The Mafia Leader's Little

By M00n_Fl0wer_2

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Aspiring trainee Jeongguk has been with the same company for years only for his dream to come crashing down... More



786 49 1
By M00n_Fl0wer_2

Seoul was cooler seeing as the days passed and grew closer to winter. The early morning sun shone a sliver on Jeongguks face much to his dismay. A soft groan left Jeongguk as he turned away from where the sun had infiltrated his room. The grumpy teenager lifted his covers to go over his face in a futile attempt to return to the land of unconsciousness.

It was too late, the damage had been done.

Jeongguk whined in protest as his eyes opened slowly and after a couple of blinks, his eyes adjusted to the room which was drab and cold. The pastel pink of his room appearing slightly murkier but was still clearly pastel pink, just not a pretty shade. The young male yawned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, making sure to get rid of the rheum which had collected over the night.

The teenager eyed the bathroom door but remembered the last time he tried to use the bathroom without the man's help...

Jeongguk really had to go use the bathroom but it was the middle of the night. Surely, surely the door would let Jeongguk in. He felt as if his bladder was about to explode. After all, the man did not expect him to find him to let him use the bathroom in the middle of the night...right?

If he did that was completely preposterous! For various reasons such as the mansion was really big and what if a demon grabbed him as he walked down the dark hallways?!

Though, as Jeongguk thought about the incident he realized something. His sudden revelation of his actual gender yesterday explained why he seemed to have a smaller bladder than other guys. His bladder was the same as that of a female, that explained having to use the bathroom more than other guys who were also trainees.

However, the incident had taken place before Jeongguk found out he was a bimale.

Jeongguk knew he would wet his pants if the door would not let him in so Jeongguk took the risk. Thinking back on it though, Jeongguk knew the risk was not worth it.

Either way, he would have ended up wetting himself, just that he would not have been in pain as he peed himself. Wetting himself would not have been embarrassing if he had been a child but he was a teenager who was being hormonal and all due to puberty.

Jeongguk hated that whenever the man found him, he was in a urine-soaked onesie, sitting in his own piss and crying. As well as the man giving him another bath because he had wet himself because the door shocked him and would not let him in.

Needless to say, Jeongguk had learned his lesson of using the bathroom. Next time it was an emergency, Jeongguk decided he would need to get an empty bottle to not go find the man and risk a demon grabbing his ankle.

The teenager hummed as he laid down and waited for the man to show up to get ready for the day. However, something did not let him be comfortable. After several attempts to get comfortable, Jeongguk let out a groan and his hands went underneath the warm blanket over him.

"Begone you demons wear," Jeongguk whispered as he shimmied out of the pants he had worn yesterday.

He threw the pants to the ground and wiggled his little feet in his socks contemplating if they should come off as well. Jeongguk decided against removing his socks since they went with the panties he wore.

Jeongguk had never realized how much he was missing out on with wearing boxers. He was able to move his legs freely and show off his smooth legs. A happy sigh left Jeongguk as he casually rubbed his hands against his smooth legs since no one appreciates his smooth legs in the mansion.

As Jeongguk appreciated his smooth legs, Seokjin was drinking his coffee as he went through the paperwork. Even being the mafia leader did not exclude him from paperwork, that sucked.

"I would rather be taking the lives of people," Seokjin muttered to himself as he went through the profiles of targets.

Despite lack of motivation, Seokjin drilled on. Target after target was sent out to his men and even the occasional group. As Seokjin read over the report on the group in Busan, his concentration was penetrated by a certain memory.

It was the memory of Jeongguk sleeping in the car ride home that had mixed into his thoughts.

"What the-" Seokjin was cut off by his work phone ringing.

Seokjin ignored his weird train of thought and calmly answered his phone after putting the paper back into the folder.

"What is it?" The mafia leader asked as he leaned into his chair.

"Boss, your baby boy has woken up. Also, your prisoner seems to be regaining consciousness. What would you like me to do?" Yoon Jung Han, codename 1004, asked.

Seokjin hummed as he put away the file into his drawer before locking it.

"I will go tend to my baby boy, you go check if the man wants to say anything and have someone else stand guard. If he does not want to speak then call Dr. Kang and have him check how much longer the guy can live. If he wishes to speak then call me and I will head over as soon as I can," Seokjin said.

"Yes, Boss," 1004 said before Seokjin ended the call.

"Might as well send out a text soon enough," Seokjin muttered as he pocketed his personal phone and stood up.

The man walked calmly to Jeongguks room wondering what had caused the teenager to wake up so early.

The teenager had a habit of waking up anywhere from nine to ten so he would have his meal ready by then. However, seeing as it was barely twenty 'till seven, not even his own breakfast was ready.

"Boss, good morning," Kim Ye Rim, codename Squirtle, said as she bowed to Seokjin.

"Squirtle, I have a mission for you so if I am not busy while my baby boy is eating, I want you to go to my office so I can explain the details," Seokjin said as he fixed his suit.

"Yes, Boss," Squirtle said as she bowed.

