City Boy (TodoBaku)

By _Calv_Haii

81.6K 3.1K 4.4K

At his final attempt, Enji Todoroki created his 'Perfect' creation. A dual quirked user that was forced to be... More

Chapter 1: Sadness
Chapter 2: Dull
Chapter 3: Betrayal
Chapter 4: New kid
Chapter 5: Art Class
Chapter 6: Interest
Chapter 7: Words can Cut
Chapter 8: No Love Interest
Chapter 9: Fight
Chapter 10: Someone Else
Chapter 11: Wonders
Chapter 12: unhero-like
Chapter 13: Shine
Chapter 14: Confidence
Chapter 15: Haunted House
Chapter 16: Trigger
Chapter 17: Sorry
Chapter 18: Pain
Chapter 19: Concern
Chapter 20: Cool Down
Chapter 21: Sorry for being me
Chapter 22: You Should Be Sad
Chapter 23: Can I Die?
Chapter 24: You're you....
Chapter 25: Cuddle Weather
Chapter 26: ...Talk
Chapter 27: Another Perspective
Chapter 30: Too Easy
Chapter 31: I'm Not Dead
Chapter 32: Worn out
Chapter 33: One Tragic Day
Thank you!!!!
Chapter 28: Try Having Friends
Chapter 34: I Want You Back
Chapter 35: Evidence.
Chapter 29: Human Heroine
Chapter 36: Is he.... Him?
Chapter 37: Save Shoto

Chapter 38: Quiet Chaos

778 28 26
By _Calv_Haii

Me: reads a fanfic but the fanfic isn't done yet

Me: *Annoyed twerking*

Also me: Dropped the fanfic that I made that's ALREADY at 50K+ reads and 2 chapters to finish

The people who reads this story:


The hot flaming ball of gas scorched the land of the battle field as the 2 opposing sides stared down at each other, awaiting for each other's move.

In the midday heat, Shoto and Eri looked at the current situation. "Will someone get hurt because of us? '' they thought simultaneously. Their suicidal and negative thoughts were in fact intrusive 'till the end. However the sight of the scene was screaming danger and adrenaline overtook the two-toned haired male's body.

Katsuki's comfort towards Shoto was assured but the mind kept telling Shoto that he was better off as dead to stop the fighting, then again, Eri is still here. He looked at everyone at the scene.... I need to get my head working

I.... I wanna die...

I don't want anyone to get hurt

Then again.... If I die... Villains would still take hold of Eri's being.

Katsuki might get harmed also...

I'm not even actually worth shit! Why do they keep being persistent of taking me?

.....But if I do die now... Heroes will lose their chance on taking down massive amounts of villains. I fight? But why should I?

Why am I here again?

Why do I wanna even be a hero again?

Can't I just make a deal with the villains that if they take me, they'll stop everything?

No... that would just be pointless.

He sighed and felt the ongoing surges of adrenaline....

He looked to his right and saw...

One of the most beautiful sights that my eyes have ever seen.

Being half blind in my left eye could never allow him to not see the beauty that I have right in front of me,

My Katsuki.

The said boy was holding his hand as he looked at the child on Shouto. He was biting his lips, nervous of what outcome may come out.

Shouto gripped onto his hand and sighed...

I think... I should... live?

He came all this way just to see me okay, he told me he cried on my fake Funeral.

A small curve up his lips emerged with his mind made up

I'll live for them

"Kat.... I'll be fine. Please breathe for a sec" I whisper to him. He diverted his attention towards me and smiled. He gripped onto my arm and nodded, a determined smile plastered onto his rosy red lips.

I'll kiss those lips when I'm done with all this...

I looked at my body and saw the countless wounds I had... I was starved for weeks... How long can I hold out with all of them?

Yes, Aizawa and All Might are here...

But they had Shigaraki, Stain, Muscular and 10 sets of Nomus along with the past thugs of villains.

How did they even get all those villains?

