In Her Laugh

By AmoraNext

211K 8.1K 8.7K

Reese Price moves to a different continent, not by choice, of course. An orphan and the youngest of five brot... More

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1. At least say hi first...
2. All is well that ends well, right?
3. Home Sweet Candy
4. Ro-Ro-Row your boat, Roman
5. It's King's Land
6. Everyone can go fu*k themselves
7. Our mistakes are not a reflection of your lack of authority or presence
8. Nobody parties like the Price family
9. I like different
10. I'm home!
11. WAP
12. And that's on period
13. Lets just cuddle
14. Pinky Promise
15. Magical Fingers
16. Glad we're on the same page
18. All men are toxic
19. Positive Affirmations
20. Morning, sleeping beasts
21. He's the one
22. Spill the tea
23. Mistletoe Madness
24. I love you
25. In your laugh
26. This is my life
27. Goodbye
28. Stay

17. What I'm saying is

3.6K 180 285
By AmoraNext


I woke before everyone else and let the cleaners in so that they could clean up the mess from the party.

I made coffee for myself and decided to sit in the theatre room to watch Netflix. I binged about two episodes of This Is Us before I got an idea to prank all the boys.

I decided to go to their rooms and saran wrap their toilet bowls. I did it to all the boys' toilets and when I was in Roman's room I realized that he has a girl in his bed. I couldn't see her face only the outline of her body underneath the blanket and how she was laid on top of him.

Once I'm done, I go back down to watch a few more episodes of This Is Us before it was time
for lunch and the cleaners had left by then too.

Everyone was still sleeping so I decided to call King and ask him what I should make for lunch. He said Indian food because the heavy food is exactly what a person needs after a long night of excessive drinking.

King walked me through making butter chicken with rice and buttered naan. It took about two hours to cook and we talked about school to fill the time.

We didn't mention anything about last night besides when I reminded him to send me the pictures again which he did right away.

"How does it taste?" King questions. We're on FaceTime and he's waiting for me to taste test the butter chicken.

I blow on the spoon one last time and put it in my mouth.

"Mm," I moan as my eyes roll back.

"That good, huh?" King breathes his hand running through his hair. He's still laying down on his side.

"Mm-hm," I bob my head. I swallow the contents before I can talk again. "King, I think you should just become a chef and fuck the engineering. Culinary school is much more fun too."

"I'll consider that," he chuckles.

"You should really get out of bed," I say as I take the pot full of butter chicken and place it on a hot surface pad. I turn off the stove and start cleaning as we continue talking.

"Sundays are the only days I get to sleep in," King groans as he rolls over.

"Is everyone home?"

"Yeah, everyone's home on Sundays. Your brothers got pretty wasted last night, huh? None of them are up yet."

"Yeah, they're like that. They haven't partied since our parents passed so I can't even be mad at them. It makes me happy in a way that life is going back to normal or as normal as the new normal can get," I shrug as I start washing some of the utensils.

"Yeah, it's good. Everyone's adjusting," King says. "Have you talked to Sebastian?"

"No. I don't think he's up."

"Did Roman and Landon make it home?"

"Yeah, I went in, to set up some pranks this morning and they were all deadly asleep."

"Kinggggg!" I hear little voices yell and giggle. Then I hear King grunt and groan in pain.

"You little rascals! Get off of me!"

"Mom said you you need to get up!" the little girl says.

"Why?" King whines. I watch as he hides under the blanket. He struggles to fight his siblings as they take the blanket off of him. "Fine, give me five minutes."

"Okay, what are you even doing?" Terrence questions.

I watch as Terrence sneaks his head in front of King's to get a view of the screen. I smile at the little boy and he smiles back.

"Hi, I'm Terrence," he introduces.

"I'm Reese," I smile back. I turn off the water quickly as I'm done washing everything and dry off my hands with the kitchen towel.

"Is that a girl? Is it Ev-Everleigh?" I hear Talisha in the background.

"No, it's someone else," Terrence says. He has to look back at the screen to make sure first. I laugh at him.

"Yes, it is a girl and no it's not Everleigh. I told you we're not friends anymore, remember?"

"Yeah, I forgot," I hear Talisha respond.

"But this is my new friend, Reese. Say hi to her," King says pointing the camera and screen to his little sister.

"Hi," I smile and wave this time. She looks at me and smiles back.

"Hi, you're pretty!"

"Awe, thank you," I smile. "You're really pretty too."

"Thank you!"

