Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter

Per RemyRabbit

170 20 8


Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter(Prologue)
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 1
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 2
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 3
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 4
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 5
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 6
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 7
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 8
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 9
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 10
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 11
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 12
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 13
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 14
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 15
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 16
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 17
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 18
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 19
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 20
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 21
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 22
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 23
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 24
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 25
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 26
Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 28

Remy Rabbit Bounty Hunter Chapter 27

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Per RemyRabbit

Care watches over everything in the city of Lunon. Echo comes on Care's earpiece.

Echo "Remember who you're looking for."
Care "Big, muscular, and a bear."
Echo "A Polar Bear."
Care "I can't tell the difference!"
Echo "I have you a picture!"
Echo "Oh, right. Anyway, he has a scar across his neck. If you can see that, then that's our man."
Care "I'll be able to see it. Scars leave an indent on the skin. Which is how I know one of your wings is burned."
Echo "Good eye. Now don't come back until you kill him."

Care surveys the area closely. He can see the many cars driving, people walking by and going through their daily lives, and even a store being robbed nearby. Care descends the giant clock tower and reaches the street and sprints across the tops of cars to cross. He scales another building easily and jumps onto the roof.

Care "You said he's supposed to be around here at this time."
Echo "He's probably late."
Care "Or early."

Care looks around but there is no sign of life on any nearby roof. Care growls in anger and walks to the only door. The door is violently kicked open, knocking Care back, and a large bear is standing on the other side.

Care "Looks like he was on time."
Bear "I knew you were following me from the very start."
Care "Bears are unnaturally keen on knowing what's around them."
Bear "You do realize that if you kill me, you will be hunted by my people."
Care "Let them all come and I'll kill them myself."
Bear “Good. We love a fight.”

The Bear runs forward and Care leaps over him. The Bear takes a throwing knife and throws it at Care. Care dodges the knife and a closely followed punch. Care knees the Bears arm and slightly bends it backward. Care pounces on him and scratches his chest many times. The Bear hits Care off of him and Care backflips away.

Bear “You’re the new one to the gang. You’re quite skilled.”
Care “I train hard.”
Bear “Then this should get good.”

Tala is at Brooke’s house and is enjoying the time alone. She’s relaxing on the couch and is painting her nails. The sudden crash of a broken glass hitting the ground startles Tala. She grabs a large monkey wrench that Wrench left nearby and wields it like a bat. She’s obviously scared and shaking in fear. She sees a masked man and charges at him and swings the wrench. She misses and the burglar hits Tala across the face and points a gun at her.

Burglar “The fuck you think you are, attacking me and shit? Give me all you got.”
Tala “Please I don’t have anything!”
Burglar “Bullshit! Where is your damn money?”

Tala is shaking on the floor with her hands held out in front of her.

Burglar “Get the fuck up!”

The burglar grabs Tala and forces her to her feet.

Burglar "Money, jewels, and anything valuable, in the damn bag!"
Tala "Please leave me alone."

The Burglar hits Tala across the face and she starts to cry.

Burglar "You think I'm fucking around!?"

Tala walks to the room and opens Brooke's giant jewelry case. The Burglar starts grabbing what he can and putting them in the bag. He opens another drawer and finds a few wads of cash that he also places in the bag. Tala looks back at the room door and Brooke peeks in at the scared Tala. Brooke places her finger over her mouth to shush Tala. Tala shakes her head no and Brooke sneaks towards the Burglar. She jumps on the Burglar and he elbows her in the stomach and Brooke slips and let's go. The Burglar hits Brooke and she falls back. Tala goes to charge in but the Burglar points his gun at them.

Burglar "Look at this. Someone's trying to be a hero."

He walks between them still pointing his gun and walks through the door.

Burglar "We don't need heroes."
Naomi "No."

The Burglar turns while aiming his gun and Naomi shoots him and makes him fall on his back in pain. They see Naomi enter the doorway while aiming her gun at the man.

