The Betrayal of the Sister [O...

By bethanyjanebooks

52.8K 1.6K 208

ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ' ɴᴇᴍᴇꜱɪꜱ ᴡᴀꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ? ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴋɪʟʟᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ' ʟᴏᴠᴇ? ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀꜱᴇ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Next Book

Chapter 3

2.4K 83 20
By bethanyjanebooks

Calista woke up and saw Gold sorting out his tie, he looked at her.

"You're staring," He said.

"No, just watching," Calista said and sat up.

Naomi ran into the room and jumped on the bed with a giggle, "Morning," She said happily.

"Morning sweetie," Calista said.

"Morning," Gold said.

"Ready to go to school?" Calista asked her.

"Unh-unh," Naomi shook her head, "What if they hate me?" Naomi said.

"Then I will turn them into snails and crush them," Mr Gold said.

"Papa!" Naomi said.

"They can't hate you, you're just not hateable," Calista said.

Naomi shuffled to Calista and hugged her, "I hope you're right Mama," Naomi said and climbed off the bed, walking out of the room.

"Rumpel... Please don't threaten people," Calista said.

He looked at her, "If they make her cry, Cali..." Mr Gold said.

"I know, I know," She said and got out of bed, "I'll deal with it if that happens okay?"

"I can't protect my daughter?" He asked her.

"You protect her from Regina, I protect her from bullies," Calista said.

"Fine, dear," He said.

"Good," Calista said.

Calista and Naomi walked down the main street and Naomi ran ahead of her mother seeing Henry and David.

"So, what's on the agenda for Operation Scorpion?" Henry asked as Calista caught up to them.

"What's Operation Scorpion?" David asked.

"The code name for our mission to find Emma and Snow? Do you prefer viper? That was my second choice... Morning Naomi, Cali," Henry said.

"Morning," Naomi and Calista said.

"Henry, we need to talk," David said.

"Yeah, scorpions better," Henry said.

"No, it's not that. It's..." David said.

"I'm not coming with you. but I... I thought we were going to find Jefferson?" Henry said.

"Oh, that's who you were looking for," Calista shrugged when David looked at her, "My husband keeps secrets from me, I'll keep some from him," She said.

David looked at Henry, "I already did find him," David said.

"What? Is he going to help you?" Naomi asked as she and Henry looked at him hopefully.

"No. No, children, he's not," David said as the four walked down the street.

"But why didn't you tell me you talked to him?" Henry asked his grandfather.

"Because I didn't want to disappoint you. I know you want to find your mom, but Jefferson can't help us. I need to find a way to restore the hat," David said.

"So, why can't I help you look?" Henry asked him.

"It'll require magic, Henry and magic..." David began.

"Always comes with a price. I've read the book, you know," Henry said to him.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't let you anywhere near this stuff. If you really want to help me, you'll go to school with Naomi where I know you'll be safe, okay?" David said.

"Okay," Henry said.

"Bye Mama... Bye David," Naomi waved bye as the two walked towards the bus stop.

"Need a hand with the magic?" Calista asked David.

"Why are you offering help?" David asked as they turned and walked the opposite direction.

"When Mary Margaret had the welcome home party when Kathryn returned, I told her I'd always have her back... If helping you, helps her and Emma who I'm friends with... I'll swallow my pirate pride and help a prince," Calista said.

"I don't want you getting in trouble with your husband... I'll tell you what... I'll start this one my own and if I need his help, I'll come to you first... Sweeten him with sugar," David said.

"Here," Calista took out a small notepad and pad and wrote down her number, she tears the page out and handed it to him, "If you need me, you know I'm good with a sword more than magic, call me," She said.

"Will do, thanks," David took it and Calista walked ahead, "Hey Calista," She turned to him, "You know... You might be the only pirate I can tolerate," He said.

"Careful, Charming if I didn't know any better I'd say you gave me a compliment," Calista said and walked off.

Henry and Naomi approached the school bus, they looked back to see David and Calista had gone their separate ways. 

Naomi looked at Henry anxiously, "Henry..." She said.

Henry looked at her, "I need to my Gramps... Prove to me you're still my friend," He said with hope in his voice and held out his hand.

Naomi looked at her mother then Henry and took his hand, "Let's go," She said and they head away from the school bus together.

"Here," Henry turned down into a street and took out the storybook and opened to Jefferson's story, he showed Naomi the story, "Do you recognise him now?" He asked.

Naomi took the book and looked at Jefferson's picture, then she remembered him.


Naomi, 5 years old, was giggling as she played with her dolly in a hallway of the Dark Castle.

The doors opened and a man walked in with a hatbox, Naomi looked at him nervously, he looked at her, "You must be the same age as my Grace," The man walked over and crouched in front of her, "Names Jefferson, sweet girl, what's yours?" He asked.

"N-Naomi," Naomi said.

"Are your parents here to see the Dark One?" He asked her.

