The Bad and The Broken

Por summer___love

2.7M 67.3K 18.6K

Dawn Rayne Falls and her brother, Jesse Falls, are abused by her father, Jim. He is an alcoholic and abusive... Más

The Beginning
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Part 76

Chapter 18

45.8K 1.1K 774
Por summer___love

Okay, that's Beau!! I thought I put a picture if him in the beginning of the book, but I didn't. Sorry!! But, that's him! Damn he's hot!! Not as hot as Ryder, but still hot!

I have a very important question:
Who, reading this book, is a badass?


Dawn's POV

"No" her mommy said, shaking her head.

"But mommy! Everyone else is!" The little girl whined, with pleading eyes.

"I don't care what the other kids are doing. You aren't going." The 5 year old's mother told her.

"Ugh!" The girl yelled, as she stormed into her room, slamming the door.

She went to her drawing table, in the middle of her blue and green painted bedroom.

She got a peace of paper, and some crayons.

She started coloring in random places with different colors, transforming the white paper into a tie-dyed one.

She blew some breath upward, blowing a peace of stray hair out of her eye sight.

She put down the blue crayon, and picked up the red one.

Then, someone walked into her room.

She didn't look up. She kept her focus on the colorful paper.

"Hun" the deep voice says.

She ignores him, and keeps coloring.

"Rayne Drop" he says, trying to get her attention, again.

She smiled a little.

She loves it when he calls her that. He, and only he, is a loud to. He is her most favorite person in the world. He is her hero... Her rock... Her diary... Her protecter... Her safe place. Her Daddy.

"I know you're upset with you're mother for not letting you go, but she is your mom. You need to respect her, and her decisions." Her daddy told her, sitting in the floor beside the chair she's sitting in.

She snorted in response.

Her daddy chuckled.

"That wasn't very lady like" he says, grinning.

"Who says I'm lady like?" She asked, a grin forming in her face as well.

Her daddy laughed, and stared at his Little Rayne Drop with love and adoration in his eyes. He's always loved his little girl. More than anything. He would walk around the world for her. And he would kill anyone that even tried to hurt his princess. She has him wrapped around her finger, and they both knew it.

"When can me and you go fishing again?" She asked, creasing her eyebrows.

"Well, I was planning this weekend. But, because you were so rude to your mother, I'm afraid we will have to cancel." He said, pursing his lips into a straight line, hiding his humor.

She gasped

"No! What do I need to do? I'll do anything!" She pleaded.

"March your little butt down those stairs, and tell your mother you're sorry for being so rude, and disrespectful." He told her, standing up.

She sprung up, out of her little chair, and dashed down the stairs, into the kitchen.

Her beauty of a mother was washing the dishes, and humming a toon of a song she knew all too well.

"My only sun shine. You make me happy. When sky's are grey. You never know dear. How much I love you. Please don't take my sun shine away." The little girl sang in perfect melody.

Her mother smiled.

The little girl walked over to her mother, and hugged her legs.


"Yes, Sunshine?"

"I'm sorry." She said, feeling ashamed.

She's never been like that towards her mother. She's always been respectful, and grateful to both of her parents.

"For what, Sunshine?" Her mother asked

"Being so rude, and mean to you" she said, hanging her head.

Her mother dried her hands, and crouched down, getting to her adorable little girl's height.

"I forgive you. But, you still have to make it up to me." She said jokingly, with a smile in her gorgeous face.

"How?" She asked quickly, wanting to make it up to her.

"You have to draw me a picture" she said, putting a few strands of the little girls hair behind her ear.

"Okay mommy" she said.

She dashed to the stairs, but then turned around.

She ran back into the kitchen, and engulfed her mommy in a hug.

"I love you mommy" she whispered in her mother's ear, squeezing her mommy tighter.

"I love you too Dawn"

I jolted awake, falling off my bed in the process.

I pealed myself off the floor, and stood up on my feet.

I yawned and stretched.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and looked my sleeping brother.

As much as I don't want to wake him up, I have to.

"Jesse" I said, shaking him a little.

He groaned, and rolled over, pulling the blanket over his face.

"Jesse" I said sternly.


I rolled my eyes.

Stubborn little bugger.

I yanked the blankets off of him, and flicked his nose.

"Wake. Up." I said, poking his face over and over again, in different places.

He finally got up, and playfully glared at me.

I walked into my bathroom, and Jesse walked into his bedroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

Peace of shit.

I shook my head, ridding if those thoughts.

I looked at the damage on my body.

