My Knight In Shining Armor

By Cyber_TechDude

8.4K 264 558

(Edited Description: May 13, 2022) Where People take royalty too highly, leadership and friendships are made... More

2. Royal Academy (Greetings To The Escort)
3. Short Class (Philip Is Biased)
4. Time For A Lunchbreak (Philip Didn't Get Lunch And Break)
5. I Now Have Two Friends (POV You're Philip)
6. A Masked Man (Da Bad Guy!)
7. An Encounter With The Popular Student (Like Cliches)
8. The Garden (You Are Welcomed)
9. The Library (Why Is He Here?)
10. The Memories They Whisper (Heal It With A Song)

1. A Promise Is A Promise (Prologue)

1.3K 35 62
By Cyber_TechDude


-Mentions of death

-This is the Prologue, but like, let's not waste time shall we?

-The entire purpose of the title! We're making a cliched summary into something awesome!!

-Warning: Sappy. That's mostly just a warning for me, but hey, I'm the writer here!

-I forgot to put young on the knight, makes it seem like the knight's a grown man, oof

-3rd time I edited this, stupid me.

-What feels off isn't meant to be there, yet it is and all you can do is tell it's pretty fair.

-Actually explains more of what happened

-Y'all can skip, Please


~Third Person's POV~

The sound of crying was heard from the kingdom's castle, the sound of grief that people find it natural to hear after the aftermath of a war they could never live to forget.

Sunset beyond the horizon, painted with a shade of red and orange as it began to mix in the darkness of night, revealing the bright twinkling stars as the closest star gradually began to slowly disappear by the mountains in good motion.

Neither of those at the balcony could enjoy it at the moment what with the thoughts that their own minds could only process by the recent events that happened before the sun could set, most of the townspeople and people of the palace

At the edge of a balcony, a boy no older than ten proceeds to heavily sob, a large volume of tears trickling down his puffy red cheeks as they continue to drip on the railings he held onto. His eyes red from all the crying as he lets all his emotions burst, uncaring of how pathetic he probably looked at the state he's in as he lets his own emotions take control of him.

A knight stood behind him, not interfering with the prince's mourning of his loss as he silently stared at the child. He'd let him grief, this wasn't really something he'd disturb. The boy has his own problems, him interfering would surely make the situation worse. So instead, he steeled himself, viewing the scene from behind.

Worried, the knight felt, understandably so, taking a step closer towards the boy. Not liking the thought that the prince might fall.

War. This is what happens during the aftermath of a war. For a nation they tried so hard to maintain peace, only to lose something in exchange. Rather unfair, Philip repeatedly stated in his mind. Naive he even felt. The hope that they'd come back safely all shattered once he heard the news.

The news of where his brothers are remains unknown.

It didn't make sense, how could something like this suddenly happen. The day before wasn't anything like this, they were just fine, what happened to take that all away.

His vibrant colored hair tousled during the time, his own suit that was prepared by the maids currently worn as he didn't.

"I-I'm sorry..." Philip whispers to himself once more, over and over, shedding more tears than needed as he kneeled down. He repeatedly blamed himself for his parents' deaths, his brothers too.

Having to lose his entire family at such a young age is surely a traumatic experience one wouldn't be able to handle alone. Yet the young prince had to carry the burden alone on his shoulders...

Screw the maids and butlers, he's having a breakdown!

(I think I'm beginning to think I hated a dramatic flashback right now but it's part of the story)

The knight slowly walks beside him, cursing the armor as it produced irritating metallic clanging noises each step he took. Carefully, he placed his hand onto Philip's shoulder, the part of his mouth thankfully visible, smiling warmly as the moon illuminated the both of them as it reflected his silver armor, glinting a flash of light, catching Philip by surprise as he stopped in his cries.

"Cheer up won't ya, none of this was any of your fault. Come on. Dry those tears, a prince has gotta stay strong to protect his kingdom you know. I'm sure everything'll be alright," the knight is profusely sweating under his own armory, not from heat but from the fact of knowing that he never comforted someone in a while, it's so unfamiliar.

He adds the following statement, trying his very best to reassure him, "I had a parent as well, and well-" war flashbacks flashed before his eyes, "Never mind, just know I had tough times too," frickin' idiot for a young knight. Way to go cheering him up. He is soooo much better now.