"N-No... My Papa is he," Naomi looked at her dolly then him, "Want to see him? He's with my Mama right now," Naomi said.

"Yes, I need to see him," Jefferson said.

"Okay," Naomi stood up and took his hand, "This way," Naomi said and led him to the dining room.

"Rumpel seriously?! You expect our daughter to play with these?!" Calista asked as she helped up the two wooden dolls that were originally Geppetto's parents. 

"You wanted me to get her more toys, I got her more toys, where's the issue?"  Rumpelstiltskin asked.

"The issue these you killed people to make these... Literally! Why not go down to the market and pick up something from a stall or I don't know, make something without the cost of someone's life?!" Calista said.

"Mama... Papa..." Naomi called out and they looked at her to see Jefferson holding her hand, "Jefferson here to see Papa," She said.

"Thank you, dear," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Keep these away from her," Calista said and shoved the wooden dolls into her husband's chest then walked to Naomi, she picked her up, "Tell me, Jefferson... You're a father right?" She asked.

"Uh, yes, I have a daughter... Don't drag me into your marriage issue..." Jefferson said.

"No, I just want an opinion if I'm overreacting," Calista said.

"You are," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"Hush... If someone created dolls for your daughter, but the dolls were originally people... Would you let her play with them?" Calista asked.

"What's wrong with them? They are functional working dolls," Rumpelstiltskin held them up.

Jefferson looked between them then looked at Calista, "He's being serious right?" He asked her and she nodded, "Uh, I wouldn't let Grace told them," Jefferson said.

"Told you, cabinet with your other... Whatever you call them and make her another doll from scratch," Calista said and walked out.

Naomi looked at Jefferson over her mother's shoulder, "Bye-Bye Jefferson," She said and waved bye.

"Bye, sweet girl," Jefferson said and waved bye.

End of Flashback

Naomi and Henry found Jefferson at the docks and they walked to him, "Jefferson?" Naomi called out.

Jefferson looked at her, "Sweet girl... You're all grown up," Jefferson said and Naomi sat beside him.

"Grace is looking for you... She's in my class," Naomi said, seeing Jefferson looking at a piece of paper with 'Have you seen my Papa?' written on with a child-like drawing of him.

Henry walked up, "The Mad Hatter, right? I need your help," Henry said.

Jefferson looked at him, "Look, I already told your grandfather. I can't do anything," He said.

"I know, but, there must be something we can do," Henry said.

"I'm the wrong person to talk to, kid. Magic's not my thing. Try your mother, maybe she's got something in that vault of hers she can help you with," Jefferson said.

"Vault? Her vault is here? In Storybrooke?" Henry asked him shocked.

"It's none of my business. Talk to her," Jefferson said.

"What's that?" Henry asked noticing the piece of paper.

Jefferson folded up the paper and tucked it in his coat pocket, "Grace is looking for you..." Naomi said.

"What do you know about it?" Jefferson asked.

"If I didn't have my Papa, I'd be doing the same," Naomi said.

"I read your story, I know how the two of you were separated as well. Why are you here? She's at school," Henry said.

"I've got to go home, kid. Good seeing you again sweet girl," Jefferson said and got up, he started to walk away but the two followed him.

"She probably wants to see you," Henry said and got in the way.

"Get out of my way," Naomi got in the way as well, "Get out of my way, sweet girl," He said.

"Why aren't you trying to find her?" Henry asked.

Jefferson grabbed Henry by the shoulders, "Because I left her! And she'll hate me," Jefferson said.

"How do you know?" Naomi asked.

"I was on my way... Fate reminded me I shouldn't," Jefferson said.

"You should. I've been left, too. Anything's better than nothing. She'll spend her whole life wondering why you left her. Not knowing is the worst," Henry said, he turned around and took Naomi's hand then they walked away.

Regina was packing up her office, putting stuff she could take into boxes when her cell phone rang.

She looked at the caller ID and smiled answering it, "Henry!... I'm just packing up the office. I've been asked to leave... No, of course, it can wait... I'd love to have lunch with you and Naomi... I understand why she's with you I'm not mad," Regina smiled, "Granny's, ten minutes," She said and hung up, she grabbed her bag then left the office.

Once she left and the coast was clear, Henry and Naomi walked out from behind one of the side doors. Naomi watched as Henry looked in one of the drawers of a filing cabinet, location the ring of Regina's skeleton keys.

Henry walked to Naomi and they left the office, using the storybook to guide them to Regina's vault.

"How come you didn't know this?" Henry asked.

"I wouldn't know, would I?" Naomi said.

"True," Henry said and used the skeleton keys to get inside, they walked inside.

"Hey, Henry," Naomi said as she saw scrape marks along the floor, by the sarcophagus in the middle of the crypt. Henry and Naomi pushed it aside, seeing a set of stairs, Naomi walked down first with Henry following behind her. They paused at the wall of hearts, which could be heard beating from inside their boxes. 