"I'm gonna tell mom you're on the phone with a girl!" I hear Terrence threaten.

"Go ahead! Mom already knows ab...ou...t Reese," King says ending much quieter. "I'll be down in ten minutes, okay?"

"Okay," they both say.

"Now, get out of here," he shoos them away.

"Bye!" they yell and I say bye back.

"Sorry," King apologizes. I watch as he sits up and the blanket falls displaying his bare chest.

"Why are saying sorry? They're so cute! So... you're mom knows about me, huh?" I tease. I watch as his cheeks turn rosy and he starts laughing displaying his pearly teeth.

"Yeah, well how was I gonna lie to her and tell her that I dressed up to go hang out with a guy? I don't want them thinking things," King explains once he sobers up.

"True, I mean if you are into that...-"

"No, Reese I can assure you I am not," he deadpans.

"Whatever you say," I tease further. I'm a bitch sometimes and I will proudly admit that.

"Do I need to come over there and show you," he licks his lips.

I lean back on the counter as I stare at him. Our eyes not losing line of sight.

"I think you missed your opportunity," I taunt. Finally, he breaks the eye contact and he lets out a forced, aggravated laugh. He looks at me in disbelief.

"At least we're still friends," he breathes.

"Yeah, we are," I reply with assurance.


"Exactly," I say back. No one speaks and my eyes drop down to his chest. I can see his shoulders perfectly built. They're not too buff and they're not scrawny which only accentuates his face.

"My eyes are up here," King breaks my train of thought.

"Mm?" I question acting dumb.

"Eyes up here," he motions with his fingers. I watch as he smirks knowing he caught me.

"Isn't you're mom waiting for you?" I ask trying to change the subject. I can't take anymore embarrassment from him. I have a limit and that limit has been reached.

"Fuck, I forgot. Yeah, I should go," he agrees.

"Yeah, you don't want your mom to beat your ass," I laugh.

"True," he says getting up from the bed. "Before you go, any plans for today?"

"No, just staying home and I need to talk to Sebastian so I'll see if he can come over or something."

"You can't go to his house?" King questions. I watch as he goes through his closet. He's holding his phone down by his waist and I have a perfect view of his abs.

"Uh... his... house...uh-" I drone out distracted by the view. I then hear a noise outside the kitchen door and I snap my head waiting to see if someone's coming. No one enters.

"Reese, you okay?"

"Mm?" I shake my head. "Yeah, sorry I thought someone was about to come in. But about Sebastian, right? I'm allowed at his house, but I just haven't been over. He said his parents want me over for dinner, but we're always so busy."

"Oh, makes sense."

"Yup. Do you have any plans?"

"No, uh- I think mom wants to go grocery shopping and we're probably gonna set up the Christmas tree too. The twins hate waiting, so yes we're that family."

"Shit, I almost forgot Christmas is coming up," I breathe. I remember Christmas last year and lets just say it was a day I had deleted from my memories up until now. Can it, I had deleted that whole month out of my mind.

"Reese? Hello? Reese!"

"Sorry, I zoned out," I clear my throat.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I- D-December last year was when everything happened," I share.

"Oh, shit. Sorry."

"No, you didn't know. It's okay."

"Are you still gonna celebrate this year?" he queries.

"Yeah, I want to."

"It'll be good then."

"Yeah," I smile. "I should go check up on the boys now make sure they didn't die in their sleep or something."

"Sure," he chuckles. "Bye."

"Bye," I say and end the call.

I deeply sigh as I get off the counter and walk to the one opposite of me. I put my phone down, lean over it and open up the app which connects to the built-in speakers in our house.

I made sure to block all of the boys off of the app before I continue on with my plan. I select all of the boys' rooms and select I See Red by Everybody Loves an Outlaw. I'm sure all of the boys know where this song is from, so it'll be even better to see their reactions.

I put the volume to max and press play. I can faintly hear the music play through the walls.

"REESE FUCKING PRICE!" I hear Roman first.

"REESE!" I hear Landon yell.

"TURN IT OFF!" Jaxson groans.

My phone starts ringing and I see it's Aaron. I decline his calls and then my phone starts buzzing with messages from the family group chat.

The messages include a lot of swearing, my name and telling me to turn it off.

Then I switch the song to Bitch Better Have My Money by Rihanna.

This causes another uproar in the group chat, but I only laugh even more.

I love annoying them.

I then change the song to Baby by Justin Bieber.