"Oh, the rest of Red Velvet will be back from their missions shortly. Though, Joy was sent on a hard mission," Seokjin said as Squirtle bit her lip.

She knew what that meant.

"I understand, Irene was sent on an easy mission?" Squirtle asked Seokjin softly as the man grabbed the handle and twisted.

"It seems as if Red Velvet will no longer be a quintet but a quartet," Seokjin said with no remorse before stepping into Jeongguks room.

Squirtle stood silently as she held in her tears. They were in the mafia so of course, their comrades died all the time, still, Squirtle let a single tear fall at the loss of Joy.

The sound of the door being unlocked quickly captured Jeongguks attention. Jeongguk turned to look at Seokjin as he walked in. Seokjin's eyes traveled to the teenager who sat up in bed clearly still tired.

"You look quite cute with bed hair," Seokjin said as he walked over to Jeongguk.

"Mm, potty," Jeongguk rasped out tiredly.

His tongue felt heavy in his mouth as he made grabby hands towards Seokjin who chuckled softly and picked him up.

"Do you know what you are going to be doing after breakfast?" Seokjin asked.

The bathroom door opened easily for the man which would shock Jeongguk instead of opening.

Jeongguk was in the middle of processing the man's words whenever the man began helping him use the bathroom. By that time, Jeongguk just stopped caring.

"Mm, sleep?" Jeongguk asked tiredly.

Seokjin simply rolled his eyes as he slipped Jeongguks panties back up to their original spot.

"No, today you get to have your first self-defense class," Seokjin said making Jeongguk whine for two reasons.

One being that self-defense was boring and he would rather be dancing. The second being that the man did not even acknowledge his smooth legs!

"I don't wanna," Jeongguk mumbled as the man grabbed his toothbrush after washing their hands.

"Why is that?" Seokjin asked the teenager who let him brush his teeth.

Jeongguk waited for the guy to stop brushing his teeth before responding.

"I already took Taekwondo," Jeongguk said.

Seokjin hummed as he dabbed the soap on Jeongguks face.

"And? We both saw how futile that was against me whenever I kidnapped you," Seokjin causing Jeongguk to turn bright red.

Seokjin noticed Jeongguks reaction and smiled but quickly got rid of the smile before Jeongguk saw.

"Y-yeah but that was a cheap shot!" Jeongguk defended himself.

"Do you think that people like me really care? If we want you dead then you die," Seokjin causing Jeongguks gaze to fall to his lap.

"When do I get to dance?" Jeongguk asked softly as Seokjin got the message that a package had arrived for him from Joy.

Seokjin decided he would let Squirtle and the rest do what they want for Joy's death.

"We had a deal, remember?" Seokjin asked.

As a response, a small pout was placed upon Jeongguks face.

"How does self-defense have to do with this? Just teach me how to use a knife or a gun and I'll be good," Jeongguk muttered out.

A loud sigh left Seokjin as he went to wash the soap off of Jeongguks face.

"If only it was that easy," Seokjin muttered out.

Jeongguk closed his mouth so that nothing would get into his mouth.

"Besides, this self-defense is not like your classical ones. This one teaches you how to disarm a person with a weapon and getting out of uncompromising situations," Seokjin said as he dried the teenager's face.

"What do you mean by 'uncompromising situations'?" Jeongguk asked. Seokjin hummed as he helped Jeongguk off the counter where he sat.

"Being handcuffed, being tied up with zip ties, that type of stuff," Seokjin said.

Jeongguk perked up slightly as he was sat down on his bed. Seokjin headed to his closet to pick out an outfit.

"Does this mean I get to learn how to not pass out from that thing you used on me?" Jeongguk asked.

Seokjin chuckled as he grabbed a black sweater matched with black pants.

"Afraid not, baby boy, for that you just have to know how to fight off a person," Seokjin said.

"I did fight you off! That did nothing," Jeongguk complained as Seokjin helped him into the black pants.

"The answer to that would be that you are just weak then," Seokjin said as he slipped the belt that he got from the closet as well, through the belt loops on Jeongguks pants.

"Hey! I worked out, thank you very much," Jeongguk huffed as he crossed his arms.

Seokjin rolled his eyes as he made sure the belt held the pants up.

"You will be trained under the best self-defense teacher here. He even trained me so be thankful I did not just send you off to one of the lower ranks," Seokjin said as he slipped Jeongguks sweater off.

"You may be a bimale but your exterior is more like a female," Seokjin said as he grabbed the black sweater.

A dark blush came to rest on Jeongguks face as he covered his sensitive nipples.

"Y-you old pervert," Jeongguk croaked out as he glared at Seokjin.

The glare looked like a little bunny glaring.

"You do realize I am older by just five years, right?" Seokjin asked as he forced the sweater onto Jeongguk who still acted as if Seokjin was staring at his chest.

Jeongguks face turned from glaring to confused real quick after Seokjin's remark.

"You're twenty-two?!" Jeongguk shouted in surprise.