"But ah, look at me, still standing strong with his young prince by his side," the young knight says, smiling warmly waiting for his response. He's tall. Just hit puberty. Escaped everything just because he committed treason, whatever.

Philip hasn't said anything, but he seemed happy hearing the knights reply. He wipes his tears using the sleeve of his arm, whilst his facial features a smile bright it could light up someone's day.

The knight finally saw the smile that he'd been waiting for...

"Thanks for cheering me up, Mister Knight. You're right!" Philip says thankfully, smiling brightly like the sunshine he is as an new light sparked inside him, a determined facial expression coming to view that made it seem so promising to the young knight.

A sense of relief washed through him. The young knight couldn't help but feel glad seeing the prince safe and sound after the dangerous battle that he went through as a child. It's honestly traumatic for someone who's seen bloodshed for someone so young.

(He was an exception)

The young immediately hugs Philip, and with the armory, maybe embracing him lightly would be likely. Philip smiled slightly, feeling more concern surge through him as he realized something. An underlying sense of dread fills through him, making his shoulders tense at the thought.

"Well, I'm glad that your safe. That's for sure." the knight replies softly.

The knight was always with Philip when he was growing up, 3 years actually, watching him playing around while he's training day and knight in courtyard for a living. Interacting with the younger prince had been something he never though he'd do. Yet the resounding bright laugh that echoes through the halls made him halt and just do something about it.

Not much had happened, yet the younger boy had always been checking on him somehow.

Lonely, he felt so lonely at the time.

Yet Philip was there, preventing that from happening unknowingly while staying persistent about it. Who was he to find out that they'd become very good friends in the near future. He would always enjoy everything that he and the prince had fun together, and from here on forth still remember to cherish it all. Philip was the knight's friend and only friend he'd ever had in a while. That is all.

An act of kindness had always been unfamiliar to him ever since birth. Yet that's all he could ever ask for. Just once.

And Philip gave him just that, that's something that he himself could never forget.

Philip hugs back, but when the young knight realized what was going on, Philip was trembling in fear.

"Mister Knight, please don't leave me like my mom and dad, and like my siblings did..." stuttered the little one, the concern and fear evident in his shaky voice, causing the young knight to feel a punch in the gut.

How to handle this situation? The young knight didn't know what to do. He never thought that the day of trying to comfort the heir would be something part of the job, but dang was he damn wrong.

He sniffled, "Y-you're all that I have left..."

Sappy, it's sappy yet it felt much worse. Sympathy is something he was born to be unfamiliar with, thanks to a parent who taught him to show none in front of his enemies.

Is Philip an enemy? Certainly not. So of course the young knight could act differently from here on forth.

Those words made the knight grit his teeth and clench his fist at the response, thankfully going by unnoticed as he hid his anger beneath the impassive mask he wore.

The smell of ash was far too familiar in his wake as he shook it off subconsciously. A child mustn't have to go through that again.

War does not determine who is right, it only determines who is left, his parent once said.

The warriors who have fought for their nations have done their part, their lives having passed in the afterlife as they died with the pain gone away, whilst the remaining survivors must live on with the trauma that will forever trigger their minds in this part of war.

He wasn't a knight by choice, but only to survive.

Killed or be killed, he heard a voice far too familiar to his companion speaking bitterly, the scene of devouring flames flashed in mind's eye and he squinted his eyes.

"At least we still have each other..."

Prince Philip also had that same negative feeling that he had felt losing his parent, or in his case, parents. And he absolutely despised the thought.

He's scared...

As an attempt to calm the boy down, he gently places his hand on the younger's puffy cheeks, wiping away the tears that dread and glistened beneath moonlight, the armory glove off of course.

Slight pity crept into the young knight as he gave the younger boy a smile, unseen because of his headgear that came with his armor.

"I won't be your majesty I promise..." the knight answered with a sincere smile plastered in his features, a clear revision of warmth spreading through. Still, it may seem promising, though not enough to cheer Philip up.

The prince frowned slightly, seemingly unconvinced at the words stated. The young knight raises a brow.

The prince, pouting and everything, slowly lifts his hand towards him in gesture.

"Pinky promise it for me and then I'll believe it," Philip stubbornly says, holding out his pinky finger ready for a promise.

The young knight doesn't like this childish thing, "No, I'm not-" Philip glares at the older knight.

The young knight would've openly commented that the prince looked adorable as he usually did, not looking very intimidating in the least, though the look the prince gave him made him halt in his movements.