"Everyone, Stay close with each other and don't even allow them to grab onto Eri or Shoto" spoke the raspy voice of Aizawa.

"Thank you sensei" I whisper and he nodded in acknowledgement

I breathed in and out....

I let go of Eri and gave her to Midoriya. I saw his performance in the Tournament. He has grown to have better use of his quirk and is now quite mobile and quick.

"Can you hold onto her for me? My quirk is destructive and I know it'll harm her" I say as Eri looked at him in uncertainty. Izuku nodded and I smiled at the younger one to know that he can be trusted.

I looked over at the villains that started engaging with other officers and looked at the other thugs.

I sighed....

I closed my eyes and in one swift motion, dragged the palm of my hands on the jagged ground, Flinging them forwards, drawing a large ice shard headed towards their own formation.

All might and some heroes that could move with quick mobility soon followed at my attack and grabbed onto the back of the ice.

Dabi then went in front, melting the front but not completely. A few villains were wiped as most ran for safety, the other heroes that were hidden came rushing, attacking the heavily guarded leaders.

Stain on the other hand went straight for none other than the Symbol of Peace. "You will receive my punishment for what you've done to our society, All might " he growled with poison laced around his words.

"The only one receiving punishment is you, lowly criminal" The number 1 hero countered. Ice trickled down shouto's back as he stared at the pool of water that his 'brother' made...

He's no longer considered family...

He's too corrupted to save. He's angry at him for killing innocent people but he knows full well that all the blame is on the villain of a father....

Speaking of which.... he descended down, onto the patch of where most of the villains were, scorching the thugs that were already nothing to society. In a blink of an eye, Dabi rose from the flames of the scorching heat and turned all the flames blue.

A sadistic grin came on to the burnt villain and laughed hysterically.

"Hah! You've FINALLY arrived" he faked gushed. "I'm gonna burn you just like what you did to me" he said in nothing but utter bitterness. Hands trembling, burnt scars enveloped by blue flames.

Mic came through their brawl with a sonic screech, separating the 2. Their eyes met and Endeavor gave nothing but a puzzled look. "Who the hell even are you?" He said dumbfounded.

"Oh you'll remember me, dear old man" he said as he dived down, hiding in the steam of which he created when he burned my ice.

I ran towards them, making more of the ice to trap him or push him out the steam. Soon, the steam fled and I knew he was in the ice.

"You think that will stop me?" I heard the voice from behind me. In shock, my whole body tensed and activated both quirks instantly.

"Sheesh" dabi said running away. We need to disable his quirk... but Aizawa's taking care of the 'Walmart plagueman' that my Katsuki ever so commented on.

His quirk is more destructive so the boy won't complain since if Chisaki's quirk goes on loose, It'll be hard to handle.

Katsuki right now is taking down Nomus with All Might and Midoriya that were all heavily filled with quirks and durable bodies.

I ran away from a villain with huge razor sharp producing teeth that were rampaging towards us. As if on cue, a rampaging Endeavor burnt the said villain, body filled with head, melting the produced metal teeth.

"Oh look, you killed him" Dabi whispered as he held Endevor from behind. His eyes widened and activated his quirk but was too slow because he needed to cool down still.

Two large explosions erupted, one from Katsuki and One from Dabi. "I don't care what happens to that old man but I will crush him, not you" Shouto says to Dabi and uses both quirks to travel, using ice as his platform and fire to boost the speed.

"You can try" he said, dropping an incredibly hurt Endeavor on the floor, carving out a large wound on his eye and torso.

"Nice but.... You will receive justice " Shouto mutters and ran towards him. He did the same but faked it, he then made a blast that was far superior than my father's so I again, made my fleeting ice and made an ice barrier.

The ice melted completely, the two-quirked male evaded as best as he could but still got burned on his arms. "Son of a-" I was cut off by a yell "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM!?"

Katsuki stormed in just a heartbeat, sending large scale explosions per hand as he circled Shouto's brother. Dabi tried to evade but I froze his body from legs to his feet.