He was so surprised he even fell back onto the bed.

"Yes? I officially turn that age on my birthday in December but because of the Korean age system, I am already twenty-two," Seokjin said.

Jeongguks jaw was wide as he was not sure why the man's age surprised him. He was handsome and looked young but it was the fact that he was the Mafias leader that young that surprised him.

"Woah, I didn't expect you to be that young," Jeongguk whispered in awe.

Seokjin's eyebrow went up as he looked at the teenager.

"Why? Is it because I am the leader of the mafia at this age?" Seokjin questioned.

"Well...yeah," Jeongguk said softly.

Seokjin scoffed as he picked up the teenager.

"I have been the mafia leader for years," Seokjin said.

Jeongguks heart seemed to jump to his throat. A question lodged itself in his throat but Jeongguk feared the answer.

Still, being the curious little bunny he was, Jeongguk opened his mouth to ask as the man carried him.

"Um, can I ask you a question about your past?" Jeongguk asked.

He thought the man would reject but instead, the man let out a simple 'sure'.

It was then or never.

"When did you first kill someone?" Jeongguk asked Seokjin.

The elder man hummed as he went back into the memory of his first time murdering someone...

"Do what Papa taught you," The father told his son who wore a tux despite out-growing the fancy outfits seemingly every month.

The toddler looked at the man as he had yet to comprehend the severity of his actions.

All the toddler knew was that if he ran the sharp utensil a person's neck that a pretty red liquid fountain - that smelled like a metal locket that he had gifted - would be awarded as a show.

Seokjin pocketed the pocket knife which was his favorite since it had a little Mario as part of the design, it was the first time he would use it on someone. The man he neared was alone in the gazebo that Seokjin played in with the receiver of the locket.

"Excuse me?" Seokjin asked loudly as he copied what his father said for him to memorize.

Seokjin was smart for a toddler so he was proud to show off his talent of reading.

"Oh? You are the son of Mr. Lee, correct?" The man asked Seokjin.

Mr.Lee? Who was that? His last name was Kim but he knew that his father said not to give out his real name or last name. Mr.Lee was probably a fake name his father used because he feared their wealth being stolen if he used his real name.

His father lied to him and told him that they were to not reveal their real names since they were really rich and bad people would hurt them if they found out their names.

Seokjin went along with the script he had memorized and let out several harsh coughs. The coughs really did hurt his throat so the act was even more believable.

"Oh my! Are you okay child?" The guy asked as he leaned down next to Seokjin who smiled as he held the Mario knife in his hand.

His father was accurate as always as to what would happen. Seokjin hoped that one day he would get as good as his father at the game.

Would that finally get his father to compliment him?

He would always get the men that worked with his father, Yoongi's compliment, and of course his other family praises. Never once had his father complimented him but he knows that once he finishes his first solo game that his father would finally say at least 'good job'.

Once the man got close enough, Seokjin smiled and grabbed the black-tie that had pretty little doodles on it. It looked like skulls!

The man could not break away in time before he was being sent off into the next step after death.

As promised, the red liquid came flying out of the guy's neck and it was a pretty show. The metallic smell was very unpleasant but knowing that he did it alone gave Seokjin a sense of pride.


Seokjin smiled as he heard his mother yelling as she ran towards him. Was she also proud that he was able to do the game alone? What about his father?

"Hi, mommy!" Seokjin yelled out as he smiled but frowned whenever the pretty red show ended.

Oh well, he will give his mother a better show in the future.

"What did you do?!" His mother yelled as she grabbed Seokjin's cheeks rather harshly making Seokjin's bottom lip tremble.

"I-I followed what papa told me. Was the show not pretty? Do you want me to give you a better one?" Seokjin quickly asked as he eyed the pocket knife that lay in the pool of the red liquid.

"What? Baby, this is wrong! Do not ever do this again!" His mother yelled.


Seokjin frowned slightly as he listened to his crying mother but seeing his father look at him with a hard look before walking away made Seokjin tune out whatever his mother said about taking away the life of a person is wrong.

That was the first time Seokjin had taken a life and also the day he found out killing was wrong. It would also be something else that Seokjin would not realize until it was too late and everything came crumbling down.

"I would say about three years old. Anyways, what do you want to eat?" Seokjin said.

Jeongguks jaw dropped at the age of the man whenever he first took a life seeing as Jeongguk was still watching music shows at the age of three. His jaw dropping in surprise was also induced by how quickly the man changed the topic.

Jeongguk looked at the man with wide eyes. His heart beating faster than it was earlier, a lump seemed to be permanently stuck in his throat. The teenager's mouth felt oddly dry as Seokjin noticed the change in Jeongguk.

He assumed what was going on in Jeongguks head making Seokjin smirk slightly. The teenager seemed like the best choice out of the others he could have picked to be his little.

Seokjin focused back on what he wanted for breakfast as Jeongguk gazed up at Seokjin. He sure may look handsome but underneath the mask lay secrets upon secrets.

Just what was this man hiding? 

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