Tala "Naomi?"
Brooke "Where are the kids?"
Naomi "At my place with my dad. I was passing by to get something to eat for them and saw the window was broken and decided to check it out."

Naomi gets the man on his stomach and zip ties his hands together.

Naomi "Now I have to call this in. You two okay?"

She also zip ties the man's feet together and picks the man up and lugs him over her shoulder.

Brooke "My face hurts."
Tala "He hit me too."
Burglar "Fuck you!"
Naomi "Shut up. So burglary, two counts of assault, breaking and entering, and trespassing. Sounds like enough to throw you in prison for a year or two."
Tala "He hit me three times."
Naomi "AND battery. You ARE a dick."
Burglar "Fuck off."
Naomi "I'll make sure he's taken care of. I'll drop him off at the station and leave it at that. I'm gonna guess all your stuff is in that bag."
Brooke "Thank you, Naomi."
Naomi "Anytime girl's. You two take care of yourself."

Naomi walks down the stairs.

Tala "Are you okay?"
Brooke "I'm fine, are you?"
Tala "I've taken worse than a few punches."

Tala helps Brooke up and Brooke grabs the bag.

Tala "I'm sorry."
Brooke "For what, sweetie?"
Tala "I took him right to your jewelry."

Tala starts to cry again and Brooke approaches her and grabs Tala's shoulder and caresses her face.

Brooke "No, no, no, no, no, baby it's okay. I'd rather lose my stuff than have you hurt."
Tala "I'm tired of this. I can't escape bad shit happening to me."
Brooke "Hey, it's okay. Bad things could happen at any time. It's not just to you."

Tala looks at the burglar's gun on the floor that Naomi forgot to take.

Tala "I want to learn to shoot a gun."
Brooke "Then let's go. Maybe Naomi can show you some time?"

Naomi walks back up the stairs and grabs the man gun.

Naomi "Sorry, I forgot his gun."

She quickly unloads it and puts the safety on.

Tala "Can you teach me to shoot a gun?"
Naomi "Huh?"
Brooke "She wants to learn to protect herself."
Naomi "Sure, I can after I drop the girls off later today. Does that work?"
Tala "I don't have a gun."
Naomi "You can use mine, don't worry about it. Well I should get this guy to the station. Have a good rest of your day girls."
Brooke "We'll definitely try."

Naomi walks down the stairs and out of the front door. The Burglar is flailing in the back seat of Naomi's car trying to get free. She opens the back seat and drags him out onto the hot concrete.

Naomi "On second thought, you can stay there and roast in the heat instead of being in a nice air conditioned vehicle."
Burglar "Roast your bits into bacon you bitch!"
Naomi "Carnivores, almost always the damn same."
Burglar "You're an omnivore!"
Naomi "But I'm not a bitch about it."

She reaches into her glove compartment and takes out a radio.

Naomi "This is Deputy Naomi, I'm off the clock and requesting a small time pick-up."

The Burglar tries his best to wiggle away from Naomi. Naomi closes her door and walks in front of the Burglar. The Burglar looks up and smirks.

Burglar "Got a little camel-"

Naomi nudges the Burglar enough to make him roll into asphalt.

Burglar "OW! FUCK!"
Naomi "You're gonna have road burn when I tie you to the back of my fucking car and drag your ass across this damn road. I could abuse my power as an officer and be beating the shit out of you right now, but I'm not one of those corrupt fucks!"
Burglar "Fuck you bitch."
Naomi "You'd love to."

Care slides under the Bear and grabs onto his tail and lifts himself up and slashes his claws across the Bears back. The bear staggers forward and turns around to show the front of his body is damaged and cut up. Care doesn't have a scratch on him and stands there looking at him.

Care "This was a poor excuse for a fight."
Bear "It won't matter if you kill me. You're fucked anyway."
Care "We all are."
Echo "Finish it."

Care rushes forward and slashes the Bear's head clean off.