The group chat goes quiet and I don't hear the boys yelling anymore either. This triggers my spidey-senses and I pause the music to see if I can hear anyone approaching the kitchen.

I hear hushed whispers outside the door and before I can prepare, the boys all come running in roaring.

With pillows in their hands, I shriek jumping onto the kitchen counter. I stand in the middle and the boys surround the four sides.

"Fuck," I yell. "Guys, this is not fair. It's five guys versus one little girl!"

"Now you wanna play this card?" Landon hisses.

"Yeah, and you would too if you were in my position!"

"Reese! We're all fucked up from last night and the music did not help our hangovers!" Aaron complains.

"Yeah, but look! I made you guys Indian food! A full course meal and everything's clean!" I point. The boys all turn and look at the food on the other counter.

I take this opportunity to jump off the counter and run into the living.

"She always does this!" Roman yells as they all chase me outside.

"Give up!"

"No!" Jaxson protests.

"Grayson!" I beg.

"You're going down," Grayson threatens.

"No!" I cry. "Come on guys!"

I shriek when they all surround me and start abusing me with their pillows. I continue to scream and flail under the impact. They push me down to the ground and I'm on my back shielding myself with my arms and legs.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! STOP PLEASE!"

And with a few lighter hits, they stop. I slowly open my eyes and watch as they all plop down on the sofas dropping their weapons.

"Was this really necessary, you guys?" I question getting up. I dust myself off.

"Yes. Yes, it was," Aaron is the one to say. I look at all the boys tired and drained. Most of their eyes getting dark circles already.

I take a seat next to Grayson and rest my head on his chest cuddling him. He closes his arm around my back and rests his hand on my shoulder. He kisses my forehead.

"So, everyone had a crazy night?" I'm the one to start.

I hear the boys laugh and groan all in unison.

"So, who wants to start sharing?" I ask.

"My night was great," Jaxson shares.

"Clearly, you left to go drop Raven off and didn't come back until like three," Aaron exposes.

"Yeah," Jaxson chuckles.

"So are you guys getting really serious?" Grayson asks.

"Yeah, it's getting there," Jaxson answers.

"Happy for you," Aaron fist bumps him.

"Same," we all chime in.

"Thanks, guys," Jaxson smiles. "Aaron, how was your night?"

"Pretty dry," Aaron admits. "Most of the women were taken."

"Sucks," Landon teases.

"Yeah and Grayson had his eyes set on the only single one there," Aaron accuses and everyone turns their attention to Grayson.

"Yeah, what's up with you and Katniss Everdeen?" Roman teasingly asks with a smirk.

"Uh, nothing," Grayson denies.

"Are you sure? We could feel the sexual tension right when she walked in," Landon pushes.

"No, she's just a business partner. Reese has met her," Grayson drags me in. I look at him confused and he squeezes my shoulder hinting at me to back him up.

"Ye-yeah, she's really nice. Her name's Astrid. We're working on improving this app that Grayson is going to buy," I share.

"Oh, that's her?" Aaron questions.


"She's pretty hot. I mean if you're not going for it then just let me know because I am down to hit it," Aaron claims.

"Aaron! Shut up. You know we can't sleep with our business associates, clients or employees!" Grayson scolds.

"I mean if it's with consent... just kidding," Aaron laughs awkwardly.

"How was your guys' party?" Grayson changes the subject.

"It was good," Landon shares.

"I had fun up until, you know," Roman looks at me and I nod knowingly. I sit up.

"Until what?" Jaxson looks between us.

"Sebastian kind of started creating a scene at the party," I share.

"What happened?" Aaron asks now sitting up as if he's ready to fight. I feel Grayson's eyes on me, but I keep my eyes on my lap.

"Everyone was really drunk at the party and I kind of got bored of being the only sober one. Truth and dare was getting boring too and at a point, everyone was pushing me to have a drink. Obviously, I didn't and Roman changed the subject as soon as he could. King came in a bit later and he doesn't drink either so he offered to take me on a walk. I had messaged in the group chat about that and even told Sebastian before we went. On the walk, I kind of realized how overwhelmed I was at the party and I started crying. King was really supportive and I told him about how I was in rehab. That's when Grayson called and King offered to take me home. I went to go tell everyone I was leaving so that they were aware, but when Sebastian noticed I was crying, he assumed it was because King did something to me. He lost his shit and tried to fight King."

"Yeah, that's when we stepped in and controlled the situation," Landon continues. "Reese told us what happened and we let King take her home."

