My Knight In Shining Armor

De Cyber_TechDude

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(Edited Description: May 13, 2022) Where People take royalty too highly, leadership and friendships are made... Mais

1. A Promise Is A Promise (Prologue)
2. Royal Academy (Greetings To The Escort)
3. Short Class (Philip Is Biased)
4. Time For A Lunchbreak (Philip Didn't Get Lunch And Break)
6. A Masked Man (Da Bad Guy!)
7. An Encounter With The Popular Student (Like Cliches)
8. The Garden (You Are Welcomed)
9. The Library (Why Is He Here?)
10. The Memories They Whisper (Heal It With A Song)

5. I Now Have Two Friends (POV You're Philip)

682 29 78
De Cyber_TechDude


-Not That Important of a Chapter Really

-Friendship Development in One Day

-Nick Is Scary At Times, cuz he has an inner Asian Mom Mode

-Another Slight Cringe Warning? I'm... confused to affection now, I'm sorry.  -Author Tech 2022

-Philip and Nick are close friends, it just needs some time to getting used to. They're affectionate, so slightly cheesy warning there

-Hardly edited so apologies for grammatical errors, and slight cringe I guess


~Philippines' POV~

The day has finally seized and here I am, in the halls of the academy, with Prince Russia who explained his situation a while ago. Fortunately for me his problem wasn't a big deal after all. It was just some kind of...fear of fan girls. I shuddered. No one must ever see that way too many wave of fangirls stalking you. And after that talk that wasted my f*cking time climbing upstairs, Russia decided on showing me a red locker, that were identical to the others that filled the halls. It seemed each of them had a different code to identify which is which, it was impressive indeed.

"Okay, this right here is your own locker. You practically store your things here in case you need it. And of course, each of them has a different code each, since it's hard to identify what's yours. Here is your code.." he informs me carefully handing out each necessary and basic detail provided, handing out a piece of paper that had my name written on it as well as a code. I grasped at the piece of paper, making a crumpling sound in the process. I understood and nodded as a sign that I surely did. His eyes soften.

"I'm sure you're gonna get used to it..." he says, smiling slightly.

"Thank you, Prince Russia," I say with a kind smile, thankful of the guide.

"You should head home. Come on, I'll accompany you to the gate. Of course, if you accept my offer that is?" he replies offering me with kindness. Eyes twinkling with light, my eyes sparkled. Now I get why you have many fangirls. You do have a soft side. I accepted it with a smile as of always.

"I gladly accept..."

He smiled at me, walking me to the exit of the school.

I'm finally gonna get used to Prince Russia, even though it's just a day, we're finally able to understand each other comfortably without being too nervous to each other a little, I guess?

(Nah bro, you still need more work)

After that talk we had heading to back to class to escape the Cafeteria. It made our friendship better, but both of us expected each other to act normal as much as possible for us to interact with each other easily. Man, I really wanted a friend right now. I am certainly not much as a social butterfly, but I need confidence to be one. Unfortunately for me, It's hard when you've isolated yourself for a while without having any parents or siblings, and his inner self is literally more confident than his outer self.

We both walked together to get to the exit of the academy, which was hard but like Prince Russia said, I'll get used to it somehow. Well-what part of somehow do I not understand!?

As we both exit the academy, I saw Nick caught my eye, waiting for me in front of the gate entrance, stepping his foot repeatedly while crossing his arms. Eyes filled with worry. The pang of guilt struck me. I ran and quickly hugged Nick tightly.

"P-Prince Philip? Wait a minute..."he trailed out, as his concerned face replaced itself with a slight worried but mostly angered face.

"Where were you!? I was waiting for a long while and most students are almost gone to their kingdoms. Do you have any idea how worried I was!? Ugh, I can't believe this." He gave a disappointed face, a hand on his face blocking it. I immediately apologized, also trying to make an excuse.

"Apologies, I really am sorry..." I trailed out, nervously looking at Nick with apologetic smile. I'm guessing he expected this. He sighed.

"Your excuse, I presume?" He guessed, raising a brow. I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Well um, you see..." before I could answer in a more fricked up way of speaking, Prince Russia cut in answering it for me.

"I informed Prince Philip at the roof to discuss something with him. It was I who made him come home late. Please do not scold him for this..." Prince Russia calmly said, reassuring Nick. Nick gave a smile, eyes softening, as he then looked up to the man.