"YOU'RE GONNA PAY YOU BURNT PIECE OF SHIT" Katsuki yelled as he rampaged.

Shouto did the same and joined in his flaming feud. He sighed as he jumped away, exhausted.

"You okay?" He asked me. I nodded and asked "How did you take care of the Nomus? Those things are practically indestructible" I asked.

"Indestructible is nothing when you have a black hole" he said pointing to the pro hero with a space outfit.

I nodded and looked at the scene. Chaos was just everywhere.... just..... noise... Nothing but madness and tension.... if only... everything.... freezed

I closed my eyes and looked at everyone.... "Kat.... would it be helpful if I freeze everyone?" I asked him. He then looked at me... "probably but... they still have Dabi."

"Yeah but I have you, me and Endeavor. We can melt the ice off the heroes and they... they just have one person that has a fire quirk" shouto suggested.

"Yeah... well... you do have a point... but no still. Their quirks are strong and can break through it" he said. "But so can we"..." well... then... what's the point?" He asked...

"We just need to slow some of them down." I suggest feeling off about my own thoughts. "...Why don't you just freeze your 'brother'?" He suggested.

"...His whole body's too fast or too flamed up for me to even put a single patch of ice" I say defeated...

What should I do?!?!

"Why is this so problematic? This hasn't been an issue before... what's going on?" The dual colored male's thoughts went wild as he felt nothing but a complete mess, he couldn't control the situation and it's subjectively making every insecurity in a fight come up.

A groan was released and he thought for a second... "What do you do when your opponent's fast and can propel itself in any direction?" I asked myself...

Well the obvious part is to remove their mobility... or remove the ground... since the first option isn't really easy... why not option 2?

... I got an idea...


"Katsuki! Now!" shouto yelled from behind as the dual quirked male released his frost-fire flash that blinded Chisaki who was struggling to fend off the underground hero, Eraserhead. His high mobility and stealthy movements made the villain run around in utter fear.

With the quirk of Shouto, he was able to distract the villain as Katsuki made a fast sweep, darting towards the villain, dragging him on the ground as he flew like a bullet. In a swift motion, Aizawa threw the cuffs and the ash blonde was able to restrain one of the most destructive villains.

With the villain restrained, Aizawa was able to help out now.

The Flaming hero held out against every attack the blue flamed villain cast. He flew with a large thud as he couldn't fight someone as destructive, suicidal and much more heated flames. He could activate much hotter flames of his own however he had no time to catch his breath or even cool down his body with both his quirk and the quirk of the villain.

To put it simply, he was nothing but the villain's punching bag at the moment.

A flaming student was flying up now, catching the attention of the few who were not occupied in a fight, Shouto was launched upwards by none other than Katsuki's explosion and the scarf of Aizawa's scarf.

"What the hell is that brat doing?!" Dabi grumbled. "Oi! Keep your eyes on me, asshole!'' The ash blonde took the attention of the two particular assholes that were brawling.

Dabi glared and placed his hand on the ground, causing lava to form, throwing the very volatile liquid at the boy. He screamed as his very own hand burned and burned.

Katsuki avoided the lava... For the most part however since the said material is a liquid, a few splashes were able to hit but not stop him. With one hand, dabi scooped more lava only until he truly felt the heat it radiated.... It was as if his quirk wasn't there to help him....

He dropped the liquid and screeched, "FUCK YOU" He yelled, knowing that it was the underground hero's doing.

"What, can't handle the heat? Why don't you.... Cool off" Aizawa smirked as he pointed upwards.

In a blink of an eye, Shouto came rushing down, a wave of ice stormed against Dabi and the other Villains and remaining Nomus that Thirteen wasn't able to suck in her blackhole quirk.

Ice frozen, like diamonds that reflected beauty, grace and density. The blue flamed villain screeched once more however in much more pain as his burnt hands were forced to be frozen.