"Sebastian was still being a bitch and started fighting with us about letting King drive you home, so we ubered him home almost right after," Roman explains. "We ubered back to the party and stayed longer."

"Sebastian really can't handle his drinks, huh? He should really stop drinking," Jaxson says.

"Yeah, how are you doing with all this?" Grayson puts his hand on my thigh. I look up and meet his eyes. He looks at me with complete sincerity.

"I think I'm gonna take a break from Sebastian. We rushed into a relationship. I mean we had ups, but the downs are getting worse as we go and they can't be ignored. I can't even share who I am with him without being scared and it shouldn't be like."

"If you think that's the best for you, then I suggest you do that," Grayson agrees.

"Lovely, I'm gonna hear about this from both sides," Roman groans.

"Shut up, she's your sister," Aaron scolds.

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

"Anyway, it's Sebastian's fault for breaching bro code," Landon says.

"Also true," Ro agrees.

"Roman also had a girl in his room," I point out.

"What? Who?" Aaron's forehead creases in question. We all look at Roman.

"Just a random girl," Roman blushes. His eyes roam the room not meeting anyone else's.

"Random girl? Sh- OW-GH!" Landon groans as Roman punches him in the sack.

"Ooooh," everyone else in the room hisses feeling Landon's pain. Landon returns the favour and hits Roman in the exact same spot.

"What the fuck was that for?" Roman screams in agony.

"Why the fuck did you hit my balls man!" Landon groans still cuffing his privates.

"Because you're stupid!"

"You're stupid!" Roman yells.

"Okay, boys cut it out," Grayson instructs. "Roman, are you being safe?"

"Yeah, I am. But I don't know if my shits gonna work now."

"Yeah, well me too," Landon sneers back.

"You'll be fine, stop being dramatic," Jaxson laughs.

"Why don't you guys freshen up. Foods ready," I change the subject not wanting to talk about my brothers' reproductive organs.

"Yeah, I'm starving," Aaron says rubbing his belly.

The boys start getting up to go freshen up.

"I'll get the food ready," I smile as I walk into the kitchen. I hear my phone buzzing on the counter and pick it up when I notice it's Sebastian.


"Hey, you made it home?" Sebastian speaks lowly clearing his throat.


"I've been calling you for so long," he says.

"My phone was in the kitchen and I was with brothers in the living room."



"I think we need to talk," Sebastian says.

"Yeah, we do," I reply. "Can you come over today?"

"Yeah, are you home all day?"

"Yeah, I don't have any plans."

"Okay, I'll shower, eat and I'll come in about two or three hours."

"Sounds good."

"Okay, see you."

"See you," I half-heartedly smile and end the call.

"REESE!" I hear all the men in the house roar.

I start laughing hysterically.

Guess they finally decided to use their toilets.

Guess I'm taking the win for today.


I hear a knock at my door and invite whoever it is to come in. I'm propped up on my elbows as I was reading for some of my homework. I tilt my head and watch as Sebastian walks in. He's wearing a pair of grey sweats and a black hoodie.

"Hey," I smile. I close up my book and put them in a pile on the side of my bed.

"Hey," he smiles back. His hands in his pockets, I notice he's avoiding my eyes.

I sit on the edge of my bed and pat my hand down next to me to let him know I want him to sit next to me. He gets the hint and takes the spot.

"So you wanted to talk about something?" I question.

He looks at me. I can feel the heaviness and the daunting emotions in the room.

Maybe, I'm not as ready as I thought.

But, it has to be done.

"You did too," he retorts.

"Yeah, but you said it first so I'm letting you go first," I shrug.

"Uh, okay. Thank you. I'll start with the fact that I would like to apologize for the way I reacted last night and for yelling at you. I shouldn't have done that and for that I am sorry."

"I accept your apology."



"But, I don't apologize for thinking that King had done something to you. He is popular for getting with girls and I wouldn't be surprised if he had tried to do anything with you especially because of our history," he explains.

I look at him a little shocked, confused... disgusted?

The weirdest thing is that King has never mentioned Sebastian. It has always been me if I wanted to talk about something Sebastian had done, cute or not, and I just needed to get it off my chest.

I don't know if it's because King is scared something about him will come up or if he just doesn't care to waste his energy.

The number of times Sebastian mentions King is getting suspicious. I can't tell if it's because Sebastian is insecure or if he genuinely believes King is bad for me.

But like I've said before, I can tell a manipulator when I see one.

"Are you not going to say something?" Sebastian questions.

