My Knight In Shining Armor

By Cyber_TechDude

8.4K 264 558

(Edited Description: May 13, 2022) Where People take royalty too highly, leadership and friendships are made... More

1. A Promise Is A Promise (Prologue)
3. Short Class (Philip Is Biased)
4. Time For A Lunchbreak (Philip Didn't Get Lunch And Break)
5. I Now Have Two Friends (POV You're Philip)
6. A Masked Man (Da Bad Guy!)
7. An Encounter With The Popular Student (Like Cliches)
8. The Garden (You Are Welcomed)
9. The Library (Why Is He Here?)
10. The Memories They Whisper (Heal It With A Song)

2. Royal Academy (Greetings To The Escort)

837 28 98
By Cyber_TechDude


-Fully Edited This Time! Keeping the images until then, I did technically work hard on them in the past, also shows how far I've grown. Please enjoy :)

-Russia's here!

-Nick= MOM

-Let's keep it Platonic first, I don't mind the comments tho, they always make my day XD

-What lies ahead is still unknown for now, finding what's real and what's not is still something you can never find out how

-I don't know if any part of these chapters may offend anyone, sensitivity rn you know? So if you find anything negative, please ignore that, this is just fiction and for fun, be safe out there :)

~Third Person's POV~

A naturally windy morning started fine much to Philip's satisfaction, no issue was reported into the kingdom ever since the week before notifying the others that he'll be entering an academy made for him in this situation. And as much as Philip was relieved that there isn't much work that he could carry while he was trying to prepare for something as big as this, he hoped that they weren't hiding the fact that there was actually a problem just for his own sake. As it swept the air with a cold breeze, Philip gave into the feeling of meeting mother nature herself, the wind blowing the curtains as it did so as well as refreshing the prince as he breathed and felt it with a calm smile.

What a fine day. Thank the Lord for it.

A moment later, the sound of their horse's hooves clopping on the ground halted, as well as the carriage they rode on as it did so. Meaning they've finally arrived. A wide smile formed on his face, and he tried his best as to not jump out of the ride and make a grand entrance that he would surely live to regret later on.

Nick does the honors of opening the carriage door for him, his gentlemanly behavior showing off as he placed a mat and a staircase for Philip. Philip sweat drops at the response.

Sometimes he doesn't like when his friend does this, it's unnerving. Servant just doesn't fit right.

"Now remember your majesty, there is no need to worry. Just act natural. Be confident, and just-give them a good smile," he showed a shoulder bag, shoving it in Philip's hands as he did so. "I've also prepared your stuff in case you haven't noticed. You're so forgetful now," the brunette sighs, before shifting back into a kind smile. He pats his shoulder comfortingly.

"Don't go wandering off now. From what I've heard, this academy is humungous to go around. Also, please be careful. No more sliding down the stairs! Or even handstands! You can't keep pulling stunts cause you've seen them in a book!!" He scolds, pulling the prince's ear as if he's a mother.

"Alright, alright! I promise, just please stop pulling my ear," Philip pleads with clasped hands in front of him, and Nick huffed.


They both smile at each other in good thought.

That's true friendship man...

"Have a wonderful day at school, Prince Philip. Try not to do reckless things!" Nick in a stern tone with crossed arms, hardly hiding his worry as it easily reflected in his blue eyes.

He's the MOM:)

Philip appreciated his concern and smiled once again with gratitude, nodding in response as he did so. Since he's gonna leave Nick alone for one single day, might as well lighten up the mood.

"Thank you Nick, I appreciate your hard work and effort for this... I kinda feel like you're my mother now," Philip spoke softly, hiding the joking tone he would have used. Before he knew it, Nick was a total blushing mess by his response, sputtering incoherent words as he switched silence instead, hiding half of his face by the collar of his shirt.

Philip chuckles half-heartedly, enjoying the rejoicing atmosphere that settled between them.

Taking five steps ahead on the path of the specially prepared red carpet, he halted, turning to Nick and looked at him with a sincere smile.

"I'll see you after school, Mom," he says jokingly, heading straight to school, while Nick was even more embarrassed than before.

'P-Prince Philip is playing with my own feelings too much...' Nick sweat drops at the very thought as he clears his throat and quickly recovers from his embarrassment.

Also what you didn't know is that...

Philip's just smiling on the outside, but was literally wheezing on the inside.

~Philippines' POV~


I cannot believe said something like that. I could barely even breathe trying to stifle it all inwardly. My cheeks could barely even take it.