Care "Collecting the head. Why do I have to do this again?"
Echo "There's a specific head I want you to collect. These targets are training you for the final one."
Care "I can kill whoever you send me after."
Echo "Good because a little birdie tells me she's going to pass by Ehin soon. I want you to be ready, she's a formidable foe."
Care "Who am I looking for?"
Echo "Just go to the Pearl Sea and you'll find her on a Longship."
Care "The fuck is a Longship?"
Echo "Well, it's a long ship. You'll know her when you see her."

It takes a very long while but Care eventually gets to the Sea within a day. Care leaps through trees and follows along the shore.

Care "I'm here, but I don't see anyone around."
Echo "She'll be there. Just wait."

Care waits for hours on end and begins to get impatient. No one has sailed by on the sea, not even a single fish has made its presence known. Eventually Care hears what sounds like an instrument, a harp maybe. He hears what sounds like singing. Care gets up and hides in a bush near the shore. Ragnild is on her Longship along with other Vikings.

Rag "Keep watchful eye. Large animal anywhere."
Care "Tell me it's the pilot of that ship."
Echo "Ragnild of the Aze clan. She's tough but blind like you. So y9u already should know her weaknesses."
Care "Her muscles are as big as mine."
Echo "And she's much taller. You think you can take her now?"
Care "Yes."

Care looks at a giant boulder and grabs it.

Rag "Does Bjorn have story?"
Bjorn "Ah I do. I was only 16 winters old, my tent sister and I went to frolic in a field of flowers. She felt off that day, I could tell. She seemed beside herself like she was thinking of something that bothered her dearly. I asked her what was wrong and she confessed that she felt that her heart was bound to mine. I became a man that afternoon. Now here I am 30 winters later married to the same woman. What about you, Ragnild? Do you have anyone you fancy?"
Rag "Rag does. He not here, he missing, but here in world somewhere. Rag find one day."
Bjorn "Tell us who this man is and we shall scour to the ends of the planet."
Rag "Name is-"
Crewmate "Look out!"

Rag turns to look at a giant boulder flying their way. Rag grabs her axe and yells as she leaps off the ship and bashes the boulder with her axe making it shatter. She lands in the shallow water and grabs her other ace and readies herself for a fight.

Rag "Come out, fiend!"

Care steps out of the bush and readies himself as well. The Vikings all grab their weapons and Rag holds her hand out behind her.

Rag "Halt! Rag fight, not others."
Bjorn "He could have friends!"
Rag "Others keep eye on treeline. Watch for interference."
Care "Ragnild, I've come for your head."
Rag "Many have, many fail. Rag blind but Rag strong!"
Care "We have a common problem. I am also blind."
Rag "Foe have weapon?"
Care "I do not need one. My claws will be the thing that cuts off your head!"
Rag "Then Rag use one axe."
Bjorn "Are you kidding?"
Rag "Rag count claw as partial weapon. Too small. Rag fight with honor."
Bjorn "If you die-"
Rag "Valhalla gain good warrior. Come, foe. Fight!"

Rag throws the axe in her left hand back towards her ship and one of the Vikings catches it.

Care "We may share a common flaw, but I feel I'm more trained for this."
Rag "Rag know where foe is."

Care dashes forward into the water and slashes at Rag. She blocks Care's attack and uppercuts him. He lands on his back in the shallow water and growls at the fact that he got hit.

Care "She actually hit me."
Rag "Rag no see, but Rag know body."

Care jump up high above Rag. As Care comes down she looks up and moves out of the way of an attack and jumps back. Care dashes around her and she follows him as if she's staring right at him. Care suddenly stops and water splashes forward. Rag's gaze follows slightly past Care and Care stops to study her. Care dashes forward and she looks at him and blocks an attack. She pushes him back and swings her axe. Care dashes backwards narrowly avoiding it and backflips away. Care jumps up and grabs onto a branch above him. Rag still follows him and Care leaps to the right. Rag still fixates on the branch before Care hits the water. She looks at where he lands and Care dashes forward again and picks up a large rock and jumps with it. He throws the rock behind Rag and they both splash in the water at the same time with Care still being in front of her. Rag gasps and turns around to slash her axe. Care sprints forward and slashes at Rag's back and slicing it open. Rag uses her tail to slap Care to the said into slightly deeper water and Care gets drenched.