Black eye. Busted lips. Slightly swollen nose. Bruised cheek, jaw, and neck. Burns on my arms. Lashes on my legs, back, and waist. As well as bruises.

If anyone touches my back, or waist, it's gonna hurt like a bitch.

Just standing up right now is making my legs burn like hell.

Yup. Today's gonna be horrible. Jut like every other one.

I put cover up on my face, and neck.

I went I to my closet, and put on baggy jeans, over sized t-shirt, over sized hoodie, socks, and converse.

I brushed my hair, and teeth, and went into my bedroom.

Jesse stood in the middle of the room, waiting on me.

His black eye isn't all that bad, anymore. It's just bruised.

"Ready?" He asked, raising his eyebrows

I nodded, and grabbed my bag.

But, without my approval, Jesse took my bag.

I was about to take it back, but he stepped back.

"Your back is horrible. I'm carrying it." He said sternly.

I sighed, and nodded.

I walked down the stairs, and looked for my father.

I didn't see him, so I went to the door, and Jesse followed me.

We walked out of the house, and started our way to school.

"You have lunch money, right?" I asked

"Right" he answered.

We kept walking, a silence falling over us.

Then, we heard what sounded like a car engine.

It got louder, and louder, until it was zooming past us.

It's a black Chevy Impala!! Like, the one on that show Supernatural!

My dream car!

I stared at it longingly, as it disappeared.

I heard Jesse chuckle.

"Keep dreaming, Sis. It's all me and you have. Dreams." He said, staring at the ground.

We arrived at school, and Jesse gave me my bag.

"Don't put too much weight, or stress on your back" he said, looking at me with sad eyes.

I pursed my lips into a straight line.

We parted, and I went to my locker.

I went to class, and was the first in there. Not even the teacher is here yet.

I sat in the very back of the class room, beside the window.

I stared out the window, watching as it stared to rain.

The classroom door opened, and then closed. I kept my eyes on the dark clouds.

The sound of a chair scraping in the floor made my ears ring, but I kept my attention on the raindrops rolling down the window.

Someone cleared their throat, and it sounded like the person was pretty close.

I pulled my attention away from the dark sky, and jumped when I saw how close this person was to me.

I looked at the person's face, and my eyes widened.

Why is he sitting next to me?!

I looked around the room to see no one but me and him are in here.

I gulped.

I turned my attention back to the rainy weather.

It's the only type of weather I like. Rain. As long as there's not thunder.

"So, how are ya Dawn?" He asked, but I could detect the sarcasm and mischievousness in his voice.

I looked down, at the muddy grass and soil.

"I've been great" Jon said

I slightly nodded.

"So, where've you been? Sick?" He asked

I just nodded.

"Hmm... so, fatass, you talked to Ryder at the store?" He said.

I just shrugged.

"And you told him to tell me you said happy birthday... correct?" He asked

I didn't do anything this time.

Just stared outside. Wishing I was out there.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." He snapped, shoving me by my ribs, making pain ripple through me.

I took in a sharp breath, and wrapped my arms around my ribs, squeezing my eyes shut.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to ignore the pain.

"Whoa... what happened to you?" He asked in disgust, obviously not caring.

I put my forehead on the cool desk, and tried to relax a little.

The bell rang, and I could hear people interning the class room, and taking their seats.

"Alright class, get out a pencil, and paper. We are taking notes." The teacher said.

I kept my head down. Not paying attention to anything, but the searing pain going through my body.

"Go to your vehicles, and get started" our automotive engineer teacher, Mr. Heck, instructed.

I still haven't been assigned a vehicle yet!

"Dawn, you can help me with my truck. If you want to..."

Ryder's POV

"Dawn, you can help me with my truck. If you want..." I suggested.

I haven't talked to Dawn all day. And it's 7th period. One more class, and school will be over.

She slowly walked over to me, and my truck.

She glanced at the truck, and went to the tools I have.

She looked at them, and turned back to the truck.

She opened the hood, and looked at the engine.

She turned back to me.

She raised her eyebrows, and I knew what she needed.

I got my phone out of my pocket, and unlocked it.

I opened the notebook app, and have it to her.

She started typing, and then ave it back to me.

'When was the last time you changed the oil?'

I scratched the back if my neck.

"Uh... I don't know" I answered honestly.

I looked at her, to see she's staring at me like I'm a complete idiot.

She grabbed me by the arm, and piratically dragged me to the truck.

She got down on the floor, and slid under the truck.

She reached a hand out from under it, and signaled for me to come down there, too.

I got under the truck, and she pointed to something.

I looked at what she's pointing at.

The oil can.