"I don't know what you want me to say. King and I are friends. I've been clear to you about that and if I had ever felt intimidated, used, sexualized or whatever else you think he is, I would have told you."

"So do you think I'm lying to you?"

"No, I never said that."


"Then I don't know what you want me to say, Sebastian," I speak frustrated. Why is he putting words in my mouth?

"I really like you, Reese, but I don't think I can continue being in a relationship with you if you are friends with King."

Am I surprised? No. Am I shocked? A little.

I mean I expected him to be a little more secure in himself and us than to be jealous of King.

I won't deny that King and I have some sort of chemistry, but I chose Sebastian for a reason. I continue to choose Sebastian.

I realized that the two times that King and I almost crossed our boundaries was not appropriate and if they had been crossed that I would have been cheating on Sebastian. But, nothing happened. King and I never crossed our boundaries despite the numerous times we could have.

Even though I have a strong pull towards King, I chose Sebastian. The only part, the very small part of me that wanted to cross boundaries with King was so that I could have a valid reason to not be friends with him. There is no other reason for us to stop being friends because as friends, we enjoy each other's company and support.

"Reese," Sebastian puts his hand on mine and I take it out of his grasp. I stand up and away from Sebastian.

"Sebastian, I really really like you, but I'm not gonna let you dictate my opinions about someone because of your own experiences with them. People get different pieces of everyone and unfortunately, you got a bad side of King, but to me, King is sweet, courteous, trustworthy and a reliable friend."

"So what are you saying?" he asks getting up.

"What I'm saying is, what would you do if I asked you to stop being friends with Everleigh?" I look up at him, my eyes watering.

"That's not the same," he sighs.

"How? You even have history with Ev. King and I don't have history," I defend.

"I'd say you need to stop being insecure. Ev and I are just friends. I don't like her like that anymore," he coldly replies.

Not going to lie.

It hurt to hear him say that I was being insecure when it's clearly the other way around.

"Then I'm saying I'm going to continue being friends with King until he gives me a reason not to and that you should tell yourself the same thing you just told me."

"Even if it means we're not together anymore?"

I can feel the hollowness in my heart. My heart is pounding against my chest. Fuck, why is he making this so hard?

"It doesn't have to be like that."

"Reese, you're gonna have to choose."

"Why?" the tears drip down my cheeks.

"Why is it so hard to choose?"

"Because you're both good people."

"He's not a good person, Reese!" he raises his voice slightly enclosing the space between us. I take a step back in fear and drop my head. My arms close around me as I become scared.

It takes me a minute to build up the courage, but I stare into his brown eyes to see if he can for even a moment, find enough sympathy to stop this nonsense for my sake or for the sake of whatever this relationship has come to.

"Really? You're just not gonna say anything?" he scoffs.

"The decision is i-in your hands. I-I'm- I'm n-not ch-choosing."

"Okay, fine. At least tell me why you were crying last night? If King didn't do anything then what was it?"

If my tears hurt you so much, then why make me cry now?

I wanna say that, but I don't.

I take a deep breath and realize that even though I'm not ready to share this, I have to. He needs to know that he was wrong and that King didn't do anything to hurt me.

The only person who hurt me is him.

"I went to rehab last year because I almost died of overdosing on drugs that I don't even remember taking. Last night was the first party I've been to with all of that. I had to go on that walk because I started to feel suffocated and when we were walking, it kind of all crashed. I started crying and I told him. I told King because it felt right in the moment and he understood," I shrug almost sobbing. Fuck, I don't know how I said all of that without stuttering.

Seb tries to grab my hand and pull me close to him, but I take a step back.

"Reese," he begs.

I close my eyes and sniff as I wipe my own tears.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too, Sebastian. It's over," I end finally looking him in the eyes. I can see the tears in his eyes threatening to come out.

He opens his mouth to say something, but he closes it again deciding it's better not to.

I watch as he looks up at the lights sighing. His hands fisted at his sides. A tear drips down from the corner of his eye and he drops his head wiping the tear.

He lets out a small laugh.

He locks eyes with me again. Without saying a word, he walks to me. His one hand wraps around my waist and his other around the back of my neck as he kisses my forehead and pulls me into a hug. His head rests on mine and I don't fight him.

The side of my head rests on his chest. I can hear just how rapidly his heart is beating. I let the warmth devour me and try to live in the moment.

"My feelings for you are stronger than my hate for King, so they won't go away anytime soon. I hope sometime in the future we can give this another try," I feel his chest vibrate as he speaks.