He had to admit, if Philip ever became king sooner or after, he'd believe that Philip had the capability to be one.

Ignoring his pride to do a childish thing he's already grown up from doing, the knight sighs in defeat, obeying the demand. He takes off the glove armory off his hand, lifting his pinky as he connects it with the other.

"I promise it..." the young knight says monotonously, not liking how this may crush a little of his pride. Finally Philip was convinced, but then the knight answered to Phil...

"However, you have to promise me something in return."

Philip raises his eyebrow in mild confusion, "Hm?"

"Promise me that you'll live the way you want."

"What kind of promise is that??" he asks in innocent confusion.

The young knight stared at him for a moment, until an audible sigh slipped past his lips.

A child... can't feel free for much longer. Decisions pile up. That is the underlying meaning of his statement. The truth is what he feared might come. Not to mention the the uncertainty that he would stay in this place for much longer.

"Just... promise me that okay?" persistence made its way into his own thoughts, thinking for better or worse, this promise better be something that could never be broken by someone like the boy. And the knight seems to be serious about this one, so who was Philip to refuse something as simple as that. Yet ominous and random, Philip's mind added out of confusion.

Their pinkies locked, the young knight's feeling rough as Phil ignores it.

"I promise to live for Mister Knight," says Philip, pinky promising as the deal was finally made and done, solemnly sworn never to be broken as the boy looks at it with a huge grin on his features.

Under the steel mask of armory that covered his youthful face, a small but genuine smile made its way to his face. He'd use this thing to his advantage until then.

"And now you have to figure out why I made you make that promise, 'kay?" the knight smiles underneath his headgear.

Philip nods, confusion still written in his face.

"We should start heading back, the other guards will get worried even more thinking that you're probably skipping dinner," the knight replied, holding Philip's small hands, mindful of the tight grip held on his index finger as the prince cheered on, having wiped off his tears already.

"Okay! Let's eat together! And you can read me a bedtime story afterwards!" the prince starts, sparking up with positivity as he bounced in his position excitedly. The knight chuckled at his good change of mood.

"Sure, be quick though. I still have guard duty, understand?"


It sounded promising enough, the young knight couldn't be more pleased.

To be fair, the prince could be a king someday, right?

'Cause well, you know. For someone ruling at such a young age is something out of desperation.

So, if the kingdom were to fall, they'd still let him rule?

Restless, the young knight thought the job would be restless. A ruler and a child.

Understanding the situation of the kingdom, the probability of them doing it would be... questionable. They aren't the same people they had in their hometown. Really weren't.

Stating the obvious, since the war has finally ceased, they were left nothing but a small amount of supply to feed an entire village, and for one, the crops hadn't been done by the morning.

So as a young knight, he supposed he could lend a hand to aid the castle and its poor state.

It is his duty after all. Maybe he could grow up here. A nice, quiet place. Nothing like his hometown that's now called nothing but an entire empire.

A smile across the knight's face formed and thought.

"No matter where I am, and who I may be, I will always be there to protect you, no matter what..."

Many years had passed, and there had been drastic changes in the castle to what happened since the day after the tragic war. The conquering of lands had finally seized, kingdoms signed the treaty of maintaining the peace with each other's nations. Others begrudged, but still signed the treaty anyway as they had no choice but to give into a new normal life for the world to have an equal stand without a fight.

Philip on the other hand... didn't know what to do at the time.

He just hit thirteen when the United Nations himself (Ironically) made clear that they'd all stop the nonsense of war and instead decided to sign a piece of paper from all the rulers across the oceans and lands to make clear that they'd simmer down just for their kingdom's sake. Everyone must sign it, no one could refuse, it was something a few adamant rulers decided to suck their own pride and sign along with it. And as much as it sounded easy that they could easily break the rules by just ripping off the mentioned treaty that's just a long roll of paper, every ruler knows damn well that the man who ordered they sign it wasn't someone to be messed with.

No one could argue against him, as it could only result in a room filled with consequences as the royal guards could describe.

The United Nations is a very special man, never to be underestimated as they'd only suffer in the hands of God. For, he is considered a God among the nations, known far and wide, spoken by many, loved by many, and somewhat feared by many. Philip didn't really understand why people feared him. Could've been consequences but he didn't know what kind.

His anger, the royal guards answer solemnly as they always are. Yet Philip still couldn't bring himself to be scared of him. The rumors he had gathered as the days passed by, everything started to make sense.