She grabbed my phone out of my hand, and started typing.

'Change it.'

She gave me a final pointed look, and got out from under the truck.

I sighed, but did as she instructed.

When I was done, I was messy.

I had oil all over my hands, and wrists.

I washed my hands and arms, and went back to my truck.

Dawn was leaning on it, with a screw driver in her hands.

She twirled it around, and stared at her shoes.

The bell rang, and she tossed the screw driver into the toll box.

She grabbed her things, and left.

"I'll see you in music class" I muttered.

I gathered my things, and went to music.

I sat down, next to Beau.

"Okay, settle down class!" Ms. Keel yelled over the talking students.

Everyone got quiet, and listened to her.

"Okay, since we haven't seen what instrument Miss Dawn Falls can play, yet, we will see today. Miss Dawn, if you cannot play one, you will get moved out of this class." She told us.

Things just got interesting.

"No presure" someone yells, making everyone laugh.

Dawn stood up, and slowly walked to the stage.

You could see her nervousness. Her hands are shaking, and her nose, which is slightly swollen for some reason, is wrinkled.

I couldn't help but notice how cute that was.

(A/N: Cliché moment everyone!!!)

Was all watched as she dragged her feet to the grand piano.

What the fudge?

She sat down at it, and my eyes widened.

There's no way she can play that!

She stared at the keys for a few seconds, then stared playing.

Is that... A Thousand Years? By Christina Perry?

We all stared at her in shock.

She closed her eyes, and kept playing.

She looks so graceful. So peaceful.

I watched the features on her face. And noticed she's humming to the song.

She played the last few notes, and then ended it.

We all just stared.

Not even the teacher can lay the piano, and she can play every instrument in this room. Hence why she's the music teacher.

Dawn stood up, and walked off the stage, her jaw locked.

Why is she angry?

She went to her seat, ignoring all of is staring at her, and gathered her things.

She walked out the door, and as soon as it slammed shut, the bell rang. School's over.

Everyone got over their shocked state, and left class.

It's Wednesday. Dawn is coming over for the project. Which is good. Because I have a shit load of questions.

"Why didn't tell me you know how to play the piano?" I asked ass soon as we were in my room.

I looked at her in anger.

I don't know why, but it pisses me off that she kept a secret from me. It makes me feel like she doesn't trust me!

She looked at the floor, like it was the most intreating thing in the world.

"You should've told me! Why did you keep it from me?" I yelled

She cringed, and stepped back.

My eyes soften.

I scared her.

I stepped forward, and she took another step back.

We repeated this until she backed into the wall.

I went up to her, and put my hands on either sides of her head, trapping her.

"I'm sorry" I told her, but she kept her gaze on her shoes.

I put my index finger under her chin, and lifted her head up, so she's looking at me.

I stared into her dull eyes, and she stared back into my bright ones.

I leaned in closer to her, so my lips were only centimeters away from hers.

I was about to lean in all the way, when y phone rang.

I looked at the desk beside us, and while I wasn't paying attention, Dawn took that as an opportunity to slip under my right arm, and run to the other side of the room.

I sighed, and looked at my phone.

From: Jon

Hey. Me, TJ, Becca, Beau, and Jenny are on out way to your house.

I replied:

To Jon:

Dawn and I are still working on the project.

I put my phone in my pocket, and turned to Dawn.

She looks kind of deep in thought.

She looked at me, and got a pen, and her notebook.

She wrote something down, and gave me the notebook.

'I'll be right back'

I looked back at her, to see she's going into my bathroom.

I sat in my bed, and then my phone rang again.

From: Jon

So? We will just help or something. All y'all are doing is asking question right? Peace of cake. Plus, I have a question for Dawn.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Jon has a question for Dawn?

About 5 minutes later, Jon, TJ, Becca, and Jenny were in my room, along with me and Dawn.

Dawn was sitting stiffly in my desk chair, I was laying in my bed, TJ and Jenny are on my couch, Beau is sitting on the floor, and Jon is leaning against a wall, staring at Dawn. As if trying to figure something out.

"So, Dawn, I have a question." Jon said, making Dawn stare at him with wide eyes.

A chorus of agreements echoed through my room.

Why do they all have questions for her?

"Okay. Becca, you go first" Jon said.

"How old is your brother? He looks kinda young to be in high school." Becca asked.

'14. He got to skip a grade because if his GPA' Dawn wrote in her perfect cursive handwriting.

"Oh! Okay." Becca said.

"Okay. Jenny. You next" Jon said, pointing at Jenny.

Dawns POV
"Do you have any other siblings?" Jenny asked.