I slightly chuckled, letting it slightly out, thankfully not bursting it out full on.

Waving goodbye to Nick who was behind me, I kept on walking and finally headed to the main entrance school, Royal Academy as it's called.

My posture gradually straightened, and I smiled like I'm about to enter a whole new career about... making rice. Confidently, I had my chin up, my chest puffed out and my hand gripping tightly on the shoulder bag's sash.

Taking a deep breath, I came in.

I opened the entrance door, steeled eyes as I analyzed my surroundings quickly. And much to my surprise, I should've expected something like this for something such as a school environment. Well, it's certainly no surprise that students were bustling around at the entrance, placing their own shoes while replacing it with the ones prepared by the shelves. Seemed to be shoes given by the academy for the students to wear when they're in class I'm assuming, something I found rather clever while keeping the entire place clean.

Back on topic-my head cannot stress enough on the amount of students still not in class at this time. And I was sure I'm always late for everything?!

Students wearing the same worn uniform were flooding around like crazy. Black and yellow while multiple colored hair passes by while my eyes stupidly can't help but gaze at.

My head slightly started to spin from pressure.

I step back.

I wasn't prepared for this.

Alright, please understand, like I really like the thought of having friends, however I very much dislike socializing thank you very much.

Focusing on the task at hand and quickly realizing it, I sharpened my features, suddenly determined.

I only have one task. It'll be perfectly fine. I just have to go to the Principal's office for attendance. I've already registered anyway so he guessed it wouldn't take too long to discuss his transfer.

I'm already sweating nervously like...

'What if I bump into someone and then they come up asking me for a fight, What if-' and then I bump into someone.

...Flippin great-

A shadow, really bad timing, looms over me, blocking the light from me.

Oh no-

"Hey, watch where you're going, will you," a tall figure that had towered me with his own, flippin, massive height spoke. Terrified and not liking the idea of drawing any attention to himself, I held back a shriek in surprise, letting out a squeak as I froze in place.

The gears in my head couldn't move, the feeling of danger making him unable to get into my heels and frick right out.

This... is bad...

Nervously I tried to say, "Apologies sir, I'm new here and I umm..." I trail off for a moment there, looking up at the person just above me who had his own eyes casting downwars, taking in the way how his height has way too much gap compared to mine.

Curses... just seeing his height makes me cry on the inside since I'm clearly smaller than him judging from my point of view.

"What is it...?" he asks emotionlessly, arching a brow as he tilts his head. His slender figure leaning like a laid back person would.

Oh, I forgot I was still talking.

I fake coughed.

"Erm, I was supposed to go to the Principal's office for Guidance, and it seems as though I've gotten lost with all these crowded students everywhere," I stated at last.

Oh my frick, he's so tall and intimidating, the kind of guy to be so rough. I looked up and he seemed to look at me with curiosity or something.

'If it's my hair he's looking at, I didn't really fix it today. So I guess he has the right to judge me by that.'

He hums, contemplating for less than a minute as he answers simply.

"Well, I could show you where it is since I'm going there too. It's not much of an issue," It did seem like good news to me since he knew where the room was so I...

"That's wonderful news, lead the way please." I answered like a child trying to find his mom that he lost on the way.

"Oh, Ok sure..." he was surprised for a moment there. I didn't know why but I didn't mind much. I needed guidance to where the office is so I find it useful either way.

He led the way from left, right, forward and another hard left. It's slightly hard for me to keep up since there were already a lot of people rushing around the halls to begin with. I wonder why they're always so crowded when I know this place is so big. This really is a humongous establishment, most people would most likely get lost in it, no doubt.

Finally we arrived, and it took like 10 minutes, like come on.

"Here's the Principal's office, you better know where to go starting from the entrance to here," he told me as if we didn't spend ten friggin' minutes walking from the entrance to this place.

Which is at the center of the academy. This is just half of the place, I haven't even ventured around that much and the halls we went were a shortcut according to Prince Russia here.

'Already did that, I literally narrated the whole thing in my mind to make it more clear so... please continue.'

"I understand," I say to him with a sincere smile.

I opened the door for the both of us and we both entered.

I saw 2 guys that were sitting on a chair, and must be sent to the principal's office for causing trouble.

"Hello there!! Can you guys tell me why you 2 are sent here? Also, did I scare ya?" a female teacher asked us by surprise, chuckling at her joke, which kinda made me... twitch my mouth a bit from annoyance. Strangely enough.