The man spoke with kindness as they said, he ordered peace when no one dared to do so. It's understandable though, Philip could acknowledge it quickly. He felt it too as well, the sense of anger at the realization of what war did.

People. People are what matter in the kingdom, that's the top priority of each ruler, as a leader of their own beloved city. That's what Philip knew very well from the day he encountered the villagers of his own kingdom.

He's also angry at the time, so there was a reason why. People just didn't bother to understand and decided to just get out of hand.

One problem he had when he had the invitation directly from the United Nations himself, about signing a treaty, every ruler was gonna attend. This was the worst situation possible.

It is clearly stated that rulers are to sign the treaty, mainly kings or queens of each kingdom should sign it.

And well, you may be thinking, Philip's a king isn't he? Since he's technically the only one of the kingdom, you know?

See yeah, screw that, Philip didn't want to take the throne, for some odd reason. No one knew why but to the people, they respected his decision no matter what. (Philip felt crying)

Title didn't matter, he still took good care of the kingdom out of the pure goodness of his heart, that's all that matters.

And until now, It was an issue that Philip never knew he thought he'd encounter.

And as a prince, he did the most logical thing he could do-

"Prince Philip, are you ready?" he jolts at the sudden and unexpected interruption. A familiar voice that grew vaguely recognized for working in the castle for a very long time, serving the kingdom without a hint of hesitation. Philip would be a fool to not recognize it, as the voice belonged to his butler. Infamous and very well known in these parts, no one could forget his kindness. Nick asks, peeking out from behind the large wooden door.

Nicholas, nicknamed Nick for short. Because Philip thought it seemed way easier anyways. Plus, nicknaming your friends is pretty fun, like idiot or smartass or scumbag-

Philip stood at the middle of the room in front of a mirror, tugging down his sleeves for good measure as his unironed black uniform stayed perfectly fitting in him. He fixed his tie, before finally letting out a huge smile in front of the mirror, proud of his results.

Ladies and Gentleman, I show you Philip's Uniform. I'm really lazy but do you like it?)

After the peace treaty had been signed, a school built for the future rulers of the next generation was made. The Royal Academy, as people called it, was established after the gruesome war between nations; and as a very eager one, he had always wanted to enroll there for these reasons. Also to make friends, hopefully.

"Um, yes. Come in!" he nervously replies, holding the hem of his uniform lower so as to keep the ripples away. It's not properly, such a mistake for him not to ask the maids and butlers to do so.

On que, Nick steps into the room, mindful of everything around him as he eyes the room. Halting sooner after as he takes in the figure of Philip for a moment, perking up as he notices the boy's confidence lowers.

"Well, Nick. Do I look good?" Philip asks nervously, thinking of the other's opinion as he awaits for his answer. Nick snapped out of his gaze and realized he was staring at the prince creepily. He felt embarrassed and quickly apologized to the prince.

"Oh, Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to stop and start! Sorry if it made you uncomfortable I- Please forgive me!" he yells apologetically, frantically waving his hands as he scurry around in multiple directions as if he were trying to catch a fly. Unfortunately, clumsily tripping backwards in the process.

In return, the prince smiles at him warmly and gently helps Nick stand back up properly with a helping hand, to which Nick reluctantly accepts. Philip lets out a soft sigh.

"You don't have to act like you committed a crime. Honestly, you're just not the type to do that anyway. People make mistakes all the time, and besides, I don't see why anything you do is such a bad thing. I asked you to tell me your own opinion, didn't I?" he spoke gently like the prince he's supposed to be, placading the other as he gave the other a comforting pat on the shoulder.

Processing his own words, Philip couldn't help but laugh, "Perhaps I said too much?"

Nick still praised the prince even though they're literally the same age. He would always be thankful that the prince was kind to him even if he screwed things up. He was really lucky too.

"Alright, let's try this again, like I questioned before. Do I look good? I really want to make a good impression on my class. Sometimes I can be know what I do..." Philip asks again nervously looking down, twiddling his fingers as he mumbles.

When it comes to good impressions, he's really gotta be ready for that one.

Nick knows that drill. Confidence is the key. The butler just smiles widely and lightly chuckles at the shift of behavior and roles, leaving Philip confused.

'What's he chuckling about? Do I look funny? Am I funny?' Philip thought. Crap, did he leave some ripples?