Care "I found her weakness. She can only see things on the ground. She uses vibrations to know where her enemy is. I know how to kill her."

Care dashes forward and does a flurry of swipes at Rag. Rag blocks one after another but let's her guard down for a swing. Care seems to dodge but she takes a swing and grabs Care by the neck instead. Care scratches at Rag's arm and gets his hands bloody. Rag headbutts Care and he gets another slash across the top of her chest. Care is dazed and Rag uses that change to charge inland and smashes Care through a tree. The tree splinters and crashes to the ground. Care is flung back and rolls away back to his feet.

Care "Just where I needed to go."

Care leaps into a tree and starts to leap from tree to tree. The wind begins to pick up and rustle the trees all around Rag. Rag looks all around her.

Bjorn "It's the wind, Ragnild! Be careful!"

Care leaps out from behind her and goes for a powerful slash. Rag brings her axe behind her and blocks the hit and punches Care away.

Care "What?"
Rag "Rag good with vibration and so is foe. Foe better with seeing vibration. Rag better with sound."

Care gets angry and charges at Rag. Rag blocks a hit, slams her fist across Care's face, and wraps her free arm around his neck. Care struggles against her as she lifts him up and begins to strangle him. Care scratches Rag's belly but she doesn't budge. Care begins to use all of his strength to pull Rag's arm away from him. He gets it enough away from him to bite down hard on her arm. Rag grunts in pain and throws Care off. Care slams into a tree but lands on his feet. Care climbs the tree and the wind begins to blow again and he dashes through the trees. He gets in front of Rag and she looks up at him. Care stops and her gaze remains fixed on him. Care goes back the other way and she follows him even though there is sound all around her. Her gaze shortly falls away from him and she loses him entirely. Care ponders how she could follow when she didn't know he was there.

Care "My footsteps were heavier because I was angry. She knows if I become angry then she can hear me better with my heavier steps."

Care takes a deep breath and leaps from a tree behind Rag. Rag violently spins around while swinging her axe and nails Care in the side. Care slams against the ground and Rag picks him up and gives her most powerful punch to his injured side. Care slides across the ground covered in his own and Ragnild's blood. Care gets up with only a slight struggle. Care sees her bring her bloodied hand up to her face and smell his blood. He looks at the direction of the wind before it stops. The wind was blowing towards her.

Care "So you're a scent type. That's how you could follow me while in the trees."
Rag "Rag better with smell than even fighting. Rag finds way round with smell."
Care "As long as I stay down wind, she can't smell me. She knows if she can't smell me then I'm wherever the wind is blowing towards. So she doesn't know I'm attacking when the wind is coming at me and I'm above her."

Care breaks off a branch from the tree and charges at her. Rag uses her axe to chop the branch in half and dodge a punch to knee Care in the stomach. She grabs him by the back of the head and slams him to the ground. She picks up the broken branch and beats Care with it in rage. Care rolls out of the way and Rag misses and hits the ground. The branch pierces the ground and becomes stuck. She leaves it and stands back up straight. She flexes her muscles and yells in anger. Care steps back and notices the wind coming back so he runs into the trees again. Rag follows him for a second till Care is downwind and she loses him. Care extends his claws and gets ready for an attack.

Rag "Foe might be downwind, but scent of self is strong."

She turns her head to look at Care.

Rag "Very strong. Rag no smell foe, but Rag smell Rag."

Care looks at all of Ragnild's blood he has on him.

Care "She set me up. No matter how powerful the wind is, she can still smell herself on me. That shouldn't even be possible. Hardly any scent molecules can reach her nose and she can still smell?"
Rag "Rag know where foe is."
Care "I'll have to end this quick then!"