The two children walked further into the vault where they saw several vases and chests. Henry walked to one of the chests, he slowly opened it with one of the skeleton kets. Two snakes sprung out of the box but David and Calista arrived, Calista pulled the children away from the snakes as David shut the lid just in time.

David looked at Henry, "Maybe we should've gone with Operation Viper... You both alright?" David asked.

Calista released them and stood beside David looking at them, "Yeah we're okay, thank you," Naomi said.

"How'd you know we were down here?" Henry asked them.

"Your mom said you asked her to lunch and when you stood her up she checked her office, saw her keys missing, figured out the rest. She would've come herself, but she didn't think you'd go with her and Calista because of Naomi and she'd know what to know if anything went wrong... Henry, Naomi, what were you both thinking?" David asked them.

"I just want them back. It wasn't supposed to be this way. I should be over there with them. Riding horses, learning how to sword fight," Henry said.

"I know, I know. It's okay because we're going to do this together," David said.

"Come on, now. You both have to get to school and go to school this time, we can't keep having this discussion Naomi," Calista said.

"Shh... Do you hear that?" Naomi asked.

"Here walked?" Calista walked to her and crouched down.

"Whispers... People in pain because they don't have their hearts," Naomi looked at her, "You don't hear that?" Naomi asked.

"No sweetie, I don't, but we need to get you both to school," Calista said and stood up, she looked at David.

David looked at them worried and Calista shook her head, "I'll make sure no one else finds this place," David said.

"Good," Calista said and left the crypt with Henry and Naomi, David followed behind them.

The four of them walked through the cemetery and something broke behind them. Naomi flinched and turned, as she turned a white blast came from her hand and went to a tree making the tree fall.

Naomi gasped and looked at her hands, worried, "Mama..." She said.

Calista knelt down and took her daughters hands, "It's okay, it's okay..." Calista looked at David and Henry, "Go, we'll be okay, Naomi will be fine," She said.

"O...Okay," Henry said and left with David.

"Let's go to your Papa," Calista said.

"O...Okay," Naomi said and they walked away.

Calista stood in front of her husband in the shop as Naomi watched them nervously, thinking she was in trouble.

"What do you mean white magic came out of her hands?" Mr Gold asked.

"Exactly that, she heard something behind her, Naomi got scared, turned and she blasted a tree down with white magic," Calista said.

"Did I do something wrong?" Naomi asked.

"No, sweetheart, of course not," Calista said.

"It can't be light magic..." Mr Gold said.

"She's a product of True Love, of course, it would be at first... She can make it dark or keep it light, it's her choice," Calista said.

"I don't want magic," Naomi said stepping towards her parents.

"What?" Mr Gold said looking at her.

"Well... Not yet, I just got Henry back as a friend, I can't lose him," Naomi said.

"Okay... Okay," Mr Gold looked through a chest and took out a bracelet he walked to her and placed it on her wrist, "Till will minimise your magic, you won't be afraid and it won't get out of control," Mr Gold told her.

Naomi hugged him, "Thank you, Papa," Naomi said.

"It's okay," Mr Gold said.

David and Henry walked in, Henry ran to Naomi as she turned to him, he offered her and Calista a wooden sword each.

"What's this?" Calista asked and took it.

"Henry... I thought it might cheer him up and I seem to recall you saying you're pretty good with a sword... So, am I, shall we see who's better?" David asked.

Calista looked at Mr Gold, "Go, she'll be fine with the bracelet," Mr Gold said.

Henry was the bracelet, "Why the bracelet?" He asked.

"I...I don't want you to be afraid of me like you are with Regina," Naomi said.

"I'm not afraid of you," Henry said.

"I am..." Naomi said.

Mr Gold walked to his daughter, "Sweetheart," Naomi turned to him, "There's nothing to be afraid, I will teach you and I will teach however you want," Mr Gold said.

Calista smiled a little and Naomi hugged Mr Gold, he hugged back, "Thank you, Papa," Naomi said.

"Want to join?" David asked him.

"Uh, oh, no... I'll stay here," Mr Gold said.

"Okay," David walked out of the shop.

"Go, have fun," Mr Gold said.

"Bye Papa," Naomi waved by and left with Henry.

"You sure?" Calista looked at her husband, "I can stay," She said.

"Knock that Prince onto his back, is all I ask," Mr Gold said.

"You got it, love," Calista kissed his cheek and walked outside, "When was the last time I did this for fun?" Calista twirled the wooden sword in her hand.

"I don't know... Never?" David said.

"Ready to teach them?" Calista asked.

"I'm ready," David said.

"I won't go easy on you," Calista said.

"Good, I won't either," David said and the two started to play fight on the sidewalk as the children watched them. 

"They're going slow... Do we copy?" Naomi asked.

"Yeah," David said.

"Okay!" Naomi said happily.

Henry copied David and Naomi copied Calista, the four play fight. Mr Gold watched his daughter with a smile the five were unaware for Albert Spencer watching the four on the sidewalk from his car, further down the street.

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