"I see. And who are you, your majesty?" He asks politely.

"Prince Russia, I am Prince Philip's escort, in case he gets bullied in the first day of school, they come around here very often, and I despise them..." Prince Russia answers, honest and openly calm as if it did not sound dangerously threatening.

"Well, the principal of this school sure is fully prepared for everything." Nick says thoughtfully, soon to be met with a smile, "However, I am thankful. I'm glad Prince Philip doesn't have to go through all that, again." Nick spoke, his voice growing quiet each word.


A smile made its way to my lips, stretching as I registered the words with a warm smile. He cares too much. I don't care what others think, but that means a lot. And without warning or hesitation, I hugged Nick.

"...Can you please let go of the hug?"


"You do know that there are still a few people here, right? Isn't this just embarrassing?" Nick says exasperated at my behavior- not that I care- looking away as red dusted in his cheeks.

"Not quite, I'm really comfortable hugging you actually. And besides, who cares if only a small number of people watching? I don't! As long as I have my Mom number 2 with me!"I shouted, declaring while smiling so bright as I chuckled lightly. Prince Russia let out a snort, enough for me to hear. Nick is such a mom you know that? It probably made him cry-WAIT WHAT?!

Ah cripples! This isn't supposed to happened! Things just escalated way too fast! I really didn't mean to make him cry. Prince Russia's here! And there are still a few people surrounding us!

Tears slowly fell down his face which made the shoulder part of my uniform go wet from all the tears. This is bad-

I quickly broke the hug and immediately tried to apologize to him.

"Nick, I-I didn't mean to make you cry! Oh no! What have I done done?!" I was cut off as Nick spoke quite happily.

"P-Prince Philip," He cried saying those words. Instinctively, he took out a handkerchief from his coat and sneezed on it. "Never have I heard you'd say that to me."

"Um anyways, sorry for the inconvenience," Nick bowed at Prince Russia, the taller man slightly smiling as he relaxed his posture.

"Not at all, my sibling do that all the time. I'm used to it," he simply waved it off.

"Nice to meet you your highness. I haven't really introduced myself, have I? Well, I am Nicholas Dela Cruz, Prince Philippines' current royal butler as of now. I'm glad you're friends with Prince Philip here, he didn't have much friends as a kid, he said so himself." Nick smiled genuinely, replying such politeness and gratitude.

I regret the part when I heard that I didn't had much friends as a kid, you know why? Because I never had any friends as a kid except for the knight himself. I never socialized after witnessing the death of my parents. And I don't even know what's the death of my older brother Martial in the battlefield, like what frick bro!?

I shouldn't really dwell on the past that much, I'd get depressed if do so.

The knight told me that one day, I would actually have a real trustworthy friend that I could tell them all the secrets I'm not too forward to say aloud, and only they know about it...they wouldn't betray me but I guess other people do the same thing to others.

I inhaled and exhaled for a little moment of silence for the special introduction.

I put on my forced happy smile of mine and continued the whole thing.

"To put it simply, Prince Russia, this is my butler Nicholas, or Nick for short."I said still putting that happy smile in my face. They sweat dropped, why though?

"Nice to meet you..." the tallest out of all of us greeted, stretching out his hand downwards for the other to shake.

Nick shook his hand in acceptance.

"Thank you for being Prince Philip's escort, I give you my thanks," Nick smiled sincerely, breaking the handshake as he bowed his head politely as his sign of gratitude, Prince Russia nodding along.

"Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow Prince Russia!"

I heard him clear his throat, "Yes, of course..." a saw his lips twitch upwards, "I'll see you tomorrow..."

At that, I grinned brightly, expression absolutely victorious of my accomplishment that I found finally done.

With the most happy going tone I could possibly muster in public, I waved my arms at him wildly, walking backwards as I ignored Nick's worried cries. "Goodbye!" I shouted out to him, distant as I went farther from him at the entrance.

"Bye-" I tripped backwards with a thud, my foot spraining as I held a scream that would slip out of my mouth, biting my lower lip in suppression. I'm a teenager! I'm not a kid anymore.

(Nick comes in treating me like one)

Public is never my favorite comfort zone, I'm pretty sure no one thought of it as one anyway. It's suffocating and made me feel anxious.