Care roars in anger and leaps from the tree. Ragnild slightly crouches and begins to yell loud. Her hair slowly begins to rise and she looks at the floor. She quickly looks at Care, her red eyes glowing with the anger of a thousand devil's, and she throws a very powerful punch. They lock fists and Care is rocketed high into the air while breaking the sound barrier and is sent far away from where they are fighting. Care seems to fly almost 3 away and slams on the ground and slides back so far the planet could call it a scar. Care lays there defeated and ashamed of that battle. Many hours fly by as Care lays there so tired he can't even get up. Echo lands next to him and stands above him. He bends over and snaps in Care's face.

Echo "Did yah win?"

Echo starts laughing as Care finally passes out. Ragnild walks into Brooke's home, which is now tidied up with the window replaced.

Rag "Am back. How was Tala time alone?"
Tala "Almost got robbed, so that pretty much sums it up."
Rag "Pretty wolf almost robbed? Wolf fight back?"
Tala "My friend Naomi stopped by and saved my ass."
Brooke "I almost had him!"
Tala "You'll get him next time."
Rag "Rag want to introduce two friend."
Brooke "Bring them in."

Rag opens the door and brings in two other Vikings. Both of them are wearing light Viking metal armor.

Rag "Raven is Bjorn and Stout is Byrne."
Bjorn "Nice to meet you."

Byrne folds his arms and remains silent.


Name: Bjorn of the Axe clan
Development: Fawn
Fingers: 4
Species: Raven
Sex: Male
Age: 46
Height: 5'7
Eyes: Grey
Feathers: Black, white wings
Clothes: Leather tunic, fur cloak, leather pants with armor plating
Attitude: cocky, clown

Name: Byrne of the Aze clan
Development: Fawn
Fingers: 4
Species: Stout
Sex: Male
Age: 31
Height: 4'11
Eyes: Jade
Fur: Light brown
Clothes: Leather tunic, chainmail, fur poncho, Celtic rune pants,
Attitude: Silent
Misc: Metal gauntlets with Celtic runes

Bjorn "Forgive Byrne. His Oqesh family never let him speak much."
Brooke "Good to meet you both."
Rag "Rag set on journey soon."
Tala "You're leaving?"
Rag "Rag stay a moment. Leave in few hour."
Tala "It'd be nice to have you around."
Rag "Rag know, but Rag have thing to do. Find someone, close."
Brooke "We hope you find whoever you're looking for. We'll keep you in our prayers."
Bjorn "We'll keep Ragnild safe on this journey. She won't go to Valhalla until she completes what she's gonna do."
Tala "Valhalla?"
Brooke "It's the place they believe they go when they die. It's said to-"
Bjorn "Valhalla is a place where us Norse warriors go. We join all the other mighty warriors of the past there and feast and party to our hearts content. We also fight to defend Valhalla from enemies that try to invade our land."
Tala “Wherever I go, I just hope it’s some place where I can relax by the ocean in peace.”
Rag “Bjorn, Byrne, go to stores and get needs. Pay this time.”
Bjorn “Aw, you’re no fun.”
Rag “Police here, unkind.”
Bjorn “Scared of their guns?”
Rag “Rag scared by nothing. Go get our wares.”
Bjorn “Yes, ma’am.”

They both leave and close the door.

Brooke “Where will you be going?”
Rag “All around the Kingdom. We search every Kingdom till Rag finds who Rag looks for.”
Tala “Whoever it is, you love them very much.”
Rag “Yes, Rag love him.”
Brooke “OOOOOOO! Ragnild has a man!”

Rag begins to blush a little.

Rag “Man gone for long while. He set off and hasn't returned. He never write back.”
Tala “I hope he’s okay, for your sake.”
Brooke “You’ll hunt his soul down if he’s dead.”

Rag laughs and punches her open hand.

Rag “Rag take all friend souls to good place. All party there to no end and remain happy.”
Tala “Make sure it’s by the beach.”
Rag “Rag will.”
Brooke “Oh! I got something just for you in case you returned.”

Brooke runs upstairs and shortly comes back down with a box.