We stay in that position for a while not moving and not saying a single word.

If I could, I would stop time and stay like this forever.

But I can't pause time and we don't have forever.

So, I push myself off of him and smile through the tears and pain.

"I hope so too."

He gives me a small smile back.

"Can we still be friends?"

"Yeah," I bob my head.

"Good," his smile seems more genuine now. "I should get going."

"Bye, and thank you."

"For what?"

"Just the experience," I shrug.

"You're welcome and Reese, you can trust me. I won't tell anyone about what you told me today."

"I trust you," I assure.

"Bye," he says taking his leave. He closes the door behind him and the second I hear it shut, my knees collapse. I drop to the floor sobbing.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," I repeat. I bring my knees up to my chest and sob uncontrollably.

My heart is in physical pain.

It's just not the break up from Sebastian.

It's me having to confront my past again when I'm not ready.

It's this break up reminding me of Silas and Kairo.

It's the mix of emotions as a whole that has broken me into pieces.

It hurts.

It hurts because I thought it'd be different.

I thought Sebastian would be different.

Maybe it is me.

Maybe I should've picked, but what if choosing hurt even more?

What if I made the wrong choice?

Only time will tell.

I mean I've been in pain before and it hasn't lasted forever.

Pain always goes away whether it's momentarily or forever, it'll go away.

This'll pass too.

I'll heal from my past soon enough.

One day I'll be able to talk about my past without getting pulled right back into it.

One day.

I take a deep breath and wipe my eyes. I finally get the strength to stay up and I do so.

Then, I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in," I speak softly.

I watch as all the boys walk in with Grayson leading the pack.

Without saying a word, they all hug me and I start sobbing once again.

"I-I re-really l-liked him, b-but he-he d-didn't trust me," I shake uncontrollably. I feel Grayson and Aaron rub my back.

"Don't worry, I just put a hit on him," Landon claims.

"Are you serious?" Roman questions.

"Yeah... why?"

"Bro, I did too," Roman says.

Everyone parts from the hug and we look at Landon and Roman with concern.

"How much did you put on his head?"

"Fifty-k," Roman says.

"Fuck, I did the same!" Landon yells. "You should've told me, we could have saved money."

Aaron clears his throat.

"As much as I love the idea of putting a hit on Sebastian, how the fuck do the two of you have fifty-k each?"

"Oh, I put it on the company card," Romans explains.

"Same," Landon says.

Everyone looks at them dumbfounded.

They keep up the act for a few more seconds before they start laughing hysterically. Landon pulls out his phone and takes a picture.

"You should see the looks on your faces!" they both laugh.

"You g-guys are joking?" I sniff laughing and crying at the same time.

"Of course, we're not stupid," Landon hugs me.

"We just wanted to make you laugh," Roman joins in too.

"For a second, I thought we're all going to jail," Jaxson sighs.

"Nah, it would have been every man for themselves at that point because my name would be Esteban Julió Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramírez," Aaron claims.

"Is that from Zack and Cody?" Grayson laughs. Aaron nods.

"How the fuck you remember that?" Jaxson seems genuinely surprised.

"I'm telling your, brother I am prepared. One of these days, these kids are about to get us in a lot of trouble and I don't put it past them not to," Aaron accuses.

I gasp.

"I won't!"

"I mean..." he teases. With that, we all start laughing and I sigh deeply.

Even though it hurts, I'm still happy to know I have such a good support system.

It'll take a while to get over Sebastian, but maybe better things are meant to be in my future. And like Sebastian said, maybe we just need to grow separately before we can come together again.

Maybe just maybe, we'll get another chance.


3 more weeks of university until I get 3 weeks off!

Do you think Sebastian was right making that ultimatum?
Do you think Sebastian and her can remain "just" friends?
What do you think will happened with King and her?
A new, but old character will be joining the story very very very soon!!!

What would you like to see more of? Her brothers? Her friends? Her past? Her and King? Some flashbacks with her parents?
Let me know!

Been having a lot of fun writing and I don't think anyone is really going to expect what's going to happen soon, but leave your guesses! I have the story outlined with pretty much all the major scenes and the ending. I think this book will have around 20-40 chapters (I'm gonna give myself a big window because I don't wanna disappoint anyone😂).

Also any recommendations for good songs? I like R&B and Rap mostly (Pop smoke, The Weeknd, Ariana, Bad Bunny etc...) My taste in music is very diverse tbh and some throwbacks would be great too!

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