I heard a chuckle coming from afar.


"Dinner's ready in five," Nick told me from the open door, as it peered in judging by how he doesn't want to fully enter.

I placed a bookmark on the book's supposedly still reading page, closing it as I placed it on the table. Out of habit, I cupped a hand on my mouth.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute! I just have to do something first." I answered him, taking the book by the hand and putting it back on the bookshelves that aren't really well organized. Something I find myself insulting my lack of princely mannerisms for.

I could feel him nod from behind me, before I finally heard the door closing the quietest way possible.

A little alone time never hurts to get some peace...

I walked to the edge of the balcony seeing the full moon along with the stars twinkling in the dark night sky. Just looking at it made me feel calm, the sky was beautiful and so was this day as well.

Just going here reminded me of the knight again...

If only I could go search for him and tell him that...I'm still alive til this very day...

But I don't even remember his face, he was all so...mysterious that even I can't figure what he's like. I mean, come on already, I've been with him since I was a little kid and I still don't remember anything about him at all!

Well, only except when we both promised each other something, that's all I know though...

I sighed just thinking about it. I'm always questioning weird things that I can't figure out what it's like, really strange...that is just how life works, right? I took a deep breath and let it all out, things in my mind are just really strange, I'm always overthinking. I then remembered the lullaby mom used to sing to me as a child.

'I would always wanted to hear her sweet singing voice again and again...' I gave a light giggle on that memorable past, but then, I frowned as I recalled what had happened next...

'...until a terrible thing happened...' the thought crossed my mind and I slowly shook my head.

"I guess I'll sing the lullaby myself then, huh mom?" I quietly said whispering, even though she's not even here anymore...

As I remembered about my past, I hummed the tune of the lullaby mom used to sing me every night, and then got trapped in the beautiful tune...

I kept on humming as I felt relaxed, the serenity that I've felt everytime I hummed every tune just right.

This is how I remembered it, I'm not tucked in bed though but I certainly remember how the night happened. But then something interrupted me, making me remind of something else...

I heard a loud knock at the door.


'Ah shucks, I totally forgot about-'

"Prince Philip!! THAT WASN'T A MINUTE, YOU HAVEN'T EATEN YET!!" shouted Nick from behind the door, sounding mad.

I deadpanned, 'Heh, what have I done...' I thought miserably, accepting my fate.

"DON'T MAKE ME COME IN THERE!!" He yelled loudly, and I totally forgot how different Nick is than what he usually acts.

Jolting, I quickly closed the balcony windows behind me and headed closer to the door. A half, my gut telling me I shouldn't take another step.

Nervously, I answered with all the courage I could possibly muster, "I-I'll be there! Just wait for me." He's really scary when he gets mad.

A crack was heard from the other side.




I ate carefully, nervously as I eyed my butler from the side, smiling calmly as I yelling at me for 20 minutes felt like nothing.

I find my butler terrifying at times, these were one of those times, send help.

Nicholas stood beside me, posture completely relaxed.

I still can't help the fact that his smile of all things made it all so disturbing, it say that least, didn't feel good according to my gut.

(Heh, when you're in the present tho, slippers and belts are used as punishments, don't you guys agree?😓🙁☹️)

"So how was your first day my prince?" An innocent question, sounding slightly threatening.

A strain smile etched across my uneasy features, I asked, "Um, I'm sorry, could you please repeat that?"

Nick didn't mind, fortunately for me, "I'm asking you how did your first day of the Royal Academy go," he asked me again which I listened this time.

"It was pretty fine I guess, Nicholas," I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, "Umm...can you pass me the napkins?" I requested.

"Of course," he obediently handed me the napkins as requested, the disturbing smile still on his face. Grasping the napkins tightly by his own bare hand.

I stiffened unnoticeably.

"Here are your napkins, your majesty."

"Thank you Nick," It's all coming back to me now, thank goodness. And with that, I proceeded to wipe my mouth carefully-

"Also, Prince Philip..." I froze, acknowledging the tone in his voice changing drastically.

"Hm?" I hum in response, masking the fear hidden beneath the dumb facade.

It was all unexpected after what he did next.

He placed his hands onto my shoulder tightly as I felt an uncomfortable aura surrounding us. I sense danger. And I do not like it.

