
By xcorduroyx

43K 845 670

Young Dana has been attending Hogwarts since she was 11. Its not until her 6th year that things start to get... More

1. Cold
2. Tardy
3. Lightheaded
4. Dress Shopping
5. Yule Ball
7. The Hospital Wing
8. Special Diet
9. Happy Birthday
10. Just A Little Crush
11. Drinking
12. Piercings
13. Old Dana
14. New Things

6. Staying After

3.3K 68 114
By xcorduroyx

My mind couldn't think of anything else but my encounter with Professor Riddle last night. I mean, I'd had my first kiss but nothing more than that. My first kiss wasn't even a huge deal. It was something small with Malfoy in third year.

Sometimes having a dorm to myself could be kind of enjoyable. Being able to sit in silence while thinking and playing my music as loud as I can and just not having to abide to anyone else's rules but my own. I walked over to my record player and placed Claire De Lune inside. This was probably my favorite song.

I spun around to the song for a second, enjoying myself. I laughed a little bit. God it's been so long since I'd been able to enjoy myself like this. I was diagnosed with depression at age 13.

My mom took me to a doctor after she realized that I'd been isolating myself. I'd taken a series of tests before they diagnosed me. When the doctor confirmed it, my mom broke down wondering what she had done wrong. But it wasn't her fault. It wasn't anyone's.

Blair always made me feel so much better. She always found a way to cheer me up. And now she's just gone. I haven't really had any friends since. Besides Luna maybe.

My fun was suddenly ruined with a striking memory of what Professor Riddle had done. I wasn't uncomfortable, just confused. I couldn't understand it. My mind felt like it was twisting in 50 different ways. What did he want with me? What made me so special?


I walked to potions class. Determined to stay after and figure out what was going on. I had confidence in myself, I was going to stand my ground.

He finally began class, glancing over at me every so often with a seductive look. Trying to avoid eye contact, I would fidget with the threads in my clothes or maybe even bite my nails. He walked up and down the isles between desks, handing out papers to each student.

The tapping sound of his dress shoes hitting the floor stopped as he stood in front of Cho and I's desk. He handed Cho her paper without breaking eye contact with me. It felt that we were the only two in the room. He placed the paper on the desk in front of him, putting his hand on it and sliding it forward towards me. We couldn't break eye contact. It felt illegal.

He turned around to walk back to his desk. I reached down in my bag for a pencil. I could feel his eyes on me again. It was never ending. I answered the questions on my paper, trying to not look up. If I did look up then it wasn't in his direction.

The bell rang, breaking my focus from my paper. My stomach dropped, knowing what time it was. I slowly gathered my belongings so nothing would be obvious. I took a deep breath and stood in front of my desk.

"Professor Riddle?" I muttered. "Ah, Ms. Deveaux." He smiled, walking closer to me. "Something I can help you with?" He looked me up and down. I backed out, deciding to ask about something else. "I need a little help with the classwork from today." I stated. He propped me up on my desk. I was now sitting on my desk, facing him with my paper to the left of me.

"Now, which one can I help you with?" He grinned, putting one hand beside each of my thighs. I pointed to the fourth question. "Ah, what helps with using polyjuice potion?" He read. He looked up at me and then back down at the paper. Inching closer to me, he asked, "Do you know what the answer to this question is Ms. Deveaux?" He breathed on my neck.

His hips were now between my legs. "N-no I don't Professor." I stuttered. "Well that would be similarity in appearance now, wouldn't it be?" He chuckled. I looked up at him. I nodded and bit my lip in agreement.

I turned my head to look back down at my paper only to have him grab my chin. I was now facing him. Our faces only inches apart. He slowly leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips. He pulled away for a second, only to do it again. His tongue found its way inside of my mouth. I wasn't fighting it. My hands slid up to his shoulders. I held my hands together behind his neck.

"Does that answer your question?" He breathed, pulling away. "I nodded with a grin, jumping down off my desk and gathering my things. I walked out of the classroom feeling confident.

God Dana this is so illegal. He's like 23. I'm 16. I couldn't be doing this but I oddly wasn't against it. My fingers ran through my hair as I sighed. Snowflakes landed on my head, melting as they touched it as I made my way back to my room.

I opened my door and took off my coat. I placed it on the floor next to my bed. I laid down in my bed trying to get a grasp on what just happened. At least I didn't have anyone to tell. Does he do this with other girls?

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