I turned to her smiling widely, ignoring the mischievous smile she had smack dabbed on her face.

"Umm...I'm here to see the Principal in a meeting, I already have an appointment checked. I recently enrolled here," I replied. The woman in front of me chuckled jokingly and gave me a welcoming smile.

"Prince Philip, was it?" she asked.

"Yes, I am. C-can I come in now?" I say breaking the confidence I had as I listened to her too carefree laugh to my annoyance.

She leaned on the desk and left, her laughs slowly turning into suspicious giggles. As she went off with a light skip in her steps.

I've never felt this type of emotion... I always thought that I'd treat people equally as they should be.

Honestly, this woman just irritates me even more. Like, can someone please bring a more polite teacher? Because it is not nice to sneak up behind people when they're distracted! I don't trust her by the way. I don't know why. But, she gives off this strange... awful vibe somehow.

The look of dismay I had on my face is probably noticeable, considering the fact that Prince Russia is looking at my direction confusedly.

I find it rude...a-and it also scares me, unfortunately...

"Oh, of course your majesty. Please, both of you, come in." she said, I was like...Huh?

'Wait, what? What is this? I'm getting some weird vibes, and I don't like the feeling I'm getting-'

A feeling... sparked inside me. Oddly, I can't seem to recognize it very well. Anger seeps out into my thoughts. A feeling I thought I'd never direct it to someone ever.

'She didn't apologize to me... MA'AM?!'

Audacity. I now know.

I know what you're all thinking, why are you already being so dramatic? I have no idea. I just started reacting to everything differently-I apologize-

Truthfully however, my other half doesn't know. I swear it's probably puberty.

Like-I'm always hiding thoughts that no one ever knows about and, I thought I'm good at it too. Like it's my special ability.

Preparing for the best and worst, I took a deep breath, and twisted the door knob open as I soon entered a slightly dramatic looking room that I could only describe as something that came out of a detective's office. The only light that came in was the sun peeking through the blinds by the window.

"Oh, greetings there.. Could you please do me a favor and adjust the blinds for me please. Highly appreciated."

Prince Russia seemed to be already doing it, and I admit, I was surprised at how much light that changed a room so much. Also, my eyes sting.

Squinting my eyes to adjust to the new lighting, I looked at the man sitting comfortable and professionally by the desk. His appearance was something I anticipated from someone in charge of this place. There sat a man formally dressed in a suit, his own locks colored light blue with white streaks, while incredibly taking the most gladly calm appearance I have ever seen in a man up close. A hat that's just-somehow floating above him as well. I admit that it's very top notch for the man in choice of headwear.

"Ah, Prince Phillip, Prince Russia, welcome to my office. Please, take a seat," the man spoke politely, nodding in regard as he opened the drawers of his desk one by one as if he was looking for something. He actually isn't that bad.

He welcomed both of us as well. He looked nice, he was wearing glasses which made him look smart, and a symbol of peace for the entire world..

Obediently, the both of us sat down. I glanced back at the guy who brought me here with a raised brow.

Prince Russia, huh? Strange name.

"Alright, Let's begin," I looked at the Principal and saw him taking out a folder from his drawer, slapping it down in front of his desk as it made a painful noise. The folder didn't seem much at first glance, just had a printed red classified mark-

My thoughts quickly reacted fast for the worst possible outcome.

'Don't tell me...'

"Prince Philip, now if you would," the principal looked at me expectantly, "introduce yourself," I held back a sharp intake breath.

'Okay... Aw Gosh... My time has come...'

It was gonna happen eventually right? Didn't know that eventually was now though.

Gathering my thoughts altogether while scolding myself for such childish behavior in the middle of a serious moment, I stood up from my seat and attempted to introduce myself, and did you know that I never liked telling people about myself?

Yes, it's personal, okay? I'm too nervous when it comes to introductions and I'm sure others are too. I only practiced an introduction for the entire class but not for the Principal himself.

"I'm Prince Philippines, but since my name is too long, my people call me Prince Philip," I reply nervously, mustering all the confidence available I had left in my working mind.

"Tell us about yourself," Mr. Principal says, asking the real questions here, propping the large stacks of paper on his table.

And while that was happening, I myself had been noticing a slight prickle from my skin. The feeling I likely get from gazes directed at me.

I quickly averted my gaze and held back a groan.

'Oh Gosh, I really hate attention...'