Nick leaned closer, eyes narrowed as his blue irises created a menacing dark glow, glinting in the dark as his bangs covered his face, that in a way made him intimidating to approach.

Darkly, he threatens, "Next time, I suggest you eat early this time or I swear Prince Philip, I will make you eat all on my own, understand?"

Unbeknownst to him, I was practically trembling in fear...

I mentally prayed to God my thanks and turned beside me slowly. Immediately I noticed that his smile stretched to a somewhat dark and creepy grin, scaring the living life outta me as I completely paled, including the colors on my hair as I screamed inwardly!

I smiled however, nervously and completely strained as I answered with the courage I still have left in my utility, "I-I u-under-s-stand v-very w-well,"

Fudge, I stuttered too much...

I felt his grasp slowly disappearing from my shoulders. What has the world come into? Nick's mad and threatened me. I'm suppose to be the Boss here, right?

"Delightful, now finish eating and I'll wash it afterwards, okay?" he says back to normal while clasping his hands at the satisfying answer, smiling at me widely. The uncomfortable atmosphere replacing itself with a more...I don't know how to describe it but it was better at least.


I'm just scared as fuck right at the moment, spitting a lot of curses a lot in my mind. If any of my family were to unfold my behavior at the moment, they would totally lecture me of how inappropriate it is to act such ways for a prince like me. And yet here we are!

"Inform me when you're done eating, alright?" Nick says smiling darkly. I paled.

"I-I will, heh..." I say nervously.

I should eat quickly before I make him mad again. Who knows? Maybe I'll die tomorrow/j

He nods in response, sauntering out of the large dining room, humming a tune his way as my ears perk at the familiarity, leaving me alone scared while holding the utensils like it was dear life.

There are different kinds of friendships and mine is pretty scary and nice at the same time. Though I suppose it is technically for my own good, I'm... not completely well mannered at times. Others call me insane, but in a good way!

It's called platonic.

(I hope you are very familiar with this. Especially for the shippers out there who've seen some sh*t.)

It's quite nice to have friends around but sometimes they can be clingy and disturb you every time you do something that's none of their business. I like mine and Nick's friendship. But as I have experienced today, he's scary when he gets mad and I would tremble in fear even though I'm the literal boss of him.

I wonder, if people have friends, would their other friend able to fall in love with them and won't be called a friend anymore? I'm curious.


As I thought about that question, I zoned out asking all kinds of questions in my head that I can't seem to understand in this strange and confusing world...

(That's pretty deep bro...)

Which orange came first, the color...or the fruit?

What's it like inside a black hole?

Is sleeping just death being shy like the book said it was?

If you're invisible and you fall asleep, can you see through your eyelids?

What happens if we dream of other people in our dreams?

If some people were born deaf, what language would they think in?

If two vegans are arguing, are they still considered beef?

So many unanswered questions popping up in my head, I can't stop-

"Are you done?" Nick came out, with his dark smile. I snapped back to reality as I flinched at the voice.

"Uhh, I'm almost done!"I totally forgot. QUICK YOU PRINCE, QUICK!


"Finally!" I said to myself with sweet relief. Nicholas almost shouted at me when I was eating too long but good thing he didn't...

I jumped landing on my soft cushioned bed which gave me comfort. I feel so much better now.

MOM really got me going.

My second day at school...

I thought about Prince Russia's early reply which made me smile. We could actually be good friends, I'm sure of it...

I just hope it lasts for a long time compared to those other friendships which only lasted a single year, I don't want that...

I want him and I to be friends forever, but I don't think that's possible if I don't get to know him better, plus I don't think he wants to though. I don't know really since I can't tell what he's really like in the inside. His cold stare just made it look like he's scary but I'm certain he has a soft spot...

Never judge a book by it's cover...

That's how my mom said it...

I hope to have a great day tomorrow.

I took my blanket and snuggled in it.

Got another day ahead of ourselves-

"We need to talk, Prince Philippines."

To be continued...
Word Count: 3319
Edited: Jan 26, 2022

Author's Note:

So yeah, hardly edited but like-it's hard to keep up with all the modules and stuff.

Anyway, I hope that I'd done better but it's still under editing!

See ya guys in the next chapter!

Later Homies ;)

Continue lendo

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