Brooke “I sought out an authentic jewelry maker from Suma and I had this made for you.”

Rag takes the box and opens it up and finds a metal collar with runes inscribed on them. She takes it and puts it on as a perfect fit.

Rag “Ah, Rag feel protected by runes already.”
Tala “I think that's the closest we’re gonna get to a complete sentence.”

They laugh and all hug one another.

Rag “Thank you.”
Brooke “Im glad you like it.”
Rag “Rag take good care of it. It take good care of Rag.”
Brooke “You take care now. Come back on one piece.”
Tala “If Poru ever calls on you, please go and help her. She’s still looking for Remy.”
Rag “Rag always there for friend. Rag write and say where Rag go next so friends know where to send letter.”
Tala “Happily.”

Tala’s cellphone buzzes and she checks it. Tala gasps and looks at Rag.

Tala “Your adventure will have to wait.”
Brooke “Why?”
Tala “Poru found where Remy is being held.”

Half an hour earlier. Poru is walking through the woods with Ernesh.

Poru “The bridge is near.”
Ernesh “I’ve never been in this part of the woods before.”
Poru “I thought you’ve been through every part of these woods?”
Ernesh “On the path yes. I guess there might be a forgotten path here.”
Poru “Here it is. I remember the remains of these two nearby houses.”
Ernesh “Houses? Who would ever live out here?”

Ernesh walks up to a small and broken sign.

Ernesh “Bridge to T… I can’t read the rest, it’s withered away.”
Poru “You coming?”
Ernesh “I was inspecting the area. Lost history amuses me.”
Poru “I saw them around here. Just look what they did to these people.”
Ernesh “Yes, definitely brutal. Could be worse.”
Poru “How could this get any worse?”
Ernesh “Who knows? It depends on the one who does it.”
Poru “I guess that’s true.”

Ernesh looks around the area and examines footprints and blood splatter.

Ernesh "This here is recent."
Poru "How can you tell?"
Ernesh "You see the other bloodstains and footprints around the area? The blood color has dimmed and the footprints are tampered. Probably from Bird's and wind."
Poru "I guess. I'm not a tracker."
Ernesh "For a Bounty Hunter, you're a pretty poor excuse."
Poru "Hey!"
Ernesh "Let me teach you something. These prints and blood aren't touched. This is at least 20 minutes old. Those others are at least 24 to 48 hours old."
Poru "Meaning?"
Ernesh "Whoever was injured here, is probably still here."
Poru "Along with the enemy."
Ernesh "Probable."

Ernesh follows the trail of blood under the bridge and finds a body.

Ernesh "Looks like someone left us a message."

Poru goes under the bridge and looks at a message written in blood.

Poru "The Pig is a traitor. Maybe that guy I ran into on my way here the first time."
Ernesh "You did say there were a group of them here."
Poru "One of them was away from the group. That's the one who tried to kill me."
Ernesh "And why do you think he wrote the message here?"
Poru "Maybe it's a gathering spot?"
Ernesh "Look closer."

He points to a small stream of blood that splits in 180 degrees in opposite directions and stops.

Poru "We're on top of it?"
Ernesh "This ice is fake."
Poru "How do you know that?"
Ernesh "My feet aren't cold."

Ernesh steps behind the blood and rams him hand into the ice and lifts up a large hatch of fake ice.

Ernesh "It's a prop. Used some of the same stuff in my Christmas shows as a kid for the floor."
Poru "How did they get there hands on this?"
Ernesh "You can buy it at the store."

Ernesh flings open the giant hatch and there is a large tunnel leading underground. They can hear faint alarms going off and sneak down. Remy runs out of his cell and Sam tackles a guard and hits him with a brick.

Sam "Come on!"
Remy "Wait, I need to get someone!"
Sam "I'm sure they'll escape with us! We don't have time!"
Remy "I promised I'd come back!"
Sam "I WILL see you outside!"
Remy "You got it!"