I shook my head no.

"Tj" Jon said.

"The day you moved into your house, me, Beau, Jon, and Ryder were across the street, at Beau's house. Why were you limping?" He asked.

That's Beau's house? Didn't know that.

'I fell the day before, and hurt my leg' I wrote. Of course that was a lie.

"Klutz" I heard Jon say under his breath.

I glared at him, and wasn't expecting him to notice. But he did. He looked into my eyes, and froze.

I looked away, and back at my paper.

I pointed at Beau, so he can ask a question.

"Can you play any other instrument?" He asked, referring to music class.

I shook my head no.


He nodded.

I notice Ryder staring at me. But I ignored it.

"My turn." Jon said.

I looked at him, waiting for the question. But I was silently praying it wouldn't be anything too personal like the rest.

He was about to ask, but Ryder beat him to it.

"I have 2. Why are you always wearing long sleeves and jeans? And why don't you ever eat lunch?" Ryder asked.

'Why do you care?' I wrote.

He read it, then glared at me.

"Because. Now answer the question" he said.

'I like long sleeves, and school food makes me sick' I lied.

"Okay. My turn. This morning, in first period, why did it hurt you so badly when I shoved your ribs?" Jon asked.

I shrugged.

"Don't shrug your shoulders. Answer. The. Question." He demanded.

Cringed a little, and looked at the ground.

I looked back up, to see everyone glaring at Jon, while he glared at me.

Fuck this.

I got up, and walked out of the room, going into Kendal's. Jesse was sitting in a midnight purple beanbag seat, and Kendal was sitting next to him, both playing Call Of Duty. I tapped in Jesse's shoulder and whispered in his ear.

"It's time to go" he nodded.

"Alright Kendal, we have to go. It's was fun playing the game with you!" He said, giving her a hug.

"Bye! See y'all tomorrow! It was fun beating you every round JJ" she said, using the nick name she have Jesse.

Yeah, to her I'm DD and Jesse is JJ. I think it's cute.

I went into Ryder's room, Jesse following.

But, I was not expecting a big argument between all of them... well, more like all if them against Jon.

"I don't care!" Jon yells

The rest all tell at him at the same time.

I look at Jesse, and back at them. They haven't notice us yet.

I coughed, but it didn't work

I rolled my eyes, and walked into the middle of them.

Still didn't notice.

They're all yelling at each other now.

I'm getting a head ache.

I went to my bag, and got my binder out.

This is probably the stupidest thing I'm gonna do today.

I pulled my arm back, and aimed.

I threw the binder, and it hit the wall, a centimeter away from Jon's head. Papers flew everywhere, and the binder broke in half.

He jumped, and everyone froze.

They all slowly turned their heads towards me and Jesse.

"What" Ryder said

"The" TJ added

"Hell" Becca finishes.

I look at each one of them. Jon looks like he's about to piss himself.

I got my notebook, and a pen.

'Sorry' I wrote.

I tore out the paper, and gave it to Jon.

I put my notebook and pen in my bag, leaving the binder and papers, as motioned to Jesse to go.

I was about to walk out the room, but someone's hand wrapped around my wrist.

"You didn't answer my question." Jon says harshly

I tried to get out of his grip, but couldn't.

I finally did, but he grabbed the hood in my hoodie.

Fuck my life!

"Just let her the hell go Jon!" Becca yelled.

"Not until she answers my question" he said.

Jesse came to my side, and glared at Jon.

Deciding to be stupid again, I unzipped my hoodie, and as soon as it was off, I dashes down the stairs, and out of the door.

Ryder's POV

She unzipped her hoodie, and dashed down the stairs, and out of the house.

Jon stood, frozen, staring down the stairs.

"Do y'all see her arms?" He asked, still not moving.

"No" we all answered.

He shook his head, and came back into the room.

"Help me clean her stuff up. I'll give it I her tomorrow." I told them.

We all started cleaning up.

"She has beautiful hand writing" Jenny said, staring at one of her essays.

Beau and Becca agreed, while the rest if us didn't say anything.

"Hey. I found a drawing" TJ said, looking at the drawing with a confused look.

I walked over to him, and examined the drawing.

It's a drawing of a person. A guy. But there's no face, or hair. It's just the head, and the neck.

"It looks like she didn't finish it" Jenny said.

"Yeah." I said.

"I found another one." Becca said, holding it up.

I took from her.

"Hey!" She yelps.

I look at it.

It's an angel wing. And hanging off of the tip, is a halo.

And under it is a name.

Delilah Raleigh Falls

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