"Umm...I can cook, draw, sing, and write or read a book or a poem. Which I find useful to help entertain myself," does that seem like too many hobbies? Why do I have too many hobbies? "Honestly, the reason why I have too many hobbies is because I never even got to play outside when I was a kid, so I stuck with my hobbies, which was the only thing I could do instead."

Perhaps I've gotten too personal? Why- why did I talk like that, why did I even talk about that.

(That feeling when your flippin' mind speaks for you >:(

I stated while they stared at me blankly for a minute.

'Can you guys please stop staring at me like that, you're giving me shivers.'

The principal hums in response, "Interesting, you have lots of talents Prince Philip. Also, you're awfully a very nice person to begin with, but I can see you lack socializing to others since according to your're the kind of prince that is never able to go outside and instead stays in the castle your whole life," he said.

Heh, what am I to you? Rapunzel?

Though, I hate to admit it, he was right every single detail if I'm gonna be honest.

"Due to reasons considered by the establishment, I'll assign Prince Russia here to be your escort."

Time felt like it stopped. And I just sat there, like a statue.

'What-This guy?' A surprising coincidence honestly. I couldn't believe it myself.

It's not like I don't like him, I mean how could I? The fact that this academy is trying giving out escorts is rather quite surprising.

I did my research through rumors, alright!?

"I've already assigned both of you to take the same class, eat lunch with each other, and after you two get to know each other better then you both might become good friends," he states while reading a piece of paper in front of him, covering half his face. Then, the eyes looks pointedly at the two of us.

"Well, any questions?" he asked the two of us. Confused me all the time.

"No questions sir," Russia replied, he was calm but I can't help but tell what he's actually feeling.

I couldn't help but ask something about this, "Actually-" Both pairs of eyes stare. I momentarily gulped at the attention given to me. "I don't mean to sound like I'm really complaining-and well-I really hope I don't, but what's the importance of having to need an escort? I've never heard about something like this before. But if I'm wrong, please pardon the intrusion, this whole thing just confuses me slightly." Good enough, what I said was good enough and I just gave myself a high-5 for it. Well done me. Not much stuttering as the first few times, I'm just absolutely made for this-

"Well actually-" I froze, "When I first entered the Academy, I didn't really have an escort early on. I didn't even know we were giving them off for freshmen until now." Prince Russia says with a straight face, adding up with an raised eyebrow to signify his own confusion. "I would also like to know why."

I look back at the Mr. Principal, back straightened with his shoulders not looking as relaxed as earlier. Worried fills me as I take in his suppressed expression, it's not as subtle, the way his mouth thins out as he slightly averts his gaze was something I couldn't miss. A tense atmosphere arose from the man, I could strangely feel it.

A dry response came out as he spoke, "I can't..." he quickly clears his throat, "Sorry, I can't necessarily tell you since... it's not that much of a problem really. After all, the last thing I want right now are students worrying too much over something not that big of a deal, it's not very helpful. However, just know, All you two need to know is that a lot of things have been going around lately. But-don't worry, everything is completely under control. So please, maybe it's better if you just take this as a safety precaution for now. Be careful now." The Principal informs sternly with crossed arms as he studies the both of us through his glasses that took dramatic light effect.

Having my question answered while noticing how nervous the principal sounded as he talked about the situation while his shoulders didn't even seem to relax made me feel uneasy. He's tense. So is the atmosphere. I don't like that.

"Okay, that's good to hear. Now that that's settled, both of you are dismissed," he says with a releasing sigh, sounding as if he held his breath throughout the meeting. Finally, he leans back into his chair, his shoulders slouching as it relaxes from the intensity of the conversation, much to my relief. I am seriously making sure not to bring that to anyone again. Don't want any more people to act like Mr. Principal did. That's the last thing I want to happen to the people around me.

"Understood sir," I quickly answered with a short nod, getting out of my seat-while also sweeping it-and then exiting with Prince Russia as I briskly followed behind.

I admit, the whole thing made me anxious. I honestly thought I could never survive something like that.

Heh, maybe someday I'll actually get comfortable by his presence.

And one day we'll act like true friends to each other...

Who knows?

One day or in another life.

To be continued...


Word Count: 3738

Edited: April 20, 2022

Author's Note:

Do you like what you read?

Well, good cause I'm about to spice it a bit with some more events...using words.

So yeah, Russia is Philip's new escort, did it ruin anything in the new branded plot? Certainly not, but it almost felt like a long shot. Er-predictable. IDK who to make of honestly.

Later Homies ;)

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