"Really?" He asks, his smile morphs into excitement. He nods at him and he eagerly goes to the candy section and picks out a box of Oreos. Skylynn squeals in excitement when she sees the cookies, Nash smiles happy that he's able to provide my family with a little bit of happiness.

They go through the store and Nash is very careful in what he picks, he doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of Cameron by having to return things at the check out lane.

"Skylynn is the most adorable little girl I've ever met," Cameron comments as he stands next to Nash while he pick out juices for the kids. Hayes has taken over pushing the cart with Skylynn.

"She's literally the light of my life," Nash responds unashamed to express his love for his siblings.

Cameron smiles at him. "I can tell. You're so good to them, Nash."

The way he treats his siblings makes Nash even more attractive to Cameron. It makes Cameron more determined to get closer to Nash, he hopes that Nash will let him.

Nash places the juice in the cart and Hayes looks at it with a happy smile on his face. They haven't had juice in a long time, they've been surviving on plain sandwiches and water. But from now on they're going to have a full meal. Nash gets pasta and spaghetti sauce, a little bit of chicken breast. He even manages to find some chips that are on sale, they'll go well with the sandwiches the kids take for lunch.

Nash runs the calculations through his head again just to make sure as they approach the check out lane. They start placing groceries on the conveyor belt when someone comes up to them. Nash recognizes him as a friend of Cameron's, they were always together when they were at school.

"Taylor, hey what's up?" Cameron says, giving Taylor a quick hug.

"Not too much, haven't seen you around lately..." Taylor replies, he looks at Nash and his siblings a confused look on his face. What is Cameron doing with them?

"Yeah I'm back home, learning the ropes of running the main farm. I decided that schools not for me, I want to continue my family's legacy. My parents are happy with my choice." Cameron responds shrugging at Taylor.

"So you'll be around then, yeah? I'm having a party tomorrow, you should come." Taylor tells Cameron, smiling slightly. Cameron glances at Nash who is paying and bagging his groceries.

"I have plans for tomorrow, dude. Text me though, I for sure want to hang out." Cameron says and Taylor nods at him.

"Alright, bro. I'll see you around." He says before walking away. Cameron turns back to Nash once Taylor is gone. He helps bag the last of the groceries and they leave with Skylynn babbling happily about cookies, horseys and rainbows.

Cameron was never the one to like children but little Skylynn and quiet, shy Hayes are making it hard for him not to like them. How can he already feel attached to this small family?

He drives them back to their trailer, there's now a beat up car in front of it.

"It's my dad's car, I guess he's home." Nash says flatly. Cameron looks at Nash, he has no emotion on his face, he's definitely not happy with the fact his father is home. Cameron wonder's why there's tension there.

"Hmm, okay..." Cameron replies softly. They get out of the car and Cameron helps Nash bring the groceries into their small trailer. Nash notices that his father is nowhere to be seen, he's probably passed out in his room.

Cameron takes a look at Nash's humble house. He's frowning because even though everything is clean, it's all old and some things look like they're falling apart. Nash opens the fridge and Cameron takes a glimpse inside, it's mostly bare, just a gallon of milk and some lunch meat.

Nash quickly puts away the groceries, Skylynn sits on the floor to play with her favorite doll. She sings to it softly as she brushes her hair. Hayes sits at the table and takes out his homework, he wants to spend all day tomorrow having fun and not have to worry about his homework.

Nash walks Cameron outside and they stand together, both of them quiet. Cameron is disturbed by the living conditions of Nash and his siblings. He chews on his lip because he knows it's not his place to say anything yet. They're barely even friends.

Cameron decides to wait it out, he wants to get close to Nash, not scare him away by being overbearing right away.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Can I pick you guys up early? Around 9? We can have breakfast at the diner, my treat." He asks Nash softly.

Nash's immediate feeling is to say no, he doesn't want handouts. But he thinks about Skylynn and Hayes and how they haven't been out to a restaurant in such a long time. It would definitely be a treat for them.

He hesitates a bit before nodding in agreement. "9 sounds perfect, Cam."

He blushes when he realizes that he used the nickname he says in his head out loud.

"I like it, Nash. You can call me Cam," Cameron says chuckling softly. Nash is so shy and it's so engaging and different. Cameron is used to people, guys and girls, throwing themselves at him. He never liked it and he's finding that he likes Nash's shy sweetness. He's drawing him in.

"Thank you so much for helping us out today, you saved us a lot of time and probably sore feet from having having to carry all the bags." Nash says gratefully. He wants to give Cameron a hug but he isn't sure how he'll respond.

He decides to throw caution to the wind and he steps close to Cameron wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug. Cameron's arms immediately come around Nash and Nash is able to bury his face in Cameron's neck, he breathes in deeply taking in his scent.

He's dreamed of a moment like this since he first saw Cameron, he almost can't believe that this is real. He savors the time he spends in Cameron's arms before pulling back and smiling at him.

Cameron lifts his hand and caresses Nash's cheek gently.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he says and he drops his hand when Nash nods at him. He goes to his car and gets in, he waves at Nash before pulling out and going down the road back home.

Nash reenters his trailer a dreamy smile on his face. He now has new memories to think off when Chad gets in his rages. He has something new to hold onto, to give him hope.

Nothing can take that away from him. Nothing.

A/N- wow this one ended up being supperrr long. I hope you guys like it, let me know what you think. Please comment I love those!!

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