"Erm...what's so funny?" Philip asks confusedly.

"Oh it's nothing really, it's just that..." Nick stares, keeping a close eye as he tries to figure out the right words on what to say. His thoughts stand corrected.

"You look perfect as ever, Prince Philip." Nick says, praising him with an honest smile and a beautiful soft voice.

Philip smiles at that, appreciating the praise. Thank you wasn't enough, he told himself. And so he hugs him instead.

Nick, now standing frozen like a statue, could not believe what's happening for the first time in his own lifetime of working here for five whole years.

"P-Prince P-Philip...?" the brunette stutters nervously, not believing the prince was literally hugging him in front of his eyes.

His mind swirls like a tornado- actually scratch that- a typhoon, not knowing what to do the situation as his mind tries to come up with all types of possibilities to escape with his dignity without being rude- and yeah no, every escape plan is just him being rude.

Just- just give in Nick- it's not that hard really.

"I just...really missed hugging, and you just seemed a really good friend to me, you deserve a hug for always being there for me Nicholas, that's all," the prince softly said, not acknowledging the fact that Nick's head is basically steaming from all the thinking and embarrassment. Sure, Philip's a little embarrassed, but he won't lie, he does quite enjoy hugging others and feeling their warmth. Not to sound weird or anything.

(When was the last time he hugged someone honestly)

Last time he hugged someone was after the recent war in his country. How the knight hugged him tightly to cheer him up. How the knight was tall and wore armor so it kinda sucked for him, he was small that all he could hug were his legs.

Hearing the praise, the butler who worked under the prince for 5 years was quick to turn red, which in a way, mimicked a tomato. Nick loves tomatoes, now he decided to become one.

Philip suspects that the man's health is perfectly fine, after all people don't just randomly get illnesses out of nowhere without a source, and the palace is safely cleaned and disinfected in every way thanks to the maids and butlers, no bacteria could get into the palace that easily.

Philip frowns, a thought crossing his mind.

Philip sometimes wonders why they're even still here, cleaning the place obediently as if someone ordered them to do so, but he never did. Like, they could've just said Paalam! and be on their way living the rest of their lives in freedom out of the castle. Though he isn't complaining of course, he was thankful at the fact of how willing they were to stay in this castle even though they lack an actual ruler to pick responsible for their nation. It was genuinely a relief for him knowing that they'd still remain the people of this nation.

"I-I'm y-your...friend?" Nick sputters nervously, not caring if he sounds anywhere near pathetic. Philip smiled widely as he gently put his hand on Nick's back, patting it gently to simmer him down, but noooo~ he decided to make it even worse than before!

"Why, of course! Gee, I thought you already knew that," Phil says, laughing it all off as he "I can't ask for a better friend than you honestly..." he gladly complimented Nick.

Nick thought and then fainted due to...compliments and err...for being a good friend??

"N-Nicholas?!?" Philip yelled out frantically, rushing to his friend's side as he stared at his face in panic.


He's totally gonna be late...

"Doctors! Nurses!"

To be continued...


And until now, It was an issue that Philip never knew he thought he'd encounter.

And as a prince, he did the most logical thing he could do-

"Prince Philip, are you ready-"

"Not right now, Nick, I'm monologuing-" Philip interrupts, staring at the mirror with the most serious of faces.

"Oh, I see," Nick says, "Well then if that's the case, I suggest you look at a window then. It's more dramatic, honestly."

"Nah, my eyes sting looking at the sun."

"Wear sunglasses, ten times dramatic I heard-"

"Nick, I am fine," Philip says with emphasization.

Nick huffs, "Oh fine. Take your time. I'll wait. Anything else you want?"

"Hmm," Philips contemplates his choices for a moment, "Nescafe please,"

"I gotchu fam." And then Nick disappears, leaving off a statement completely biased.


Word Count: 4537

Edited: April 20, 2022

Author Notes:

This is now currently on editing due to better reasons. This is my New Year's Resolution for 2022. Please understand and I hope you all won't be confused :)

April 20, 2022 Edit: How many Edits am I gonna make this? But yeah, I hope you enjoy the chapter, I admit, I did cringe so let's just- put that aside. I made it harder to guess and made sure y'all don't have proof on me on which is which because all I gave you is that they have a parent, an flippin' empire with it, and a childhood that is not very good. Y'all can't guess much.

Later Homies ;)

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