Shouto stumbled upwards, standing while Katsuki held him up, hugging his very frail body. ''he really needs to eat" Katsuki thought and said "You can rest now, babe... You overdid it" he hugged his frost covered body, shivering as he was forced to share his body heat with his boyfriend.

"Oi flaming douchebag! Drop dead!'' Katsuki yelled at Endeavor. "Excuse me?" he scoffed and glared at the boy. "Stop fucking glaring and take your sorry excuse of a hero and use your fucking quirk for once to help your son. You couldn't even fight of the villain, the least you can do is be the flaming trash bag that you are to be my boyfriend's heater" Katsuki snarled, nothing but pride in his voice as he also commented

"Be grateful that we saved your sorry ass".

Endeavor didn't budge however as he saw the look on Aizawa Shouta's eye, a menacing dirty look, he complied.

The tall slender hero whispered to the other hero "After all this is over, apologize to him and be an actual hero or I will drag you to the ground. You're nothing without your quirk so you better learn how to sleep with both your eyes open, got that '' he snarled as he walked towards his fiancé , Present Mic, who was struggling to remove his foot out of the ice.

"You okay there, dumbass?" he smiled at his goofy lover with rose colored glasses and smirked. A small blush made its way to Shouto's cheeks as he laid on his lover's lap. His arms started getting the warmth of his old self and he looked at the scene before him.

Small snowflakes danced around Katsuki's beautiful spikes of hair, flowing downwards as he smiled before him. Right behind him, he saw the frozen villains and the nomus that were trying to escape but were caught still.

Few heroes guarded the nomus that tried to escape and a few immediately attended to the other heroes who were caught in the mess. As heroes went their way, some struggled with the cold air that went through their physique. Intense coldness in mid afternoon on a summer day is quite a twist of polarity after all.

Serenity soon immersed the heroes as back up came to help imprison villains, heal the injured and help with the clean up. Shouto and Eri were immediately rushed to the hospitals to look over their declining health after being starved, beaten, and tortured.

Marks shown on each wrist of the two and both were with each other, listening to none other than Katsuki ranting about his hatred for Deku for trying to talk to Shouto.

"You did great, How does it feel like being the person that has already served the hero community more than their father?" Yamada laughed as Aizawa came and shut the teacher up. "I swear the new heroes will do better than whatever we have now." Yamada commented again earning him a smack to the mouth by none other than Mr. Aizawa.

"Thank you for saving us again." Shouto smiled at the banter between the two as they kept on debating on trivial subjects.

"How're your wounds?" Katsuki muttered through Shouto's shoulder as he hugged his waist more securely than any of the hugs Shouto has ever received. The teen in question doesn't mind though and returns the squeeze that often comes through his torso by the clingy ash-blonde.

"They're still closing but it doesn't hurt as much. I missed you by the way... I really wish you didn't blame yourself when I was taken." The half and half boy spoke as he placed a gentle kiss on the teen's forehead and rubbed his hair, pushing it upwards, making the unruly bangs show his forever hidden forehead.

The teen grumbled a protest to say that it was actually his fault so the half and half decided something to make the Ash-blonde baby no longer feel guilty. "Katsuki, if you still feel bad then can you do me a favor?" he looked at the boy with a smile of his own.

The clinging boy raised a brow to let him continue.

Shouto then leaned in, mouth close to the ash-blonde's ear, and whispered in his low voice "Be mine forever?"

"As long as you won't regret it,' Katsuki's cheeks tinted a tinge of red and smiled back after hearing those sweet words. "First thing's first. Will you let me kiss you then?" shouto teased.

"Damn, thought you'd never ask." He hugged around the taller boy's shoulders and pressed his lips on his boyfriend's?

Yes, boyfriend.

His lover.

His Mars and Venus.

The love of his life

And his forever soulmate.

I love you Katsuki Bakugou

I love you too you fucking City Boy bastard, Shouto. 

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