Remy sprints towards Luinaka's hall and 4 guards come running around the corner. Remy kicks the closest one and takes his gun. He shoots and kills the other guards and smashes the butt of the gun against the others face and knocking him out. Remy sprints down the hall and slams through Luminaka's door. She's sitting in the corner cowering in fear.

Remy "Luminaka, we have to go!"
Luminaka "I don't want to die. Please don't let them hurt me."

Remy slides next to her and places his hands on her shoulders.

Remy "Hey, hey, hey, no one will hurt you. I promise."

A guard shouts from down the hall and Remy grabs Luminaka's hand and they sprint out of the room.

Guard "There, shoot them!"

Remy tugs on her hand and she narrowly avoids a bullet. They book it down a seperate hallway and run past guards being jumped by a lot of other prisoners. They see the way out and make a run for it. They make the turn to the long hallways and Remy sees a ton of guards with big guns guarding the main hall and everyone is frozen in fear. Abs stands at the front of the group.

Abs "You all really thought you could just leave? I am very hurt by this, in fact, I am quite angry. Sam, you were showing great improvement. I really had thought that you wisened up and were going to make the right choice to join us."
Sam "Fuck you and the bitch you rode in on!"
Abs "I might have taken offense to that if I actually liked my mother. No worries though, no hard feelings. We're all just a little-"

She hits Sam in the stomach and he falls to his knees.

Abs "-having a conversation."
Remy "Sam!"

Remy forces his way to the front of the group and crouches down next to Sam.

Abs "Remy? Out of all of what's happened today, I am most upset over this."

Poru spots Remy and gasps.

Poru "Remy."

She almost breaks cover but Ernesh holds her back.

Ernesh "This is not our time to interfere. Look at these people and their guns, they'll tear us to shreds in seconds."
Poru "I have to help him."
Ernesh "We will. We're going to need backup. Come-on."

As they make their way out, Poru takes one last look at Remy who has a scoule on his face and then leaves.

Abs "I made you our doctor. I was close to letting you in and you turn around and do this? AND try to take my little spider baby!?"
Luminaka "You kidnapped me!"
Abs "I'll deal with you later! As for this one-"

Abs laughs and takes out her gun and points it between Remy's eyes.

Abs "-I'll take care of this now."
Remy "Just like that child and that woman? Do it."

She cocks the gun and Remy closes his eyes embracing death. She pulls the trigger halfway before pointing it at Sam and shooting him in the groin. Sam screams and wallows in pain and horror.

Remy "No!"
Abs "Shooting you will be a blessing in disguise. I have a better option. Take him to the poles, along with as many as you can fit. Execute the rest."

Poru and Ernesh run away from the area and Poru is breathing heavily. She stops and collapses to her knees.

Ernesh "We should be going in case they survey the area."
Poru "I've...he...he's so skinny. I hardly recognized him."
Ernesh "This is no time to break down."
Poru "I felt so useless. We should have helped him!"
Ernesh "They would have killed us all! We need to get moving!"
Poru "I, I need...we have to…"

Poru starts to shake and balls her hands.

Ernesh "Listen-"

Poru holds her head and screams in horror of what she saw. She slams her fists to the ground and begins to gasp for air.

Ernesh "Poru."

Ernesh slowly crouches next to her and starts to pet her back.

Ernesh "I know this is hard. You've been tearing yourself apart and you've been trying to keep it bottled up. I can see right through you. You can't keep this to yourself anymore or you'll die. You'll break down right in front of the enemy and they'll kill you."

Ernesh hears running back where they came from.

Ernesh "Right now we have to go. You can't let your emotions take control of who you are. You may have been serious and cold before, but Remy is showing you that happiness and love exists. Use that to fuel you to take down these guys to save him. We should go."

Poru looks behind her and sees the guards coming out of the woods. They start running and leap into the trees just as the guards rev-up their miniguns. Later at Ernesh's house.

Poru "If we're going to raid that place, we're gonna need some backup."
Ernesh "Who are you messaging?"
Poru "Everyone I can."


Continua llegint

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